A'isha is a fashion designer by trade. Though she is in a business filled with superficial spoiled brats and air heads she is different. At 5’3 tall and what most would call a plus size girl she is far from the norm in her line of business, a tulip amongst roses. She shy’s away from the spot light and always has a kind word for everyone she meets her beauty shines from an inner light that refuses to be extinguished.
Elton is a prominent plastic surgeon. Making money from the insecurities of women and men alike in A’ishas line of business has been his way of life for many years. In every person he meets he can spot their flaws in an instant, but meeting A’isha changes his life. Opening his eyes to the possibility of someone who didn’t need to be changed in any way, someone dare he say it perfect.
When the two meet sparks fly and lives are changed forever.
(The Banner is a temp until I can make something better. I just wanted to give the reader an idea of the characters I have in mind.)
Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Comedy ,
RomanceStory Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations,
Extreme Language,
Sexual Content ,
Strong Sexual Content ,
Work in Progress
Series: None
Chapters: 4
Word count: 4484
Read Count: 21588
Published: June 14 2010
Updated: November 19 2013