Secrets never stay secrets for long Jae come clean before its comes back to bite you
Reviewer: LetMeDream Signed

Date: October 28 2014 11:18 pm
Welcome indeed
Reviewer: LetMeDream Signed

Date: October 28 2014 10:42 pm
Wow. Who is she trying to fool.
Reviewer: 1nadali Signed

Date: August 12 2013 11:21 pm
The new year is a time to start a new beginning. Jae and Cassandra are willing to try and work things out and that is a positive step forward. It seems that Antoinette is not as honest as she claims but it is quite a situation. This year will definetly be a trail of obstacles.
Author's Response:
Yes, the new year will definitely be filled with some trials. Thank you so much for following act 1.
Reviewer: reader101 Signed

Date: August 12 2013 02:50 am
Bring on Act 2!!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: August 12 2013 12:46 am
I can't believe that I missed this chapter. I love Aunt ELoise she had words of wisdom for Cassandra. I am glad that she decided to give her relationship with Jae a chance. i just hope that they don't allow that ho Antoinette to use that baby to throw a monkey wrench in their relationship. Fabulous!!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: August 12 2013 12:35 am
Antoinette loves Jae in her own way even thought she treated him like a bald-headed step child. Keith thinks that the baby is his, when it's really Jae's. I want Keth to find out and dump her. I can't stand Antoinette, I am so not moved by her tears. Antoinette deserves to be miserable but Keith and Jae don't. I would definitely buy this book when you publish it.
Author's Response:
Antoinette loves Jae in her own way even thought she treated him like a bald-headed step child.
I cracked up when I read that! You have been a great support and I truly appreciate you. :)

Date: August 12 2013 12:18 am
Ohhh. Antoinette is trifling as hell!
She's playing both Keith and Jae!
Sometimes I can't stand my own gender most of the time.
Author's Response:
Ha ha, yes she is! Thanks for reading.
Reviewer: Soledad Signed [Report This]Date: August 12 2013 12:02 am
I really liked this story. My only problem was that I didn't understand why you use "the woman" & "the man" instead of "she" & "he"
Author's Response:
Ha ha ha! I don't know why I do that. I guess I like the ring of it. My friend says it's because I'm a weirdo. ^^
Reviewer: mrmalone Signed [Report This]Date: August 11 2013 07:26 pm
SOOOO Keith doesnt know that the baby isnt his?????? nWOW!! I loved it, if you do decide to publish it I will def buy it ! ITs so good!
Author's Response:
Thanks so much :)
Reviewer: RedMoon Signed

Date: August 11 2013 06:38 pm
I love this story!!! I'm not ready to see it end!!!
Reviewer: Treale Signed [Report This]Date: July 28 2013 10:21 am
It is true that things are a little bumpy but every relationship have it s share of bumps. The point is that they do love each other and that they still have a chance to work things out. Not saying thst it will be easy but anything worth having is worth the struggle. No one wants to deal with the tough choices but life is not always a walk in the park. A situation like this would seem beyond all help and best to cut losses. Of course everyone is different and trying is alot better than just giving up.
Reviewer: reader101 Signed [Report This]Date: July 28 2013 06:34 am
Considering everything that has happaned, her aunt was the best solution in this situation. She clearly knows what she is talking about and solid advice is good advice. This applies to many of lifes obstacles. This is what Cassandra needed to hear in order move forward wirh her life.
Reviewer: reader101 Signed [Report This]Date: July 28 2013 06:22 am
I don't know how I missed this chapter but I'm glad that Cass is finally admitting that she wants to be with Jae.
Reviewer: 1nadali Signed

Date: July 11 2013 11:28 am
I know how she feels it's hard to break up with someone.
Reviewer: lilsunseeker Signed

Date: July 11 2013 05:07 am
It's Jae isn't at the door isn't it? I sure hope so, I so want these two to work out and u want them to make babies and perhaps fight for custody of his unborn child with Antoinette. I loved the scene with her mom that was so loving and supportive, which is exactly what she needed. Fabulous!!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: July 10 2013 10:00 pm
A mother to daughter converstion was exactly what Cassandra needed and she needed to.know that her mother and family will always be there. A mother always knows the right thing to say and that reminds us all to be thankful to have parents. Talking about life changing issues is the best way to move forward with life. Seeing her spend time with her family during the hoildays brings back all those happy go lucky feelings that come with spending the hoildays with loved ones. These are the moments that make people happy when life throws a boulder.
That text message is the push that steered her in the direction to try and make this relationship work and that Jae wants the same. The point is that they do love each other and life is just throwing curve balls af them and everything is being put to the test. Before sbe could send the message, she is told that someone is there to see her. I thilnk i know who it is but i will just wait for the day the update appears and see if i was right
This story is more than i expected, stories like these are one of a kind. There are always interaccial stories on the chamber that help keep this type of relationship alive. Life is not always easy and relationships are no exception. Blasian stories are rare and tis may be my favorite becaues the plot is realistic. Another is that race is not the main issue and they really love one another. Thank you for all the hard work, sweat, and tears that went into this and your other stories.
Reviewer: reader101 Signed

Date: July 10 2013 06:31 pm
Cassandra is more level headed and thinks things through, that is a refreshing notion. She realizes that everyone makes bad decisions that we must live with. Cassandra is willing to try to work things out and have a relationship. It is never easy dealing with a loved one having a child ftom an ex. Jae is taking responsibility and that is what makes him a real man.
I understand that Diana is trying to help her but when it all comes down to it, this is between Jae and Cassandra. She still needs to confront him and have a much needed heart to heart. He does love her but he also wants to take care of his duties. What his ex did is no excuse and it will stay with him. I also worry that she w
ill use this child as an excuse to get back into his good favor.
Reviewer: reader101 Signed [Report This]Date: July 10 2013 05:23 pm
I feel so bad for Cassandra, it seems as if no one in her family wants her to be that fool Jae Hoon. She can't help who she loves so are you going to give him another chance? Or are you going to kick him the curb? Cassie that baby wasn't meant to be, your relationship with Jae Hoon isn't as it should be. When you two get right with each other a baby will happen. I am so glad to see this story back!!
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading pmgayles! I know it has been a while since I updated, I am just still working out the kinks. This story makes me feel like I am going crazy at times! Yes, Cassie has a hard decision to make. The heart my want what it wants, but just because she's asking for it doesn't mean it's good for her. They need to get it together. Thanks for your review and comments :)
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: June 22 2013 03:08 am
It seems that people always try to sweep their troubles under the rug until they are ready to face it. However the things under the rug nag at us. Only time will tell when she will be able to face it for her own sake and not just because of other people.
Author's Response:
Hey reader101, I wish I could write a response as deep as your review, but I simply can't! I agree with you. I think Cassandra really does need to face these issues head on. If she is serious about being with this guy, she can't keep pussyfooting around the problem. She needs to speak her mind and not worry if what she says or do will determin whether this man leaves or stay. Fear is her worst enemy.
Thanks for reading!

Date: June 22 2013 01:56 am
Life is complicated, simple as that. No one said it was always like sunshine and happy days. Time apart perhaps is the best thing for them. A for the update always worth the wait.
Author's Response:
Thanks so much :)
Reviewer: reader101 Signed

Date: June 22 2013 01:47 am
This might sound horrible, but I think it actually is best that they break up. In reality people are better off a part and meet someone ten times better then the previous partner.
Sometimes too much baggage on both ends leads to a not so happily ever after for the couple, doesn't mean they won't get one, it just won't be together.
Author's Response:
No, that doesn't sound horrible to me. Sometimes folks are in your life for a specific reason and season. Not everyone is meant to be in eachothers lives forever. Thanks for your comment and thanks for reading :)
Reviewer: Soledad Signed [Report This]Date: June 21 2013 10:33 pm
Trouble in paradise. Things will only get worse before getting any better. Sooner or later they will jabe to face their problems but for now a time to be away is in order.
Author's Response:
Reader101, you just read my mind. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Reviewer: reader101 Signed

Date: June 01 2013 07:12 am
Well, at least the truth's out and that's the best thing about this chapter. I don't know where things will go from here but now there are no more secrets. I know that Diana means well but she's becoming overbearing. Screening Jae's calls and visits doesn't help the sitation.
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading and commenting.
Yes, Diana is... I don't know where to start. Sometimes I just look at her and shake my head. Sometimes when I see Diana, "Under my breath, All I can say is, Mmm, mmm, Damn, Mmm."~ Ginuwine (None of Ur Friends Business)
Date: May 31 2013 04:01 pm
WTF! Jae finally manned up but now I await the Cassie explosion. The hurt she must feel after losing her baby and finding out the ho Antoinette is preggers must be fierce. I really feel bad for Cassie right now, Jae I don't know how but you have to make this right. The only thing that ho Antoinette needs to get from you is child support!
Author's Response:
Yes he finally did! I feel for Cassie as well, pmgayles. I hate that they have to go through this... They need to figure out where their relationship is going.
Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Date: May 31 2013 01:24 pm