Simon has a ass whooping coming in the form of Sebastaibln. Tag him Sebbie, Seb!!!
Author's Response:
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: October 05 2015 06:51 pm
So glad to see this back up. I like loved this story. Anxious to see the changes you've made to it.
Author's Response:
I really do hope you enjoy the new changes.
Reviewer: Musicluva Signed

Date: October 05 2015 06:40 pm
Wow that went from 0 to 100 real quick...let's see what comes next...she still knows nothing about him and he knows little about her...
Author's Response:
The relationship between Sebastian and Willow goes really fast, but there are consequences to blindly entering a relationship with little knowledge of who you are with. The thrill and punishment of cat and mouse.
Reviewer: jahchannah Signed

Date: October 05 2015 06:16 pm
I absolutely love this story! I stumbled on it last night and have enjoyed reading it! The only downside is now I am caught up and am itching like a crackhead for the next chapter! LOL. Hope you update soon.
Author's Response:
LOL, I will try to get your next fix! I promise.
Reviewer: Redbird Signed [Report This]Date: October 05 2015 05:30 pm
That kiss was unexpected! We know so little about the character's especially Sebastian.
Author's Response:
Yes, there is. His background though will be slowly revealed over time.
Reviewer: jahchannah Signed

Date: October 05 2015 05:25 pm
Hmmm. Be careful about what you wish for ....
Author's Response:
Indeed, indeed. Words to live by.
Reviewer: Musicluva Signed

Date: October 05 2015 04:42 pm
More more more!!! This is awesome, Sebastian is all tall, dark and handsome but I hope his dark side doesn't bite them.
Author's Response:
Sadly, it will, but that is where all of the fun (at least from a writing perspective) comes in, LOL.
Reviewer: lleendaah Anonymous [Report This]Date: October 05 2015 04:33 pm
Author's Response:
You are too much! lol
Reviewer: Musicluva Signed

Date: October 05 2015 04:22 pm
Uh ooh hh! Drama! Wonder who will win this pissing contest?!?! 😏
Author's Response:
Oh, you know exactly who, LOL!
Reviewer: Musicluva Signed

Date: October 05 2015 04:05 pm
I missed this story. I really want to see what happens next.. I totally can relate to willow, except I'm the fat and ugly big sister.
Author's Response:
In a lot of ways, I see me in Willow as well. The only difference is that I do not have any siblings, but I had a lot of beautiful friends in highschool. Everyone in my family is very attractive except me by society standards. I have a lot of attractive friends now and I am the least attractive out of them by society standards. I think she is a very relatable character. However, what we all have to understand is that we truly all beautiful, ya know? I might not look at Beyonce or Halle Berry, but I am beautiful in my own right and so are you.
Reviewer: dreamama Signed [Report This]Date: October 05 2015 03:57 pm
Wow ... that was hot! Seems like something that bith Willow and Sebastian needed. Glad they found some relief within one another. 😊
Author's Response:
Some relief indeed! :)
Reviewer: Musicluva Signed

Date: October 05 2015 03:44 pm
I love this story. That is all
Author's Response:
Aw, thank you so much!
Reviewer: allimetayer Anonymous [Report This]Date: October 05 2015 02:44 pm
So happy to see this story back. Looking forward to reading. Liked the mystery around Sabastian before but will read with enthusiasm bc I am in like with these characters. Hope to see the other stories return as well. Thank u for updating.
Author's Response:
The mystery about Sebastian is still here and his background story has changed significantly compared to the one in the first posting of the story. His Mercy is the next one to be reposted.
Reviewer: Cju Signed [Report This]Date: October 05 2015 02:02 pm
So glad to see this back up. I like loved this story. Anxious to see the changes you've made to it.
Author's Response:
There are so many changes to keep an eye out! Thank you so much.
Reviewer: Musicluva Signed

Date: October 05 2015 01:57 pm
jesus...! this story is so damn hooot...! and flippin good! loved that willow stood up for herself - she needs to do that more often. bit sad that simon had to die before willow got the chance to ripe him apart but sebastien did that instead so i'm good, lol! i didnt want the story to end so sorry MJ but i'm going to be greedy and ask for MORE and PLEASE SOOON!!!
Author's Response:
There are a lot more chapters coming, I promise! I hopefully there won't be too much a wait because it is mostly me either creating a chapter or two and revising an orginial chapter from the first story.
Reviewer: Yuukiyanagi Signed

Date: October 05 2015 01:24 pm
I said before that Sebastian is a grown man. Smh, I am glad he's not changed. Did Simon really have to die though?
Author's Response:
He didn't have to die per say, but it is great character development for Willow and Sebastian.
Reviewer: Khamalani Signed

Date: October 05 2015 01:16 pm this is so good and intense - again. wow wow wow!!
Author's Response:
Reviewer: Yuukiyanagi Signed

Date: October 05 2015 12:08 pm
wow wow wow! simply woooow! i've missed your stories and this one is superb!!
Author's Response:
Aw, thanks, lady! I am so sorry for the wait.
Reviewer: Yuukiyanagi Signed

Date: October 05 2015 11:47 am
:) :O :) O :)
Author's Response:
Reviewer: Artamiss Caine Signed

Date: October 05 2015 04:41 am
Yes love the new switch
Author's Response:
Thank you so much. I hope you like the other revamped and brand new chapters to come!
Reviewer: PurpleLover23 Signed

Date: October 05 2015 02:21 am
Yes, yes!!! I did the happy dance when I saw this story back. I am enjoying the new changes and can't wait for more. I have missed Willow and Sebastian soooo much!
Author's Response:
I am very happy that you are enjoying the changes. There are a lot more to come. More new chapters to flesh out the characters better and fill in the blanks.
Reviewer: Drea Signed

Date: October 05 2015 12:37 am
Can we get an assembly of Sebastians? Damn, if that man ain't the ONE.
Willow, you just won't heed my warning. That mouth of yours, gurl.
MJ, thanks for the bonus chapter. I think I enjoyed it as much as Willow did. ;)
Author's Response:
If only, chica. If only. I would ship him worldwide, LOL. Willow does have a smart mouth, but that's what Sebastian loves about her!
Reviewer: BellaChica Signed

Date: October 05 2015 12:35 am
Thank you! I missed this story!!! Glad you're back!
Author's Response:
Thank you for welcoming me back. I hope you like the new changes.
Reviewer: Khamalani Signed

Date: October 05 2015 12:33 am
That hot!!! Sebastian is just what the doctor ordered for Willow.
Author's Response:
If only the doctor could prescribe him instead of nasty medicine, LOL.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: October 05 2015 12:13 am
I am loving Sebastian! !
Author's Response:
I love writing him, LOL.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: October 04 2015 11:51 pm