Penname: got2luvmel [Contact]

Real name: Mel

Member Since: 10/11/11

Membership status: Member



I'm Mel... I'm a perpetual bookworm, I read any and everything, and I write romance—erotica, historical, suspense, and interracial. And, although I am quite the procrastinator, I'm quite determined to be published in the future. Stories posted here are solely for practice and my amusement, if others enjoy them that's even better.

As an aspiring author I can be a bit anal when reviewing and tend to digress, but I'm pretty laid back when it comes to people's tastes. Hey, If You Like It, I Love It (that's my motto)...

My General Review: All great writers use an editor (beta); don't post a story nor updates without having an experienced one look over it first. If you don't have enough respect for your writing at least have some for your audience. 

Beta-reader: No

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