Her mother gives me a bad taste in my mouth. Its a shame she turned it around on her like that. Why isn't she sending Willow to the spa? Hell she is the one who actually was attacked. Thank God that guy was there to help her. Most people would act like they don't see a thing.
Reviewer: KeiKei Signed [Report This]Date: October 20 2015 08:41 pm
Sebastian has got to deal with his demons. All he's getting is physical pain not psychological help and the man needs help!. Thanks for the update MJ
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: October 13 2015 02:30 pm
As I was reading this, especially the end, I thought to myself Willow is going to go off and want to seriously hurt whoever did this to Sebastian. I don't know I just had a thought of Willow going off like, really hurting someone for doing this to Sebastian, but then the thought left. Willow isn't a violent person, but who knows what one would do when pushed to. Also that witch that Sebastian works for is nothing to play with, but I still would like Willow to pound her to the ground. That will be difficult though; one could wish however.
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous

Date: October 12 2015 01:47 am
When will Juliets time come. She really needs to get hers & I can't wait til she does. I hate that He let's her get to him & punishing himself for the innocence of his daughter & wife, now Willow.this was a heart breaking chapter to read. As explanations go can't wait to see how his goes to Willow for the questions she has & the bruises.
Reviewer: kvgurl Signed

Date: October 11 2015 10:26 pm
Juliette is evil incarnate and she is jealous to boot. She deserves to die and die horribly. C-I-L-L Juliette!! I love Sebbie Seb/Nathaniel!!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: October 11 2015 04:26 am
Y Jul Y... poor Seb or Nat
Reviewer: PurpleLover23 Signed [Report This]Date: October 11 2015 01:26 am
Lawd have mercy! This book is soooooo good MJ!! Loving it!
Reviewer: Jaye N Green Signed

Date: October 11 2015 01:14 am
Oh my goodness! Juliette is on some crazy ish 😈!!! This chapter gives some insight of why Bas/Nathaniel is the way he is. My question is what is his fathers involvement in all of this? I am so loving this story 😍! I want more! Please, please, please update soon!
Reviewer: Musicluva Signed

Date: October 11 2015 12:48 am
If Sebastian could tell his father about Juliette, why does he let her threaten Willow? Why not make Juliette suffer for her part in the death of his wife and daughter or is his guilt over his family placing him in an emotionally unbalanced state? Now that I have learned more about Sebastian, this story just got so much better!
Author's Response:
Sebastian wants to be punished for his crimes, but not if it involves Willow getting hurt or killed in the process. At first, he assumes that Juliette wants to kill him. Then when she reveals that she is going to kill Willow and mentions the deaths of his wife and daughter, he is caught off-guard and overwhelmed with guilt. Sebastian knows that Juliette can dish out punishment, a type of punishment he thinks he deserves. He gives her two choices: punish him his way or she will be punished by his father if she decides go through with her plan of hurting Willow. Going to his father is an absolute last resort. Juliette doesn't want his father involved and honestly, nor does Sebastian because their relationship is very restrained and distant. Once his father gets involved, there is no turning back. When his father gets involved, bodies will surely pile up. Juliette did not take part in the death of his wife and daughter, but she played a role in shaping Nathaniel into Sebastian. I hope this helps and I apologize for any confusion.
Reviewer: jahchannah Signed

Date: October 10 2015 11:21 pm
The universe demands that there are consequences to the killing, but it could be something we least expect. How many people have done something heinous and never suffer the consequences directly? How many people don't equate a consequence with something that they themselves set in motion?
Looking forward to how you pen those consequences. Because it's not just the killing of Simon that has consequences. It's all those other killings as well.
Author's Response:
The punishment Sebastian will suffer with be a slow and continuous thing, but it will allow him to grow eventually. The first wave of consequences will be very artifical because he thinks that physical pain will be enough punishment, but it's the threat of losing the most important person to him that will be his ultimate punishment.
Reviewer: BellaChica Signed

Date: October 10 2015 02:03 am
I don't think you understand how much I love this story!!!! I'm so happy you decided to come back! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Author's Response:
Aw, thank you so much! And I apologize for the wait. Another chapter is coming and hopefully it is will posted this weekend.
Reviewer: chatty504 Signed [Report This]Date: October 08 2015 11:50 pm
I think I might need some water....dammit Bassie!
Author's Response:
LOL, you are too much.
Reviewer: DaSoulVicious Signed

Date: October 08 2015 06:57 am
Hey Bassie!!!!! I see you boy!!! I see you!
Author's Response:
Do you want me to send him your way?
Reviewer: DaSoulVicious Signed

Date: October 08 2015 06:40 am
Somebody had to let it be KNOWN!!! Yasssssssssssssssssssssss Bassy!!!
Author's Response:
You know I love you, right? LMAO
Reviewer: DaSoulVicious Signed

Date: October 08 2015 06:24 am
Willow's slips of her tongue is so me...lol.
Author's Response:
Truth, truth.
Reviewer: DaSoulVicious Signed

Date: October 08 2015 06:19 am
Ok, this makes sense. The version before had me wondering if she ever missed Simon or anything. This is really tying together so nicely. I can't wait to see how this will continue to evolve. Still glad he got what he had coming. And Sebastian, no words other than I freaking love him. Who is your muse for him? He is scary, but you can't help but be drawn to him. Want to draw him out. You are doing your thing, I love love it. And by the way my muse for Willow is me lol.
At the time I was writing Save Me From Myself, it was a simple NANOWRI project that spiraled into something else. I wanted to concentrate on the actual relationship between Willow and Sebastian and their obstacles. In which the whole Simon situation was very rushed and not given a lot of thought. This time around, I want to focus some more on Simon's situation so that the reveal is better. My muse for Sebastian is Charlie Weber with a beard from How to Get Away with Murder. When I saw him on the show looking dark and sexy, he was my ultimate inspiration for even writing the story the first time. His show character and Sebastian share a lot in common when it comes to doing dark and dirty things to protect the people he cares about. And LOL, sometimes my muse for Willow is me too. But in all actuality, the real muse is Anita Marshall.
Author's Response:

Date: October 08 2015 01:41 am
It feels more realistic. So totally with you on this.
Author's Response:
I agree. The first version wasn't very realistic.
Reviewer: bookbutterfly Signed [Report This]Date: October 07 2015 08:46 pm
That was good!!!!!
Author's Response:
Thank you so much!
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: October 07 2015 08:41 pm
Wow! What Simon did was f'ed up, but was it justification for losing his life? I don't think so. Yeah, Bas could have kicked his @$$ really good, but I don't think I would've taken it that far. Seems he may have something mental going on?
This is some suspenseful sh!t ... 😍😍 I love it!!! 😍😍 Can't wait for your next update. 😄
Author's Response:
You never know ... LOL. More will be revealed about Sebastian in due time.
Reviewer: Musicluva Signed

Date: October 07 2015 04:40 pm
Sebastian killing Simon wasn't the answer though it shows the depth of his need to protect Willow...but what happens if Willow learns the truth...
Author's Response:
That was the true intentions of his actions. Sebastian killing Simon was terribly wrong. There are no if's, and's, or but's about it. However, it does show how far he is willing to go to protect Willow. His extreme response to the whole situation is influenced by his past, which will be revealed in due time.
Reviewer: jahchannah Signed

Date: October 07 2015 04:17 pm
My story is back!
Author's Response:
LOL, thank you for being patient.
Reviewer: DaSoulVicious Signed

Date: October 07 2015 03:08 pm
Welp she wil really guilty if she finds out that Seb/Nate kilt SIMON. I say good riddance to bad rubbage. Although Simon was a ass and what he did to Willow deserved a beat down. Not death but Sebbie Seb handled that!!
Author's Response:
She will feel very, very guilty. It will cause a big divide between Willow and Sebastian, which is very contrast from the first version of the story where first she couldn't believe it and then she just accepted it. Will not be the case. Willow will be struggling with her feelings for Sebastian and going to the police.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: October 07 2015 02:29 pm
Wow can't wait for the next update!
Author's Response:
More is coming!
Reviewer: alee92 Signed [Report This]Date: October 07 2015 01:32 pm
I just hope he doesn't Sebastian doesn't go to jail for it.
Author's Response:
Sebastian won't go to jail, but there will be severe consequences from his actions and he will pay dearly.
Reviewer: simplydijah Signed

Date: October 07 2015 01:18 pm
Damn, y'all real bold. I think you both were marking territory. And Willow was saying a ginormous FU to her parents, methinks.
Author's Response:
She has turned a new leaf, LOL.
Reviewer: BellaChica Signed

Date: October 07 2015 03:40 am