Of Tales and Sorrow: The Curse by DarkandLovely

All he had to do was keep the agreement. Enduring life without her was hell enough but one more lifetime and she'd finally be his for good. 




Categories: Original Fiction Characters: None
Classification: General
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Fantasy, Friendship, Historical, Mystery, Romance
Story Status: Active
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Dark Fic, Extreme Language, Graphic Violence, Original Characters, Racism, Rape, Sexual Content , Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed , Work in Progress
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Completed: Yes Word count: 31744 Read: 12320 Published: July 16 2020 Updated: August 07 2021
九 by DarkandLovely
Author's Notes:



    Sitting on her bed, she ran fingers across the gift given by Miss Mable. At first, she’d cried and then the shock set in. Surely, this had to be a dream. A small stack of bills and coin she’d wrapped in parchment paper, a small little note attached. She’d read it over and over now and still again. 


    Think of this as a payment owed to you for the many nights you laid underneath him, treated as nothing more than a voiceless enslaved harlot. It took me my whole life of enduring the same before I finally grasped my freedom with both hands. You are not alone. I see you. And I will support you. If you can, take hold of courage for a little while longer. 





    Tears welled up in her eyes and she wept, pressing her face against the money. It was more than enough for her, never knowing anything about it…never once having any to call her own. A sweet joy took hold of her and for the longest time she laid there against the parcel, lifting hands with it up in front of her. It was worth something right? All that she’d gone through. All that she’d endured..suffered…lost. Her parents had never known the joy of having, keeping or holding their own money. It being something only thought, assumed and given to white folks. I’ve got to save it. Lifting up, she neatly wrapped it back up and shoved it underneath her mattress. Getting up, she went to stand in front of her floor length mirror. For a little while yet. Maybe… maybe she could. 




    It was early in the afternoon when she came. He’d just finished cleaning the troughs and feeding the horses. There, she stood in her usual spot eying him. Going to the water pail, he washed his hands and smoothed the hair that had come from his bun back and behind his ears. 

    “Are you enjoying the view?” He teased, coming to lean against the barrier. She blushed but offered no other word, instead letting her eyes fall onto the horses behind him. 

    “Do you like them?” Her eyes finally met his again. She appeared nervous, skittish…apprehensive. 

    “I’ve…never got on one. They’ve always scared me.” She admit, clutching her hands tightly. He was quiet as she continued, her voice soft. 

    “When I was a girl, I watched a slave be trampled by one. The beast crushed his legs, his arms and then his head.” Letting her gaze drift again, she took the horse into her sight. 

    “I was always scared. But something about them still… it interests me.” 

    “They are beautiful.” He input with a soft friendly smile. 

    “Yes. Dangerous.”

    “Friendly and tamed under the right training.” He finished, pushing up from the barrier. 

    “Bao. The stallion you pet once. I trained him myself.”  Her eyebrows lifted in surprise. 

    “He’s a good horse. And,” Smirking, he crossed his arms. 

    “I think he likes you. He would not protest to a ride.” 

    “A ride? I didn’t say nothin bout a ride…”

    “Isn’t that why you come? To conquer your fear?” He teased, knowing damn well it wasn’t. She licked her lips and visibly gulped, making him chuckle. 

    “Come now bòhé. Give yourself permission.” 


    “Bòhé.” He repeated with a small laugh. 

    “What is that?”

    “It means mint.” 

    “Oh…I see.” Extending his hand, he waited with a smile on his face. 

    “Let’s conquer your fear. While you have time.” At first, she didn’t do anything but look at his hand and he could see an array of conflicting emotions on her face. 

    “I don’t know…It’s past the time I should be back anyhow. I think I’d look silly on a big ole horse.” 

    “It is only silly if you don’t try.” Biting her lips, she slowly reached out and grabbed his hand, allowing the slow gentle pull towards him. 

    “How am I gonna get over this thing?” She asked, voice anxious. Lifting her hand, he placed it on his shoulder and motioned her other to do the same. Slowly, she did and he grabbed hold of her waist. Gasping as he lifted her up, he brought her up and over with ease, placing her feet back onto the ground. Letting go of all but one hand, he gently led her to the stallion. 

    “Jie….I…I’m scared.”

    “It’s okay. He will not hurt you.” 


    “I will not let you fall.” She meant to protest again but he quieted it as he took her hand to Bao’s side, slowly gliding it across his coat. 

    “He is content.” He said softly, smiling as Bao sighed, his back leg cocked. He was quiet, intently watching her face as she slowly began to relax, the sight of their intertwined fingers bringing a comfort to her. 

    “Are you ready to mount?” He asked, taking in the suddenly panicked eyes. 

    “I don’t know…”

    “He can sense your fear. He does not want you to be scared.” As if to affirm what he said, Bao let out a slight whinny, making her chuckle some. 

    “It is as if you two understand each other.” He said nothing else and came to draw closer to her. She swallowed tightly as he once again lifted hands to her waist. He lifted her up, forcing a tiny squeak to leave her mouth and placed her up on Bao’s back. 

    “Oh goodness…oh my…” She gripped his shoulders now, nervous at how high up she was. 

    “Breathe bòhé. I am here.” She closed her eyes and took deep breaths, her grip on his shoulders easing up a tad. 

    “Good. Now, you may hold my hand. I’m going to lead him into a walk.” Licking her lips, she gave a nod as slowly, Bao began to move. She let out a nervous sound and gripped his hand firmly. 

    “I have you.” A couple steps forward and her grip on his hand loosened. With her free hand, she gripped Bao’s mane. He led him around in a slow circle before speaking again, 

    “You did amazing. You have ridden a horse.” She slowly let his hand go and let it grasp Bao’s mane with a shaky smile. 

    “Again?” He asked, teeth smiling at her. 

    “One more time.” 




    “From that day, I began to see her more and more. The presence of her enslaver returned and seemed to loom over her. Sometimes, we could only glance at each other, others smile in passing. I wanted so badly to spend time with her again. One such day, late evening, I got my wish.” 




    He’d packed up the collection of the day and put it into small boxes. As he knelt down to pick it up, he noticed a pair of small boot covered feet standing in front of him. Lifting his gaze, he felt his entire body grow warm at the sight of her. Dressed in a long white dress, her thick coily hair resembled a cloud and  her shoulders were bare. 

    “Bòhé…” She appeared as though she had been crying and he felt his heart break into a million pieces. Lifting up with the box, he spoke with concern in his voice. 

    “What is wrong?” She lifted small fingers to her cheeks and wiped away her sorrow. 

    “Nothin. I um…I wanted to come see you.” He wanted to dry her eyes. From the moment he’d heard her weeping by the sea he hated the sound. It caused such a pain inside of him. 

    “I am going home now.”


    “Come with me?” She sniffed yet gave a brave smile. 

    “Sure.” They walked in silence, him glancing at her from time to time. She seemed jumpy and nervous. 



    “How come your head isn’t half bald like the other Chinamen I see?” He smiled at her innocent question. 

    “I come from a time not like the current one. Those rules will never apply to me.”


    “My homeland became too restrictive. Many wars erupted. It is why I came here to the New World.” 

    “I see. Escaping one hell only to enter into another.” He was quiet as he opened the door to Donghai’s hut. She stood outside, fingers clutching the dress at the stomach. 

    “You may come in.” Stepping in, she shut the door as he went to light a fire. Encinitas nights he found grew cool and with her not wearing anything to cover her shoulders he feared that she would catch a cold. She stood by the door, watching him. Sighing, he sat down and stoked it gently. 

    “Something is bothering you bòhé.” She didn’t move, didn’t make a sound. Turning to face her, he caught the shine of tears on her cheeks and slowly stood. To his surprise, she didn’t pull away from him as he wrapped his arms around her. She folded into his embrace, tucked nice and warm against his chest, lifting hands to press against his cheongsam. 

    “Kū yě méiguānxì. Ràng nǐ de yǎnlèi liú zài w’ de xīnlǐ ér bùshì nǐ de liǎnjiá.” Spoken softly against the crown of her head, he stood still as she wept, her tiny body shaking and trembling so. 

    “Good. Let it out.” And so she did until she sniffed against him, her fingers having gripped him at the chest. Lifting a hand, he gently caressed her hair, pleased in the soft fluffy feeling of it. She didn’t pull away from him, instead seemed to further melt against him and he smiled at her need for comfort. At long last, he pulled away from her. 

    “Better?” He asked with a tender smile. 

    “Mmhm.” Lifting his hand he lightly took hold of her cheek, smoothing his thumb across the satiny soft skin. 

    “I am your friend?” Leaning into his palm, she smiled prettily, sniffing once more. 

    “Yes. You’re my friend.” 

    “Thank you.” 

    “No… thank you…” Letting go of her, he grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. 

    “Can you stay?” Pouting slightly, she shook her head. 

    “No.. it’s late already as it is. I should be headin back.” He let his sadness at that fact dwell in his face and she giggled some. 

    “Don’t look all sad Jie. Why don’t we meet in a day’s time?” 

    “A day’s time?” He repeated, eyebrows scrunched in confusion. 

    “Yes. Around midday. Grace has been so busy lately. I will have some time to steal away then.” 

    “Okay. You promise?”

    “I promise Jie.” Nodding, he let go of her hand and bit his lip in a smile as she slipped out of the door. 

End Notes:

A/N: Mable. Miss Mable is a gem. Powerful start! And...powerful finish. Minty conquers her fears thanks to Jie and their friendship has started to blossom most beautifully. I love when they're together. They just...bring out the best in each other. hehe. Okay, here we go. I wanna upload this in completion so y'all can read all the way through from start to finish heehe. 




translation of the mandarin above: it's okay to cry. Let your tears reside in my heart instead of on your cheeks.


Here is Jie's visual (one of two lol. His original visual with the most perfect picture for this chapter!!! The smirk and the playful eyes does it for me. When I saw it I was like YESSS that's ZHAOJIE BABY BOOM. hehe the horsey is cute too hehe. Two cuties. Okay lemme go. LOL



This story archived at http://https://www.valentchamber.com/viewstory.php?sid=3891