Yeonwang by DarkandLovely

She would always be his Queen. In this life and in the next. 





Categories: Original Fiction Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Action-Adventure , Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Historical, Romance
Story Status: Active
Pairings: None
Warnings: Character Death, Graphic Violence, Original Characters, Racism, Sexual Content , Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed , Work in Progress
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 51 Completed: Yes Word count: 199825 Read: 106332 Published: January 10 2020 Updated: December 03 2022
스물다섯 by DarkandLovely
Author's Notes:










    “Sister.” Turning, she found Aahhotep and Shen-pe-uts-neter behind her, both looking quite worried. 


    “Are you not concerned? Your man could die.” Smiling, she rose form her position of prayer before the Goddess B’sst. 

    “Sekhemrekhutawy is strong. I think you mean to underestimate him.” 

    “It’s not that…it’s just…. he’s going to wrestle a whole beast. What if he’s not quick enough?” Aahhotep furthered, brow worried with concern. 

    “Sister, I side with Tiye on this one. Just because he is foreign does not mean he is less than.”

    “Obviously I don’t care about him being foreign. Those concerns died three years ago. We have adopted him into the royal family as a son of Ra. We’ve christened him, given him a name, even taught him our language. He is one of us. My concern is his mortality.” 

    “Fear not. Sekhemrekhutawy is full of might. I have witnessed his strength with my own eyes. He will prevail.” 

    “Should he desire Tiye’s hand, this is something he must do anyway. Diogenes is King. Mother is Queen. He must prove his worth and his place.” Aahhotep was quiet, sighing in defeat. 

    “This I know Eldest Sister.”


    “I’d say you’ve grown fond of him haven’t you?” 

    “Tuh.” At that, the sisters laughed and teased Aahhotep more, drawing her up in their arms. 

    “Tiye, it’s time to go and paint his flesh.” 

    “Then go I will.” 

    “We shall see you out in the arena.”

    “Alright.” Pulling away from her, they left her be. 


    “Yes my lady?”

    “Let’s go.”

    “Of course my lady.” Licking her lips, she part the tent flap and met the sun’s rays, feeling their vigor and stinging heat. 




    He sat in silence, skin still warm from the mists of the saunas. Eyes closed, he focused on his breathing, concentrating on his flow of energy. 

    “I should have known you’d be up.” Eyes opening, he lifted his eyes to a large shard of glass, pleased in the reflection that faced him. 


    “Are you nervous?” She asked as she entered his chambers, elaborate and graciously gifted to him by way of the Queen Mother. 

    “Should I be?” She laughed at his bravado and softly clicked her tongue. 

    “Today you will be battling a great beast.”

    “I’ve done worse to humans.” He teased, eyes full of light and mischief as she drew nearer. 

    “This I recall so well my love.” He got up to face her. What a lovely vision she was, a welcome temptation ushered in by the sun’s heat. Gold draped her body in the form of a dress, seductive, feminine, and regal. Ruched around her chest, the material fit just right against her, larger flat strips overlapped upward in a sort of halter up and across her shoulders, the tops dusted with fine golden powder. The remaining crossed straps fell down an exposed midsection and draped across round hips, held in place by a thick ornate belt made of the same fabric. 

    Long panels created a skirt that teased her ankles and upon her neck was a neckpiece, the length of it resting upon her sternum. Her hair was unbraided, a rarity in and of itself. Thick, long and healthy, the strands reached her thighs having been fashioned in two twin bulbs towards the top, the bottom left alone; all fastened with a heavy gold holder. 

    “With a sight so beautiful, I am with increased motivation. No matter the beast, I will slay it sarang.” Blushing, she bit her lip as he took hold of her face, placing soft little kisses upon her lips. She for a moment forgot everything around her as his kisses grew deeper, tongue claiming her mouth as his, a soft throaty sound of approval thereafter making her knees weak. Lifting hands to his chest, she gently created distance that of a hairs length between them. 

    “I-I have come to paint you.”    Beckoning Anat in with a hand, she held steady a bowl of various paints, one a striking white, a deep dark blue, a jarring yellow and the other a rich red. He reached up to remove his sokjeogori and once his body was exposed save for the dari-sokgot, she dipped her fingers first in the white. 

    “For purity. To cleanse the spirit.” Pressing her finger tips onto his skin, she allowed her fingers to draw lines down the flesh, now nicely bronzed and tan from the sun. Anat provided her a handkerchief to wipe her fingers. Next, she dipped them in the blue. 

    “For love. To motivate your actions towards me.” Tracing his collarbones, she made a ‘u’ shape right underneath his Adam’s apple and pressed the shape of her palm on his heart. Yellow next covered him, adorning his high cheekbones, jawline, across his broad shoulders and down the length of his arms. 

    “To us, this symbolizes beauty and that of preciousness. But, today I use it to remind you of your birthright. You are royalty both in body and spirit.” Lastly, she coated her fingers in the red. Starting at his pectorals, she trailed lines down across his stomach, the brilliance of the red popping against his skin; emphasizing the well toned abdomen he possessed. The sight of it dipped into the creases and ridges of the hard muscles made her mouth water. Stopping at his hips, she gladly dipped more on her fingers and continued at his knees all the way to the tops of his feet, streaking all that would be visible.  

    “It’s a color representing bloodshed, spirituality and that of sacrifice. Appropriate for the day at hand.” Smiling, she lifted and wiped the last of it from her hands. 

    “How does he look Anat?” She asked, glancing at her servant who quite frankly looked at a loss for words. She blinked, mouth slightly ajar as she took in the beauty of his male body. 

    “H-He looks ready my lady.” 

    “Beautiful too does he not?” At that she only gave a nod, too embarrassed to utter anything else. 

    “Style your hair as you see fit my love. When you’re ready, meet us in the arena.” Nodding, he gave them a slight bow of his head as they left him. 




    A large black hand gently laid atop her hair and she looked up to see Diogenes standing above her. 

    “How are you faring little reed?” 

    “I fare fine brother.” Answer accepted, he took his hand away and came to sit beside her, looking out at the arena, empty save for one chained beast, one known as the King of the Jungle. His roar was deafening and it reverberated off of the cool stone walls. 

    “I always had a feeling that this day would come. I knew the minute I saw him those years ago.”

    “Hm.” She said, smiling otherwise. 

    “My, how time has passed us by. Here I find myself about to witness the marriage of my youngest dearest sister.”

    “It has not been decided as of yet. You know Mama has the final say in the matter.” 

    “But it has been decided. It was decided before he set foot on our lands. It was decided when I met him. It was decided the moment he took the name Sekhemrekhutawy.” Her smile grew deeper and still she said nothing, only turned her eyes towards he who sat on his ornate golden Throne, the Great Pharaoh of Egypt. 

    “Do you remember the first time I tested him? How he passed with such agility, grace and ferocity. I thought to myself if only he were Nubian. I’d have him in my army in a heartbeat.” 

    “I remember merne.” 





    He awakened early, finding himself looking into many sets of eyes. Jolting up, he reached for his geumjangdo, puzzled at the childish laughter that sprung up from the men and women who had invaded his chambers. They scurried out before he could open his mouth to ask anything and once alone, he visibly relaxed. Some. 

    “Did you just awaken?” Turning towards the voice, he felt his entire body grow warm. Tiye stood there dressed in a dress made of sheer light linen. Sleeves resembling fans caressed and fell across her small shoulders. A brilliant red sash outlined her petite waist and draped down the front of her. Hair fashioned in braids, a gold bulb attached to the ends he knew they would cascade down her back. Thick golden sandals adorned her feet and a gorgeous red, blue, green and gold neckpiece covered her shoulder to shoulder. But it was not nearly enough to hide the tempting globes of black flesh and lush little bush of hair resting at the apex of her triangle, all bared in an unashamed manner. Upon his gaze, the small buds hardened. 

    “I have. And now so have other parts of me.” He spoke, voice low and husky as their gazes met. 

    “I thank the Gods for your risings.” She spoke, voice teasing as she entered, coming to stand above him. 

    “All of them.” She said, lifting a hand to caress his cheek. He lifted hands to grip her hips. 

    “I see you’ve come to seduce me Gongju-nim. Are you prepared to accept the consequences of your actions?” Lifting his chin, she leaned down to press a kiss to his lips, smiling against them. Slipping fingers through his hair, she pressed butterfly kisses up his nose and across his forehead. 

    “I have not come with the intention to seduce or tempt you. I have come to dress you for an outing with my brother.” 

    “Your brother?” He asked, opening smoldering eyes. 

    “Yes. It is the desire of the Pharaoh that we accompany him. He wishes to show you his Kingdom.”


    “Though I wish to join you in your current state of dress, I can’t.” 

    “And why can’t you? Are you not a co-authoritarian of this habitation?” 

    “We are all at the mercy of the Pharaoh. Even his siblings.”    

    “Hm. Sounds awfully familiar.” Startling white teeth flashed at him briefly before she went to his provided vanity, picking up his jade comb.

    “Come my love, let’s get you ready.” 




    When they entered into the waiting chambers of the previous day, the one she called brother drifted his eyes across his attire, hand picked by Tiye herself. Royal and cobalt blue paired with intricate gold adorned his linen shirt, showcasing his firm strong legs. His torso was bare but upon his neck rested a matching neckpiece of the same colors, an azure scarab resting in the center. 

    “You’ve dressed him as a noble.” He commented, taking in the braided hair that she’d had tied back, small golden decorations adorning the plaits. 

    “Who stands before you is no servant or slave. He is a prince to his land.”

    “And what land does he hail from?”


    “Ah. So, it is to a foreign prince that I thank for bringing my sister to me.”


    “Very well. It is acceptable. Let us go.” Taking his wrist, she pulled him in the direction of the retreating form. Outside, horses were tied up awaiting the mount. 

    “I want to talk with this prince Tiye. Alone.”

    “He doesn’t know of our language.”

    “So you are translating.”


    “That won’t do.”

    “For now…it cannot be helped.” 

    “Answer me this little reed.”


    “Why is he here?” At that, she blinked. 

    “Should he not be?” Smirking, he glanced between the two of them much like he did before. 

    “You didn’t answer my question.” Taking a deep breath, she pursed her lips. 

    “Is it not appropriate to see the face of the man who returned me to you? He did not have to do so. I could have remained in his land never to set foot here again.” 

    “Is that all? Is that the only reason why he stands before me?”

    “What other reason could there be?” This time, the two men locked eyes. 

    “He has the look of a man who would shed blood should any one look at you wrong. A look that comes only from a lover.” 

    “You surmised all of this from yesterday?”

    “Even now, he’s trying to judge my purpose…my intention…” Diogenes sounded quite humored. 

    “Seems you are only my little reed in spirit.” Her cheeks grew warm but she refused to answer, watching as her brother chuckled. 

    “Come, I want to show him around.” They began to follow behind him and at the hand that pressed against her back, she turned her head towards him a bit. 

    “What was it he was saying?” He asked, lifting his gaze. 

    “He wishes to speak with you alone.”

    “I see.”

    “He means to test you Cheol-su.”

    “Test me how?” 

    “You are a man whom I have brought home. He has suspicions and he will see them acknowledged.” At that, he smirked. 

    “Suspicions hm? Should he suspect that we are lovers then he proves correct. I’ll gladly tell him that.” She hit him on the chest. 

    “No you won’t.” That roused a quiet laugh from him. 

    “What is the harm Tiye? He wishes to speak to me in privacy. Let him.” 

    “And should your temper arise?” 

    “Come now sarang, I need no baby sitting.” Leaning down, he brought her to a pause, pressing his lips against her ear. 

    “I will behave jagi. I promise.” 

    “Hurry up you two.”  Sighing, she reached behind her to grasp his hand and tugged on it, drawing them closer to the awaiting man. 




    “I didn’t make it easy on him. And yet he took everything I gave him, dealing with it with quick wittedness and tact.” 




    “Good job little reed. You haven’t lost your touch.” Releasing, the arrow struck the straw man in the heart. A sound of approval came from her brother and he grinned quite boyishly, sending nostalgia crashing into her. The thrill of the ride zipped through her veins and for a moment, she was caught up in sheer rapture. Lifting her bow, she pulled it back nice and taunt. Releasing it once more, it struck the man in the face. 

    “Impressive sarang. I didn’t know you were an archer.”  The surprised voice of Cheol-su drew her away from the target. 

    “Of many things darling one.”     

    “I want to see him shoot Tiye.” At that, she commanded her gelding into a slow trot. 

    “Don’t do anything rash brother.” That mischievous smirk on his face said otherwise but yet she acquiesced, withdrawing to a small elevated platform. Though they could not yet understand each other, they seemed to understand the common language of the bow and arrow, of which Diogenes provided him. He dismounted his horse and her brother urged the steed away from him. There he stood on foot, fresh targets being placed behind him. Soon, he joined her, grin growing deeper by the second. She watched him for a little while, turning eyes to see Cheol-su preparing his bow. Out of nowhere an arrow came whizzing past him, embedding itself into the straw man. At once every muscle in his body grew tight and pronounced and he turned to look up at them, his eyes narrowed in on Diogenes. 

    “Brother! Are you trying to kill him?”

    “Kill him no. Test him yes.”

    “Test him of what?”

    “He has an ulterior motive for being here Tiye.” Before she could protest once more, another arrow shot out and struck dirt, his body having been there but a moment ago. 

    “If it is to ruin our family then I wish only to send a message to him. A warning if you will.” Attaching the arrow to his bow, Cheol-su drew back nice and tight, the arrowhead aimed right for her brother. 

    “He has guts to aim at a Pharaoh.” He said monotonously, not praising or criticizing him. Simply a voice of observation. 

    “Diogenes… stop this.”

    “Calm down. He won’t fire.” Her heart pounding against her chest said otherwise and her breath caught in her throat. Before he let the arrow fly, he quickly turned it around and released, striking the target bullseye. Quickly reloading, he was about to fire when a myriad of arrows came flying at him, prompting him to duck and dodge them, taking shelter behind one of the straw men. Diogenes sat on the edge of his seat, fingers curled around the arms of the Throne, smirk now gone. All was still for a moment before he reappeared, releasing an arrow towards one of the archers on their side, obviously wanting to be seen. The weapon lodged near his feet, forcing the man to swivel out of the way. Attaching another, he fired, forcing two others to get out of his way. At the clear intent of harm, the archers soon disappeared from view.  Cheol-su pulled three arrows from his pack and drew them up tight, the muscles in his upper back and arms quivering from the strain. Soon, he released and to the shock of them all, struck three of the straw men each in fatal points. No more arrows would fly as her brother lifted his hand to signal halt. 


    “Tell me you’re finished playing with him.” She demanded, voice not at all happy. He opened his mouth to reply when an arrow came towards him, lodging deep into the wood above his head. Another whizzed by his face, narrowly missing his cheek and still one more found its target right next to him, sticking out nearest his shoulder. At that, he didn’t move, only met his eyes. The two men stared each other down for what seemed like the longest before Diogenes began to laugh, the bass and force shifting the ground beneath them. 

    “Very good. My, he is quite the archer.” To that, he was met with a bow, eyes slowly lifting now to meet hers instead. 





    “Now, here he stands before us a comrade, a brother.”

    “What did you surmise was his ulterior motives brother?” At that, he smirked as the beast roared once more. 

    “He intended to make you his wife.” The seats below them had begun to fill with the people from the village and excited chatter reached an all time high, sure to split an eardrum if not careful. 

    “This he mentioned to you?”

    “You can say that little reed.” Smirking at the man who had started to enter the arena, he sat back in his chair as he approached, stepping into the sunlight for all to see him. 





    He watched as the man known as Cheol-su stripped naked, his focus on that of his bathing sister up ahead. Letting his hair loose, it tumbled down his back like shiny black obsidian. Up ahead, his humming sister had no idea of the approaching intruder, for as big and tall as he was, he was light on his feet, slowly drawing into the water. The array of female musicians continued to play their instruments though they looked undoubtably perplexed. Lifting a finger to his mouth, he bid them to silence as he drew deeper into the bath, full of luxurious rose petals, honey, lavender and a healthy helping of goat milk. Closer and closer he came until he hovered directly behind her. Humming, she sighed loudly in relief, lifting hands to cover her neck and shoulders with the fragrant water. Shoulders that were instantly covered with his hands, the size of them making hers seem minuscule. 

    “So this is where you’ve been hiding.” Gasping, she jumped in his arms and turned slightly, her gaze full of surprise. Upon recognition, she relaxed and he lifted his hands from her shoulders to her face. 

    “Here I’ve been.”

    “Rude of you not to invite me.” Laughing, she lifted small hands to his chest, rubbing the petals of the roses against the skin. 

    “Need I offer the invitation when you know it’s yours?” 

    “I suppose not.” He answered, leaning down to press a kiss to her lips. Biting her lip, she turned towards the musicians and kindly excused them. Bowing, they gathered their instruments and quickly hurried out of the bath chamber. A comfortable silence filled the room as his lips kissed the fragrant flesh of her neck, tongue coming to taste the honey infused sweetness dwelling on her body. Gently biting into the flesh, he felt his mouth fill with drool. How he wanted to devour her from head to toe, to become drunk from the sweetness covering her body. She moaned softly as his hands came to take hold of her breasts, the softness of the petals contrasting nicely with the flesh of his fingers. 


    “Yes my sweet?” 

    “Will you make my love pour out upon you in this place as perfume?” 

    “I shall give you wings that you may fly high into the heavens sarang.” Humming, she lifted a hand from the water and slipped her fingers into his hair, turning to meet his lips. 

    “Shall you allow me to transport us to a world not of this realm?” Opening her eyes, she met his dark intense one, hooded cowrie shaped eyes filled with deliciously palpable desire. 

    “I shall.” 

    “Will you bestow upon me the gift of pleasure?”

    “I will.” Inhaling through his nostrils, he quietly entered the chambers and when he spoke, his voice shook them apart. 

    “So he is your lover.” She pressed a hand to her heart and the level of flustered embarrassment on her face humored him. But what impressed him was the unashamed manner in which the man known as Cheol-su behaved, face unbothered. He turned towards him, shielding her with his body. 

    “How long have you been physically intimate with him Tiye?” He asked, eyes locked with his. 

    “Is that important?” He heard her muffled reply and by the sounds of it she had her face pressed against his back. 

    “Fraternization with a member of the royal family is punishable by death. You know that.”

    “He’s not some slave off of the street brother.”

    “Ah, yes…as you’ve told me…he is a prince from lands far from here.” The man swallowed, the desire muted in his depths, now the need to protect dancing within the slanted orbs. 

    “I wonder, does he know the gravity of your little…trysts? If he did, surely he would show respect. Screwing my sister in my house is punishable by something worse than death.” 

    “Diogenes!” Snorting, he twisted up his mouth, challenging the man. 

    “He looks as if he wishes to kill me.” 

    “You’re being unreasonable right now!”

    “How hungry he is to wring my neck.” Taking a step towards the pool, he sneered. 

    “Try it if you can. Let’s see how far you can get.” Hands reached out to grab his arm but Cheol-su had already begun his way towards the large towering Pharaoh. Eyes locked, he didn’t let up, even as he ascended from the bath’s depths, the milk having made his skin glossy, wet and smooth. He couldn’t help but drop his eyes at the manhood seeming to jut up and out from his body, flushed the same red color as that in his cheeks. He said nothing as he advanced upon him, face so close that he could feel his breath. 

    “I am not your subject. I do not fear you. Nor will I ever bow before you.” Spoken so clearly in hieratic, his voice sent involuntary chills down the man’s spine and for the first time in a very long time, he was uneasy. 

    “She deems me worthy of her, her body, her affection and her time. Your opinion and those of others does not matter.”

    “How dare you, you bold bastard.” He smirked some to his shock and though fire blazed in his eyes, he simply bowed his head towards him. 

    “If I have unknowingly caused any disrespect, I sincerely apologize. But I only offer apology for that. Nothing else.” Bowing again, he slipped back into his garment and left them both. 





    “I explained to him later that when a woman from Kush shares a man’s bed, she is not only giving him her body but she is giving him her life. For a woman who shares herself with a man has chosen to be bonded with him in body, mind and spirit. She takes him as her husband just as she takes his seed into her womb.”

    “And what was his response?”

    “He seemed impressed. Reflective. In awe.” She smiled to herself.

    “He then told me that from the time you were fourteen phases, he had been in love with you. At seventeen phases, he determined that he would make you his come hell and high water. One way or another.”  


    “Hm. Yes well I must say that you have indeed picked a formidable mate.” At that, she lifted her eyebrow, genuinely surprised. 

    “You approve of him now? Has it taken you three years to admit your consession?”  His eyes roamed the body of the man, having been in a formal skirt, lower body now only covered in an undergarment of some sort, foreign to him. 

    “One day you shall reign over these lands Tiye. The man you take as both husband and King must be able to carry the burdens, sins and requests of the Kingdom. I had to be sure that he was the one.” Smiling once again, she felt her chest fill with pride as she took in her beloved, bowing before them all. A spear and short sword were thrown at his feet and he knelt, picking up the spear first, tucking the short sword into the ties against his hips. After this was all over, should he slay the lion, he would not only be seen as worthy as her husband… but he’d be seen as a chief, pillar of strength and most importantly as a God. Once the chains were taken off of the beast, it attacked. 

End Notes:

A/N: Frankly, my most favorite part has been writing the 'Egypt/Kush' arc and I hope it shows lol. I've done so much research to try to make it appear as historically accurate as I can. I have a lot of sensory details and outfit descriptions going on and I hope they translate and read well <3 Our prince and princess are gettin ready to get married! Finally! It took them making a break for it to Kush for it to happen. It's sad really. It shouldn't have been this difficult but then again, there was a lot that Cheol-su didn't know about Tiye...nor did any of his family members. Had they, perhaps things would have changed... maybe lol. Diogenes don't play as a big brother lol. He was really tryna take our mans out LOL. Be prepared for a lot of pictures ahead! Y'all ready for one more chapter? I think I can do that for y'all hehe. See you there~ 



Sekhemrekhutawy is Egyptian. It means 'mighty Re, He who protects the two lands." Re is another name for Ra, God of the sun. 





The musicians by the bath side:

The Bath:


This story archived at http://