Reviews For BUNNY
Title: forward

Nice new story DarkandLovely. I will come back and read the rest.

Reviewer: Blessed Soul Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 08 2022 10:55 am

Title: s i x t e e n

He needs to be freed now

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: March 26 2022 11:24 pm

Title: f i f t e e n

Tell her the truth 

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: March 26 2022 11:18 pm

Title: t w e l v e

Yes, let's get married

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: March 26 2022 09:51 pm

Title: e p i l o g u e

Great ending 

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: March 26 2022 09:30 pm

Title: f i v e

Poor Bon'-hwa, I hope he will find a way our

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: March 26 2022 09:23 pm

Title: e p i l o g u e

This was such a wonderful story.  I loved the little glimpse into his recovery as well as the wedding and the wrap up at end was nice.  This story made me yearn for more stories like it.  Awesome job!

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 26 2022 08:31 pm

Title: s i x t e e n

This story continues to punch my heart, especially when Bonhwa broke down.  I love how Nova is there to support him.  I really hope Bonhwa can keep his career, whether it's in Korea or in the US.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 22 2022 03:24 am

Title: f o u r t e e n

Wow, that wedding!  I loved it and those outfits at the end were cute.  My fist is angrily shaking at his group member, I HATE him!  I absolutely love these texts between Bon Hwa and Nova, reading the convo and the photos are my favorite parts.  Also, I feel like I need to "hear" these solo songs about Nova.  As usual, my heart continues to hurt for Bon Hwa.

Author's Response:

hehehehe THANK YOU hehe. The wedding part was my favorite part~ Yeah, Kang-min is S-I-C-K. hehe the texting bits are also my favorite hehe. Their chemistry is so palpable. GIRL YES. I WANNA HEAR THE SONGS TOO LOL Especially 'girl from outer space' LOL. hahahaha. 

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 20 2022 11:55 pm

Title: t e n

👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿  Man, the wide range of emotions I had while reading this was wild.  I am glad Bon hwa is able to find some happiness in his life with Nova.  All that he went through had my heart bleeding, I started tearing up when he asked her to go to Seoul and she was unsure.  Really awesome scenes from there, also Nebula was hilarious.

Author's Response:

Oh my goodness, this review made me so happy awwww. hehe. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Yes, Bon-hwa deserves nothing but happiness! I appreciate your lovely review! Thank you for loving on it!

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: March 19 2022 12:38 pm

Title: t e n

Beautiful as ever!!!

Author's Response:

Omg thank you Fran hehe <3

Reviewer: Fran Anonymous [Report This]
Date: March 19 2022 03:41 am

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