NO HIDING by marchpisces92

It's always hard to move on from tradgey but the one thing we can't do is hide forever.

Categories: Original Fiction Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: None
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No Word count: 8288 Read: 2065 Published: November 10 2023 Updated: January 28 2024
THREE by marchpisces92



It had now been a full week since Thatcher helped move Micah into her new apartment. He hadn't heard from her since except from the text he sent her the following morning. He knew that she needed space but he also hoped that she wasn't purposely blocking herself off from everyone.

"It's supposed to be seventy degrees on Thanksgiving"

"Really? That's mild for the end of November"

"You're telling me"

Thatcher sat at the main table in the lounge area of the station with six of his other coworkers. Without Micah being there is was always easy to forget that their department was mostly men; she was the first female officer that was hired in decades.

"Perfect weather for turkey hunting"

Jonathan Peters turned over to Thatcher and chuckled "You would say that Montgomery can't wait for you to show us how it's done"

"You'll never buy a frozen turkey from the grocery store ever again"

"Since we're going to be hunting all these birds why don't we have a big Thanksgiving over at the social hall" Frank Willard suggested "we can invite some of the fire department too make it a friends and family dinner party"

"That's a great idea maybe all the wives can also cook some of the desserts and sides too"

"We can have some activities for the kids" Victor Perez added "it will be warm enough for the bounce house to be up"

"We could have you dress up as a turkey who also helps the kids start writing letters to Santa" Logan Walker suggested

Everyone laughed but they all knew how animated Victor was and it would definitely be a hit; plus with the way the Christmas season has started to slowly but surely creep into Thanksgiving why not?

"Why don't you invite Simmons?" Jonathan suggested to Thatcher "I'm sure she could use the social interaction and we can see how she's doing"

"You must have read my mind Peters"

"Perhaps but I think all of us know how special Simmons is to you" Jonathan teased him

Thatcher would have normally shrugged off his coworker's comment; however he found himself thinking about his pint sized coworker damn near all the time now.

"Think you can get her to come?"

"I can see to it" Thatcher said "I might have two little helpers too"


"You're up next ma'am may I help you?"

"Yes can I have a quarter pound of the Swiss cheese, quarter pound of the smoked turkey, and do you have any more of the buffalo chicken? If so I'll have a half pound of that"

"I'll have to get the buffalo chicken from the back ma'am be right back"


Micah checked over her cart once more to make sure she had everything that she came into the store for. Her intention was buy enough so that way she didn't have to deal with the massive Thanksgiving shoppers in the next few days. She had all her staple food items as well as things that she craved like sweets and junk.

All she needed now were her sandwich staples; anyone that knew her knew that she knew how to make a bomb sandwich. Her first job as a teenager was working as a sandwich artist at Subway. Micah was really hoping the deli clerk could find the buffalo chicken lunch meat; she was looking forward to making some of her blue cheese chicken sandwiches.

She had already been lucky to get two tubs of Rocky Road ice cream and three tubs of Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream.

"Miss Simmy!"

"Miss Simmy!"

Micah's ears perked up she had come to know those two little voices all too well. Two balls of energy known as the Montgomery twins came running over and latched on to Micah's cart.

"TJ! Hudson!" Micah gently scolded them but couldn't help laughing "you know the grocery store isn't a playground you shouldn't be running you could slip and fall"

"We're okay Miss Simmy" TJ insisted

The boys knew the pronunciation of Micah's last name but calling her Simmy just stuck and how could she say no to the sweet term of endearment. Since the twins were here she knew Thatcher would be close by so she would have to inevitably face him.

"Boys where's your father?" Micah asked "he's probably worried sick"

"Picking out vegetables" TJ replied sticking out his tongue in disgusted

"I don't see any vegetables in your cart Miss Simmy" Hudson said inspecting the grocery haul

"Oh there in there somewhere trust me"

"Is that Rocky Road?"

"Yes it is" Micah smiled "it's one of my favorite ice cream flavors"

"Mine too!"

"It's his only favorite flavor" TJ rolled his eyes "I like Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough"

"That's a good flavor too" Micah chuckled

"Boys!" that familiar voice called out "don't you hear me calling?"

TJ and Hudson giggled and scrambled to hide behind Micah as Thatcher made his way over.

"Simmons fancy running into you here"

"I can say the same for you Montgomery; picking up some lunch meat?"

"Not quite but you see I have two loaves of bread to make some pb and j sandwiches, but both the peanut butter and jelly slipped out of my cart and ran off somehow"

The boys continued to squeal with laughter behind Micah as each of them clutched her legs to try and fool their father. Micah was thankful that the boys were here to distract from what she was sure Thatcher really wanted to talk about instead and decided to play along.

She had noticed each of the boys clutching a jar of each of the condiments in their arms when they ran over to her. Thatcher was all tough and hard as iron when he was on duty but off duty he was a big teddy bear when it came to his sons; firm but loving.

"That's unfortunate" Micah chuckled "can't have pb and j without peanut butter and jelly"

"I know what I am I going to do Simmons?"

"Well since your two main ingredients just sprouted legs and ran away you might have to consider other sandwiches"

"Like what?"

"Yucky ones that only grown ups like" Micah said "like tuna fish, egg salad, and veggie"

The boys could be heard making disgusted noises at the sandwiches they found distasteful.

"I don't know Simmons those don't sound good to me"

"No they don't too bad your peanut butter and jelly ran away Montgomery"

"Yeah but you know since I'm at the deli maybe I can pick up some cheese and make some real yummy gooey grilled cheese sandwiches instead"

That was all it took, and Thatcher had the boys on his hook just like that; line and sinker

"Daddy!" TJ exclaimed springing up from behind Micah's leg "let's have grilled cheese for dinner please!"

"And ketchup soup!" Hudson added following his brother's lead

"I think you mean tomato soup buddy" Thatcher chuckled "we'll swing back around that aisle and get a few cans of it"

"Yeah and can we have ice cream for dessert?" Hudson continued pointing to Micah's cart "Miss Simmy got Rocky Road"

"We already went through that aisle; they didn't have that flavor remember?"

Hudson's face fell in slight disappointment and that made Micah feel a little guilty. Did she really need five whole tubs of ice cream? She could survive with just Strawberry Cheesecake.

"Hudson you can have mine" Micah said carefully placing the two tubs of the boy's favorite ice cream into his father's shopping cart

"Really Miss Simmy?"

"It's all yours kid" she said "share some with your brother too though okay?"

Hudson clapped his hands in excitement and which inspired TJ to also ask for a dessert too since the bakery wasn't that far from the deli in eye sight.

"Daddy can I pick out a donut?" TJ asked

Thatcher looked Micah right in the eye and she quickly averted his gaze because she knew what was coming next; he answered his son at the same time though

"Why don't you and Hudson each go pick out a donut and I'll be watching you okay?"


With that said Micah watched as the two little distractions she needed to keep her from confronting their father left to pick which sticky donut was going to satisfy their sweet tooth.

"That was nice of you" Thatcher said once the boys left

"What was nice?" Micah said trying to be detached

"What you did for my boys Miss Simmy" he teased her

"Montgomery it's cute from them to call me that because they're little you're a grown man"

"How about giving up your ice cream?"

"Less money I have to spend and more room in my freezer which isn't that big" Micah shrugged

"You stayed with them" Thatcher said liking how sensitive she was towards his sons

"Obviously because I know them Montgomery"

"Would you do the same for a child you didn't know?"

"Montgomery stop you know it's in my job description"

"You're off duty though"

"Any decent person would help them find their parent" Micah challenged him back wondering what was taking the deli clerk so long now

"And you know based on that same job description that those decent people are far and few in between now" Thatcher said not backing down

It was clear now that the topic was now going to shift from the boys to Micah instead

"How are you holding up Simmons?"


"Still putting those boots outside your door?"

"Yes Montgomery"

"Good I don't want anyone fucking with you"

"Nobody is going to fuck with me; boots or no boots"

Thatcher watched Micah's eyes light up as the deli clerk finally came back up with what looked like a huge chuck of the product she wanted.

"Sorry for the wait ma'am got your buffalo chicken right here; half a pound right?"

"Half a pound"

"You got it"

"Buffalo chicken lunch meat?"

"Don't knock it till you try it Montgomery"

"I'm not just never heard of it"

"Would you like a bit of slice to try sir?" the deli clerk asked reaching over the counter to hand Thatcher a small sample in some wrapper

Thatcher bit into the sample and immediately got that slight spicy savory taste that reminded him of buffalo wings but also had the texture and feel of your average deli lunch meat.

"This is amazing!"

"Would you like a half pound too sir?

"Yes please"

"Was your whole world just changed Montgomery?" Micah chuckled

"Do you get that regularly?"

"No it's a treat every once in a while I'm in the mood for my blue cheese chicken sandwiches"

"It's basically the buffalo chicken lunch meat, lettuce, a slice of tomato, and blue cheese spread on sourdough bread"

"Sounds like you would make" Thatcher said "I'd like to try it sometime"

"I literally just said the recipe you can make it anytime you like"

"It would be sad enjoying something that good by myself" he teased "my boys wouldn't go for it a yucky grown-up sandwich like that"

"Yeah, I suppose it is an age required taste"

"Daddy we got our doughnuts!" TJ announced proudly as he and his brother came back over "I got chocolate and Hudson got jelly; the bakery lady put it in these baggies for us"

"Oh did you remember to say thank you?"


"Good" Thatcher said making sure he was raising two little gentlemen

"Here you go sir your half pound" the deli clerk said "and your half pound sir thank you for your patience and you have a great Thanksgiving"

"You too" Micah said although he wished he hadn't mentioned the holiday at all because Thatcher was going to ask now

"Daddy are we done shopping now?" Hudson asked "we're hungry"

Much to Micah's embarrassment her stomach loudly growled loudly as well

"I think all of us are hungry right about now" Thatcher agreed "in fact boys why don't we help Simmons take her groceries home and have dinner with her?"

"Oh yes Miss Simmy please can we come over?" TJ pipped up

"Please Miss Simmy!" Hudson added along with his brother

Micah shot Thatcher a bit of a look because he knew damn well she couldn't say no to the boys

"Sure why not?"


"It's a school night Simmons" Thatcher reassured her "we won't stay long"


"Now when you spread the blue cheese make sure you kind of mush the chunks"

"Like this?"

"That's right"

An hour after getting back from the grocery store the Montgomery men (including the twins) helped Micah unpack her groceries and made dinner. TJ and Hudson were already at the kitchen table happily chowing down on the grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup Thatcher made for them.

Thatcher and Micah were at the kitchen counter as she was showing him how to make her signature sandwich; so that he could also make it at home as well.

"I like to use freshly shredded lettuce and cut tomato for this" Micah continued "two or three slices of the buffalo chicken; and to actually fit the sandwich in your mouth you're going to want to slice it in half"

Micah carefully cut the sandwich in two and poured each of them a glass of the lemonade she made earlier.

"Mm" Thatcher moaned his seal of approval enjoying his first bite "wow this is good"

"I'm sure you're just saying that" she said modestly

"No really Simmons this is probably one of the best sandwiches I ever had" he insisted "you've been hiding this gem all this time?"

"I guess you could say" Micah said "this is probably the first time I made it since Simone died"


"Yeah" she admitted "I used to make them with her all the time; she was the only other person that liked them"

"Until now of course"


Thatcher watched Micah quickly squeeze her eyes to stop any tears from forming.


"...I'm good"

"Miss Simmy can I have some more lemonade?" Hudson asked politely stepping between the two adults; Micah was thankful for the distraction

"Of course you can" she smiled down at him "how about you TJ?"

"I'm good Miss Simmy"

"Last cup buddy" Thatcher told Hudson as Micah poured him the drink "we're not making any stops on the way home"

"Okay Daddy"

Thatcher had caught on to how his sons made Micah happy even if it was only in brief little moments; she seemed to tolerate their company more than she did his. Then again maybe she understood the boys as she used to be a twin herself. TJ and Hudson were literally attached to each other, so it probably been the same with Micah and Simone.

"Miss Simmy do you really live here all by yourself?" TJ asked as he scooped up the last of his tomato soup

"Yes I do" she answered honestly and patiently

"Do you get scared and lonely?" Hudson asked innocently

"Not scared" Micah said "but I do get lonely sometimes"

"Why don't you have anyone to live with you then?"

If these boys weren't a chip off Thatcher's block; maybe it was Montgomery male thing.

"Some people have to or just like to live alone"

"So do you like it or do you have to?"

"A little bit of both"

"I don't think I'd like that" Hudson said "I like living with Daddy, TJ, and Sarge"

"That's good" Micah encouraged "you're blessed to have them"

"What does blessed mean?"

"Hudson you know what blessed means" Thatcher chuckled "you hear Nana say it all the time"

"Yeah it means thankful" TJ spoke up

Apparently thankful was the magic word because it made Hudson's eyes grew wide with excitement.

"Oh Daddy! is Miss Simmy going to Thanksgiving with us?"

"Huh?" Micah asked confused

"Daddy you said we were going to have Thanksgiving at the firehouse"

"It's going to be at the social hall and some of the fire department will be there; so yes there might be firetrucks out for the kids to get on" Thatcher clarified

"Miss Simmy is coming though right?" TJ asked "we don't want her to be lonely"

"Well boys that's up to Simmons" Thatcher said "she has to decide if she want to come"

"Daddy can't you make her come?" Hudson asked innocently not knowing the double meaning behind his question

"I could make her come" Thatcher boldly looked Micah in the eyes teasing her "but that wouldn't be fair she has to want to come"

"Do you want her to come?"

"Oh I'd love for her to come"

Micah had some colorful language to share she wanted to say but held back for the sake of the boys. She saw exactly what he did there. Thatcher was a little amused that he had his Taurus bull corned now not knowing where to point her horns or what to say; but at the same time he wasn't dismissive of her slight discomfort.

"Alright it's getting late and we have to get going; bathroom and wash your hands" Thatcher said breaking the tension a little and ruffled Hudson's hair "especially you Mr. Two Cups of Lemonade"

Once the boys were down the hall and out of earshot Micah let their father have it

"Really Montgomery?"


"You know what"

"Again Simmons they are five years old it was an innocent question"

Micah rolled her eyes as she went to get the boys dishes off the table and into the sink to wash all while Thatcher watched her amused.

"The invitation is open though" he said "the guys are planning a police and fire Thanksgiving at the social hall in the town square for friends and family"

"That's nice"

"Would be even nicer if you would consider attending"

"Montgomery please....I's...."

"It's what Simmons?"

She didn't say anything

It was like pulling teeth with Micah sometimes, but Thatcher knew she was only doing it to not seem vulnerable he was patient though.

"Look I know I was joking earlier but the ball really is in your court Simmons" he said sincerely

"I need to think about it" she replied "if I do come it will only be for a minute for the boys"

"That's fair"

"I mean it"

"I understand"

A few tears managed to escape from the corners of Micah's eyes.


"Please don't Montgomery; it feels weird when you call me by my first name"

"Did it feel weird that night I held you?"

It didn't but Micah didn't want to give Thatcher that satisfaction of knowing he was right so she didn't answer. It was none of his business anyway.

"If you haven't noticed my boys are just like me" he went on to say "I don't want you to be scared and lonely either"

Micah silently thanked God when she heard TJ and Hudson make their way back to the kitchen; and Thatcher helped them get their jackets on.

"Boys what do we say?"

"Thank you Miss Simmy for having us for dinner" they said; it did tug at Micah's heartstrings

"You're welcome" she said giving each of them a hug "I loved having you over; you two are the perfect little gentlemen"

TJ and Hudson beamed with pride and blushed a little.

Micah brought her attention back to Thatcher their eyes locked for a moment. When it started to feel a little too intimate she quickly blinked her eyes to break that tension. Thatcher allowed it and was forgiving; Micah did manage to give him a little smile back.

"Goodnight Simmons"

"Goodnight Montgomery"



This story archived at http://