I'm really interested to see where you're going with this because fatal attraction and obsessed were two different movies. Fatal involved a cheating spouse, obsessed did not. The only thing they have in common is that the other woman (actual or one-sided) was crazy.
It also seems like Brian isn't interested in having a kid. Is this Victoria's last ditch effort to save her marriage, because at this point it seems she's the only one who wants a baby.
Even with the inner monologue, I don't believe Brian loves his wife. If he did, he wouldn't be at Alaina's. He knew what was up when he answered. He also would have had sex with his wife the night before and then wrote the article.
Reviewer: Presh Signed [Report This]Date: September 23 2018 06:41 pm
Please finish this story!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: September 17 2015 02:54 pm
I'm loving this... This story has to go on!!!!!!! Ps this reminds me a little of the movie obsessed expect for the leading man is white and cheating part is actually true lol
Reviewer: Anonymouslyfaded Signed [Report This]Date: June 06 2015 10:14 pm
Please finish this story!!! :-)
Reviewer: gjack06 Signed [Report This]Date: December 12 2013 10:36 pm
can you continue this story please???
Reviewer: gigi Anonymous [Report This]Date: October 13 2013 02:59 am
This is a great start to this fic. It's been a while since we heard from you. Please continue soon.
Reviewer: AP Anonymous [Report This]Date: May 29 2013 03:10 pm
Can you please update I would search for this story and it always breaks my heart that no updates have been made but I can't stop reading this one chapter. Now wouldn't another chapter or 20 chapters be WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better? I think so too.
Reviewer: Norma Bu Signed [Report This]
Date: May 28 2013 09:19 pm
Love this story... please update.
Reviewer: gjack06 Signed [Report This]Date: May 18 2013 12:04 am
please contibue this story!!!!
Reviewer: gigi Signed [Report This]Date: May 17 2013 03:43 am
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: April 20 2013 10:35 am
can you continue this story please!!!!!!!
Reviewer: gigi Anonymous [Report This]Date: March 03 2013 02:17 pm
i love it!!!!!!!! please continue
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: January 29 2013 03:16 am
I love it!!! please continue!!!!
Reviewer: gigi Anonymous [Report This]Date: January 28 2013 03:37 pm
Loving this story but........can we get more?
Reviewer: Lynn Anonymous [Report This]Date: October 02 2012 08:55 am
Love it! These stories always make me cry at the thought of a cheating spouse. It's like its happening too me (its never happened to me by the way)...I so enjoy the emotions these fics stir.
Please continue till the very end...I want to see that bitch Alaina get what's coming to her.
Reviewer: LaserLight Signed [Report This]
Date: September 15 2012 10:56 am
Sooo... Funny story.
This amazing writer started writing this amazing story but..wait there is a twist.
The writer has disappeared and won't update her story anymore making all of her reader sad :(
Mmm does this story spark something in you ?
Im sure it does so make sure you update soon!!
A crazed reader.
Reviewer: Norma "impatient" Bu Anonymous [Report This]Date: June 28 2012 01:03 am
Still waitng on that update...
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: June 02 2012 01:08 pm
Sooo... Heeey what about that update? Coming soon? Yes? No? Maybe? I mean who knows but can it be soon like within this week because your story is effin awesome and I can't wait till the s**t hits the fan!!!!!
Reviewer: Normie Anonymous [Report This]Date: May 13 2012 03:18 pm
I can tell I'm going to enjoy this immensely, even though I want to knock the hell out of Brian. Poor Vicky.
Reviewer: im a new fan Anonymous [Report This]Date: May 07 2012 08:33 am
First off the casting pictures usually hate them but they totally make sense and i see them in my head ..SO yah that cool
Second please update this story
Third : Why Brain i knowur good but why would you do that to her ... Victoria i hope she doesnt him when she finds out
Fourth : Update it please
Reviewer: lalalal ...blue Anonymous [Report This]Date: May 07 2012 08:32 am
Okay omfg who does that ...Can you please kill her slowly and Brian gahh why why if you love your wife why . Wait can both of them have a slow death .. like really why !!!! CAn you update please :)
Reviewer: obessed with this Anonymous [Report This]Date: May 07 2012 08:29 am
ohhh please update! I cant wait for more :P
Reviewer: sparkles and pink Anonymous [Report This]Date: May 07 2012 08:27 am
" Im going to bed " I was like poor Victoria .. I mean wtf the woman just wanted have sexay time but that stupid idiot was gahh . And please dont make me start ranting about that slut .. oh god they did it in their bed .. This story please update its really good gahhhh
Reviewer: Janeia89 Anonymous [Report This]Date: May 07 2012 08:25 am