I have read this 3 times and I still haven't ground tired of it, and of course I want more this letter was just so sweet. It brings out the hopeless romantic in me even though she's in the closet lol anyway yes please post another please.
Author's Response:
Thanks for your response! I have his letters, but I would need a good week to sit down and transcribe them. A lot of his letters were very rushed, and short. And then some were sad. If you enjoy it I wouldnt mind taking the time to upload more. :} While it is difficult being in a relationship with somebody in the military, it surely is worth it when you get to here somebody remind you why youre in that relationship in the first place.
Reviewer: Zoleka Anonymous [Report This]Date: May 01 2015 10:51 pm
Aww Lovely Sweet and Funny Letter. More please :)
Author's Response:
Thank you! He is a sweetheart. :}
Reviewer: Stacie Anonymous

Date: December 11 2014 02:39 pm
I love this! The words he said to you were so sweet. I pray that the two of you will be safe during your time apart from each other. The way he described you was really amazing and he sounds like an amazing man also. Bring on some more letters as soon as you get time to.
Author's Response:
I will try, now that I am free of school for the summer! We have mentioned making a story of us, which I dont mind. I just dont know where to start. But thank you for the reviews!
Reviewer: lovelydreamer Signed [Report This]Date: December 11 2014 01:59 pm