What's In Your Life For Me? by PriscillaPal
Summary: Tara Thornton is trying like hell to ease out of Vampire Franklin Mott's bed and life. But the incident that brought them together, coupled with secrets from the recent past, won't let her slip away that easily.
Categories: Primetime Television Characters: Tara Thornton
Classification: General
Genre: Drama
Story Status: None
Pairings: Male/Female
Warnings: Strong Sexual Content
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Completed: Yes Word count: 25112 Read: 32559 Published: 01/07/10 Updated: 29/08/10
Chapter 8 by PriscillaPal
      As per the norm, Sam Merlotte was the only one that thought that Tara’s suddenly disappearing shortly before the breakfast dishes were cleared, was odd.

    Sookie told him that they were planning some trip(Sam didn’t say anything, but he had no intention of letting either of them off! And if they did go, it would be without pay), and that Tara had probably gotten so excited by the idea, that she had left to buy things for the trip.

    That just didn’t seem right, but Sam became busy with other matters, especially when his little brother Tommy, showed up naked at the back door, after having run off somewhere as a pit bull.

    Alcide showed up and ate lunch and dinner, waiting for Tara to return, under Sookie’s disapproving gaze. When the sun went down, Bill arrived to see Sookie as well and noted Alcide’s presence. He was now sitting at the bar.

    Then Jason arrived, carrying flowers and looking beady eyed! Sam gave him a dirty look, just as Franklin Mott and Jessica arrived. Franklin shoved Jason aside to get into the doorway.

    “Hey!” Jason snapped.

    “Sod off!” Franklin snapped back. Jessica apologized for her boss, then joined him in a booth. Jessica looked fresh and perky, ready for a night’s work. Tommy smiled at her from across the room and she smiled back.

    But Franklin was in quite the foul ass mood. Because despite his bravado with Bill Compton the other night, he hadn’t slept a wink! Was it possible that Tara was seeing SOMEONE ELSE besides Eggs?

    He then sniffed the air and noted that Alcide Herveaux, the same fucking wolf Bill had warned him about, was sitting at the bar! Why the hell was he here? And where was Tara anyway? Her car was outside...

    “You know, we could glamour Lucy Lee Tuttleton into paying.”

    Yes, Lucy Lee Tuttleton, the niece of Bethune Tuttleton, who had owned the mansion that Maryanne, Eggs and Tara had lived in AND who had been slain by werewolf Eggs, was refusing to pay for Franklin’s services. Once it became common knowledge that Eggs was alive, Ms. Tuttleton told Franklin and Jessica that the police had actually done their job for once, and she had no need of them.

    Jessica had bared her fangs at the news, scaring the shit out of the woman as she ran from the building. But Franklin had been staring at a framed photo he had of Tara. He  shouldn’t have let her leave the jail the other night alone. He had thought maybe time and space was what she needed.

    But now he suspected that some one or some THING, had used that ‘time and space’, to get near Tara! Franklin locked eyes with Bill, who nodded over to Alcide. Franklin looked at Jessica.

    “I’m giving you the night off.”

    “Why? We have other cases...”

    “With pay.”

    “Oh,” Jessica sniffed, “if you insist. I think I’ll just call Hoyt.”

    Tommy(now dressed in his Merlotte’s uniform) eased over to them and Franklin used his presence to slip away over to the bar. Bill touched Sookie’s arm.

    “Maybe you should ask Sam if you can leave early?”

    “Why? Bill, I can’t cut out on Sam. I’ve been gone too long in the past few months.”

    “Sookie, I think there’s going to be trouble.”

    Sookie saw him looking over at Alcide and Franklin. Shit! When did Franklin arrive? And what was going on...

    “Bill Compton! Tell me you didn’t say anything to Franklin?”

    “I think you should ask Sam if you can leave early.” Bill repeated.

    “Shit!” Sookie hissed and hurried over to Sam to warn him of the impending damage to come.

    Meanwhile, Alcide grew uneasy. Tara would not be gone THIS long! Maybe she was avoiding him? Maybe she saw he was in here and decided to skip work? He began looking around and noticed Franklin Mott, as he dropped into a stool next to him.

    “I’m not going to fuck about here,” Franklin said in a low threatening voice, “so I’m just going to ask you straight out: have you been with my girlfriend, Tara Thornton?”

    Alcide looked him in the eye.


    Franklin’s stare never wavered.

    “So you’re admitting to raping my girlfriend?”

    “I’m admitting to being with her and liking it. She liked it too.”

    Franklin didn’t even wait for the ‘too’ to get out of Alcide’s mouth, before he leaped on him and ripped out some of his shoulder! Screams and cries could be heard, as Alcide threw Franklin back and threw the glass, front door of the establishment!

    “DAMN!” Sam screamed. Tommy and Jessica hurried over to get a better view, while Lafayette and Terry peered out from the kitchen.

    “What’s happening now?!” Terry asked, his voice full of stress. Jason hurried outside and fired his gun three times up into the air!

    “STOP THIS SHIT!” he bellowed. But it was Bill and Sam, who got in between the two supernatural beings. Sam held an injured Alcide back, while Bill kept a deranged looking Franklin at bay! His mouth was caked with blood!

    Sookie hurried over to Alcide with a towel and glared at Franklin.

    “You sick sonofabitch! Wait until Tara hears what you did!”

    “When will I see Tara, if I may ask?” Franklin asked sarcastically. “Did any of you back woods fucks notice that Tara’s car is still here? Where is she?”

    Alcide threw the towel aside and sniffed the air. He then moved closer to Tara’s car,  past it and off into the woods. It didn’t take him long to return.

    “Debbie was here...and Tara! Something’s wrong!”

    “No shit!” Franklin snapped and hurried to his own car. But before getting inside, he looked around, picked up a pebble, and with superspeed, whipped it at one of Alcide’s tires, rendering it flat!

    “Christ!” Alcide yelled, as Franklin sped out of the lot in search of his lady love.


    Tara nodded approvingly, as the third car that Debbie tried to get in to, sped off!

    Debbie had run out of gas! She was then forced to let Tara out of the trunk so they could walk to her kidnapping destination.  Three cars had tried to pick them up, but when Tara shouted out that Debbie was a werewolf, and planned to kill them for their cars, the drivers sped off!

    Debbie looked at her.

    “Tell me again why I shouldn’t just kill you?”

    “You tell me, were-heifer! This is your fucked up kidnapping! Oh and by the way,  not that I would ever do anything like this myself, but if I was going to kidnap someone, I’d make sure my shit was on point.”

    “Meaning what, bitch?” Debbie snarled.
    “You ran out of fucking gas! You plan to kidnap someone and you don’t fill up? Damn!”

    “Just keep your mouth shut! Now here comes another car.”

    A red convertible pulled up beside them, with two rednecks inside.

    “Hey there, sweet thangs! Where you headed?”

    “Oh, me and my friend here are headed anywhere yall are headed!” Debbie cooed.


    “Sheet!” the redneck driving, yelled out and squealed off. Debbie had had it! She grabbed Tara by the throat!

    “This isn’t worth it! I’m killing you now!”

    “Do it!” Tara wheezed, “But you won’t be hurtin’ anyone by doing it! Alcide doesn’t give two shits about me!”

    “You’re a liar! You fucked him!”

    “So?” Tara continued to wheeze. “That wasn’t about anything. That was like that fuck between Halle Berry and Billy Bob Thornton in that movie...”

    Debbie raised a brow.

    “Monster’s Ball?”


    “Uh, they got together in the end!”

    “I didn’t see the end!” Tara rasped and Debbie slowly released her.

    “So, you don’t care anything at all about Alcide?”

    Tara rubbed her throat.

    “I didn’t say that. He’s a nice man/wolf. But there is no way we’d make it in a relationship. He would give me alot of lip. I like quieter men.”

    “Oh. Then I guess I should have kidnapped Sookie Stackhouse then, huh?”

    Tara wasn’t about to agree out loud. She sure as hell didn’t want to see Sookie kidnapped!

    “So you don’t like Alcide AT ALL?” Debbie asked.

    “Why are you asking me that?”

    “Because you did fuck him. I mean there had to be something there.”

    Tara stopped walking.

    “Look, I don’t know if you could understand this. You being a creature and all. But I’m having a hard time dealing with this bestiality shit.  I loved Eggs. And if he could’ve just come back to life as a human again, we’d be together now.”

    “So you have something against wolves?”

    “And vamps.”

    “I KNOW you were fuckin’ that scrawny vamp P.I.?! The one that worked for Russell Eddington!”

    “I know...I’ve been confused.” Tara admitted. “Eggs is a no brainer. The man is on the run now. We don’t have a future together. Franklin is a little obsessive. I don’t know how to deal with the way he loves me sometimes. And Alcide isn’t interested in me, so that’s a no brainer as well.”

    “Oh.” was all Debbie said, as a car pulled over to the side. Franklin got out. Tara’s eyes widened!

    “Franklin! Holy shit! What are you doing here?”

    “Get in the car, darling! You, bitch, can rot in the night for all I care!” Franklin sniffed. Debbie was about to say something, when Tara put a hand on her arm.

    “Franklin, uh, Debbie meant to kidnap Sookie and got me instead. This was all a mistake.”

    Franklin blinked.

    “Do you really expect me to believe that?”

    “It’s true!”

    “How in the hell does one go about making that kind of mistake? I heard you were some kind of vamp blood addict, but maybe you should get some help, if you’re making THAT kind of a mistake.” Franklin advised Debbie.

    “Fuck you, vamp! I wouldn’t take a ride from you if you were the last damned thing on this Earth.”

    “How articulate. How much of grade school did you attend? Tara, in the car, now!” Franklin ordered her.

    “We can’t just leave her out here!” Tara protested.

    “She’s a wolf. All she has to do is transform and she can run home--wherever that is. Now come, Tara. There is a chill in the air. You could catch cold.”

    Tara looked at Debbie apologetically.

    “He means business. Sorry.”

    Debbie shrugged.

    “No sweat. He’s right. I can run home.”

    “Listen, about Sookie, she does love Bill. She’s no threat to you when it comes to Alcide.”

    Debbie just nodded, then gave Franklin the finger, before changing into a wolf and running off into the night. Franklin got out of the car carrying a blanket and wrapped it around her.

    “Come, luv. We’ll get you home.”

    Tara just nodded and got in on the passenger side. Franklin closed the door and hurried over to the driver’s side. He would take her home alright! To HIS home which would now be her home! He couldn’t leave her back at that Stackhouse bitch’s home! That werewolf could visit her anytime he wanted!


    “Franklin, you said you were taking me home.”

    “This is home, Tara. Too much happens to you at Sookie’s place. I can look after you properly here at my place.”

    Tara took a deep breath before speaking.

    “I don’t want to offend you...”

    “Then don’t.”

    “Franklin! You sleep during the day! I sleep at night. I mean I don’t want to be underfoot.”

    “You won’t be.” Franklin said breezily, getting out of the car and coming around to her side. He helped Tara out.

    “Franklin, really, I don’t want to impose.”

    Franklin scrutinized her.

    “You DO want to stay with me, don’t you?”

    Tara stared at him for a long moment.

    “No,” she finally said. “I meant what I said at the police station. We’re broken up.”

    “You broke up with me. I did not break up with you.”

    “Meaning what?” Tara asked.

    “Meaning I still consider you to be mine. Which brings us to a subject that we must discuss.”

    “I’m feeling kind of tired...”

    “I just bet! Did you sleep with another werewolf? That fuck Herveaux?”

    “Really, really...really tired...”

    “OH FUCK!” Franklin screamed. “How could you? You know what? He won’t like you so much as a vampire, I’m sure!”

    Before Tara could move, Franklin grabbed her and sank his teeth into her neck, his intention being to turn her into a vampire, thus truly cementing them together! As he ignored her flailing arms and cries, Franklin was sure this would stop all of this shagging about, his beloved was doing with all sort of creatures of the night...

    Tara suddenly felt Franklin’s fangs leave her throat, as she dropped to the ground and blackness enveloping her.


    Tara remembered just brief sounds and voices during that time. Alcide had sped to Sookie’s house, carried her inside and let Bill Compton feed her some of his blood. That was immediately after her attack by Franklin.

    Day 2- Tara slept most of the day and night. Sookie had to work but left Alcide with her.

    Day 2-Night- Tara had a strange dream where in which she fucked Vampire Bill on a merry-go-round.

    Day 3-Day- Jason stopped by and told Alcide he’d spell him. Alcide fixed some soup for Tara, came back and found Jason doing something kind of suspicious. Jason claimed a fly landed on Tara’s breasts but Alcide wasn’t buying that and told him to get the fuck out!

    Day3-Night-Jason came by and apologized for the ‘fly incident’. Said he couldn’t help himself. He stayed and ate dinner with Alcide, Sookie and Bill, who didn’t mind Alcide’s presence, since it was clear he cared for Tara. Lafayette stopped by later as well.

    Day 4- Tara began to come out of it and Lafayette, who had slept over, woke Sookie up to tell her. Tara gaped at Sookie, feeling guilty, since she had dreamt of her and Bill having sex in a coffin.

    Day 4-Afternoon- Tara got up, took a shower and dressed, just as Alcide let himself in...

     Tara walked down the stairs and saw him standing there. She had a vague recollection of his being there while she was recovering.

    “Hey!” was all she could think to say, just as the phone rang.  Alcide got to it first, which Tara thought was kind of odd.

    “Stackhouse residence.” Alcide said.

    “Hey, Alcide, it’s Jason. I heard Tara was feelin’ better. Could you put her on the phone?”


    “Well, we caught Mott. We just need Tara to come down and identify him in a line up.”

    Alcide frowned. That didn’t make a bit of goddamned sense!

    “Jason, you know what he looks like. Everyone does. Why does Tara need to come down there? She just got up.”

    Tara frowned.

    “Is that Jason?”

    Alcide took the phone away from his ear and covered the mouthpiece.

    “He’s on the line with some bullshit about needin’ you to come down for a line up to identify that crazy fuck Mott.”

    Tara motioned for him to give her the phone. Alcide reluctantly did so.

    “Jason? You know what he looks like. If you have him, keep him there and I’ll come down.”

    “Tara, uh, I lied. I love you.”

    Tara blinked.


    “I love you! I’ve known it for awhile and just couldn’t say it.”

    “How long is ‘awhile’?”

    “A couple of days, I guess.”

    “Jason, please, I can’t deal with this shit right now.”

    “Okay, well the least you can do is come down and give a statement. I mean we do officially need one if we’re going to catch  him.”

    “So Franklin is on the run?”

    “I guess. Jessica hasn’t seen him and went back to work at Merlotte’s.”

    “Okay, I’ll be down.” Tara said and hung up without saying goodbye. She then stared at Alcide.

    “You saved me from Franklin, didn’t you?” she asked. Alcide nodded.

    “You know, Eggs thought turning you into a wolf would keep the two of you together. And the vamp thought the same thing. You have bad taste in men, Tara Thornton.” he said, smiling. Tara smiled back, then looked around.

    “I’m fine now. I need to get down to the station.”

    “I’ll drive you.”

    “Thanks for saving me. And looking after me. But you need to be watching Sookie’s back. And your own. Debbie is still on a rampage and she’s out to hurt you anyway she can.”

    “I can handle Debbie. And Sookie has Bill to protect her. You’re the one that needs lookin’ after. Mott doesn’t strike me as the type that will stay in hiding for long. He’ll be back. And when he does return, he’s still going to want you.” Alcide said matter-of-factly.

    “How do you know that?” Tara asked, thinking it was kind of an odd assumption to make.

    “I just do.” he said. “We’d better get going.”


    Jason eyed Alcide from afar, as he took down Tara’s official statement.

    “So then, Franklin left Debbie in the road and she turned into a wolf to get home.” Tara said.

    “And when you got back to his place, that’s when he went ape shit and tried to turn you?” Jason asked.

    “Yeah. I don’t know what to think or feel. I mean I think he just couldn’t help himself.”

    “Why? I mean what were you two arguing about that made him go crazy like that, Tara?”

    Tara half glanced over at Alcide.

    “It was nothing.”

    “Was it Sam?”


    “Yeah. I get the feelin’ something happened between the two of you.” Jason asked. Tara stood up.

    “Jason, there’s not much more to this. Let me know if you find out anything, okay?”

    Jason stood up.

    “You know I will. Tara, I meant what I said. I love you.”

    Tara smiled wanly and Alcide, who overheard that, made his way over.

    “You through over here?” he asked, eyeing Jason. Tara tore her eyes off of Jason’s.

    “We are. I should get home and get changed. I have to get back to work.”

    “You’re still recovering.” Alcide argued.

    “I’m fine. And I can’t keep doing this to Sam.” Tara said, turning back to Jason.

    “I’ll see you.”

    “I’ll be in to Merlotte’s tonight.” Jason said, and his gaze moved from Tara, to Alcide, who emitted a low pitched feral growl, as he glared at Jason.

    “What the hell are you lookin’ at?” Jason snapped. Tara glanced between both men, before Alcide grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the police station. Once they returned to Sookie’s, Tara waited until they got into the house to let loose on him!

    “Alcide, I appreciate you saving me from Franklin, but who I want to see is none of your concern!”

    Alcide slammed the door!

    “You’re tellin’ me you want to see that fuck?! He doesn’t care anything about you, Tara! And he’s the last thing you need!”

    “And suddenly you’re an expert about what I need?!”

    Alcide’s answer was to pull her to him and lock his mouth onto hers. Tara did not bother to protest as she kissed him back, all the while helping to undress him and herself. She gasped as Alcide lifted her by her buttocks, pistoning her hot, enfolding flesh onto his cock.

    Tara felt herself carried towards a wall and pinned there, while Alcide ferociously raised and lowered her on the massive extension of his manhood. Locked in a tight grip of desire and passion, they did not hear keys jingling at the door, as Sookie fumbled to get inside to check up on her friend....

    Also at that very moment, a car with the sign ‘JUST MARRIED’  hanging off of it, sped past the ‘Welcome to Bon Temps’ sign. Inside, was Franklin Mott and Debbie Pelt. Or Debbie Pelt Mott.

    “I can’t believe I fell for that bitch’s lies! All that bullshit about Alcide meaning nothin’ to her!” Debbie snapped. Franklin nodded coldly.

    “I can’t believe I thought Eggs was the only obstacle.” he replied. “But not to worry. Our marriage is just the beginning of our revenge on Tara and Alcide.”

This story archived at http://https://www.valentchamber.com/vault/viewstory.php?sid=1153