Yeonwang by DarkandLovely

She would always be his Queen. In this life and in the next. 





Categories: Original Fiction Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Action-Adventure , Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Historical, Romance
Story Status: Active
Pairings: None
Warnings: Character Death, Graphic Violence, Original Characters, Racism, Sexual Content , Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed , Work in Progress
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 51 Completed: Yes Word count: 199825 Read: 106314 Published: January 10 2020 Updated: December 03 2022
열하나 by DarkandLovely
Author's Notes:

** This chapter will include traditional Korean and Afrobeat performances. Links to videos will be placed at the bottom of the chapter as to not disturb the chapter.** 









The gates opened and in the five of them trotted only to receive a collective cry of joy. He held fast as Dong-Il galloped further inside until he reached the main palace courtyard. There stood his father and there was more grey in his hair and beard than there had been before he’d left. My, how the months had changed him. Changed them both.

    “Cheol-Su-ah…” He stepped forward to hug him. 

    “Welcome back my son. Welcome home.” He didn’t move to hug him back but he leaned onto him a little, accepting the touch. 

    “Oh thank the heavens!” His mother rushed forward and crushed him in a tight hug. 

    “My darling boy…I heard what happened…”  Mishil stood next to their mother, waiting for a turn. There off in the corner stood Hyung-nim. Feeling his jaw grow tight, he leaned down to kiss her cheeks and those of their younger sister.

    “What happened you say?” He asked, lifting eyes to his eldest brother. 

    “We were told that you were attacked by a band of thieves! I cannot imagine the fright you must have endured! I told your Father not to let you go.” Thieves they said. Hm.

    “I went and I returned. Are you not proud of me?”

    “Of course I am! My darling boy.” As she pulled him away, she praised him for finally starting to let his hair grow, the strands nearing his shoulders. 

    “Are you not happy to see your brother Seo Jun? You’ve not said a word since he arrived.” Their father commented, eyes shrewd and lips tight. He looked like a tea pot that was set to boil over, red face included. Approaching him, he outstretched his hand. 

    “Welcome home little brother. It’s good to see you made it back to us unharmed and safe.” Swallowing the lump in his throat, he only gave him a nod, forgoing any form of physical contact. If he touched him, he’d take him down.

    “It’s good to be home Hyung-nim. Very good indeed.”

    “Cheol-Su. Come. Let us talk.” The command came from his father and he pulled away from the rest of his family, chest tight. Oh yes, things most definitely had changed in his absence and they would never again be the same. 




    Hae collapsed on her bed with a content sigh. 

    “Thank gods we are home! That bed from Song was hurting my back like crazy.” She chuckled at the woman who lifted a fist to pound her back playfully. 

    “Thank gods for Korean soil hm?”

    “Yes. Gods yes.” Smiling at her, she pushed up her hair that she had fashioned in small single braids. The golden twine she’d weaved through the hair. 


    “So what?”

    “You left here a girl of seventeen summers and you’ve returned now a woman of battle.”

    “Yes and?”

    “When will you too be made a woman in the flesh?” Her face flushed red and her eyes grew wide. 

    “E-Excuse me?” Hae grinned in a quite unladylike manner.

    “It’s cute…the tension between you and Wangja-nim.” She sighed. 

    “I understand. Really I do. About keeping it quiet. Keeping it hidden. But at some point, the two of you will have to cease with the games. It’s not fair to either of your hearts.”

    “And what if we get caught? They would kill me with no hesitation. Would have done so a long time ago if not for Wangja-nim. I’m not stupid. I know that he and he alone is my saving grace for this life.” Hae smirked. 

    “So you do finally admit you feel something for him.” She lowered her gaze and gripped her fingers tightly behind her. 

    “I-It’s not…I’m not…” 

    “Not possible?” The woman smiled and lifted up. 

    “My dear friend, any and everything is possible. Nothing is off limits, at least not behind closed doors. If you so chose, you could be with him every night and no one would know of it. Depending on how quiet you kept yourself.” 

    “No…No I wouldn’t do that. I couldn’t…couldn’t do that. He has obligations. He’s set to be married…I can’t get in the way of that.” 

    “You’re afraid.” Her lips parted. 

    “Rest assured my dear…he’s experienced the same amount of fear as you. Perhaps for years and years now.” Hae smiled and took her hand. 

    “He’s moved past the fear of what could be and what shall not be. Instead, he’s decided that the love he feels for you is more important… more powerful than any sentence fellow man may declare against he or you.” She felt her heart pound against her chest. 

    “Lying to yourself does neither one of you any good. If he has the courage to challenge not just his way of life but the idea of possibly sacrificing his very own destiny for you…then… perhaps…perhaps that is the way you can repay him for giving you this life. Repay him with honesty. And with your love. I’m sure that nothing more would satisfy him.”Squeezing her hand, she pulled away, nothing more of it coming from her. 

    “Tonight they will be holding a grand celebration for the return of Goryeo’s future King. Left a boy now returning a man. I expect to see you there dear friend.” Smiling to herself, she left her in search of good ol Korean cooking, something that her stomach had missed on its journey away from home. 




    The sound of the Buk and Janggu created a thunderous clap in the hall; Gayageum and Daegeum created piercing soul shattering sound, filling up the spirit with emotion. Dancers dressed as Cheoyong, the son of the Dragon King, lifted their arms, each covered in an extra long  sleeve, white and graceful. They swayed to the music, outstretching their sleeves towards him, asking the gods for more favor to be granted upon him, more favor and tranquility. Seated on a dais, he closed his eyes for a moment, just breathing in the air. The wood from the fires left a smoky warm scent in the air. Combined with the sweet smells that drifted up from the dancers, he swallowed trying to take it all in. It was good. It was heavy. It was home. 

    “Oppa-nim, I think you should see this.” A line of gisaeng started for the pavilion and his mouth dropped as he caught one holding on to Tiye, arms linked. Seo Jun barked his laughter, eyes filling with condescending tears. 

    “The whores have adopted your little slave. Gods. What are we coming to?” He said nothing as he turned to look at him. Fists tight, they gripped the arms of his chair. His mouth snarled up but he said nothing in return. Now was not the time. He’d have his moment of retribution. 

    Pressing his teeth down onto his tongue, he inhaled deeply through his nostrils and turned his gaze back towards the group of women. The women were dressed as warriors. They were going to perform Geommu. One of his favorite performances since he’d been little. Tiye wasn’t dressed as one and he knew she wasn’t going to perform but the thought tickled him. 

    Licking his lips, he watched her lift her chima and move along beat with the women as the dance began. Her small brown feet lightly stomped into the ground and her body moved different than the others… more fluid…like water. 

    “My, how she moves.” Seo Jun commented, eyes watching the way her hips rolled along with the beat of the drums. 

    “I imagine she rides the same exact way. Draws you into her very soul just before she devours you.” His eyes found his brother again and this time, his nails dug into the ends of the chair. 

    “I’m certain those in the harem would be happy to entice your fantasies Seo Jun.” Their father spoke quietly, his expression signaling his inappropriate comments to cease. 

    “Indeed Father. Indeed.” The sound of the daegeum and piri intensified, silencing all the spectators. Relaxing his fingers, he turned towards the performance. Inhaling deeply, he closed his eyes and let the music drown him. In time all would change. In due time.







    The women danced before her, twirling and twisting kal around their bodies. For reasons unexplainable to her, her eyes filled with tears as she watched Hae dance so elegantly and gracefully. The dance… she wanted to know more of it. It was beautiful to see. Women in military dress showcasing their inner power and strength. All to honor and show their humility towards one man. 

    Tearing her gaze away from the women, she looked upwards towards the elevated dais. He sat to the right of his Father, leg crossed, foot tapping against the arm of the chair. His obsidian hair had been lifted and placed inside of a silver holder. Clothed in a mint and dark teal blue hanbok, silver dragon patterns popped on his chest. Biting her lip, she swallowed. His face was stony and his gaze hard. Something she noticed had been a permanent fixture since their journey to Song.

    Taking a deep breath, she gathered up some of her chima between her fingers. For her comfort and hers alone, she’d tried to keep him in the safety net of being Wangja-nim. The gentle hearted and wide smiled boy who did his best to make her laugh when tears met her. The boy whose eyes danced with humor and mischief when they roamed the lands, playing until they both grew fatigued. The boy who held her close every single night, chasing away the nightmares of her former handlers. 

    Lifting her gaze from the ground, she found him again. That boy had grown taller. That boy’s once slender formless body had changed, hard defined muscle and broad shoulders now clothing him. Thin reedy legs now shapely and toned. His hair, once cut close to his scalp in rebellion now neared his shoulders. Within a month’s time or two, she guessed that it would travel past his shoulders. His hair always grew so fast. In the haze of the drum, in the delicate beauty that existed in the swirling bodies, she admitted a truth. The boy that he once was had now come into his own. And now, without a shadow of a doubt…he was now a man. 

    The tinkle of the kal triggered something in him and at the moment the women stopped dancing… their gazes locked. There, the hard countenance faded and curiosity instead drifted into his features. Lifting an eyebrow, his silent question would remain unanswered. Because she found that she didn’t have the courage yet to answer with her mouth…the way her body answered. Dropping her gaze, she closed her eyes and let the applause from the crowd cover her. Feeling a hand on her arm, she opened her eyes to see Hae grinning as they left the stage. 

    “Your prince looks this way dear friend.” Taking in her laugh, a small smile teased her lips as she pulled her away from his presence. 






    “What happened?” Lifting firm eyes up to his father, he licked his lips. 

    “Do you not believe what was told to you Father?” The man’s jaw tightened. 

    “Some parts of it remain questionable.”

    “Is that so?”

    “The men I employed to accompany you. Why did they not return with you?”

    “Did they ever accompany me at all?” At that, his Father began to pace. 

    “I didn’t see them off the morning you left.”

    “What then could have happened I wonder?” 

    “Cheol-Su. Enough with the riddles and rhymes.” Pressing his hands upon the table, he leaned forward.     

    “Tell me what happened.”

    “Your eldest son knows the answer to that. But he will never tell you the truth. It’s a good thing though that I know.” Standing, the next words out of his mouth sent chills down the man’s spine. 

    “Everything will come to the light sooner or later. I’ll make sure of that.” Feeling his Father’s eyes burn holes into his back, he slid open the door and left him to wonder. Throat tight and jaw clenched, the sting of fury teased the side of his belly and as he went in search of Tiye, it only increased. 

    “Cheol-su-ah!” Pausing, he turned to see Jae-Hwa heading towards him. 

    “You’ve returned.” She commented, a smile on her lips and a blush on fair cheeks. 

    “I have.” He answered blandly, his emotionless gaze making her swallow thickly. 

    “Thank goodness you’ve come home safely.”



    “If you’d excuse me…” He started to turn around but she grabbed his hand, gripping tightly. 

    “I know where you intend to go. To the musori. Right?” He didn’t answer. 

    “You’ve grown heartless in your time away. The woman who you shall wed has waited for you to return this whole time. Anxiously. And yet you have no more to say but you must go.” He took his time facing her, jaw still clenched. 

    “Do you not think I’ve suffered? In your absence? Not knowing if you should return to me alive?” 

    “Jae-Hwa,” She tightened her grip on his hand, the force bruising. 

    “Please. I am not one of your men. I am me. It is me.” At that, he with a breath, released all the tension from his body and his facial features softened. Firm but relaxed.

    “My apologies.” 

    “Will you stay with me tonight? Please?” It took him the longest time before he answered. 




    “Sometimes you have to teach men how to please you.” 

    “The royal accountant has been trained well thanks to me. He’s become quite the expert with his tongue.”

    “The only one still needing training would seem to be Wangja-nim.” At the mention of his name, she looked up, having Hae’s fingers gently combing through her wet hair with her fingers. 

    “Wangja-nim?” The small group of women who had been talking grinned at her. 

    “Hae how was he the last you had him?”

    “He was spectacular.”


    “He wasn’t for you?”

    “He laid there like a limp board. No movements. No reactions to anything I did. Quite boring.” The women shared laughter. 

    “It’s not that he doesn’t know what to do. It’s just that he doesn’t want to.” The women agreed. 

     “He truly is impressive otherwise. His member is a beauty to witness. It grew up like a big tall tree the more I stroked him and I must say that it was fascinating to watch. He has perfect girth and length.” Her cheeks grew warm and she coughed, tightening her grip on her hands. 

    “You gotta get him drunk. When he’s drunk he’s much more participatory. Right Hae?” Pulling her fingers from her hair, she hugged her close. 

    “Ladies you forget that some of us are still innocent in the bedroom area. Calm it down some.” Eyes turned to her. 

    “Tiye, you’ve never been with a man before?” Not trusting her mouth, she just shook her head. 

    “Not even with Wangja-nim? We’ve heard stories.”

    “N-no.” The group of women crowded her. 

    “That’s hard to believe. You’re always with him. Under him I’m told.”

    “Where are you hearing these things?” She shot back suddenly indignant. 

    “Those are just rumors Jae-Ri and didn’t she just tell you she’s never been with him. You’ll believe anything.”  The woman pursed her lips and backed off, leaving the younger girls to take her from Hae. 

    “I think it’s cute. That you’ve never been with him.”

    “Yeah, I remember my first time. It wasn’t pleasant.”

    “Well mine was. I got lucky to fuck one of the guards that stands watch in the North gate… the one I had a crush on? Turns out that he liked me too. That made our first time pleasurable.” The girls all looked at her. 

    “Will you bed him someday?” At that her eyes grew wide and her mouth flopped open. 

    “Girls enough. Come on now, let’s clean up and get ready for tonight.” Hae shooed them away with a laugh. 


    “Don’t listen to them dear friend. When it is time…you will know. Come, let’s get ready for the feast.” 




    Eyes watched the woman fill his cup with soju. If he had it his way, it would be laced with poison. Watching him drink made his insides twist. This was not how it was supposed to go. This was not the plan. Myung-Dae had failed in the most gravest of ways. How hard was it to kill the bastard? If he knew like he did, it wouldn’t take much. The little son of a bitch had always been a cry baby and found solace in their mother’s bosom rather than in the sword. Tightening his grip on his cup, he swallowed his infuriation. So his plan had been foiled. And he knew that he knew what he’d attempted to do. For now, they both had to play it cool. But for how long that would last he wasn’t sure. 

    Turning eyes onto the woman, he licked his lips. He lamented in the reality that he couldn’t have had her stuffed lower half situated around his shaft day and night. But then perhaps her living form was better. She couldn’t hide from him all the time and not for long anyway. She might have had fun in her little fantasy world the time they’d been gone. But he’d be glad to reacquaint her with the reality of court life. Smirking, he watched as she stood up, hanbok accentuating her curves. It would most certainly be his pleasure. 





    Watching the pair, she gripped her chima so hard her knuckles grew white. If she could, she would create a vast distance between them. He smiled at her as a form of thank you and she quietly kneeled back away from him. Sujecheon filled the room and most of the court were contemplative, full with food and drink. The delicate sound that existed in the arrangement was said to be the most beautiful. But, there was only one thing… one person rather that she felt was most unwelcome. It was unnatural to have someone like her here. Gripping her cup, she pinched her lips together. 

    “You’re seething.” Turning towards Mishil, she took a sip. 

    “Why is she here?” Mishil chuckled, lifting her cup. 

    “She is a servant is she not?”

    “Her presence offends me to the greatest extent. All over him.” His sister said not a word, only smiled to herself as she too observed the pair. She sat off by the door, eyes down as was appropriate. 

    “WHERE ARE THE GISAENG?” Humored eyes found their brother eyes aglow with intoxication.

    “Jae Hwa.” Turning fuming eyes towards his sister, she scowled. 

    “Are you not his future Queen? Are you not his future wife? Surely, you aren’t going to allow a cheonmin to upset you.” Inhaling sharply, she glanced over at her again. 

    “YOU!” The woman made a sound of protest as Seo Jun strolled over to the girl and roughly grabbed her up. Her heart sunk as Cheol Su stood, features dark with fury. 

    “Let her go Hyung-nim.”

    “I want to see her dance. Don’t you? Hm? She is good at everything else. Warming your bed. Sucking me off.” Shoving her towards the middle of the room, the instrumentalists suddenly stopped playing as she fell in front of them. 

    “Surely, she’s good at shaking that gigantic ass of hers too.” Adorned with slender cylindrical gold beads, her short braids rattled against the floor as she stayed low and still. 

    “WHERE ARE THE FUCKING GISAENG? BRING THEM HERE.” He hollered towards some of the gungnyeo that lingered by the doors. Jumping, they quickly exited, going in search of the requested women. All was still and quiet as the noble men and women held their breaths. 

    “Sit down son.” Turning furious eyes onto their father who sat on a seat of jade and gold, he moved not. 

    “Is she not a person?” He asked, eyes gliding across the men and women who appeared comfortable, privileged and without care. 

    “She is cheonmin.” Jae Hwa spoke up, sneer on her face. 

    “You heard him musori. Dance. Entertain us.”  

    “Tiye, you don’t-”

    “Sit down Cheol Su. Now.” His father ordered, gaze stern, lips beginning to pinch. Clenching his teeth and jaw, he slowly sat back down, nails digging into his palms. The girl finally moved and slowly stood to her feet. The door slid open to find several of the gisaeng that had been forcefully roused from their sleep. They quietly entered, reverent bows towards the King, Queen, and members of the royal family. 

    “Play.” Seo Jun ordered the musicians and at once, they began to beat the buk and janggu. The holy sound of the gayageum and daegeum filled the room. She lifted her chima slightly, exposing her ankles and held it at the waist, bunching it slightly. A chill ran across her as she watched the woman begin to dance, pointing her toes outwards on the beat. Suddenly, she let the chima go and lifted her leg slightly before starting to sway her body along the melody of the strings. Seo Jun grinned, licking his lips before lifting yet another cup to his mouth. 

    “Good. Very good.” He praised as she turned, rolling her hips. In that moment, every eye was on her, captivated as she twirled. Her chima created a cloud of elegance about her small body as it funneled out. Bending low, she made a popping motion with her derriere and some of the women gasped, covering their faces with small delicate fans. The men, however, greedily soaked up her sensual movements like water in rice. When at last she stopped, the air was tense, tight and uncomfortable. Breathing heavily, she didn’t move, awaiting a response, an order, something. 

    “You’ve done enough for tonight. Retire.” The King ordered her and at once, she bowed, rushing out of there. She didn’t even acknowledge Cheol Su, who looked so many things. Taken aback. Surprised. Angry. Impressed. Even… a tad bit aroused.

    “Gisaeng, entertain us now.” Taking their places and their fans, they began. For the first time since the evening started, a sense of normalcy, civilization and order crept back up. For the first time since the evening started, she was comfortable again. But as she glanced upon her future husband, her stomach began twisting in knots.

End Notes:


A/N: HAPPY HAPPY. Y'all know what day it is hehe. FRIYAYYYYY!! Whoop Whoop!! Whew. One: This chapter took A LOT of research. Hopefully it reflects that. I literally spent HOURS UPON HOURS on youtube lol. I have pictures, videos of performances and gifs below. Two: SEO HUN A UGLY HATIN A** BIH. Three: I also have another surprise... ANOTHER UPDATE! lol. Being a nurse aide, amid this crisis we got going on, things have so far been kinda slow but I've been told that it is the calm before the storm. The hospital I work at is preparing for an mass influx projected within the next week or two SO with that said, understandbly I may or may not have the energy or time to update after my shifts lol. Just a heads up! Leave your thoughts below guys! Love you! God bless each and every one of you reading! 











Geommu (I've also seen it spelled Geomgimu):


Kal: Knives used in Geommu:








The way Cheol-su looked at his brother upon arriving home:


His fits this chapter:

How I imagine him to have been looking at Tiye at the end of the chapter:




This story archived at http://