My heart. Going to grab the sequel now!
Reviewer: PetitteBelle Signed [Report This]Date: September 18 2020 10:49 pm
I finaly found it. I first found your story on Wattpad and I loved it. I've been looking to read it again but I couldn't find it and walla its on valentchamber I love it, its so realistic and inspiring, it helped me a lot , it gave me a different perspective in how I viewed myself and I would like thank you for that.
Author's Response:
Ohmygosh I feel honoured that you went through all that trouble. The fact that you were able to relate to it makes me feel like I've done my job. It's sad that you're on anonymous but I really hope you get to see my response and I just want to say I absolutely appreciate readers like you.
Reviewer: Zoleka Anonymous [Report This]Date: October 01 2017 02:36 pm
I finaly found it. I first found your story on Wattpad and I loved it. I've been looking to read it again but I couldn't find it and walla its on valentchamber I love it, its so realistic and inspiring, it helped me a lot , it gave me a different perspective in how I viewed myself and I would like thank you for that.
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: October 01 2017 02:29 pm
Wow this was great the ups and downs of all she was going through at home & school. Meeting Angelo growing closer to him then his mom & family. I wasn't convinced she stilled loved herself but I could tell she didn't hate herself nor did she see herself as being as ugly as those spiteful girls at her school said she was. I enjoyed.this pretty good. Congrats on publishing
Author's Response:
Yes, the first book is Luciana being more determined to learn to love herself, whereas The Entitled Girl is more of an exploration of how she goes about that. Thanks for reading!:-)
Reviewer: kvgurl Signed

Date: December 08 2015 12:55 am
Her low self esteem is nauseating. You'll stand up for others but not yourself.
Reviewer: SnowFever Signed [Report This]Date: December 03 2015 09:33 pm
my fucking emotions. thats all.
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous

Date: November 27 2015 02:41 am
Angelo is growing on me, I love how he sees Luciana. I would love to read about about Luciana's mom apologize about her fat comments.
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading the story. A few chapters of the second book, "The Entitled Girl", is out now.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: November 25 2015 02:47 am
Is this the end??
Author's Response:
Nope, five chapters of "The Entitled Girl" is out now.
Reviewer: ms.Starz Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 25 2015 02:08 am
Her mom is abusive, what a bitch?
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: November 25 2015 01:12 am
She was in the wrong, so why not just give him your insurance and be done?
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: November 25 2015 01:09 am
I read this story on Wattpad under a different name. Congrats on publishing.
Author's Response:
Yeah, it has gone through a few titles lol. And thanks so much :-).
Reviewer: jahchannah Signed [Report This]Date: August 25 2015 06:16 pm