This was supremely sweet and entirely enjoyable!! I almost doubt you'll see this anytime soon (if ever), but did you happen to write a story years ago called How Do You Like Your Eggs? I believe it was under your previous pename, so I thought I would ask. If so, I loved it and think about it all the time.
Reviewer: GeenBean Anonymous [Report This]Date: September 29 2024 04:49 am
Beautiful story!!!
Reviewer: Stephanie Anonymous

Date: May 07 2023 06:12 am
Beautifully warm story!
Reviewer: femmedlx Signed

Date: May 27 2019 11:12 pm
Simply beautiful and I also enjoy your story on Literotica.
Reviewer: Bain Anonymous

Date: January 30 2019 08:36 pm
Thnx for the read. Enjoyed it.
Reviewer: magensby Signed [Report This]Date: January 30 2019 04:48 am
Hera Black,
That was really lovely. You added the word "fluff" as one of the warnings/descriptors. There was nothing fluffy about this. It was light and then wham, there'd be something that would it with its seriousness. I loved it!!
Author's Response:
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed! I suppose my type of "fluff" is different from everyone else's, considering I usually go for angst. Lol! ;)
Reviewer: London Girl Anonymous

Date: January 21 2019 06:44 pm