Reviews For I Do Love You
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Title: Chapter 1

Nice start.

Author's Response: Thanks.  Glad you like the story. 

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/08/09 04:54 am

Title: Chapter 1

Hey you!! I'm floacist from -- I'm the one whose obsessed with your S/A stories, lol. I always recommend them everywhere.

death @ me finding this site so randomly. Nice place!! Always nice to find communities dedicated to women of color.

with whatever you do, keep up the good work.


Author's Response:

Well, hello there.  Glad you found the site.  It's quite wonderful here.  And thanks so much for all your kind responses.  They're appreciated.  And thanks for the recommendations, too. 

I'm definitely going to try to keep getting better.  I have two other stories that I want to do for Shawn and Angela.  I'm swamped right now, but should be wrapping up a couple of stories in the near future...hopefully, if I can stay on schedule.  lol  So be on the look out every so often.  One might pop up when you're least expecting it.   

Thanks for reviewing.   :-)

Reviewer: Floacist Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/03/09 10:13 am

Title: Chapter 3

Wow, I neer really watch this show religiously.. but I loved the hell out of your story.. Thanks for sharing.

I hope you add more to the site.

Author's Response: Thanks so much for the review.  I'm so glad that you enjoyed the story.  And I do plan on writing more stories.

Reviewer: zeta Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 08/02/09 06:40 pm

Title: Chapter 1

Wow!!! Thanks for posting.  I loved Angela and Shawn and I loved Boy Meets World.  Great story by the way.  More please.  Even though I love the pairing of Angela and Shawn, I would love the pairings of Cory and Angela, Eric and Angela and Jack and Angela....just suggestions. LOL!!! Thanks for this story, it was really good.

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing.   I'm so glad you liked the story.  Shawn and Angela are one of my favorite couples, so I like writing for them.  Hadn't thought about pairing her with the other guys, but you never know.  lol

Reviewer: Vie Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/02/09 11:15 pm

Title: Chapter 3

Wow. This sounds very promising! I look forward to your next update!!

Author's Response:

Thanks so much for reading and responding.  This story is concluded, but there is a sequel that I'll be posting shortly.

Again, glad you enjoyed the story. 


Reviewer: Dragon Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/02/09 07:15 pm

Title: Chapter 3

nice ending he finaly told her he loves her and she loves him back nice. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response: I love Shawn and Angela.  That particular episode pissed me off, so I decided to write a follow-up of how I thought things should have gone.  So glad that you enjoyed the ending.  Thanks for the feedback.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/02/09 06:46 pm

Title: Chapter 2

Angie right that chicks wanted them to break up and get back with him. well hopefully shawn gets back with angie before it too later. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

You said it.  Isn't that just like a man not to know what's going on?  Ange read those girls like a book. 

Thanks for responding. 


Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/02/09 06:34 pm

Title: Chapter 1

I rember this one boy meets world was one of my fav shows. corey right he better figuer out a way to get her back and tell her the truth thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

BMW was also one of my favorite shows, and of course, Shawn and Angela my favorite couple on the show.

Yeah, Cory sees what time of day it is, so hopefully Shawn will, too, before it's too late. 

Thanks for the feedback.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/02/09 06:15 pm

Title: Chapter 3

First of all, I'm so glad to see you posted this story here Reese. Of course it was great. Shawn and Angela was so sweet. I love how they work out their problem. You know what, Shawn and Angela show so much maturity than kids their ages. I should know because I went thur those ages. :lol: It was so nice to read about them when they were cheated on the show. Thanks for writing this piece Reese and I can't wait to read more of your works here in the Chamber. 

Author's Response: Shangela love all the way!  lol  Thanks Stormy. 

Reviewer: Megumi Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/02/09 06:03 pm

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