The way I see this is as a resolution to the conflict and every ending only marks a new beginning. Thanks.
Author's Response:
You're welcome.
Reviewer: reader101 Signed [Report This]Date: July 30 2014 05:17 pm
I loved this story. Can't wait to read what you have for us next!
Author's Response:
Thank you! I have some really awesome ideas for the next story.
Author's Response:
Thank you! I have some really awesome ideas for the next story.
Reviewer: Elizablu Signed

Date: July 19 2014 10:45 pm
I really enjoyed this story passionFruit, from the first chapter to the end. I love Loki and morphine together lol and Auburn is too cute! Thank you so much for this tale. :)
Author's Response: You're so welcome! Thank you for reading and enjoying my story. Reviewer: Heartless808 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 19 2014 01:32 am
That was awesome, Morphine is good for Loki. Auburn is one spoiled girl! I give your tale two thumbs up!
Author's Response:
Thank you! It's really been great writing this story and getting you guys' feedback!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: July 18 2014 04:05 am
Without a doubt there a lot to.tell her. I am.quite sure that she can handle it. Loki has changed for the better but still has that trickster mentality.
Author's Response:
Of course, Loki will always be a trickster!
Reviewer: reader101 Signed [Report This]Date: July 16 2014 05:50 am
That was more than I had expected. None the less still a good read.
Author's Response:
Thanks! :)
Reviewer: reader101 Signed [Report This]Date: July 16 2014 05:33 am
No I don't wanna see it come to an end it's sooooooo goooooooooooooooooood!
Author's Response:
The last chapter may be coming, but I promise there'll be more.
Reviewer: Heartless808 Signed [Report This]Date: July 15 2014 03:39 am
Loki really has changed. Morphine has her mother and their baby girl is with them. Sweet!!!
Author's Response:
Yes, he has! Things are starting to look up.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: July 15 2014 12:05 am
It's about... to go... down...
Great story so far, can't wait to find out what happens next!
Author's Response:
Hehehe Thanks!
Reviewer: Hikari Signed [Report This]Date: July 13 2014 02:36 am
Oh Surtur, your daughter takes a little 'break' from childbirth and you possess her? Not cool! He really needs to work on his parenting skills. Oh, snap! He hasn't got any...
Author's Response:
I think Surtur and Odin took the same parenting class...and failed miserably!
Reviewer: bookbutterfly Signed [Report This]Date: July 11 2014 12:08 pm
That was freaky, Sutur is evil for attempting to kill his own daughter. Where is Oriel?
Author's Response:
Oriel comes into the picture in the next chapter.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: July 11 2014 04:08 am
Nick lost his cookies, Morphine needs to save her brother from his crazy ass momma!! I am wondering what this baby will look like? Good stuff! !
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: July 05 2014 04:15 pm
Morphine's mother is very pretty. Vigr just can win. His mother is viscious. Yay! Mophhine is pregnant.
Reviewer: jjazz59 Signed

Date: June 30 2014 05:11 am
Yes, her mom is alive!!! Morphine is pregnant, Loki is going to be a daddy this will be an interesting ride.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: June 30 2014 01:40 am
Exciting chapter. Morphine loves her some Loki. The demons are the worst.
Reviewer: jjazz59 Signed

Date: June 28 2014 01:13 am
I hope Morphine tells Loki what happened in the bathroom...
Reviewer: tens Signed [Report This]Date: June 27 2014 05:56 pm
Good riddance to bad rubbish, fine rubbish but bad fine rubbish!! How could they believe fhat Morphine would allow them to distroy her home? Will Sutur reconstitue back in hell? Can Morphorine go back and kill the Queen? Please say yes because that evil ho needs to die!!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: June 27 2014 02:54 pm
Her mother was awesome!! I do beleive that will be able to outsmart her half-brothers. My first impression of them is that I am not impressed. I think the Queen should die and I hope the Morphine is her death dealer.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: June 24 2014 02:52 pm
Loki is hot as a chick. You had me in chuckles.
Reviewer: bookbutterfly Signed [Report This]Date: June 23 2014 08:44 am
Sutur it won't be that easy. Morphine/Martha is old as hell! Me likey!!
Author's Response:
LOL! That made my day!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: June 21 2014 04:18 pm
you had me at Bani, you had me at Bani mmmmmm.
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous

Date: June 21 2014 07:07 am
Loki is taking care of his woman!! Where is her mother? Did her mom die in child birth? Why in the hell did Loki free Surtur? Odin had just seen the look of peace and love in Loki's eyes si why doubt him again when Morphine tells him who she really is? This is some good story telling!!
Author's Response:
The question on whether Morphine's mom is dead or alive will be answered in later chapters. Loki freed Surtur to destroy Asgard, but it didn't work out too well. Odin wants to believe Loki, but he still doesn't trust him. Lol I hope i answered your questions well enough!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: June 15 2014 03:50 pm
Omg, this is so enjoyable. Although the Avengers were conveniently understanding, I'm liking where this is going. What does Surtur want!?!?!!?!? Where the hell has he been!?!?!?! Who is her mom!?!?!!?!??! A human? A being of another "realm?" So many questions!
Author's Response: :) In time, all of your questions will be answered. Reviewer: tens Signed [Report This]
Date: June 14 2014 11:14 am