Kendra Young
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Other Results: 1 Series

Rated: Mature Content
[Reviews - 10]
Summary: I totally forgot to repost this. Kendra is the chosen one not Buffy.  A prophecy says she will carry the child that will save the world. Angelus wants the child for evil. Angel wants the child for good. Kendra wants to her destiny while protecting her child. Can they all come together before the Watcher’s council destroys them?

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Kendra Young
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Action-Adventure , Erotica, Family, Horror, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Male/Female
Warnings: Adult Situations, BDSM, Character Death, Extreme Language, Graphic Violence, Original Characters, Rape, Sexual Content , Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed , Work in Progress
Series: None
Chapters: 7
Word count: 13870
Read Count: 44309
Published: 28/07/10
Updated: 28/10/10

Rated: Mature Content
[Reviews - 6]

the sabbatarian chronicles


Kendra Young is a vampire slayer.  She hasn't ever given much thought to it, it's just what she does.  It's only when the people she cares about start dying that the stakes become personal.

This is my late as heck response to TBG's Chamber Character Challenge.  It's also an IMPORTANT supplement to my Before Nightrise story.  You know two birds, one stone and all of that!

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Kendra Young, Layla Williamson
Classification: Alternate Universe, Crossover, Supernatural
Genre: Action-Adventure , Horror
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Character Death, Dark Fic
Challenges: Chamber Character Challenge
Series: When Night is Falling
Chapters: 3
Word count: 5931
Read Count: 8882
Published: 14/10/08
Updated: 14/10/08