Yeonwang by DarkandLovely

She would always be his Queen. In this life and in the next. 





Categories: Original Fiction Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Action-Adventure , Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Historical, Romance
Story Status: Active
Pairings: None
Warnings: Character Death, Graphic Violence, Original Characters, Racism, Sexual Content , Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed , Work in Progress
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 51 Completed: Yes Word count: 199825 Read: 106315 Published: January 10 2020 Updated: December 03 2022
열다섯 by DarkandLovely
Author's Notes:

*traditional Korean performance and an African inspired performance will be attached below as to not distrb the chapter* 


*explicit depictions of love making within. Be forwarned.*








    Her earrings were light in her ears and her chima had been tailored just right to fit her shape. The full skirt billowed out every step she took and she left her feet bare. Her braids were pulled up away from her face, the gold beads he’d gifted her adorning them. Anklets produced a sweet soft tinkle when she took a step. 

    “Tiye-ah?” Looking up, she saw Hae standing in the doorway and smiled toward the woman.

    “Hm?” She replied, soft inviting smile on her lips. 

    “Everyone is enjoying themselves. Will you not too?” 

    “I intend to.”

    “On this night of a full moon, your prince awaits you.”

    “As does his consort. The King and Queen and his relatives. I shall entertain them all.”

    “Yes but when you dance, dance as though he is the only one in the room.” Hae took her hand. 

    “Give yourself permission my dear friend.”

    “Permission for what?” Smiling, she began to lead her towards the door. 

    “Permission to let yourself feel what you know in your heart to be true.” As she pulled her into the room full of royalty, of officers, their wives, King, Queen and their courts… only one stole her breath and she feared that on this night, she might never get it back.  






    “So you’ve trained her as a gisaeng?” They all watched as she sat on the floor, gayageum soon placed on her lap. 

    “This is completely laughable. How can you think that someone like her understands our culture? Our way of living? Our music?” Jae-Hwa scoffed, lips pinched tightly as she began to tune the instrument. 

    “Why not?” Mishil countered, eyes lighting up with interest. 

    “I thought you hated her too.” Jae-Hwa complained, pouting childishly.

    “While I don’t care much for her, I must say that her spirit is admirable.” They all turned to look at her again. 

    “She’s made do with what she has been given and Oppa-nim has rewarded her for that.” 


    “She’ll never be one of us. But she is the one who helped bring him back home to us all from Song’s disaster. She’s even tamed his temper wouldn’t you say?” 

    “What temper?” He teased, smirking at his sister.  Jae-Hwa narrowed her eyes but said nothing more as she began to play suddenly, stroking the strings delicately. To her displeasure, he’d had her attend gisaeng training. The idea had tickled him until it had to be put into motion. She learned fast and dance was as natural to her as breathing. He’d entrusted Hae with the training and had secretly attended some of the trainings himself. To say he was pleased would be a vast understatement. He was shaping her into someone she had always been destined to be… from the start. Full of intellect and beauty, wit and charm, grit and endurance. 

    “I think she does well. Does she not?” He mused, welcoming more soju. 

    “Hm.” The ensemble ended and she bowed her head before them all. 

    “She’s actually somewhat good.” The praise came from their mother of all people and the look of surprise humored him. He enjoyed proving them wrong… in more ways than one. Tiye was no ordinary woman and he’d do his damndest to show them all that. 

    “The musori would like now to dance for you.”

    “Dance how?” Hae looked proud as she continued, 

    “She originates from a far away land, a land that is rich in both culture as well as movement. It is her desire to share some of that movement with you.” All eyes fell onto the King. He lifted his hand in approval. Slowly, she reached up and began to untie her jeogori, a beautiful cream and red one, sleeves adorned with golden trim. As it drifted to the floor, audible inhales were taken. She lifted her chima up, up past the tinkling anklets. Up to her knees. 

    Duk and janggu began to sound, a thunderous rumble that drifted up. The familiar sounds of Ganggangsullae began and some of the attendants started to clap as she began to roll her hips. Some of the gisaeng stood and started to dance in small circles, hands joined. The tinkling from her ankles appropriately matched the beat and she began to crouch low, somehow still moving her rear to each individual strike of the janggu.

    “It’s hypnotizing…” Even Jae-Hwa had to admit, her mouth dropped open. She lifted and her chima came up even higher, now around her thighs. It was at that moment that she began to gyrate slowly, body resembling a smooth wave of water. Moving her head to the side, her braids flipped the opposite way, cascading slightly past her shoulders. The beads clattered together, producing a beautiful sound all on their own. Licking his lips, he reached for his cup of soju, eyes drifting down her body. 

    “She’s provocative is she not?” He spoke as their eyes met. Thrusting her hips back, her eyes found his again. Taking a sip, his groin responded to her bewitching movements, her body seeming to speak a language he wanted to indulge in. Her gaze lowered and the clatter of her beads rustled behind her back as she lifted her hand, pushing them away from her face. When at last the frenzy of the drums stopped, she lowered on her knees and bowed before them all. Chest heaving, she allowed the gisaeng to cover her with her jeogori as slow applause began to sound. 


    She bowed low, turning her body towards them, face touching the floor in reverence and highest form of respect for the King and the Queen. Lifting, their gazes met once more. His followed her to the door and only when the door was shut did it drop. 

    “You’re drooling Oppa-nim.”

    “Am I?” He asked, clearing his throat. 

    “After a performance like that, I think the harem is going to be very full tonight.”

    “Indeed.” He said quietly, drinking his remaining soju. 





    “Did you see Wangja-nim’s face?” 

    “I haven’t seen that look since I last bedded him.” Hae said with a grin, pulling her close. 

    “You’ve awakened the dragon dear friend. Are you prepared to tame him?” She whispered into her ear with a giggle. Feeling flushed, she felt herself smile. 

    “Ladies, I think we need to freshen up. We’re about to be very busy thanks to Tiye here.” Jae-Ri complained with an eye roll, lips pursed. Sucking her teeth at her, she ignored her vehement gaze, reaching up instead to take off her earrings. 

    “Something is different…between you two.” Hae said softly as she observed her in her taking down of the minimal makeup. 

    “I’ve…I’ve decided to stop hiding what I feel.” 

    “And Wangja-nim?” 

    “He’s decided the same thing.” Hae squealed and wrapped arms around her, jumping around happily. 

    “Thank the gods! Finally!” Biting her lip, she blushed. 

    “My heart, as foolish as it may be, cannot stop what it feels. And whatever consequences that may come…I….I’ll face them.” Hugging her tightly, she smiled against her temple. 

    “I believe that Wangja-nim desires to see you by his side. In a way that even you haven’t comprehended.” Letting her go, she proudly watched as she stood and gave her a look. One of thanks. One of solidarity. And one of deep love and respect. Swallowing up the conflicting feelings in her chest, she forced the fear that lingered in her mind away and opened the door, letting her feet lead her towards his chambers. Tonight, she’d live in her truth. Tonight, she would allow herself to be just the tiniest bit selfish. 




    His heart leapt inside of his chest as he neared the doors to his chambers. A sweet spicy smell permeated in the hallways and he licked his lips, knowing just who it belonged to. The sound of a woman humming came from within and he swallowed down the doubts, the anxiety and thoughts of fear. Behold, who existed behind the door was not just a friend. After this night, she’d be much more come morning. Lifting fingers to the door, he slid it open slowly. Stepping inside, the burn of the soju in his belly did nothing to combat the burn of passion, the rush of blood that shot below his navel, with such an intensity it paused his steps. She stood by one of the windows, jeogori off and folded. Like always, baji, jeoksam and a bound chest appeared in his visage. Feet bare. 

    “A part of me thought you’d be in the harem. Hiding.” Lifting her gaze, she smiled softly. 

    “I thought about it.”

    “What made you change your mind?” 

    “A memory.” Slowly, she came towards him, lifting hands to press against his jeogori, silk vividly red and smooth. 

    “What memory was that?” He asked, caressing her cheek with his index finger. 

    “Do you remember when we were but children…that night the moon was high? What drew us both from our sleep?” His manhood suddenly throbbed as the memory flittered across his mind. Her a girl. Him a boy. Both fourteen summers. Drawn to the horse stalls by curious sounds. 

    “I remember.” His voice was guttural. 

    “I’d never seen anything so primitive.” She continued, having been made bold by the rice wine.

    “But still it fascinated you.” Smiling, she bit her lip and let her hands glide down taunt biceps, the jeogori soon wafting to the ground. 

    “The way they moved… the sounds of hard intense passion…I’ve never forgotten it Wangja-nim.”  Slipping hands inside of his sokjeodori, she paused them right above his heart. Reaching down, he cupped her cheeks. 

    “It is not a wangja that stands before you sweet one.” He whispered, pressing his lips against her cheek. Catching her chin between his fingers, he brought her lips to his in a kiss. 

    “It is I, Wang Cheol Su.” Taking her mouth again, he gently tasted her with his tongue, coaxing her shy one to play. Humming against her mouth, his hands left her face and slid down across her small brown shoulders. Pulling away from him, she took shaky breaths, mouth almost gasping for air. 

    “Am I to call you by that name my lord?” She breathed, lifting heavy lidded eyes upwards. He urged her body back against his desk. Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to her shoulder, jeoksam slipped to her elbow.

    “Should you wish to stay in my good grace it is the only name that will pass your lips tonight.” 




    The hushed low conversation of earlier had turned into something else… something that stabbed her heart the more she listened. Soft whimpers and mewls now pierced the airways and it made her throat tighten. Lifting a shaky hand, she opened the door just a tad, eyes desperately needing to affirm what she heard. He had her pressed back against the desk, her jeoksam completely discarded. Her chest wrappings had been removed and the light linen had slipped to the floor. Jealousy zipped through her, observing how passionately he kissed her, tongue confidently stroking hers. Their fingers entwined on the desk. He roamed his tongue across her neck, soon taking the flesh between his teeth. He seemed to take his time, tasting his treat with gentle yet seductive contemplation. 

    “How long I’ve wanted this…dreamt of this.” His voice was quiet but husky, a tone she’d never before heard. Lifting a hand from hers, he part her lips with his thumb. 

    “From the moment I happened by you, standing by the bath…I wanted to have you.” Her breath was shaky and uneven but even so… the yearning and desire that existed in her eyes spoke louder than any word could. 

    “So many nights I laid tormented. Only to awake in the morning with nothing but intense ache in my loins.” She nibbled on her lip as his fingers dropped, skimming her sternum. Taking her other hand, he lifted it and slipped it downward, toward a quite obvious bulge. 

    “Ache such as this.” Guiding her hand, he carefully teased the erection that begged to be freed, drawing a hiss from him. She leaned up and kissed him, taking in the small soft little groans that vibrated against her lips. Hands suddenly freed, she slipped fingers into his hair, the feel of the silky raven strands luxurious. 

    “Now you shall ache no more…” Fingers gripped the edge of the door so hard that fingers turned white. For a moment, they both moved not, eyes staring into each other’s very soul it seemed. Slowly, the silent conversation ended and of her own accord, she brought his hand up to her breast. Gently, he leaned down and pressed his lips against the shapely mass, fingers coming to grip her side. Soon, his lips kissed the smooth skin and a tongue inched out between pillowy lips to tease the small erect nipple. Her moan was clear and breathy but it gave him the okay he needed to continue, choosing to enclose his mouth around the engorged bud. 

    Leaning her head back, mouth slightly ajar, she opened sleepy eyes to watch the same thing she saw…a man eagerly devouring the delectable flesh beneath him, letting it go with a soft wet pop. As he kissed the other lonely breast, he took the shiny nipple between his fingers and gently pinched, bringing a surprised little mewl from her. She arched her back, body jolting as he did it again, this time rolling the bud around. 

    “Does that feel good?” Her stomach rolled around in knots and she felt her eyes well with tears, taking in the breathy moan of the woman. Pleased with her answer, he attacked the other breast until he found its state acceptable and too let it go with another soft suck. Pulling her even closer, he kissed licked and nipped his way up her neck and soon adorned her bruised lips with a soul shifting kiss. Without another word, he lifted her up into his arms and turned, heading for the bed of furs that would soon see their passion released. 

    Feeling the tears come down her cheeks, she bit her lip to quiet herself and slowly shut the door, unable to stomach any more of what was going on. Turning, she ran, heart heavy with so many emotions. 

End Notes:

A/N: HAPPY FRIDAY FAMILY! Okay so before we dive into the chapter... I'll tell y'all a bit of what I'm working on with a VERY TALENTED AND BEAUTIFUL WOC artist. She goes by te-al-latte on tumblr and I've commissioned her to draw three of our favorite couples. Cheol-su and Tiye being one of them!! She's been in the works of the piece and I have to tell you guys... it is BEAUTIFUL! It is PERFECT! I am so in love and I hope y'all like it too when she's finished! One other is Joon and Kira from Forever Sea. The third I won't say yet lol. OKAY, now that THAT is done, commentary for chapter is underway LOL 

Sooooo our prince and princess have done a lil boom boom lol. boom boom BOOM lol. I had this WHOLE chapter in my head for WEEKS y'all. WEEKS Y'ALL HEAR ME lol. I love it. I love THEM. I love everything about it and I want to give the two of them more beautiful moments... for as long as I can. Jae-Hwa is AH-NOY-YING. Likeeeeeeee she so threatened by our little lady SO MUCH and if her life wasn't in the balance it would be funny. PAH. 

As with each chapter, I do my very best to do as much research as I can prior to creating. From my research, a couple things elude to the intimacy of Cheol-Su and Tiye in this chapter. With it being a full moon, ganggangsullae performed (fertility, etc), him wearing red (which I read was a color that of many things represented male virility) ALL THIS WAS A RECIPE FOR THE BOOM BOOM LOL. 

ALSO! I'd like to make a distinction here. Gisaeng were N-O-T prostitutes. However, there were levels of gisaeng and Hae and the other women being cheonmin are at the lowest of the totem pole. Having said that, they could not refuse any advancement from male counterparts and often found themselves victims of the nobility. They had no power, no authority and no say to refuse. This is why they reside in the harem and are seen as "whores" by members of the court and Seo Jun. Because to them... that's exactly what they are.  

Okay, I have another chapter update for you hehe. 

Enjoy hehe. 




Tiye's hanbok:

Cheol-su's hanbok (Visual is the beautiful Kang Ha Neul who I used as Cheol-su's visual in the Yeonwang trailer):

Her braids (bringing this picture back):

Things I thought fit this chapter lol:


Tiye's performance:



A folk dance performed only by women during Chuseok or at night under a full moon. It is a dance of fertility, harvest and I would say even freedom.



This story archived at http://