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Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 2

I don't trust that Royce dude!  Don't make Nikki have to have him killed!

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 11:56 pm

Title: I'll Send You a Sign...Just so You Know

uh oh Nick is in trouble

Reviewer: NiaZ Signed [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 11:37 pm

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

Another awesome update.  The beginning of the story had me crestfallen.  The advice from that old hen made me sure that Sunny would end her relationship with Nikki soon.

Achan's advice to her gave me hope that she would give him the chance to change.  She was very wise to ask Sunny if she'd asked Nikolai to change.  She hasn't yet.  My fear is that will he be allowed to change?  Will Stanislavsky let him leave the "organization?"  Still not sure if Sunshine can really swallow the truth of what Nikki's done in the past and still does (or may) today.

There's so much love between Sunny and Nikki that I can feel it. I want them to end up together and will cry when she tells him she loves him. But there's so much between them that could tear them apart too. I'm not sure which way this will go.

I was hoping by now that Sergei would have found out that Sunny and Nikki are back together.  I don't know why he doesn't sense that there is genuine love between Sunny and Nikki. He wouldn't be able to handle knowing that Nikki is actually a human being and a MAN (which Sergei isn't) and that he makes Sunshine happy. I don't trust that boy.  He's delusional and will do something to try and hurt Nikki.

Reviewer: sherprin Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 11:21 pm

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

Wonderful! Just plain ole Wonderful.

She is going home...she is going to be with her man....he is cutting his trip short as her group is cutting their trip short.

I hope nothing happens in between time they are to meet up again with each other and I hope that she did not tell him that she loves him because she wants to do it in person.

Thank you for the great update and the marvelous story!


Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 10:34 pm

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 2

Always! Always a wonderful update.  I was thinking that something was going to break out at the rally.  I am so very very pleased and happy that Sunny did not go with them.  I hope that she is safe there in the safe room on the compound.

I wonder why she does not like Royce he is a recovering alcoholic like Hershell.  Is it because he has a family and may have put his family thru some things but she must also look at it this way he was strong enough to be a recovering not a continous alcholic.

He has better strength then her father ever had.

That was some wise advice that Achan gave and I hope that Sunny can take it and have faith and finally let herself love Niki completely and let him hear the words he so desperatly wants to hear.  "I Love You!"

Thank you for the update....I see we got two in one day you are the bomb chica!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 10:07 pm

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

Oh no is Jacob dead?











Reviewer: NiaZ Signed [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 09:43 pm

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

wow first thought they guy was hitting on her but he wasn't he was watching out for her and helping her understand the meaning of love. wow now i get why it so hard for her to say those words to him. when you see your mother love your father so much and  he just wasn't good husband or fahter you get scared that you might make the same mistake i totlay get that but  she will same them one day when it right  and i looked forward to reading it. thanks for the updated.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 07:49 pm

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 2

wow it amazing how she help that woman make her dreams come true some times we forget are dreams and give up untli we might me a great person like sunshine to help you with them. i don't like this royce guy he seems nice but for some reason  i think he likes likes sunshine. like her N talked thanks for the updated.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 07:40 pm

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 1

I hope Sunny comes home soon, Nikki needs her!

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 07:21 pm

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

That was a really great chapter.  I enjoyed the interraction between Royce and Sunshine.  It would probably be true to say that the conversation was not only good for Sunshine but Royce as well since he mentioned having a daughter.  Sometimes talking with someone outside your family can help you talk to those in your family.  Very well done chapter.

Reviewer: Dee Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 05:51 pm

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

awesome update. I love this story and the growth of its characters. sometimes your simple truths are so deep that they make me want to cry. Not from sadness, but the depth of the emotion. thank you.

Reviewer: Ketaj Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 04:49 pm

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

Adu was the black russian, I thought it was Royce. I loved the conversation between the two of them, It seems to have helped her to make a decision about Nikki and hopefully saying those three little words! As much as she looked back over all the conversations she had with her mom about her dad she was still so unsure about how to deal with Nikki. Awesome update.

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 04:14 pm

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

This story is just so addictive. I rooting for Sunny to have a happy ending.

Reviewer: juno Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 03:55 pm

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

Oh, bad surprise me all the time...I feel like such a dummy for prejudging Royce...of all the people besides Jasmine that's given Sunny advice along her path in life...he was the most enlightening...I now understand why she is so reluctant to say 'the words' to Nikolai...not that she doesn't feel it...well, I already knew that...but she really did take to heart Bea Williamson words of 'throwing good love after bad'...and really her relationship with her father proved those stern words to be sage...but it took a stranger to point out the obvious...that Nikolai and Jacob are not the is not something 'deserved' just is...and love Nikolai she it's time to tell the man...the old adage of not judging a book by its cover came over in waves during this update...Sunny's prejudgement of Royce because both he and her father were both addicts at one point in their lives...assuming Fritz was the person sent by Nikolai to watch over her when it was Adu all the time...and the metamorphosis of Nikolai from the beginning of this tale to now...the 'sweetness' and unassuming manner of Sergei which may prove to harbor a darkness that is beyond Sunny's comprehension...oh how I love this story...

Yay!!!  Looking forward to the reunion of Nikolai and Sunshine in Paris...the most romantic city in the world...and hopefully, the speaking and acknowledgement of THE WORDS and faith Sunny...who knew that she was just as afraid as Nikolai...he with revealing the truth of his life...and her of revealing the depth of the love in her heart for him...can't wait...wonderful update!!!!

Reviewer: attheritz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 03:53 pm

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 2

Words of wisdom continue to come her way. Achan has hit the nail on the head, as good and sound as her mom's advice was it may not be the advice that helps her in deciding her committment to Nikki. She has to have her own faith and see for herself if this thing with Nikki is for real or if she is truly taking up where her mom left off at with her dad. Royce is her Black Russian. Wonderful update.

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 03:52 pm

Title: Who they are

Love this story. Sunny is learning life lessons from everyone she has contact with. Because people do leave bits and pieces of themselves with you, no matter it is good or bad. Your story is so on point. Once again, such a wonderful story and I am just enjoying the ride of Sunny and Nikki's love. Kudos!

Reviewer: Vetrog Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 03:47 pm

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

Loved, Loved, Loved this chapter. I think Sunny needed to hear what Royce had to say. Loved there talk and so glad she going to get out of there safe. Sunny has been through alot for her age. Great job!!! Keep it coming :o)

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 03:35 pm

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 2

Okay, Royce is giving me the willies...I don't like how he looks at she's trapped in a safe room...alone...with just him...

Sergei is creepy, too...he doesn't know Sunny at all...his assumption that Nikolai doesn't care about Sunshine's well-being is proof to that fact...there's more to him just below the surface...he is not at all what he presents himself to glad that Sunny is realizing that she needs to be wary around him...

I love that she needs Nikolai's presence to soothe her...I pray that all goes well for her...but I'm almost too scared to read on...but read on I goes...

Reviewer: attheritz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 03:18 pm

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

Great update O! 

If you were trying to convey that Sunny hasn't said those 3 little words to Nikki out of fear...Fear to trust that Nikki is all that he says he is (in loving her)...Faith in their love for each other..Faith that their love will see them through whatever life (especially Nikki's lifestyle) will bring..Then you did great O!  Loved the conv with Royce..very enlightening..very revealing..and I don't believe there is  any such thing as loving too hard only loving in the wrong way..meaning not loving yourself..and therefore ruining any love you have for others..because that will happen..just as Royce and Jacob did...

I believe love changes people..not always..but then like Royce says everyone has a different 'bottom'...and maybe Nikki has found his..don't know if that means he will give up the biz...but maybe he can go completely legit eventually..being safe for the family he's found with Sunny...they'll have to have the convo next..the convo where both reveal their feelings and who they are..should be interesting...

thanks for such a powerful and riveting story do good work!

Reviewer: brinagal Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 03:05 pm

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

that was lovely simply lovely! well done!!! bring on the loving!!!

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 02:42 pm

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

I believe you can have moments of enlightenment during the  strangest times and places... Sunny needed to mentally "make peace" with some things and I believe talking with Mr. Royce, a recovering addict, and being in danger for 16 hrs put her feelings and her mind at peace, especially about Nikki...

I am still rooting for SUNSHINE but I am more than ever rooting for Nikolai... They have both come so far from where they were.

Sunshine is learning that not everything you heard and learned as a child is gospel... That as an adult you sometimes have to step out on faith and still believe in possibilities. If that was what you hoped to convey then you did and much more...

GREAT UPDATE! Hope you give us more soon!

Reviewer: spanishfly69 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 01:52 pm

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3


It finally feels like Sunny is close to saying those three words :)

I am so glad that Sunny is leaving Sudan, it was so dangerous!

Onimosity, two chapters at once? Thank you for spoiling us :)

One thing that has been on my mind however; Does Sunshine and Nikolai use contraception? I kinda hope that they don't as there maybe little nikolai's and Sunny's !!

Thanks for the double chappies!!

Reviewer: SuperVee Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 01:10 pm

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

Oops. I was wrong about poor Royce. I was projecting too. LOL. And it was Adu.

Sunny and Royce's conversation was very, very enlightening. Sunny has been pondering this dilemma a while now. What more does she really need to make a decision??

We can learn from the mistakes of others; but we must still live our own lives, make or own mistakes, hopefully, take that wisdom and move on... live and LOVE wiser, stronger.

I was glad to hear her fin-a-freak-in'-ly admit that her little flight of fancy was a wee bit too dangerous. In essence she put Nikki and Ben under undue stress and worry all in an effort to capture or express something that she already possessed.

Whew!! The box of tissue is untouched through another chapter. Good deeds and all, that trip to Africa couldn't be over soon enough for me. Thank you idiot interns who are too arrogant to respect imminent danger.

Bring on gay Paris in the summertime!! Bring on the fluffery and lots of hot reunion monkey sex!!!!

Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 12:14 pm

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 2

Yea, an update!!

Sorry, I haven't read an "off" chapter yet. You are doing an absolutely marvelous job with this.

Thank you for the insight into Sunny's reluctance to embrace Nikki 100% and surrender that last 20% that she is holding onto out of... FEAR.

I did not agree with Mrs. Washington's nosy, mouthy friend, Bea,... even if it was good advice. She was just a child, s wise-beyond-her-years child, but still a child.

Anyway, despite the advice, Sunny still remained almost as devoted to her father as her mother had been. It doesn't mean that she cannot risk it with Nicholai. She realizes that his is not the only life impacted and even enhanced, richened by their relationship.

And I can understand mister puppy love Sergei, however, is lips are flapping and stupid things are spewing forth... again. He sounded mocking, critical and very disloyal when he, of all people, accused Nicholai of not protecting Sunny. The nerve of the little shit!!!

Speaking of shits... that dude Royce is creeping me out big time. Hmmm... is he the secret security???

On to pt.3... seems like all hell is about to break out.


Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 11:47 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

That was a really good update.  Sunny is beginning to see her relationship with Nikolai more clearly.  Royce turned out to be a good person to talk with.  And if she asked, I think Nikolai would change even more.  Particularly, after Nikolai had to wait 16 hours to see her again on the web cam.  I don't think Nikolai ever wants them to be separated again.  And I think Stansilasky would understand...and as Nikolai is like a son to him, Stanislasky would help Nikolai, so he doesn't lose Sunshine.

Thanks for the update sooner, rather than later.  I just LOVE this story.  Looking forward to more.


Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/02/10 11:46 am

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