I hate to say it... but Saint-Yann is not going to change. Amirah need to get out and stay out. Saint-Yann has issues he has to deal with on his own. Thanks for the update honey and I hope all is well.
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: May 28 2017 02:24 pm
Some people in your family you just got to love from a distance😏 i'm blessed that my family all get along🙏a86; Saint Luc had to protect his family. Nice update👍😁
Author's Response:
Loving from a distance is so key but for others a battle. Lucky you to have loving relationships with your family, it's not to be taken for granted at all.
Reviewer: Blessed Soul Signed

Date: May 22 2017 02:57 pm
I feel sorry for her😢 i hope their marriage survives. I feel she's hiding something too, can she still have children or did having an abortion harm her😢 nice updatea86;
Author's Response:
Oooh is she hiding something? We'll just have to wait and see :-P
Reviewer: Blessed Soul Signed

Date: May 04 2017 11:52 pm
I can't wait to find out about what she's hiding. She had to know at sometime he was going to want a child of his own, I mean he's not getting any younger. But... they have to be on the same page and Naomi should know that having children won't stop her drive it will make the force so much stronger. Great update honey!
Author's Response:
Clearly a bit of miscommunication on both sides, and the thought of having a child at my age is scary to even me, so in that sense I can understand her (obviously lol).
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: May 04 2017 05:48 pm
Nice update😃 we read your blog. Nice!
Author's Response:
Thank youuu!
Reviewer: Blessed Soul Signed

Date: April 19 2017 01:58 am
Awe... this made me cry. I'm glad they got to be with her during her final days and Naomi got to meet her mother-in-law. They have to be strong for each other. Great update honey and I hope all is well with you. I didn't read the blog yet but I will.
Author's Response:
Yes this was emotional for me to write too, but it's the cycle of life. Thank you as always for your support it means the world to me. I hope you had an enjoyable Easter :-)
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: April 16 2017 03:42 pm
Great update😀 there's nothing like a little girl time. Could our girl Naomi be prego? We hope you are feeling better😍
Author's Response:
Girl time is the best! And ha you'll have to wait and see! Thank you ever so much for your support!
Reviewer: Blessed Soul Signed

Date: February 28 2017 04:08 am
We are loving their relationship right now😍Great update!
Reviewer: Blessed Soul Signed

Date: February 15 2017 02:10 pm
Great update😍
Author's Response:
Thank you! 💃🏾
Reviewer: Blessed Soul Signed

Date: January 25 2017 10:58 pm
They are making so much progress and I love it!! Saint needs to open up more, maybe she has ideas and solutions to help him. you can achieve greatness at any age, she just so happens to be 19. She can add on to his empire. Why? do I think her sister is going to cause problems. Thanks honey for this update and your blog was on point. Sometimes people makes us feel guilty by association, but you did right by pulling her aside and explaining the situation. Girl, I always surround myself with people like me, who care about other people and sees a friend in everybody, a person that builds up! not tear down. I appreciated that posted. I hope you are doing well honey.
Author's Response:
Yes I'm glad about their progress, let's just hope they continue.
thank you so much for reading my blog post and yes, it's something I've had to learn about surrounding myself with people who will not drag me to their base level because that's no good for me.
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: October 24 2016 03:36 pm
Downloaded. Username:indigo_bluee
Author's Response:
Check your email inbox or junk!
Reviewer: Indigo_bluee Signed [Report This]Date: September 16 2016 03:54 pm
Hun, I'm French if you want me to I can help you with the translation
For example : you should write: Mademoiselle
Pourquoi êtes vous si blasée and not " pourquoi êtes-vous si blasés
It is an amazig story. I gotta say I saw all the chapters but didn't read at the time
I started a day agao I was hooked and read it all in 2 hours. Another addict for your style :)
Author's Response:
Well as they say, better late than never. I'm so grateful that you've offered to translate but at the moment I already have a translator is just that because of how busy I am (and procrastination lol) I haven't edited all the French dialogue, but I will endeavour to find time soon.
thank you again for offering and taking the time to read the story. You're well appreciated.
Reviewer: Benedicte Signed [Report This]Date: September 11 2016 09:33 am
Yes!! I love this update, I can't wait to see what happens next for these two. How are you honey?
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and I'm okay, I hope you are too :-).
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: September 06 2016 03:24 pm
I love how Naomi has evolved as a person, how she's doing things her way vs someone else's way. I also love the fact that she made every little penny count. I also loved how Saint-Luc wanted to better his wife and lessen her load, but used wisdom and set back and enjoyed the show. That was so romantic and clever making him a suit for their secret rededication ceremony. I'm hoping for good things for these two. Welcome back honey! and your blog post was amazing as always. Sometimes when you are young you don't see the furture you just see the right now. we all have to live within our means. When I got my first job at 16 years old, my father made me open up a bank account and with my fisrt paycheck I had to put in 1$ my first week, 2$ dollars my second week, 3 dollars my third week. whatever week it fell on I had to but in that amount and on week 52 I put in 52$ dollars. and at the end of the year I had about 1,384 in my savings account for fun stuff. That's how I learned to save and then I learned how to invest and buy land. Thanks honey for this update.
Author's Response:
Hey Jacqua, so sorry for the late reply. I've been all over the place the last week.
Yes writing this, I just loved the growth in Naomi and showcase her in a better light as opposed to what readers are used to seeing her in.
And I felt these two need that romance in their life.
Thank you so much for reading my blog post and honestly your father is such a wise man. With me, as I believe with so many others, we need the discipline in managing our finances, such a challenging feat. A great learning curve.
Thank you as ever for your support! I hope you are well :-).
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: August 01 2016 05:54 pm
I love the fact that Naomi is taking time for herself, and sometimes you have to take a step back for people in order to find peace ( family included). I thought that Saint-Luc and Saint- Yann throwing shade ( as my kids would say ) at each other was hilarious, my grandmother always said " Sweep around your own door, before you sweep around someone else's". There is no love lost between these two, but they are putting on airs for their mother's sake. It's seems as though Naomi is finally finding her purpose. Girl..." The EFEctive Times " is effective!! I hope you are doing great and keep up the good work honey.
Author's Response:
Yes, I agree with you sometimes distancing yourself from certain people is essential. Oh my gosh thank you so much for visiting my blog, your support is eternally appreciated Jacqua! Stay blessed :-).
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: June 12 2016 07:12 pm
I'm happy that Naomi is coming into her own sense of purpose, trying to pave her own way and helping children discover their way too. She's growing as a person and realizing that she can't do it alone. I hope Naomi and Saint come together real soon and go on this journey together. I'm happy to hear from you honey, I hope everything is going well. Thanks for this update.
Author's Response:
About time for her, it really hasn't been a smooth journey - but it's life.
I'm happy to hear from you too. I'm okay, and I hope you are well too :-)
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: April 15 2016 04:06 pm
Finally they've talked laid their feelings on the table. I hate that this chapter has ended on this note but I think for this story it oddly fits.
Author's Response:
It was unavoidable, the separation had to happen for the good of them.
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous

Date: March 15 2016 01:22 am
I think that's the right decision for them right now. I love the fact that they are starting to open up to each other. We will see how much they care for each other when they are apart " Absence make the heart grows fonder " or does It makes you forget?. How are you friend? Thanks for the update.
Author's Response:
Yes, hopefully they do see how much they care for each other. I hope you are well too (lol i feel like you're more of my virtual aunt/ relationship counsellor) :-)
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: March 15 2016 12:40 am
What is the age difference between Naomi and Saint?
Author's Response:
26 years
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: March 14 2016 11:40 pm
I think Saint should get a mistress, someone who looks similiar to his wife, but a little older and more mature. I also think Naomi should move to Italy, enroll in a fashion school and go on with her life.
Author's Response:
Maybe that should happen - only time will tell...
Reviewer: Penelope Signed [Report This]Date: March 07 2016 03:14 am
I'm glad Saint-Luc is okay. Still drinking! consequences Saint-Luc consequences. I like her spending time with her friends everyone needs a outlet, every relationship needs some me time( alone). He's trying to be honest and communicate but she's still not ready to fight for herself. What a person allow is what will be. She could've said hell no! you are not going to no strip club and be done with it, but no she ran again. Something has to give very soon. Thanks for the update, and I would be checking out your blog. I hope you are doing well my friend.
Author's Response:
I am doing well, thank you for asking, I hope you are well too. :-). And you're right time alone is needed in a relationship so time spent together is valued.
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: March 06 2016 09:33 pm
They love & need each other And shouldn't let a misunderstanding ruin what they've built. Saint needs to find her. He needs her & she needs him they complete each other without the other quaint is going to kill himself working & not taking care of himself & in the mindset she's in she's just going to committ suicide because of being in a deep depression & just not want to deal any more. both of them need therapy together & apart. It would be great for her to get to know his sister in law she could be a great friend keep each other company & bond with the kids help out with the baby so she can get practice in so when they have a child.
Love this story update soon Just my ramblings.
Author's Response:
Yes, they're both going through a lot together and apart and only time can tell how they deal with everything going on.
Thank you ever so much for reading :-)
Reviewer: kvgurl Signed

Date: February 25 2016 10:00 pm
Now it's time for this relationship to get real, seeing the man you love lifeless body is to much!! I see a turning point now. Thanks for the update, how are you?
Author's Response:
A dose of optimism always does in dark times as it is with these two. I'm good thank you and hope you are very well too :-).
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: February 19 2016 07:15 pm
I really want to root for these two but I am not sure at this point. They are both are going down a destructive path separate from each other. Something has to change quick or I see no hope. Where is Naomi while his sister in law is chilling at the house. You can get her and your kids and bring them to your home but you can't go after your wife? You have enough money to set your SIL up somewhere safe and go get your wife who thinks you are cheating. Saint is a grown man but it seems in regards to relationships a little boy.
What I find confusing regarding Saint is that he propositioned her regarding money and marriage so why be upset to think she only wanted him for his money then in reality she hasn't asked him for any money nor has she gone out on shopping spree's so what makes him think she is just with him for his money. She was highly upset to see him with two women so if her feelings weren't involved and she only wanted money, she would've been like "keep doing you." Now he made another mistake because the sister in law is going to think bad about her and eventually open her mouth to her husband and mother in law which could start more issues for Naomi.
I hate to say but this is becoming a drama filled mess and I don't see how they are going to get out of it, especially if they aren't in the same vicinity to actually talk. They have some strong inner demons they have to exorcise.
I hope they come together soon to even begin to heal the relationship and each other.
Author's Response:
Sorry for the late reply, but I hope you'll be patient enough to see how it all pans out :-)
Reviewer: lajack1 Signed

Date: February 05 2016 04:55 pm
Hey girl, I've been following your story for a while. Saint and Naomi really need to decide what to do with their marriage now (even if they decide to stay married but have separate lives).
I'm French and I've noticed that many of your french translations are not accurate, if not opposite at all to what you wanted to say in english.
For example, "you" can either be translated as "vous" or "tu" in french. It depends : if you're talking to a group of people, someone you have to show respect to or don't know, "vous" must be used. Whereas when you're addressing someone you know, "you" is translated as "tu".
Another example :
"Il est d'accord..." replied Amirah though Saint could sense there was more she wanted to say.
(TRANSLATION: It was okay, y'know...)
Your french sentence means "he agreed" in english. But your translation means "Ça allait, tu sais..." in french. The meanings are not accurate.
I can help you edit the errors if you want.
Author's Response:
I sent you an email, thanking your offer to help me with the translations. I think I might be needing your help soon :-).
thanks for reading by the way :-)
Reviewer: Peanut Signed [Report This]Date: February 05 2016 04:25 pm