As Long As We're Both Not 18 by Mercie21

Imagine a parallel universe where soulmates existed.

A world where you and your soulmate would grow old together and live happily ever after.

A world where if you hadn't found your soulmate, you'd be 18 years old and cease to age until you found your other half. 

Join 7 couples and their journey to finding their soulmate. 

Categories: Original Fiction Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Drama, Friendship, Romance
Story Status: Active
Pairings: None
Warnings: Character Death, Fluff
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 18057 Read: 12892 Published: September 15 2016 Updated: February 05 2017
Rayna - Pt. 2 of 2 by Mercie21
Author's Notes:

Final part to Rayna's story. The first two chapters are kind of introductory chapters so you can get an idea of how the whole soulmates thing works so not much will actually happen to Rayna. 

Before I knew it, it was Thursday which meant I had my soulmates class again. My attitude about the class had drastically changed after just attending the first class we had on Tuesday. Instead of thinking it was stupid and a complete waste of time, I couldn’t wait to go to class and hear Elizabeth’s and Daisy’s stories. Hearing peoples’ stories changed my perspective on soulmates.

Though some things in my life changed, some were still the same. Tyler hadn’t changed his mind about me, about us, and I was learning to be okay with it. I couldn’t make him love me and I knew that someday I would get over him and I would thank him for breaking us up earlier rather than years later once we’ve realized we weren’t soulmates. I’d rather suffer the pain now and not in 5 or 10 years when we still looked the same. Tyler wasn’t the end all and be all. I was going to find someone better. My soulmate. I just had to be patient.

Lacey was still not my friend and would most likely never be again.

Apart from the whole Tyler and Lacey situation, the school year was starting off fantastically. To my utter surprise, most of my teachers were kind and easy going. It was a huge relief because throughout my four years of high school, the majority of my teachers were rude, harsh and judgmental. However, the ones I had now were passionate about what they taught and loved sharing their knowledge, and because of that; the students were excited to go to class.

Before I started the soulmates class, I didn’t really pay much attention to the couples around me. I only focused on my relationship as well as my parents, and that was only because I saw them every day and I couldn’t help but notice, but now, it was all I noticed. From: strangers on the street, to my neighbours, to even people at the mall and grocery store.

My physics and calculus teachers hadn’t found their soulmates yet because they were both still 18. Of course they were much older than 18, but they’d just stopped aging at 18. They seemed to be okay with it but if I was in their position, I’d find it weird to be authoritative and teach a group of students that looked the same age as I did.

They were the only teachers that I had that hadn’t found their soulmates, but they weren’t the only teachers in the school that were still 18 and with that realization, it got me thinking, how rare or how common was it to actually find your soulmate?

So with that question on my mind the entire day, it wasn’t a complete surprise when I raised my hand in soulmates class before either Elizabeth or Daisy could begin their stories.

“Yes dear?” Mrs. Ingrite asked pointing at me.

Lola and my new group of friends had found great seats in the very first row of the auditorium so I felt rather than saw everyone turn their attention towards me. “How likely is it to find your soulmate?”

I heard a few murmurs from the crowd and I caught the words, “Tyler,” “break up” and “depressed.” It hurt that people were still talking about it considering it happened before the summer even began, however, I wasn’t that hurt about the break up anymore.

“That’s a good question,” Mrs. Ingrite said smiling. “From what researchers have gathered, the likeliness of finding your soulmate is around 70%.”

“There are billions of people in the world, how is that even possible?” Frank asked. He was sitting beside me again. Out of everyone in the group of friends, he and Lola were my favourite

“Well it’s mostly fate. The man upstairs is great and does amazing things and you must have faith. Also, for example, if you think about it, you and your soulmate are going to have some common interests, therefore you would tend to go to the same places, assuming you lived in the same area of course. Even if you lived in different countries, it is still highly likely for you two to meet someday, somewhere. It could just take many many years, but it’ll happen.”

“That’s not very assuring,” Frank said.

“I know it sounds very weird, improbable and unrealistic, but that’s just how it is,” Daisy said shrugging her shoulders.

“Okay,” Elizabeth sighed. “We can’t waste any more time. Today, Daisy and I will tell you our soulmate stories. We hope to finish before the bell rings. We do not want to keep you in after school.”

“We don’t mind,” some girl shouted interrupting her. To my surprise, almost everyone agreed.

“Alright,” Elizabeth laughed. “I’ll begin,” she stated taking a deep breath. “My story isn’t as bittersweet as Mrs. Ingrate’s. I literally met my soulmate when I was 16. His name is Ethan. I thought he was special and I thought we were soulmates but I wasn’t 100% sure. Thinking about it now,” she laughed going on a tangent, “I always knew he was my soulmate, I was just too afraid to admit it. I thought it was weird to have found him at such a young age considering every couple I knew who were soulmates found each other later on in life, not when they were 16 and in high school. Anyways,” she said getting back to her story, “once we turned 18, we broke up because he went to the States to study and I stayed here in Canada. We didn’t want to do the whole long distance thing. I wasn’t with anyone and I hadn’t met anyone that made my heart race and ache like Ethan did, and I was aging. However, I was in deep denial. I thought there was no way it could be Ethan because during the four years that he was gone, we’d never spoken or seen each other. As you can imagine, I was freaking out. It sucked walking around and seeing soulmates together when I didn’t even know who the hell mine was. So it was a complete surprise when I saw Ethan after we’d graduated university and he’d aged too.

“When I saw him, my stomach had butterflies and it felt like my heart was pumping lava into my body because I felt so warm, happy and alive. Spending those four years apart made me think that I was over him, but when I saw him again, I was hit with this burst of love. It was like my heart expanded twice its size and everything I thought I didn’t feel about him came back full force.

That spark we had for each other was still there. Of course it would be, we were soulmates. We exchanged numbers and before you knew it, we were going on dates and hanging out and doing all these things we used to. It was like we’d never spent any time apart.  

“Anyways,” Elizabeth said slapping her knee, “We got married and the rest is history.”

There were some awing from some of the girls who were die hard romantics. I turned to Frank and shouldered him rolling my eyes. “That wasn’t as good as I thought it would be,” I whispered. Well, I thought I’d whispered.

“Well not every story is going to be amazing. Some are plain and boring, but I’m glad you find it funny,” Elizabeth said to me.

Oh shit. I looked around and everyone was staring at me. I could see Brett holding a hand over his mouth to stop him from laughing. I hadn’t realized I had spoken so loudly.

“Sorry,” I apologized to Elizabeth.

“Yeah,” she said rolling her eyes.


“You have to admit,” Daisy laughed. “Out of the three of us, your story is pretty lame.” Daisy made eye contact with me and gave me a wink and warm look.

“So, it’s finally my turn” Daisy began looking around the auditorium. “Who here can guess how old I am. Not how old I am in total but how old I am after I started aging?”

I squinted my eyes and really looked at Daisy. Her face looked young. She had black hair and it looked really healthy and clean. Her hands though, looked old. I’d guess she was about 40 or so.

“25!” someone shouted.

“Aww how sweet,” Daisy laughed. “No. I’m 45. I was 18 for almost 70 years though.” There was an audible gasp from the group of diehard romantics.

“I hadn’t dated anyone in high school. I was a damn ugly kid in high school, no one wanted to date me and I was completely fine with it because I knew that somewhere out there was my soulmate and he or she would fine me beautiful beyond measure. I was more focused on my studies than anything else. Especially coming from an Asian background, studies meant everything.

“Two years after I had turned 18, I went into a deep depression. My parents advised me to take time from school to find myself and to try to find happiness. It was surprising because my parents’ were super strict about getting a good education and to always stay in school so for them to be the ones to say, “hey, chillax from school a bit and go find you,” was a huge deal.

“I didn’t have any money because I never worked. I just studied all the time and anytime I needed money for anything, my parent’s would give it to me. My parents’ were loaded so they paid for everything. Well, by everything, I mean my flights. Gosh,” she giggled, “I sound spoiled. I’m not. I promise.” A few students including myself giggled at that and Daisy scrunched up her face in a smile before she continued. “Yes, they told me they’d pay for me to travel the world if it meant me getting better, but once there, I would work and explore and do things to make my own money. I needed to be independent. I visited about 10 different countries. I decided to visit Japan first because my mom was born and raised there. I worked as an English teacher there for about five years before I went to Malaysia. My dad was born there so I thought it was only fair to visit his birth place as well. I spent most of my time working at a retail store there. Yes, I was over qualified but I wanted to work in a customer service type job because I was always curious about what that was like. I had met some really amazing people there. I spent a little over five years there as well.

“I was getting better and better. With my depression that is. A lot of people told me that once I found my soulmate, my depression would vanish. I felt like I didn’t need to find my soulmate, but obviously it wouldn’t hurt to meet them. I just want to get this out of the way now,” she said brushing her hand through the air. “You do not need your soulmate to be happy or to find yourself. Yes, we are made to be with people and to have a partner but having or not having a partner does not define you as a person. You are your own person and at the end of the day, all you really have is yourself. There are people I know who are with their soulmates and still have depression. Depression and unhappiness are not correlated to being with your soulmate.”  

“I then went to China, Turkey, Egypt, Iceland, and Morocco. I spent about fourty years between all of them,” Daisy continued as if nothing happened. As if she hadn’t settle down my panic of not finding my soulmate.  

“One day, I got a call from my sister telling me that her and her husband were going to celebrate their 50th anniversary in Australia. I was furious. I was in Rome at this time by the way. I was having so much fun. I didn’t want to leave Rome to go to Australia but she was insistent so I caved in. I was going to go but I wasn’t happy about it. 

“We spent two weeks in Australia. At the time I didn’t want to admit it but I had lots of fun. On our last day there, I went to a café to pick up some coffee and donuts. I was just minding my business when I heard a loud bark behind me. I turned around and saw a crazy Chihuahua coming right at me. I tried to run away as quickly as I could. I was turning a corner when I crashed right into another person. I fell to the ground and I turned around to the dog. The guy I ran into didn’t fall but he quickly grabbed the dog before it could touch me. “Don’t touch it!” I warned glaring at the dog. “That thing’s a demon!”

“The guy had laughed and kissed the demon on its head. Its tiny teeth were snarling at me and the rage coming from its tiny yet huge eyes was concerning. I stopped glaring at the dog to look at man because he had the most beautiful laugh I had ever heard. From the moment we made eye contact, I knew. I knew he was it. It felt like my heart had stopped but at the same time, it felt like it was beating every millisecond.

“He’d helped me up and we spoke for hours. He introduced himself as Chase. He told me that the demon dog was his pet and they had gone out for a jog when the dog got distracted by a squirrel. He was looking for the dog when we had collided. He also told me the dog despised the colour yellow, which I happened to be wearing that day.

“We bought the donuts together and I had immediately introduced him to my sister. I ended up staying in Australia for another month with him.

“We then traveled together with the demon dog. Chase and I ended up making Montreal our home. Everything was so perfect. Within two years of meeting, we had a baby boy together. Chase and I have a total of five kids by the way.”

Daisy took about a ten second pause and released a shaky breath.

“So, Chase’s 45th birthday was coming up and we thought it’d be nice to go to Australia with the kids and celebrate his birthday there.

“The party was spectacular and we all had so much fun. The day after his birthday, Chase wanted us all to go to the beach because he wanted to teach the kids how to-.”

Daisy was interrupted by the screeching sound of the bell. I was so tuned in with her story that I nearly fell off my seat when the bell rang.

“Should I continue?” Daisy asked.

“Yeah,” everyone shouted remaining in their seats.

“He wanted to teach the kids how to surf. He’d made everyone their own surfboard. It was a gift he wanted to give all of us for his birthday.

“The kids and I really enjoyed surfing. Were we good at it? No, but it was such a treasurable and memorable moment. We were finished and about to leave the beach when there we heard a woman scream. Her kid was swimming in the ocean and there was a shark approaching. The people in the water swam away.”

Daisy’s voice began to shake. “’Stay here!’ Chase had warned. He was such a good person. He ran back towards the water to save the kid. I had never seen him swim so fast. He saved the kid but he died in the process. As soon as he died, it felt like I was having a heart attack. I felt like my heart had cracked into a million pieces and that the air in my lungs were all gone. I couldn’t breathe. I had watched my husband, my soulmate die right before my eyes. I had panic attacks every night for two years after he died.

“When your soulmate dies, you’re never the same. You feel empty and lonely. It’s better to have never met your soulmate rather than to have met them and then lose them. The pain is almost unbearable. I don’t regret it though. I have five beautiful children from Chase and I have the memories we made together. I wouldn’t trade it for anything else in the world.

“I don’t want to scare anyone or freak anyone out but when your soulmate dies, you get a big scar over your chest where your heart is. You will age to until you're 18 but that will be all. So," she sighed, " if you have a big scar over your heart, your soulmate has died. I’m sorry.

My eyes immediately watered as I turned around to look for Sheila. She was already looking at me when I finally found her. She gave me a wobbly and tearful smile. No one else knew this but Sheila had a scar over her heart. I saw it once when we were both running late to gym class and we were changing in the locker room. Sheila usually changed in one of the changing room stalls so no one ever saw it.  Me being snoopy, I’d asked her where the scar was from and she said she gotten it when she was 10 months old. She’d begged me not to tell anyone. I didn’t know it’d meant that she’d lost her soulmate.

“Do you stop aging when you’re soulmate dies?” someone asked.

“Yes,” Daisy said wiping away tears from her eyes. “However old you are when your mate dies is where you will remain forever.”

“How do you know if the scar is because your soulmate died?” another person asked.

“You’ll get unbearable pain. The scar never really heals. You don’t feel pain after the initial pain is over, but the scar will always look fresh.”

There was another minute of complete silence before Mrs. Ingrite dismissed us.

Unlike after Tuesday’s class when Bret couldn’t shut up about class, he was silent today.

“It’s sad isn’t it?” Nick had asked.

“Yeah,” Brett replied. “Imagine that.”

I was grateful that none of us had the scar. I don’t know how I’d react if any of us had it.

I’d rather never meet my soulmate but know he was alive than to have him die and never have the illusion that we’d one day meet.

I was in bed when I realized that no matter the outcome that came with my life, I’d be okay.  

As of this moment, my soulmate is alive and I am truly grateful for that.

I’ll be okay. 

End Notes:

HI Ladies!! I hope you're all doing well.

So that's it for Rayna's story. I'm going to leave it at that. The next chapter is going to have completely different feel to it. It's going to be much more....darker. So please look forward to that. 

Pretty please leave a review and let me know what you thought! 

Thank you for reading!

**sidenote that was brought up by reviewer** You stop aging at 18 no matter what. So whether your soulmate has died or not, you will age until you're 18. So Sheila will not forever stay as a 10 month year old baby lol 

This story archived at http://