Yeonwang by DarkandLovely

She would always be his Queen. In this life and in the next. 





Categories: Original Fiction Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Action-Adventure , Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Historical, Romance
Story Status: Active
Pairings: None
Warnings: Character Death, Graphic Violence, Original Characters, Racism, Sexual Content , Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed , Work in Progress
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 51 Completed: Yes Word count: 199825 Read: 106331 Published: January 10 2020 Updated: December 03 2022
μ„œλ₯Έμ•„홉 by DarkandLovely
Author's Notes:

thirty nine 



The light from the lantern cast shadows over the face of the man, highlighting grey strands in a beard that once was fully black. Fingers held up a piece of parchment and eyes read the few lines again. 


    I humbly plead you for your assistance. I trust that regardless of what come and what hasn’t our alliance still stands. Let our hands once again unite for the interests of our great nations. 



    Upon reading it, he instantly knew who the owner of the neat prompt handwriting had been. The son of the dragon. He who had galloped into his gates bloodied with eyes full of fire and steel. That mighty boy had grown up into a full-fledged man now and yet his presence…the sheer force of his aura had remained the same. 

    “Huangdi…” Lifting eyes upward to his faithful advisor Xiutao, he placed the paper down on the table. 

    “The prince of Goryeo has requested assistance against the enemy that defeated us.” Xiutao’s eyes grew wide. 

    “What good can we do to those who defeated us?” He too had once thought the same way regrettably. However…Was it in his nature to admit defeat? Was it of his nation to give in all too easily and sit quietly while others ruled his land? 

    “Does fear rule you enough that you will allow a foreigner to rule our lands and milk her of her spoils?” He had remembered who he was. 

    “No…no sire.” Any other answer would have resulted in death. Though another man sat on his throne and believed himself to be appointed by the Gods, he and those around him knew better. 

    “Good. Send word to Chenwai. He will know what to do.” 

    “Yes sire. At once.” 





    “How do you feel?” 

    “Much better.” Tiye smiled and reached for a woman’s hand. 

    “Hae…I am glad you did not leave us.” The woman smiled in return, clutching her fingers tightly. 

    “It was not my time to die Tiye-ah. You know that.” The two women embraced and Tiye laid her head against the woman’s chest. 

    “It’s been two months since the attack and it has been all too quiet. I don’t like it.” Hae lifted a hand and ran it across her hair. 

    “They suffered losses the same as we did. They need time to recuperate too.”

    “I still don’t like it.” 

    “Neither do I.” A comfortable silence ensued between the two. 



    “When are you going to give me a niece or nephew?” At that question, her head shot up and her entire face grew the loveliest shade of red. 

    “Yi Hae!” The woman grinned. 

    “I trust by now you have lessened using the sponge.” She fixed her mouth to negate it but her dark red cheeks confirmed it. 

    “It’s a good thing. Let him have his way.”

    “If I did, I’d have had several children by now.”

    “And is that such a bad thing dearest one?” 

    “Well, what of you hm? When are you going to settle down with Yooshik? When shall I expect children?” Hae laughed, her own cheeks a delightful pink. 

    “What a dream.” 

    “You speak as if it is so unattainable. You are not old by any means Hae.” The woman’s smile faded only slightly. 

    “Until our country is at peace again… I cannot under any circumstances even think of children. Or a family.” The tone of her voice drew a more serious look on Tiye’s face. Once more the women held hands. 

    “Lady Tiye.” Their eyes turned to a man who stood by at a respectful distance. Dressed as a servant, he bowed his head low. 

    “What is it Kija?”

    “Prince Cheol-su requests your presence.” At that, she sat up and looked down into the grinning face of Hae. 

    “What are you grinning about?”

    “Go and give him your presence dear friend. It must be of grave importance.” Laughing at the hand that hit her lightly, she bit her lip in a smile as her friend got up and went as requested. Once she had left, the smile came down altogether. Nothing about this two-month period had sat right with her. The silence was both deafening and alarming. It wasn’t the Mongol way….they almost always attacked soon after the first time… their strategy to pray on the nation while it was still weak and wounded. 

    The fact that they hadn’t made a move yet made her stomach turn. Sighing, she closed her eyes once more and awaited the soon-to-come medical attendant. She’d been all healed up from her wounds sooner than later and she hoped that the next time the Mongols attacked, she’d make it out of this alive again. 






     When she entered his chambers, she was surprised to see he was not alone. The whole royal family sat there in his sitting room, cups of tea and small sweets and dishes there at their convenience. 

    “Welcome, Tiye.” Seo Jun drawled, eyes humored as they drifted down her being. 

    “Your Majesties.” Bowing, she remained so until the voice of her husband bid her to stand. 

    “Come. Sit.” He beckoned with a gentle smile and equally gentle eyes. As much as the sight of him melted the heart within her, the feeling of distrust rose up into the back of her mouth. Slowly, she sat beside him, hands pressed against her lap as Cheol-su poured her some tea. 

    “Now that we’re all here, I suppose we can get started with the meeting.” She remained quiet, eyes on every face as they spoke. 

    “I’m pleased to announce that in a month’s time Cheol su will have a ceremony.” There on his father. 

    “Ceremony?” She asked quietly, voice respectful and sweet. 

    “I will award him the honor of war hero.” 

    “I see.”

    “Well deserved don’t you think?” Seo Jun asked lips in a sneer. 

She left him unanswered and reached for her tea. 

    “He acted tremendously during the invasion and it is only right that he receive praise for it.” Still, nothing said as of yet. 

    “I don’t do it for praise Father. This you know.”

    “I’m well aware. But I will do as I please in praising you publicly. The whole of Goryeo should see their future king in glory.” Eyes drifted to Seo Jun. His hand gripped his cup just a tad bit tighter than necessary. A movement was nearly undetectable. 

    “I humbly accept.” He bowed his head in thanks. 

    “Also in that month’s time, I have ordered another joyous event to take place.” 


    “Your marriage to Jae-hwa.” At that, the poor man coughed and choked on his tea, lifting a hand to clear his throat once or twice more. She sat still and carefully controlled her emotions. The intentions of the meeting were now very clear to her. They brought her here to humiliate her. 


    “You’ve been engaged to her for far longer than is necessary. In that time you’ve desired another woman and I have granted you an opportunity to eventually legally marry her.” But…

    “The fact remains that Jae-hwa is your first promised and she will be your first legitimate wife. Any other woman who comes after her will cease to hold the same status.”

    “You granted Tiye the title of Royal concubine. That now means nothing. We can now pick and choose the level of meaning to our traditions I see.”

    “Now now little brother… don’t get antsy.” Sharp eyes cut into him. 

    “I’ve allowed you to do as you please Cheol-su. I’ve given you a host of women over the years; your own personal harem. I have even gifted you another future wife. How fortunate are you.” He said nothing as he took a much slower sip of tea. 

    “With all this good news, I am only glad to share more.” 

    “Perhaps the reason why I am being forced and rushed into a marriage with Jae-hwa would be most appreciated.” 

    “We’ve had war with the Mongols and we’ve prevailed. What better than to now marry and sow your royal oats little brother?” 

    “You speak as if the war has ended.”

    “Hasn’t it? They’ve not attacked. There is no sign or proof that they even remain here in Goryeo.” 

    “You’re so nai-”

    “Kim Jae-hwa is pregnant.” The stunned silence humored only one and he grinned so wide the cup almost didn’t fit in between his lips. 

    “Are you so surprised? You shouldn’t be.” He couldn’t help but taunt, eyes filled with glee as his flat eyes found his. 

    “With the arrival of your firstborn, the only responsible thing to do is to wed the one promised to you.”

    “I have not been intimate with her.” 

    “Come now, little brother. Don’t lie because your whore sits beside you. It’s only in a man’s nature to bed more than one woman.” She said nothing, the feeling of nausea rising in her stomach. 

    “Congratulations.” Mishil spoke up, lifting her cup in a toast. She attempted bravely to smile and soon that of their mother and father’s cups soon raised. 

    “You’ll be a wonderful father oppa-nim.” Her eyes rested but for a second on Tiye before taking a drink of her tea.With his left hand, he gripped his cup, the right opening to welcome her own. 

    “It’s settled then. With that said, your royal concubine will be provided lodging at Deoksugung until the child is born.” 

    “That’s not necessary.” He spoke up, voice now hard. 

    “Aw look at his little pouty lip.” 

    “It would not be proper respect to the mother of your child to have another woman present in the palace.”


    “It is not up for debate. She will go to Deoksugung.” He felt his throat tighten and his jaw clenched so hard it created a fierce frown on his face. 

    “She will start to prepare at once. A carriage will arrive to take her within two weeks’ time.” Tea cups were placed on delicate saucers and each member of the royal house left, leaving the two of them sitting there. She reached under the table and tried to remove her hand but he only gripped it tighter, enough to hurt. 


    “I won’t allow it.” 

    “There is nothing for you to allow. His word is final.” He lifted furious eyes upward and in them she could see an ember of the sun, blazing bright like fire. 

    “If you go then I go. We go together or not at all.” 


    “No! I won’t allow it!” He hissed, reaching up to shove the untouched teacups from the table. They along with plates of sweets hit the floor. 

    “My sun….” She whispered, gently taking hold of his face. The air from his nostrils was hot and fast and fury had slipped from his cheeks to his ears. 

    “My King…” She spoke softly against his forehead. 

    “Calm yourself.” He wanted to reply but decided against it, choosing to let her lips calm the raised lines of his brow and feverish heat. At yet another kiss to his nose and cheek, his breath finally broke, soft little shudders of restrained anger. 


    “Shhh……” She hushed in her mother tongue, brushing her lips against his in a whisper of a kiss. 

    “Traps have been set for us my love. Snares lie in wait to capture and end us.” She allowed their lips to meet and he dropped his hands beneath the table to her waist. 

    “I would not dishonor you in such a way. You know I wouldn’t do this.” 

    “The possibility of it never crossed my mind.” He sighed and breathed against her. 

    “I am not like other men.” He leaned forward to press her back against their bed. 

    “I have no desire for multiple women.” Her flesh burned as he began to undress her, sliding down each side to her dress. Grateful for the access and the plethora of skin, he pressed his face against her naked breasts. 

    “I will have no more than one wife.” Kissing the spheres, he wasted no time in drawing the small erect buds into his mouth, pleased in her sighs of pleasure. 

    “Only you shall grow and swell with my child.” 

    “Cheol-su…” His fingers, hands, touch hot enough to burn cradled her in hurried bliss. Layers of hanbok forcibly pulled apart and away, lips eager to taste a part, a piece, all of her all at once as if time didn’t exist any longer. She too felt the same… as if they had been robbed of time… of their sweet slow ti-     

    His entry was quick and sudden and her cry of ecstasy broke into little pieces at the passionate hard thrusts into her soul. He groaned against her hair and gripped the strands under him tightly, pulling her head back. Looking down into her eyes, he took in her moans and soon quieted her with a kiss. 

    “Only…only you…” He breathed against her ear, emphasizing each word with a firm thrust of his hips. She wrapped arms around him, nails finding their prize in the raised nubs on his back. A tantalizing sob of pleasure bled against her skin and soon he slowed his gait…deciding to make time to enjoy his devouring….his meal of compliant eager willing flesh. 





    Lips grinned and a back pressed against the wall, arms crossed. They’d been at it for going on twenty minutes and he was impressed that the little shit could endure that long. Sighing as the sounds of release yet again hit the air, he uncrossed his arms and smoothed imaginary wrinkles from his hanbok. Enjoy her while you can brother. Smirking to himself, he left them in the throes of their rutting. 




    Panting, she bit her lip as arms came around her. Rubbing her bottom against him, she welcomed his soft wet kisses to and up her neck. For a moment, she had to regain herself….the wet messy intensity of the high he gave her had been dizzying…Biting her lips in a smile, she reached down to intertwine their fingers that rested on her stomach. Her husband was kind and generous; gifting her with a womb full of his seed. Seed that she knew would grow. The thought of it scared her just as much as it made her happy. Don’t be afraid of it my love. It is the will of the Gods. Smiling, she turned towards him. 

    “Your body wishes it and so does mine.” She whispered against his lips, accepting a kiss not a moment after. 

    “So it shall be.” He said with eyes full of gentle palpable passion. 

    “So it shall be my love.” 




    “What’s the status?”

    “100,000 have been dispatched sire.” Steepled fingers dropped slowly and he gave a satisfied nod. 

    “Very good.”

    “We have replied to the Goryeo prince’s letter. Of course, it is in a code that only he will understand.”

    “When is it set to arrive?”

    “Two weeks time.”

    “Good. Very good.”

    “Yes sire.” Son of the dragon. Await the aid of Song Chau. With our united forces, let it be in the Gods’ will for the Mongol to never again set foot in either of our lands again. 

End Notes:


Cheol-su is SUCH a BOSS MAN UGH. Love him. *sheds tear* What do you think of Jae-hwa's sudden pregnancy? Hmmmm lol. Honestly, the king can just... *sigh* *think christ like thoughts DL LOL* he...can...stop being a jerk. there. (not what I wanted to say but it's doable) LOL 


Okay hehe one last update for now! 

This story archived at http://