Reviews For Beast
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Title: Or We Might Take it Differently

Thank-you for another wonderful chapter!  I really needed my fix :) 

So sad, but so sweet and sexy at the same time.  I'm glad Stan came over and told his "story"; I wonder what he is up to...maybe he is going to let Nikki out of the business....hmmm.

 Sergei is a piece of work and totally underestimates Nikolai as usual; it'll be really interesting to see how that little scene plays out.

I'm sad that the story is coming to an end on one hand, but can't wait to see what happens next on the other.

Great job; please keep the fantastic updates coming...thanks.

Reviewer: Amiefuzzy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/03/10 08:57 pm

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

Sergei is going to get his ass killed and I can't say I'm sorry.  He had no right to tell Sunshine, that was Nikki's job.  Great update!

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/03/10 08:34 pm

Title: Or We Might Take it Differently

Sergei is a world class fool!!! All I can do right now is shake my head, I'm literally at a loss for words.


This chapter was very emotional for me. From being terrified that Sunshine would leave Nikolai for good, being touched by the affection between Sunshine and Benjamin as well as how attached Kostya is to her, and Stanislavsky and the fatherly role he plays in all their lives. However, the one thing I didn't see coming was Sergei. I'm almost too afraid to find out what happens next...


Thank You Onimosity. Can we please get another update before the weekend is over???  

Reviewer: JazziePassion Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/03/10 08:24 pm

Title: Or We Might Take it Differently

okay so Sergei wants me to off him. I can't believe we have this couple get this far for something to happen. Please oh Please let Stanvislaky come through or even Anatoly and stop him. I can't take it. lol   Great update though I always get a little giddy when I see that you have updated. Great Job !!!!

Reviewer: Kiki Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/03/10 08:13 pm

Title: Or We Might Take it Differently

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH what a FOOL... Well done Onimosity well done... I will return... going to this again...

Reviewer: Introspection Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/03/10 08:12 pm

Title: Or We Might Take it Differently


Reviewer: tcarey Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/03/10 07:46 pm

Title: Or We Might Take it Differently

I was so pumped when I saw this update, since I did not expect another one until Monday.  Stanislavsky is a master criminal and mobster, but I love him.  He has not lost his humanity.  His love for Nikki allows him to make moves to help the man he considers his son.  He could have told Sunny alot of things to help Nikki's case, but he simply told her the truth.

After so many chapters of Nikki being humble and almost beggin for Sunny's love I was thrilled that she showed how jealous she was of any other women coming near him.  You are a genius as symbolism.  When she fixed his tie and asked if was to tight, his reply that is was just tight enough was perfect.  I saw that tie as her claim on him to anyone who saw it.  It matched her dress!!  All the woment should have known he was hers.  That's a classy way to claim what is yours. 

Nikki knows that he has to tell her the truth.  He already knows that it will be hard for both of them.  Seeing her so jealous and demanding that he is only hers has given him hope.  He has started talking about himself, and the more he does the better it will be. 

As for Sergei with that gun, I'm not worried about Nikki dying.  I'm more worried about the fall out from him pulling the gun. He just signed his own death warrant.  Even if he manages to injure Nikki, Stanislavsky is in town, and once he gets wind of any foul play towards his son, a certain kind of hell is going to break loose.  I feel sorry for Anatoly who has been nothing but a good lieutenant and brother.  He is caught in the middle of something that can only end badly.

Thanks for and long and enjoyable update!


Reviewer: Lovelybears Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/03/10 07:20 pm

Title: Or We Might Take it Differently

Worth the wait! damn Sergei! That boy refuses to see the reality...

Looks like Stalinksky has plans for Nikki.

Sunshine is jealous much? Heard that! ;p

Can't wait to see where you're gonna take us.

Thank You!

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/03/10 06:41 pm

Title: Or We Might Take it Differently

Holy cow! WTH is Sergei thinking?! I read through this whole chapter with great trepidiation!  Geez..I was right there with Nikki..feeling all that fear! I'm impressed with Stanislansky..I hope he's going to do what I think he's going to do..release his son..He's been a true father..first he taught him how to survive in a hopeless situation..and now..well hopefully he's going to protect him OUT of the least the illegitmate stuff anyway..I hope! I hope! Yeah the Godfather sees what we all see in Sunny/Nikki..Nikki IS a better man..she's good for him..and the Godfather is all about keep the lights on in his son's eyes..

Well like I said, I keep reading thinking when's the other shoe gonna drop! Little did I know it would be Sergei dropping the shoe! Dang..Serg you kill him you'll have to answer to Sunny..but I guess you don't care about that because you wouldn't be here if you did, huh?  Well I hope Nikki doesn't end up having to kill your ass..because that may come between he and his Sunny..OTOH..You'd better not harm Nikki..Sunny and Stantislansky won't be nice!

Oh Lord O, now you gotta give us an update soon!  That was one bad ass cliffhanger! LOL..

Reviewer: brinagal Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/03/10 06:38 pm

Title: Or We Might Take it Differently

Sergei has lost it. His obsession with her is going to cost him his life. He hoped when he shared all that info with her that it would make her turn to him. He got the exact opposite result, so I guess he thinks this is the only way for them to be together. Anatoly is going to have to kill his own brother.

His dad is going to relieve him of his duties. I like how Nikki started to tell her but only a little at at time, that would be too much to digest all at once. Either way Sunny has marked him now and thanks goodness she had the talk with his dad. Awesome update.

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/03/10 05:24 pm

Title: Or We Might Take it Differently

Sergei, you fool. Even if you pull this off you'll get yourself and your brother killed. Ugh.

Reviewer: Karnythia Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/03/10 04:23 pm

Title: Or We Might Take it Differently

Loved the long update!!  Stanisavskys talk with Sunshine was really nice, for someone so young Sunshine sure got his double meaning. I loved it. Gloria sure got put in her place. As for Sergei I knew there was a reason why I never like him, What a coward he is and he cant say he is doing it for Sunny he is doing it for his own selfish reasons. I hope Nikki doesnt get killed. Thank you for an awesome update!!!

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/03/10 04:21 pm

Title: Or We Might Take it Differently

what the heck is Sergei doing?! It would suck for Nikki to die by his hand and it would kill Sunny. 

Awesome chapter! I usually hate happy endings, but I really want one for Sunny and Nikki. They've come such a long way, and Nikki is really trying to change. Also, his dad is working on helping him...seems like he's helping him get out of the business or have a lesser role(?) Whatever it is, Nikki deserves this happiness and Sergei deserves to get his ass whipped for thinking he can take it away. 

Reviewer: AlmostEsq Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/03/10 03:35 pm

Title: Or We Might Take it Differently

I'm glad that N was telling her about some of the time in prison  she need to hear that from him not from someone else. I hope that he able to get out the business but if he not that no matter what he tell his sunshine  the truth of things that he did. I love how she handle that woman hitting on  her man lol to dam funny thought she was going to kick her butt lucky she a lady lol. Sergie is getting on my nevers i swear i wanted to put a hit out on him lol. love the talked she has with his father and the story that he told it importanted that she knows that he loves her but he also in  a way scared of her too.  that little boy so cute  love how he ran to her arms when he seen her. love the story it made my day put a smile on my face. thanks for the updated and hope you do a seqal to this story.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/03/10 02:58 pm

Title: Wild is the Wind

sweet mother of claude. that was smoking hot and for your first sex scene---was smoking hot. lol now, if one is to seal a bargain with the devil--then that's the way to do it. XD

Reviewer: recumbentgoat Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/03/10 12:25 am

Title: We are creatures of the wind

UNF! my god the sexual tension between these two. lol

"No," she says bluntly. He raises a brow, she ignores it. "I have a scholarship." She laughs softly, "and as I won't be paying for room and board, it will cover my tuition." 

Don't you mean that since she's got a scholarship that she'll need help from him to cover room and board? wasn't that something she was initially hoping for in the beginning? that she could stay on campus and not have to go back home?

 Other than that---this was sooo good. I've printed out some chapters so i can read it on my commute. sooo deliciously good. heh heh

Author's Response: Hi Recumbent! Love your Trekfic. Thanks so much for reading! Sunshine requested for Nikolai to pay for her brother's room and board but knows that she will be living with Nikolai and won't need R&B at NYU anymore. Hope that clears it up!

Reviewer: recumbentgoat Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 05/03/10 12:08 am

Title: You Touch Me

damn. seduced by the devil himself. sooooooo hot. so wrong. lol but written very believably. i wish i could print this out so i could read it on my commute!

Reviewer: recumbentgoat Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/03/10 06:04 am

Title: Satisfy this Hungriness

omg i can't remember how this story was recc'd to me but i am hooked!!!! I loved your cast of characters and really thought the character of sergei and his observations while he was having to beat up sunny's father were really interesting. sooo looking forward to the rest of this fic! <3

Reviewer: recumbentgoat Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04/03/10 05:25 am

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

Nikolai’s pic falling, the cracked glass and Sunny cutting herself were symbolic of things to come (great job on how u worked that).  Nikolai should not have taken her paper; he knows she’s very astute when he’s hiding something.  And then he (or his minions) purchased all the newspapers around her neighborhood so she wouldn’t put 2 & 2 together.  Big mistake.

Loved the scenes with Sergei, especially with him and Sunny (awesome dialogue there). He seems to be coming into his own, maturing; he’s not the clumsy wannabe gangster any longer. Poor Sergei…he’s a nice guy thrust into a mean existence.

Sunny needed to hear the truth, needed to hear it straight from a friend she trusts. Yes she should’ve heard it from Nikolai; however, he’d use diversionary tactics to reveal the ugliness beyond their relationship. It’ll kill him but he’d answer her questions as honestly as possible.  He’s living and loving on borrowed time with an expiration date.

What I enjoy most about this story is unexpected angles that flow/evolve seamlessly into the next.  Sergei’s on-the-job injuries are plausible hazards that come with the territory.  Or Peanut’s body being discovered, which means that Nikolai put the hit out on him. Who saw that coming?

One more detail that’s intriguing is Stanislavsky’s purpose for visiting Sunshine in New York. Sunshine’s stronghold on Nikolai’s heart could cloud his judgment, jeopardize their organization.  Nikolai dropped everything while they were conducting business and his father bared witness to his semi meltdown.  That can’t be good or…, he’s going to give her his blessings, yeah?  Who knows

Whatever happens, I’ll stay tuned.

AWESOME update.

Reviewer: JV4ME Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/03/10 06:58 am

Title: Who they are

Given the last chapter it would seem if Nik told her what he did definitively, it is over for her and him. Serg was a surprise because in previous chapters he seemed aware of Sunny's bond with Nik and was okay with being in the background. Technically Nik can't end up happy despite his past unless Sunny choses to accept him warts and all and that doesn't seem likely...thank you I've enjoyed reading it all so far.

Reviewer: johnandvan Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/03/10 06:43 am

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

You never let up with the intensity of this story.  Your craftmanship is remarkable.

Reviewer: shereads48 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/03/10 05:53 am

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

I'm really glad that Nikki and Sunny are back together. I think that Sergei should've kept quiet about those things he knew about Nikki and waited until Nikki was ready to tell her. It really does seem like Nikolai wants to be a better person. Can't wait to see what happens next.


Reviewer: Kiah Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/03/10 04:43 am

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

This was an excellent update!

I was solidly in Nikki and Sunny's corner until she put into words what Nikki took from her - the freedom to make her own decisions at 18. Originally every choice Sunny made since her first meeting with Nikki was based on ensuring her "family" was taken care of - a tough choice for an 18 year old to have to make. 

There is no doubt in my mind that Nikki loves Sunny but had she been given the choice to love freely - would her feelings for Nikki be the same? The free will to experience all the ups and downs of love and life were taken away from her by Nikki because of the poor choices of her father.

She is struggling now with how/what to feel because she bever got the chance to experience anything else. As much as I love how strong their devotion is to each other, Nikki owes Sunny the truth and no pressure so that she can make the right decision for Sunny.

I love this story and cant wait to see what the outcome will be. 

Reviewer: katiemae Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/03/10 04:17 am

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

Sergei is going to get himself killed.  He just doesn't know when to leave well enough alone.  

Reviewer: Taccora Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/03/10 04:16 am

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

The other shoe has finally dropped...I knew it was coming...but it doesn't change the impact of it...

Look, I know there is no way to try to justify or reconcile who Nikolai is or the things he's done...he is who/what he I won't even try...I know he's a sociapath...I know he's a control freak...I know that he is cunning and brutal as he is loving...I know that if I had to choose someone for Sunshine to fall in love with...he would definitely be the low man on the totem pole...but this much I do know...that man loves her true in the purest sense of the word...I mean really loves her...he loves her completely and in this world...that's a rare thing to ever discover...true love...I don't seek approval or justification for liking this character or rooting for him...I just do...I'm reminded of a line from The Color Purple..."yes, even sinners have souls..."

Oh, how my heart weeps for her heart and mind are warring with each other...her logical self tells her that she should cut her losses and move on...the Nikki of her dreams is but a mere aberration...conjured up by her foolish heart...but her heart...the heart of a woman deeply in love with her man...refuses to give up and give clings to the hope that the Nikolai that she has come to know is the 'real' thing...she's coming to learn enough tough lesson in don't choose chooses you...she might even find the strength and courage to walk away from him and the life they've shared...but she will also have to leave a huge piece of her heart behind with him for always...I weep for them both...

Sergei...I really can't stand Darla did all those months ago when she disclosed her life with Nikolai pre-Sunny...what he told her was not done for purely altruistic reasons...or with the idea of 'saving' her...he's behaving like a spoilt brat who had his cookies stolen from him...he had to know deep down that she would never be 'his' he hit back and took her heart's desire away from her...unlike Nikolai who is admittedly selfish, he had no qualms about destroying her dreams if it meant blackening Nikolai in her eyes...he doesn't care at all about dimming the light in her eyes and breaking her spirit...'he can't have one will..."...he's playing his role as Shakespeare's Iago masterfully...the ugly head of the beast is rearing his jealous head...he makes me ill...

Well,'ve done it I'm heartbroken once again...but girl, this 'bridger' sure had enough bite and meat in it to have me salivating for more...can't wait until the next update...

Reviewer: attheritz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/03/10 03:50 am

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