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Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

Still following you along your imaginitive journey and still loving it !

Reviewer: brightnova01 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/02/10 08:18 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

This was WONDERFUL.  Nikolai LOVES Sunny....and thankfully, she now readily admits that she LOVES Nikolai.  About time. LOL.  Since they will probably be in bed for several days, ...even in Paris,....I hope Nikolai has enough guts to ask her to marry him now...and perhaps they can start considering little bambinos...or whatever the word is in Russian.  LOL.   Nikolai will literally dote on Sunshine (like he already does (smile)) and their baby will be considered like a little prince...or princess.  Ahh...

What is going on in Royce's mind?  Why was Sunshine the only one of trip members to get her ticket upgraded to First class like Royce?

Look forward to the next update.



Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/02/10 08:15 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

Too cute, but so nice to see her letting go of the past.

Reviewer: Karnythia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/02/10 07:32 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

Awe what sweet update!! Sunshine and Niki in Paris was hot!! Sunshine may not have said I love you but she did say she was his forever that was sweet. Awesome update. I loved it.

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/02/10 07:23 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

You have such a different style of writing that keeps me coming back for more. I'm almost obsessed with this story and epecially Sunshine and Nikolai. Everything you write is beautiful and intriguing. Thank you so much for creating this story. I'll be looking out for more andof course the parissienne fluffery.

Reviewer: karen Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/02/10 08:08 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

This is sage advice and so true...  “Sometimes we revel so much in the freedom of love that we forget the responsibility.” Royce says. “When you love and are loved in return we have an obligation to take care of ourselves, better care of ourselves for those we love.”

And this..  “Unfortunately, love isn’t something you deserve"... “It just is.”

 And this... ” He says harshly. “It does not matter at all when compared to you. Not at all. I love you, Sunshine.”   gives me hope that Nikki will be willing to give up the activities that could put Sunny in so much danger. 

Nikki is a man who has known little or no love in his life; so for him to freely say those words and often say them is huge. He is a man who not only is IN love but who loves. That is probably the biggest change.

I had to read this chapter multiple times. It was chocked full of tasty goodness. Each chapter seems to show Sunny and Nikki evolving more and more to who they should be separately and together.

Even though this trip was to an unsafe place, I now understand why Sunny needed to do it. But for this trip and the distrubance, she might not have had the conversation with Royce that I think clarified a lot for her. He was the perfect person to give Sunny a much needed perspective.

Yes, Nikki.” She rolls her eyes. “you were right about many things. I’ll see you soon.”  

This had me grinning because it makes me wonder what awaits them in Paris; could it be that the words will come?

Omni, this is a story that I will read often. Just saying it's good doesn't seem to be enough. So, I'll just say, thank you for penning such an engrossing tale. You should be very proud of your child. 

Reviewer: BellaChica Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/02/10 05:03 am

Title: Who they are

I'm glad Sunny got stuck in the safe room with Royce.  He was able to bring her a perspective that she needed.  Thank you, thank you, for finally revealing  why she does not tell Nikki she loves him.  I understand her point, but hopefully the danger in the Sudan will help her understand that life is short.

I love the way Nikki loves Sunny.  Not just with words but with actions.  He made sure she was safe the whole time.  That "Black Russian" joke was priceless. 

Thanks for another good update.

Reviewer: Lovelybears Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/02/10 12:51 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

Thank you for the update.  I'm having a difficult time admitting this, but I'm not a big fan of the African adventure.  Looking forward to her trip to Paris..

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 18/02/10 06:24 am

Title: Who they are

I forgot to ask: do you still need a beta?



Reviewer: miquerida Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/02/10 03:31 am

Title: Who they are

Lord have mercy! I just discovered this story and I LOVE it. Girl, you are doing the damn thang! Can't wait for the next installment! Chel

Reviewer: miquerida Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/02/10 03:24 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

Excellent loved the update

Reviewer: Gale Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/02/10 03:17 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

Great update! 

“Sometimes we revel so much in the freedom of love that we forget the responsibility.” Royce says. “When you love and are loved in return we have an obligation to take care of ourselves, better care of ourselves for those we love.”

 Powerful words.  Reread that part at least 4 or 5 times. 

Reviewer: qualidee3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/02/10 11:46 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

I think Sunny really needed to have that conversation with Royce.  Whilst growing up Sunny heard some unhelpful advice, hopefully the conversation will allow her to accept her own thoughts and feelings.

I look forward to the next update.

Reviewer: bookacholic247 Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 17/02/10 11:25 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

Great update! Sunny's finally opened her eyes to what her heart already knew. She's gonna say the words when they reunite. She's got to! :) Can't wait for them to get to Paris...

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 17/02/10 08:08 am

Title: Who they are

You have an amazing gift - keep doing your thing! This is one of the best stories I have read - bar none!

Keep up the good work - can't wait for the next update!


Reviewer: katiemae Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/02/10 06:24 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

loved it...loved it...loved it.  can't wait for paris!!

Reviewer: vmck Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 17/02/10 04:58 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

Awesome update Onimosity, just enough suspense with pearls of wisdom weaved in between. I humbly took my quote of the week from your epages. Thanks much.

I wanted to write some comments for Part 2. I couldn’t wait… lol. I must admit I held my breath throughout Part 3 and almost skipped to the end to make sure Sunny was okay. Lolol. Glad I didn’t though. I rather liked her conversation with Ukombozi. Their discussion seemed to be a point of clarity for her. She needed to speak to someone who had a dark past and was able to turn his life around. She really has start trusting her love to Nikki and the fact that he would do the right thing.

But I must say if Nikolai didn’t reach rock bottom before I bet that 16 plus hour wait would sure bring him to his knees. Everything else was dropped in his effort to reach Sunny in France. I cannot wait to read about their reunion. Please, please Onimosity give us an insight into what it was like for him while he waited to learn about her safety. Maybe now he would take a hard look at his lifestyle and realize he still has some decisions to make. I still think it goes beyond full disclosure. He has to take the next step to right his world for his sake and Sunny’s because I don’t think he can make it without her.

Sergei, Sergei, Sergei. That man just would not give up eh? One thing for sure he is not proving to be Sunny’s friend. The sooner she realize this the better off she will be. We will see, we will see.

Let me say it again, exceptional update, exceptional story, exceptional writer. I can hardly wait for more. In the meantime I think I am going to read Parts 1-3 again…

Reviewer: Introspection Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/02/10 04:17 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

Ok this chapter almost made me cry!! I love Royce. I love the advice he gave don't derserve just is!!..that was perfect!!

Again it is so beautiful how their relationship has developed and how beautiful it is now. Perfect no it is not  and like Royce and his daughter , they still have things they need orking out but they love each other so much. can write...don't ever stop. This is a masterful, beautifully woven together piece of art!! You are so talented!! Beautiful...

The song pushed me over the edge and brought on the tears!! I hope they have beautiful renion in Paris the city of love..perfect!!!

Take of your self and and take plenty of liquids!!

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/02/10 03:43 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

You are just doing you thing with this story, it is truly one of my favorites on this site and I hate to anticipate the end, which I hope will sound something like and they lived happily ever after.   Nikki and Sunshine, reunion loving must be up next, bow chica wow, wow.


Reviewer: Arabelle Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 17/02/10 03:29 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 2

This story reads like one of the best movies I have ever seen. It is so full of wisdom, goodness and richness. You never want it end. The more I read the more I am drawn in to these people's lives. You want every good thing for them because they actually deserve it.

This chapter revealed so much. Now we know why Sunny is holding back her I love you. Based on what some silly woman said a long time ago..but Achan gave her some very good advice...not everything older people say is wisdom. You do have to trust , your heart and what you see. That fits them so well. Sunny has to trust her connection with Nikki to know how much he has changed and how much he loves her. She knows he does, in her heart she knows he has changed and is changing to be a better man because she has been the spark that ignited that change. She is the one person that has Nikki want to be a better man and he is really trying.

It is also amazing how much she needs him. How much she depends on him for her comfort,safety, peace and reassurance.  She knows he would never let anything happen to her or anyone she loved because he loves her that much. She knows he could not be her father, he would never allow her to give herself to annyone for his debt, I think he would die first.

Their relationship has come almost full circle. It is amazing how you have molded this relationship from something I found disgusting at first to something I find absolutely beautiful now. You are an artist. it just feels so natural..not forced or rushed or artificial but real. love relationship

It is so sweet to look back at Sunny as a child , how much she loved her brother and was his mom from the day he came home from the hospital. Her mother was right she is so full of could you not root for Sunny!!

Segei I almost don't even want to mention. I just wish he would go away and never come back. He is a sick twisted person. I am always afraid of what he may do to our Nikki or try to do to Sunny;s image of Nikki. I want Nikki to tell Sunny everything so no one can use it against him to her.

I love Sunny and Nikki...just don't let them end up would break my heart!!You are doing an incredible job with this story just incredible.!!


Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/02/10 03:15 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

Well my lady this did convey what you wanted in my opinion.  I think in this one Sunny really got some good advice from Royce and really know that Nikki truly love her.  Even the person Allso told her that she have to live and learn through experience. 

Reviewer: Cherry Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/02/10 02:14 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

This story is off the charts!!! Keep doing your thing girl!!!

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/02/10 01:42 am

Title: Gotta Make My Own Way

Maxwell sing a womens work is on my mind with this chapter for some reason

Maxwell - This Womans Work Live

Nikolai all the things he wish he could have done that he never did.


Reviewer: NiaZ Signed [Report This]
Date: 17/02/10 12:59 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

Okay, I take back what I said about Royce!  Can't be too careful these days! LOL.  Glad she's leaving there and meeting up with Nikki!  Can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/02/10 12:22 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

Oops it was Royce that asked Sunshine if she'd asked Nikolai to change.

I loved Royce's and Sunshine's conversation.  It was good to know what had been going through Sunny's mind about Nicholai. 

I'm rooting for them both.

Reviewer: sherprin Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 11:58 pm

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