Reviews For Revenge 101
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Title: Chapter 9

Great update, loving the date and the back and forth between them. They each have the other's number which I like, and I also think it's throwing Audre a bit off balance. Which is exactly what she needs maybe.:)

Excellent chapter!

Author's Response: Yeah Audre is definitely off balance but Christian's there to catch her so it's all good.  I like writing a story where the cards are pretty much all out on the table that's a great foundation for a relationship I think.  Thanks for the review and for reading and for the oh so lovely stars they do a girl's heart good!

Reviewer: TokenBlackGirl Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/09/08 06:30 am

Title: Chapter 9

Well that got off to a rocky start.  I love your description of the resturaunt.  Those are the kinds of places I love to find. And bull testicles--yeah, I always ask the waitress what the heck stuff is before I order.  Circle strange menus with care.

Like that they're getting all that stuff out in the open so soon.  Most romantic couples take ten chapters to get where Christian and Audre already are so it's refreshing. Looking forward to the continuation. 

Oh and I wish I had majored in art history instead of poli sci.  I love politics but I could have majored in knitting and went to law school. 

Author's Response: YEah I love those kind of places as well, the off the beaten path places have the best food I think!  Yeah bull testies may work for some but I'm not so adventurous and neither is Audre hahaha.  I really wanted this story to be not so much about the chase but how Audre grows by herself and through her relationship with Christian so there isn't going to be a whole lot of angst and mixed signals going on.  Christian is not one to shy away from getting what he wants.  No kidding about the knitting thing turns out your undergrad major has nothing to do with law school and usually doesn't begin to prepare you for it!  I happened to have sucked at Art History but in my head I would've loved to major in it as well so kind of living out my fantasy through Audre hahaha.  Thanks for the review and reading and the stars they are so awesome!

Reviewer: BlackMamba Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/09/08 11:14 pm

Title: Chapter 9

Christian is a fun loving dude! He doesn't seem to take anything seriously and I think that's exactly what Audre needs. The maybe date was cute and I can't wait to see their relationship evolve. Great update!

Author's Response: Yeah Christian's pretty fun though he has his. . .shall we say intense moments hahaha.  Yeah I definitely wanted to right a good old fashioned love story so I'm having a lot of fun setting the tone between them and not just having them jump right into bed.  Thanks for the review and the stars and for reading!

Reviewer: idjunkie Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/09/08 07:15 pm

Title: The Cast

Sounds good to me!!! I really like the 'self-discovery' stories. I think we all can relate to them in some way.  You're torturing us, but its a good feeling torture ha ha  Can't wait to read more!!!

Author's Response: Okay there is going to be a lot of intimacy coming up in the Chapter after the next and they officially get it on in approximately 4 chapters which I'm trying to churn out at a much faster pace.  Audre has got some things to learn and Christian is going to have a good time teaching them to her so I'm excited about writing it!  Thank you so much for reading and the encouragement it's so awesome.

Reviewer: jcdeppfan87 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/09/08 02:31 am

Title: Chapter 9

Too damn short! LOL

Great imagery. I could see the restaurant and almost smell the food. Going to eat now. I hope when I get back you'll have delivered part 2. :)

Author's Response: I know that was kind of a tease wasn't it lol.  Yeah it was inspired by a restaurant I went to and my mouth was kind of watering when I wrote it!  The finale of the date is coming up but not today hahahaha.  Thanks for the review and the stars!

Reviewer: lovemboth Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/09/08 02:05 am

Title: Chapter 9

Please update soon

Author's Response: I working on it!  Thanks for reading and the stars.

Reviewer: Kelleyli Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/09/08 02:03 am

Title: The Cast

Love the chemistry between those two. Great update as always!

Author's Response: Thanks for the review!  I'm glad you're feeling the chemistry I'm really enjoyin buildin the relationship between the two of them and I'm glad you like the update as well.

Reviewer: Kaci Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 19/09/08 01:03 am

Title: Chapter 9

In case you dont read TST first, I will post my comment here too:

 SO G, what you're saying is, because you are teasing us relentlessly with the no sexin' right now, its going to be SUPER HAWT FREAKY good!? Because there is really no other reason why you would torture use like this. HA HA 

Author's Response: Yeah so here's the deal, without spilling the beans too much I'll just say that I wanted Audre's story to be one of kind of a discovery of all sorts.  She's going to hold out a little bit (not a lot just a little) but when the cork gets popped, it really gets popped in a super hawt freaky deaky way hahahaha.

Reviewer: jcdeppfan87 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/09/08 10:58 pm

Title: The Cast

Poor Audre...making fun of her major! Chris rebounded nice though. The waitress....jealous much? Please don't make us wait long for the rest of the date :-)

Author's Response: Yeah the art history majors get no respect!  I thought it was a nice change up for Christian to put his foot in it instead of it always being Audre.  But Chris knows how to lay it on doesn't he hahahaha.  Yeah the waitress, well I think Christian was having a little too much fun getting a rise out of Audre but it seemed like the whole non date flirting tactic worked. 

Reviewer: Harlen Winters Signed [Report This]
Date: 18/09/08 09:23 pm

Title: The Cast

Great update. Really like this story. Her mom is something else!

Author's Response: Thanks Kaci for reading and the review!  Audre's mom is definitely something else!  She's got honest intentions she just wants the best for her kids but mama don't play around that's for sure hahaha.

Reviewer: Kaci Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/09/08 05:22 pm

Title: Chapter 8

WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO That was a great update. Worth the wait. Can't wait for him to rock her world even more ha ha

Author's Response: He's going to rock her world definitely a little at a time, poor Audre doesn't stand a chance hahaha.  Thanks for reading and the stars trying to be more on the ball with the updates!

Reviewer: jcdeppfan87 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/09/08 04:21 am

Title: Chapter 8

GreatO, you know I was going to go smooth off until I saw your chapter end note. You were this close to me just losing it!

Anywho, loved both phone conversations. So glad that Christian has Audre's number and is on to her. I can just see Mrs. Highsmith rolling to Audre's college and laying it down for the Dean. LOL

Looking forward to "the date". Good chapter.

Author's Response: Sorry!  I'm trying to stay on the ball but I really am in the middle of the date so it's coming I promise!  Christian is on to Audre but I predict she is going to get tired of the zingers and start dishing as hard as she gets hahaha.  I really do like these two together and enjoy writing them so I'm glad you do too!  And Mrs. Highsmith is no joke, we'll find that out soon enough!  Thanks for reading and the stars!

Reviewer: lovemboth Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/09/08 03:19 am

Title: Chapter 8

Great update! Hattie is funny! When she told Audre she had blondish tendencies, I didn't know what to do and the Wicca (Wico) thing was funny too!

I'm patiently waiting for the date! Christian is a hottie! :)

Author's Response:

Yes the blondish tendencies line was directly borrowed from my mother so I'll be sure to tell her you enjoyed it hahaha.  She is so much like my mom and aunts that I have to laugh when doing that dialogue, I pretty much just wrote down so nice little soundbites from conversations I've had with them and used it for the story.  I should just carry a tape recorder to family dinners I think, the conversations are always entertaining hahaha.

Christian is a hottie and I'm having fun writing the date so I hope you all will enjoy it too!

Reviewer: idjunkie Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/09/08 01:46 am

Title: Chapter 8

Great chapter.  I loved Audre's phone convo with her mother. I can so identify with every bit of it.  My mom would go ape if I told her I was trying Wicca or didn't meat so I feel her pain.  Love that whole black clothes thing. Very symbolic her wanting to break out of her rut.

Oh, and this:

"Wear something sexy." 

Now who could you have been channeling there?  Hmmmm...LOL.  Waiting for the "date" update."

Author's Response:

Yeah I was a vegetarian for a long time and there was just a lot of family drama around that, who knew that personal choice could have such a dramatic fall out hahaha.  Then there was the whole, 'I know you don't eat meat so I made extra chicken' conversations those were pretty funny too.  I loved using the black clothes and "sephora warpaint" because I thought it was something that a lot of us can identify with and having that moment where you wonder when things got that way.  I'm glad you liked it.

Hmmm, who was I channeling I have NO idea lol.  What can I say some characters you can't seem to get out of your blood, I wish I could quit him but he provided so many moments that just make me tingly hahaha.

Reviewer: BlackMamba Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/09/08 10:04 pm

Title: Chapter 8

So glad you updated, and with a stellar chapter no less. Audre's convo with her mom was funny and touching at the same time, I think I've had an almost indentical one with my own mother. I've also had that getting dressed freak out moment, when you suddenly realize all your clothes look the same. That's why I'm digging this so much I think, I can so identify with Audre and her ongoing evaluation of her life.

Oh, and yes, Christian is a bit cocky, but that doesn't taint the sexy. Not one bit. :)

Great chapter, looking forward to more of the date!

Author's Response:

Thank you TBG!  Girl, I was definitely channeling my mama and aunts when I was writing that dialogue.  If I don't touch bases with my parents at least once a day there is just drama, I wanted to show how strong willed her mom was but also show the love as well so I'm happy that seemed to come accross.  And yes I think every week I have this moment where I look at my closet and it leads to some sort of commentary about the state of my life hahaha.  It really makes me happy that you can identify with Audre because I wanted so much for this to be just kind of a "real" story and an uplifting story that people could relate to.

Christian is cocky, isn't that how we like our men though hahaha.

Reviewer: TokenBlackGirl Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/09/08 09:52 pm

Title: Chapter 8

Loved the mother - daughter conversation, it so reminded me of my mama. Maybe it's a southern black mother thing, but we love them anyway!

Author's Response: Thank you!  Yeah I kind of literally took soundbites from some memorable conversations I've had with my mom, older sister and aunts and spliced some of them together.  I'm glad it reminded you of your mom because when writing this story I really wanted it to be more real and something that everyone could relate to on some level.  Thanks so much for reading and the review and the stars!

Reviewer: Sweet Pea Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/09/08 08:53 pm

Title: Chapter 8

GreatO You are killing me...I can't wait for the date. Desmond Harrington is the perfect person for this...he is so yummy!

Wait until Mattie Ann hears about this!

Author's Response: Oh I love Desmond, I wish he was working more!  He definitely gives off a rough kind of bad boy vibe that I dig alot.  I'm so happy you like him as well.  Mattie Anne is not going to be pleased, a whole lot of ish is going to be hitting the fan!

Reviewer: Harlen Winters Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/09/08 06:40 pm

Title: Chapter 8

Hi GreatO, I am not even finished reading this..I am cracking up! When Audre's mother asked if she is on drugs...I bust out laughing. If that is not my grandmother I don't know who is.

You know, I just don't know.  I swear I just. . .don't . . .know.  I've been talking to your father about this and. . .are you on drugs?"  Hilarious...maybe it is because this is a conversation I have had.

Author's Response:

Hi Harlen!  I am so glad you are enjoying this I had lot's of fun writing it.  Audre's mom and her aunt soon to be introduced are a combination of the good ole strong women in my life.  And yeah, I've had that conversation too hahaha.  Thanks for reading and the review!

Reviewer: Harlen Winters Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/09/08 06:29 pm

Title: Chapter 7

Great story. Please update.

Author's Response: Thank you Eboney!  I promise to try to update more consistently, life sometimes has a nasty habit of getting in the way.

Reviewer: eboney Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 24/08/08 04:48 am

Title: Chapter 3

Hi!  I'm enjoying this story very much!!  I like the humor threaded throughout the chapters.  I couldn't believe Greg proposed at the wedding reception!  What the....????  LOL!

I think Audre needed to take more than one bottle of champagne. *grin*

I'm off to read the rest of the chapters! :-)


Author's Response: Hi pinkrose so glad you are enjoying it!  This is my first crack at true comedy so I was extremely nervous so I'm relieved you like the humor in there.  Greg isn't right but Audre deserves better.  Though she get a crack at some revenge later on, we'll see!  Thanks for reading and leaving a review.

Reviewer: pinkrose Signed [Report This]
Date: 16/08/08 03:12 am

Title: Chapter 7

Great update. I love Janelle, she is so funny and blunt.

Christian is winning so many points, especially at the end with the music box with the black lily. 

Author's Response: Thank you Sweet Pea!  Jenelle is hilarious I enjoy writing her.  And I have a crush on Christian can't you tell hahaha, the music box move would've definitely had me on lock but let's see if it works for Audre.

Reviewer: Sweet Pea Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/08/08 03:49 am

Title: Chapter 7

Loved the update.  Christian is hot and is obviously into Audre.  Audre is working my nerves a bit with the "he's not my type" line because the dude is an artist that can tatoo.  He's obviously smart, has all his teeth, fine and tall.  (I love me some tall men).  After the disaster she just went through with her "type" you'd think she'd be dying to try something different.

Anyhooos...I liked it.  Can you tell?

Author's Response:

You know you're absolutely right.  A lot of this story is based around conversations between me and my friends where we all go back forth with this whole idea.  On one hand you have to be open to finding love in different places and not so quick to judge a book by it's cover or blow someone off because they don't fit your ideal.  On the other hand, is it wrong to have ideals for yourself.  There are many women out there who don't settle for anything less than what they want and have no regrets for sticking to their guns.  This is part of why Audre has two friends that are going to be on the opposite end of the spectrum on this issue.  The character of Lisa is an example of someone who had that list, got the guy and is happy, she's not going to be a big Christian fan.  Than you have Jenelle who's pushing for Audre to go for it and not be so locked inside her box.  She'll have this tug of war going on with her friends and within herself that she will have to deal with or lose Christian.

Anyways that was longwinded as hell so I'll just say thanks for the review, and for reading and the stars you rock!

Reviewer: BlackMamba Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/08/08 06:34 am

Title: Chapter 7

Ooo la la! If I was Audre, I'd take an economy pack of condoms just in case.

Love Janelle and her words of wisdom!

Audre, let it go and let it flow.

Great update, GreatO!

Author's Response: Well it's always good to come prepared I'd say.  But don't be too disappointed if Audre isn't flowing quite yet!  Thanks for the review and stars.

Reviewer: lovemboth Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/08/08 07:44 pm

Title: Chapter 7

I love how the relationship is unfolding between Audre and Christian. I am so rooting for these two. I am excited to see how he brings Audre out of her shell and routine. Jenelle is just the type of friend Audre needs. Great update...can't wait for more.

Author's Response: Thanks Harlen!I'm rooting for them too, and I think they'll both be good for each other.  Thanks for reading and the review!

Reviewer: Harlen Winters Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/08/08 04:42 pm

Title: Chapter 7

Great Update! I'm really loving Christian and his don't give a sh*t about other's opinions attitude.  Janelle is funny and insightful.... I loved her for this:

"Look, he's not my type. You know my type. You know he's not my type. So get off my back!"

"Audre, sweetie, you know I love you right?"

"I guess."

"Then you know I'm saying this out of love. Your type don't seem be working. Maybe it's time to try something else." Audre looked at her indignantly.

A true testament from a real friend.

Can't wait to see what happens at dinner and I have to add that I'm so happy the found art wasn't Christian's! :)

Author's Response: Yeah Jenelle's the type of friend I think we all should have!  And I'm having so much fun with Christian who doesn't love the bad boy with the heart of gold hahaha.  Christian doesn't do found art (thank GOD hahaha), and I know that you are very artistic you've mentioned before so hopefully you'll like some of the chapters I have coming up which will delve into his and Audre's art connection a bit more.

Reviewer: idjunkie Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/08/08 09:08 am

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