Summary: I was broken when he found me,damaged goods..My name held no meaning when shame fit so well in its place but he saw me, the real me, that little thread I held onto and kept in a box hidden beneath my chest. He knew my flaws and instead of running in the opposite direction he ran towards me hitting me dead on like a sledgehammer .He licked my wounds, allowing my scars to heal before peeling back each layer of myself to devour and claim, he brought me unspeakable pleasure using my body as his canvas.Many would of considered him a monster, a killer, an evil man. His Name was Nickolai Harkov with the Russian Bravta and he was the man I fell in love with.
I was the second in line to lead in the Harkov Bravta. The hardcore exterior I portrayed made me who I was a lethal and merciless killer . Darkness nearly overtook me, until I stumbled upon Tiara. She didn't know it but she was my light that pulled at the vessel beating beneath my rib cage. She made me question life, before her nothing matter, but now I would do anything within my power to be with the woman that gave me a reason to live.
Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: GeneralGenre: EroticaStory Status: ActivePairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 5
Word count: 8575
Read Count: 9825
Published: July 15 2015
Updated: July 23 2015