Yeonwang by DarkandLovely

She would always be his Queen. In this life and in the next. 





Categories: Original Fiction Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Action-Adventure , Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Historical, Romance
Story Status: Active
Pairings: None
Warnings: Character Death, Graphic Violence, Original Characters, Racism, Sexual Content , Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed , Work in Progress
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 51 Completed: Yes Word count: 199825 Read: 106331 Published: January 10 2020 Updated: December 03 2022
여덟 by DarkandLovely
Author's Notes:




    Summer 1033 

    It was early in the morning, dusk still in the sky when they’d set out through the east gate. A band of men had met them there, members of the royal guard that had been hand picked by the King himself to escort them. Up until now, he hadn’t focused too much on anything negative but as he observed how Dong-Il seemed nervous, nostrils flared and a shake of his head here and there, ears pointed straight up he began to feel unsettled. 

    “Wangja-nim?” Turning his gaze towards Tiye, he offered a small smile. 

    “What are your thoughts eolin-i?”

    “Nothing….trying to see how you feel.”

    “I’m fine. Ready to get this over with and come back home.” She nodded as she glanced back towards another person who was approaching. Following her gaze, he frowned and stopped Dong-Il altogether. 

    “Who is this woman?” He asked Tiye, voice showing his displeasure.

    “She is-”

    “I am Hae. Yi Hae.” Her face had been hidden in a blue scarf, delicate hanbok traded for a military style, sure to have come borrowed from one of the guards. One such man paled as he turned.     

    “Hae…what are you doing here?” Sang-Ook hissed, lips pinched tightly. Swallowing, he intensely watched as the man trotted over to the woman who was not to be moved. 

    “I will not go back. Not until you are with me.”


    “No! I will not leave.” 

    “Wangja-nim…I told her she could accompany us.” Sliding eyes over to her, he tightened his grip on Dong-Il’s reins. 

    “Will she prove worth your vouching?” The slightest pinch of doubt traveled up onto her face but it was enough to increase the unsettled feeling in his stomach. 

    “We don’t have time to turn back. Not now. Woman,” He faced her. 

    “Do not get in our way. Should you do so, I will cut you down.” She swallowed thickly but she nodded, glancing at her man’s upset expression. 

    “Come. Let’s ride.” Slapping the reins firmly, Dong-Il set off into a full run and soon the others followed suit. 


    It took them a week to make it to the Sino-Korean border and once they made it, they took their rest. Wangja-nim was adamant about making it there in the time agreed between both Kingdoms so they wouldn’t rest for long. Reaching for a small bunch of carrots, she smiled as Dong-Il greedily chowed on them, selecting to munch on the whole bunch rather than one at a time. 

    “Easy now Dong-Il. They aren’t going anywhere.” The horse snorted his answer as he soon ate enough to take the bunch away from her.  The sun was high and by the setting it was high noon. Dust curled up around them, the familiar capital they had left long behind. 

    “Tiye.” Turning, she found Hae behind her, leaning against one of the trees. 

    “What is it?”

    “I have a request of you.” Swallowing, she pet Dong-Il one last time before fully turning towards her. 

    “What is it?”

    “I ask that we spar. In front of the men.” Smiling, she crossed her arms. 

    “Wangja-nim giving you trouble hm?”

    “He doesn’t care much for me I know. Especially since finding out my identity.”

    “He can’t possibly be mad about what happened. It wasn’t your fault.”

    “But in a way… it was.” Her eyebrow lifted. 

    “How so?”

    “I encouraged him. I led him to believe that he had his heart’s desire underneath him. I sold him a fantasy that he clung to. Only to wake up to realize that it was a lie.”  At that, she thought very carefully of her words. 

    “Is that not what you’ve been forced into?” She lifted watery eyes. 

    “We women do not have it easy and any way we ensure our survival we surely take it.” Reaching for her hand, she gave it a friendly squeeze. 

    “Your life is in his hands as well as mine. We all are at the mercy of the King himself. Should we desire to live and live long, we would do well to sacrifice for it. Be it our emotional wellbeing, our physical wellbeing or even for a little while our spiritual wellbeing. In this life we’ve been dealt, in this society we’ve both been forced into… it is all we have Hae. We are all we have.” The woman began to cry, falling into her arms. Throat tight, she tried her best to comfort the woman. In seventeen summers,  she had learned that the world was cruel to women. But only if they let it be. 

    “What of love?” The woman breathed against her, lifting teary eyes. 


    “Is love a worthy sacrifice? If you were given a choice…. would you give your love to save him? Your prince?” Swallowing a hard lump that had appeared, she glanced oft into the distance at Wangja-nim, who knelt, helping the other men set up their supplies on varying horses. 

    “I know not if I…I love him… But…he is someone I would give everything for. It is to him that I live and live so graciously.” Hae smiled and lifted, wiping her tears. 

    “Very good.”

    “Should you want, we can spar. I will mention it to Wangja-nim.” Nodding, she gave a small smile of thanks and left her. Dong-Il snorted, flicking his ears suddenly, bringing her attention back to him. He smacked her on the bottom with his head, bringing a laugh to her as she tried not to fall. 

    “Stop it you.” The animal neighed in reply and continued to eat his apples and soon worked on a new bunch of carrots. 


    “Let’s move!” 

    “Yes Wangja-nim.” Sweat beaded up on his forehead and he thanked the gods for the turban he’d wrapped around his face. The hat that he’d brought stayed firm in the wind. Scanning the horizon, he swallowed thickly. All around it seemed to be a desert landscape. No green. No forms of life. No inch or inkling of a Song.   

    “Which way are we to go?” He asked one of the men galloping next to him. 

    “Northeast pyeha.” The man answered with a shout. A finger pointed to the left of them. The entire week that they had been traveling, he’d been trying to figure these men out. Dong-Il did not like them but then Dong-Il didn’t like anyone much except for Tiye. He was not an easy beast to impress. Giving him a slap on the neck, he picked up speed and he turned slightly to see Tiye not far behind him. 

    They didn’t much talk, except when delivering directions and even Tiye seemed to keep her distance from them. He’d caught her observing them just the same as he. Trying to read them. He must confess that it was hard to. They didn’t have mental walls up as much as they didn’t have anything up at all. They showed no emotion. No commitment. No humanity. 

    The feeling of dread that had persisted a tiny bit in his stomach flared up and it brought with it a feeling of nausea. Feeling his stomach churn, he tightened his grip on his reins. He’d have to ask Tiye her thoughts. For now, he needed to get them far enough out and prayed to the gods that they made it to fertile land, some sort of oasis. The horses needed fresh water and their supplies were sure to dwindle by another week or two. They needed to see something other than desert and quickly. For if they did not, he was going to have a major problem. 


    Stepping outside, in the cloth of dusk, she lit a candle or two. Going over to the water that had once boiled, she dipped a rag into it, testing its temperature. Hot but not enough to scald. 

    “Tiye.” Twisting around, she found Wangja-nim leaning back against one of the trees and it was no telling just how long he had been there watching her. 

    “Y-you scared me Wangja-nim.” Pushing off of the tree, his face appeared closer, clothed in the glow of the candlelight. His hair once bound and pulled up away from him was now free, teasing his shoulders. His expression was serious, making her draw breath just a little bit quicker. 

    “I’m most sorry for that. Are you about to bathe?” Feeling her cheeks flush, she glanced at the bucket. 


    “Ah. Perhaps I should come back then.”

    “No! No…It’s fine. The water is still hot enough that it can wait a little while yet.” Placing the rag into the bucket, she drew nearer to him. 

    “What is on your mind tonight? You don’t seem yourself.” At that, he sighed and all of the tension in his body seemed to leave him. To her surprise, he pulled her closer still, hands having wrapped around her wrists. Laying his head down on her shoulder, he exhaled slowly. 

    “I am worried Tiye. Most worried.” 

    “About?” She asked, voice full of concern. 

    “These men we travel with.” His voice drifted up to her ear, full of whispers. 

    “I can’t read them.” 

    “Do you not trust them? These men your father selected?” Letting go of her wrists, his hands opted to slid around her waist and he pulled her even closer, face now pressed against her neck. 

    “No. I don’t.” He breathed and it sent chills down her spine, Lifting hands, she gently pressed them against his shoulders, drifting them down to grip his forearms. 

    “They are most aloof are they not? Almost mechanic in their operation.” 

    “I have observed that as well Wangja-nim…” Sighing against her, he let her go, hands now loosely around her waist. 

    “What else have you observed eolin-i?” 

    “Let us talk somewhere more privately.” At that, he nodded and led her away by her hand from the bucket of water on the cooling fire, away from ears and eyes of those who may or may not have been listening. 


    “They seem to not have any loyalty. No sense of commitment to you.” So, it was true then. She’d picked up the exact same thing he had. Pacing in his tent, he slid fingers through his hair, a frustrated look on his face. 

    “I cannot afford for anything to go wrong Tiye. Not now. Not when we are so close to reaching our destination.”

    “I know Wangja-nim.” 

    “If they pledged loyalty to my father than by law they pledge loyalty to me. Yet, it’s the strangest thing. They do not show any warmth, compassion… they do not even dine with us. They stay to themselves.”

    “Wangja-nim…” He stopped pacing and turned to look at her who sat at his desk. 

    “Do not exhaust yourself. You must remain clear about this. Calm. Focused.” Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply and licked his lips with a nod. 

    “You are right.” 

    “We know that Yoo-shik, Mal-Chin and Sang-Ook are loyal to you. We know that soon within weeks time we shall reach Song and we know that an alliance with Emperor Renzong will most definitely be forged. We also know that on your team you have at least six people who will fight and die not just for you but for Goryeo.” Standing up, she smiled at him. 

    “For now, let’s just rest in that fact. Hm?” For the first time since their trip began he smiled and soon came to take hold of her face, fondly bringing it upward. 

    “I would be a mess without you Tiye. Truly.” Blushing, she bit her lip. 

    “Wangja-nim.” A voice disturbed them. Letting go of her face, he took a step back, clearing his throat. 

    “Take your bath eolin-i. Tomorrow we ride and ride hard. Be prepared.” Bowing her head, she turned to head out when she bumped into one of the men they had just got done discussing. His icy glare slipped down to hers and chills flooded her entire body. 

    “Enter.” Stepping around her, he soon entered the tent, leaving a trail of ice in his wake. Lifting a hand, she pressed it to her heart and for a moment, glanced back at the tent. Just who were these men? Who were they and for what purpose were they really here?

End Notes:

A/N: HEY Y'ALLLLL! IT'S FRIYAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! I work this entire weekend so I figured that I would update before I start my shift! Their journey to Song has began and already thangs ain't right. Personally, I love the interaction between our leading man and lady in this chapter so so much. It's so tender and supportive. I was going to wait until next week to update but I think I'll leave you guys with one more (and I mean one LOL) chapter before I go head and bust out this 12 hr. Leave your thoughts, concerns, etc. I love reading them! 

I've got gifs below! 

See you next chapter hehe. 


Our second heroine Hae lookin ready to rumble (She a bad mama jama y'all): 


Our prince and his myriad of expressions this chapter (accompanied by visual Park Hyung Sik): 

(At the fire with Tiye) 


(His look of concern) 



(Him talkin with our ((and his)) beloved princess)

This story archived at http://