“And why do you need me?”
“Because you make me feel beautiful. You make me feel valid,” she smiled. “Like I am worth a damn.”
“And why do I need you?”
“You think of yourself as an animal and I’m here to help you feel human again,”
Truer words, girl, truer words.
Why is it that even though Bastian cracked Simon's head like a watermelon, I'm feeling sad for Bas? There is so pain in him. Even though he won't acknowledge it.
Willow, please don't wish any of your family dead in Bastian's presence. He's like your own personal genie. :)
Although. some folks need killing. Those that are too evil to live.
Author's Response:
There is a lot of pain in Sebastian. He is a very, very, very troubled character. His past is so screwed up that he resorts to the most primal responses when it comes to protecting himself or the only person he cares about. Simon shouldn't have died by any means. Beat down, definitely. However compared to the first posting of the story, he will not get off without severe consequences.
Reviewer: BellaChica Signed

Date: October 07 2015 03:28 am
It wasn’t his idea to play ‘catch the pig’.
Yeah, but yo ass participated. But for you, it wouldn't have happened. You little shit.
And how the hell do you know her to be lazy. There yo ass go judging without knowing a damn thing. And aren't you just full of yourself. 'cause, yeah, the ONLY reason Willow would jog would be to get your attention. Sweetie, you aren't all that, ya know?
What the hell is wrong with you, man? You didn't want Willow, but the minute you hear about someone else wanting "the pig", you get salty. Yeah, I'd like to beat yo ass, my damn self. *deep breath; control the ratchetness*
“Let’s play a game,” ... “It’s called ‘kill the pig’.”
YES! Maybe Simon doesn't deserve to be killed, but hey, things happen.
REAL, Yes!
Author's Response:
Maybe instead of Sebastian killing him, I should have sent Simon your way, LOL.
Reviewer: BellaChica Signed

Date: October 07 2015 03:19 am
I'm really enjoying the flow of this re- write. Before, it seemed rushed. I like how we're seeing more of a relationship building between them in a slower fashion, then the prior first write.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much. I am not denying that the first posting of the story was rushed because it was. The relationship, the plot, everything was very rushed. Being able to go back, change some things around, and fill in the blanks has definitely made the story better and made me a better writer. Thank you.
Reviewer: jlly16 Signed [Report This]Date: October 06 2015 04:14 pm
There are no words to describe how much more love I have for this story. Just hot. And now it's even hotter. Get outta here! I have to fan...
Author's Response:
Keep some cold water nearby, LOL.
Reviewer: bookbutterfly Signed [Report This]Date: October 06 2015 01:00 pm
Bastian is scarily fine. Oh Willow, your mouth, girl. You said it, Bastian will make it so.
Author's Response:
That is a very good way to describe him. He is scarily fine. In a possessive and overtly aggressive way. His past contributes (childhood and adulthood) contributes to why he's the only he is now. He didn't always used to be like this though. I think you will like the new changes to his background story.
Reviewer: BellaChica Signed

Date: October 06 2015 05:29 am
BRAVO!!!!!MJ, BRAVO!!!!!!
Author's Response:
Aw, thank you so much!
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: October 06 2015 03:53 am
Author's Response:
LOL, you are too much.
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: October 06 2015 03:41 am
That was hott!!!!
Author's Response:
Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it.
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: October 06 2015 03:01 am
I'm so glad you brought this story back. I really love Willow because I can relate to her on so many levels. In an early chapter Willow said they needed each other and they do. The initial attraction was sizzling and they're love will be explosive!! The way Sebastian handled her little friend at movie night was awesome. The raw emotion Willow had when she found out about the little game Simon and his friend played made me actually cry for her. The fact that Bas proved a point that he's into her and, unbeknowst to her, that he killed Simon for her is a deeper level of love, commitment, and protection of her. They are lucky to have found each other that fateful day in the park, otherwise they'd still be miserable. I can't wait to see if Bas' background is still the same. I love this story!! Update with a quickness because I'm eager to see the new twists and turns develop. I hope you bring "Baby It's Cold Outside" back too!! Yay for revamping an already awesome story.
Author's Response:
Wow, thank you so much. I am so happy that you can relate to Willow and her struggles. I think being able to identity with a character in a story is one of the most powerful things a reader can experience. Knowing that someone relates to my characters is an overwhelming thing for me too. In the first posting of this story, Sebastian was mysterious and sexy, but he wasn't fleshed out in the way I wanted him to. Their relationship was too isolated for it to be a big part of Willow's life. I felt like I had to make him meet her friends, her first lover, and her parents to show him that she is an innocent pure woman with a life full of people she loves compared to him who doesn't have anyone at all even if his parents are both still alive. I am glad you enjoyed those new additions. And Sebastian's background has changed significantly and I decided to introduce it in later chapters though and not just introduce it in tiny flashbacks. BICO is next on the list to be revamped from head to toe and I think you will definitely enjoy the new changes to that one!
Reviewer: Mavs0515 Signed [Report This]Date: October 06 2015 02:35 am
This is good!!!!
Author's Response:
Thank you! More to come!
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: October 06 2015 02:14 am
I'm so happy you brought this story back. I love that somethings are the same, but there are new additions, to the story. Loving it!
Author's Response:
I am glad that I brought this story back too. It's been sitting on my computer waiting to be revamped and finished, but I have been so busy. However, I am glad that took what time I could to revise it and give it the proper attention it deserves. Thank you so much for waiting! I really appreciate it.
Reviewer: Blk_Papps Signed [Report This]Date: October 05 2015 09:51 pm
Wow that was Wow, so hot.
Author's Response:
LOL, maybe you need a cold shower too. :)
Reviewer: kvgurl Signed

Date: October 05 2015 08:55 pm
Yes, can honestly say I'm not sorry Simon had the same ending and I still don't like that old skank Juliette!
I wonder what Farrah is going to choose?
Author's Response:
I think Sebastian doing what he does is very extreme and not warranted, but it shows what he is willing to do for Willow even if she doesn't know it. It is a token of his commitment and dedication to her. He doesn't help that he has these animalistic urges that take over and clouds his ability to think. So I decided to keep Simon's ending. However, in this revised version it has a bigger meatier plotline than the last story that focused on it for like two chapters, LOL. As for Farrah, I think you will be surprised about what will happen next.
Reviewer: Drea Signed

Date: October 05 2015 08:54 pm
Willow needs Sebastian and he needs her...but what will become of their romance if the truth is revealed?
Author's Response:
Every couple goes through their ups and downs. If or when Willow discovers the truth, she will most likely do the most sensible thing and run like a bat out of hell. However, she won't get far either from her own admission or Sebastian is in her way.
Reviewer: jahchannah Signed

Date: October 05 2015 08:10 pm
I like Sebastian though he was wrong to kill Simon...still I wonder what will happen to Willow as she gets caught in his web...
Author's Response:
Oh, yes. I think Sebastian doing what he did to Simon was very, very wrong from a moral standpoint. That is one of the reasons why I wrote a chapter in Simon's point of view for everyone to get a better understanding of how he thinks and the role he played in that twisted game. I think Sebastian doing what he did proved more to himself that he cared about Willow so much that he'd do anything to keep her happy even kill for her happiness.
Reviewer: jahchannah Signed

Date: October 05 2015 08:02 pm
Oh no...Simon is a pig but humiliation would be a better end...but what Willow wants...
Author's Response:
If only she realized what she wished in the heat of the moment would be granted.
Reviewer: jahchannah Signed [Report This]Date: October 05 2015 07:58 pm
Woman, you ae doing that damn thang! I am loving the growth that Willow is showing. Sebbie Seb is a bad mofo. I love this ebook!!
Author's Response:
Thank you so much. I am so happy that you like the new additions and the new character development. Sebastian is something else, isn't he? LOL.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: October 05 2015 07:58 pm
We are learning more about Sebastian...he's dangerous with a true soft spot for Willow...so if anyone messes with his Willow...look out...
Author's Response:
The soft spot for Willow makes him even more dangerous. The things he will be willing to do will exceed imagination and may challenge morals.
Reviewer: jahchannah Signed

Date: October 05 2015 07:54 pm
Simon is a jerk, but what else is new...like I wrote earlier, Willow needs better friends...
Author's Response:
She does need better friends. :{
Reviewer: jahchannah Signed

Date: October 05 2015 07:48 pm
Parker is an ass. He has a girlfriend but wants Willow to himself...she needs to be smart enough to pick better friends...
Author's Response:
Parker is one of those friends who is so used to be comfortable with a particular single friend that when someone actually comes into said friend's life, they don't like that change especially when he and Willow share an interesting history together, LOL.
Reviewer: jahchannah Signed

Date: October 05 2015 07:22 pm
I have been waiting for an update on this one. This is one of my favorite stories of the Chamber. This rewrite is so good. Willow was one of the few characters that I could connect with and I feel so many of her issues about her weight.You get more invested in Willow and Sebastian. There is more building in their connection. Love the introduction of her friends and how he interacts with them. That ole mother and sister need their acts tuned up. I can't wait to see how this will go. You are doing a beautiful job with this.
Author's Response:
OMG, thank you so much. It makes me so happy to know that this story is a favorite of yours. I am so glad that you are able to relate to Willow. I do too. I think she has very common struggles that so many women deal with on a daily basis. It is a wonderful thing when you can identity with a chapter. I am glad that you like the new additions. I hope you like all the new additions, twists, and turns to come.
Reviewer: Dallas5star Signed [Report This]Date: October 05 2015 07:09 pm
I realky want her to slap bith her morher ad siater, them two bitches work y mast nerve!
Author's Response:
LMAO! Do I need to hold you back?
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: October 05 2015 07:07 pm
Good bur Simon, you insensitive prick!!
Author's Response:
He really is. :(
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: October 05 2015 07:03 pm
Love Seb/Nathaniel!! Juliette is crazy, didn't like her the frst time I read thus story and like her even less now.
Author's Response:
You won't like her even more as the story goes on, LOL.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: October 05 2015 06:59 pm
I did not read your original, but just completed the 12 chapters that you posted. I have to tell you that this is a fantastic story. I'm a little worried about Sebastian's relathionship with his job/Julliett/father, but it makes things interesting. You've done a great job fleshing out the characters, keeping them interesting and not one dimensional.
Author's Response:
Wow, thank you so much. That makes me so happy. I am glad that you are enjoying my little story. The relationship between his job, Juliette, and his father are a concern. However, it will be thoroughly explained and it will definitely get more interesting. Out of all the male leads I have written, Sebastian's is one of the most interesting and fun to write aside from another story I deleted called Strange Fruit.
Reviewer: Dee Anonymous

Date: October 05 2015 06:56 pm