I am so happy that my favorite author, couple and story are back.
I can understand Will's fear but she should talked to Seb first and figured out together what to do. Beacause when Seb finds out, it was in the worst way.
And like really ? Like if Seb will never knew, comme on Will !
I'm glad Seb confronts her directly and didn't pretend to not know.
Can't wait to see how Willow will responds this.
My best advice is probably to run (even if she will not go so far) but GUUURL YOU ARE IN TROUBLES !!!
Reviewer: FeelSoClose Signed [Report This]Date: April 10 2018 08:07 pm
I've missed this story. Willow's thought process seemed more like a moment of panic than a well reasoned decision. I understand where Willow is coming from, but Daphne was right: they are married, she didn't become pregnant by herself and she should tell Sebastian about what she wants to do.
Juliette is an unhappy person and since misery loves company, she wants Sebastian to be as bitter an unhappy as she is so she will try to do anything to ruin Sebastian and Willow's marriage. I know Sebastian should stop killing people, but he needs to get rid of Juliette.
Reviewer: dcphoenix1 Signed

Date: April 10 2018 05:22 pm
I think my previous review was too harsh and unconstructive.
Its clear that Willow is afraid (rightfully so) and is still crumbling under the weight of everyone else’s expectations. All she wants is time to fully heal and actually accept her husband for what he is before she can save the humanity he has left. A baby will hi-jack that time and with less than a year together let alone the turmoil that is Sebastian’s life...she may never get to know this man. Thats some heady news to try to tackle in your work bathroom. Who knows she may go ahead with the abortion, maybe she won’t..but at the end of the day it is her body and she hasn’t had a lot of chances to make decisions for herself. She deserves this one
Sebastian has been a bit ureasonable and acknowledges that he’s selfish, unapologrtically so. However, he’s forgotten compromise and he’s forgotten how to be in love without protecting someone. He projects his inability to protect his first family on his current wife. Everything he does is out of desperation and he needs to continue to work on building a proper foundation.
My first review was not an adequate representation of my understanding of your story and how hard it is to put your work out there and trust your own vision. To be honest, I get tired of reading about pregnancy in romantic fiction drama because it’s often times used as a scapegoat to development. Characters are forced to become “mature adults” and their problems are trivialized leaving is with little development and more drama.
With your writing history and the progression of this story its clear that you don’t leave plot holes and you create mutlifaceted characters that have a mind of their own. I apologize for projecting my annoyance onto your story. I have some maturing of my own to do.
Author's Response:
I didn't feel offended by your previous review, SleepEasy. I completely understand your frustration as a reader. I appreciate your feedback and concerns. So, thank you for taking the time out of your day to do that. I created Sebastian and Willow to be very immature and insecure characters. They are very very flawed. I know that reading their story can be so annoying because I get annoyed writing them sometimes. They were written to make the most extreme decisions. I love writing them though because I love dark themes in stories. If youve read my other stories, I have a plethora of level-headed normal-acting characters, LOL. But I totally get it. No need to second-guess how you feel. Your reviews have given me a lot to think about. And I completely understand if you do not want to continue reading this story.
Reviewer: SleepEasy Signed [Report This]Date: April 10 2018 04:37 pm
I feel like the abortion thing is a bit out of character for Willow and it just doesn’t jive well with the rest of the plot as we’ve seen it especially after the Brazilian breakthrough. I understand confusion and fear; but after knowing about his last wife/child why would she plan on aborting his kid?
I’m trying to make sense of it, but to be honest since they got married I’ve been disliking Willow. I want to see her grow up and grow a back-bone and we’re 20+ chapters in but nothing yet. I think she needs to learn how to communicate better and accept responsibility. Not once did she mention birth control or did they collectively talk about risks especiallly withr The Authority hanging over his head.
Sebastian has painted her this ugly, hideous tale of his life and he expects her to be excited about being pregnant even as she is a part of his next “punishment”?? Like what do you want this woman to do? I understand humanity and sometimes we lack rationale in high stakes situations but they are killing me.
Also when is the sister’s wedding? Whats going on in Simon’s case?
Reviewer: SleepEasy Signed

Date: April 10 2018 04:07 pm
Please update I love your writing
Reviewer: cullensjonas Signed

Date: April 08 2018 12:09 pm
Reviewer: Mavs0515 Signed [Report This]Date: January 31 2018 12:51 am
so mean that you stop THERE!
Reviewer: bookbutterfly Anonymous [Report This]Date: January 22 2018 01:12 pm
I NEED am update ASAP!!! I love these two just as much as Sugar and Chef.
Reviewer: Mavs0515 Signed [Report This]Date: January 21 2018 03:47 am
I'm glad the truth is out!
Reviewer: jjazz59 Signed

Date: January 15 2018 06:28 pm
Make my day and please update this amazing story
Reviewer: cullensjonas Signed

Date: December 27 2017 07:06 pm
Please updat, I love this storyyy
Reviewer: cullensjonas Signed

Date: December 27 2017 12:15 am
He is a freak alright! I love this story so much
Reviewer: cullensjonas Signed

Date: December 19 2017 02:15 pm
Wow! Not sure how I missed this update, but that was steamy! Sebastian is a mess (I mean that in a good way 😉)!
Reviewer: Musicluva Signed

Date: December 12 2017 07:35 pm
Take a bow Missus James! Another great chapter. I was happy to see an update on this story.
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: December 01 2017 03:20 pm
Omg my babies are finally back! 😩😩😩 Can’t wait for them to tell everyone that they are married 💜
Reviewer: chatty504 Signed

Date: November 29 2017 02:34 pm
SSo twisted but well written...
Reviewer: jahchannah Signed

Date: November 28 2017 04:51 am
Reviewer: Golden Signed

Date: November 27 2017 04:39 am
God I miss this story!
Reviewer: PurpleLover23 Signed [Report This]Date: November 27 2017 04:03 am
Reviewer: Artamiss Caine Signed

Date: November 27 2017 03:25 am
Between Sebastian and Chef, I don't know what to do with myself. They are both tall, dark, mysterious, handsome, and both know what they want. And Sebastian wants Willow. I'm glad he finally glad he opened up to Willow about his past. I'm glad they're moving in the right direction as a couple!! I love this story and Sugar Mama. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving break!! If you could find and a Sebastian or Chef, it'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the update :)
Reviewer: Mavs0515 Signed [Report This]Date: November 27 2017 02:37 am
Well damn, Sebastian is going to that damn thang and he will make Willow sing. Thank you for the update!!!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: November 27 2017 12:37 am
Damn it if Sebastian ain’t a freak! We should be so lucky to have a man in our lives who live to in please us!
Reviewer: darqchild Signed [Report This]Date: November 27 2017 12:25 am
Awww sookie, sookie!!! Get it Bas!!
Reviewer: Drea Signed

Date: November 27 2017 12:25 am
I am dying to see what happens next !!!!
Reviewer: FeelSoClose Signed [Report This]Date: September 05 2017 08:44 pm
Update update update please!!!!
Reviewer: Alwayzindastarz Signed [Report This]Date: August 15 2017 12:47 am