Titles - O
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other

Rated: Teen or Above
[Reviews - 185]


One night, an accident and seven years that never happened. At least, he doesn't remember them happening. 


*Banner by me, carolinaheart (it's my first try).


Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Family, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 35
Word count: 75229
Read Count: 169442
Published: 29/10/11
Updated: 23/12/11

Rated: Mature Content
[Reviews - 96]

Can two people overcome the incredible darkness that seems to hover over their lives, to find the goodness and love that live in each other? Can they be each other’s sunshine after the storm?

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Drama
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 9
Word count: 34142
Read Count: 66842
Published: 13/05/11
Updated: 30/06/11

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 8]

Teresa has to spend her weekend completing her assignments for her Major British Writer’s class. What happens when stress, wine, and sleep deprivation are mixed together? Nothing good…

All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Table of Contents
Categories: Movies, Books, Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Comedy , Erotica
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 2464
Read Count: 1419
Published: 27/04/11
Updated: 27/04/11

Rated: Teen or Above
[Reviews - 4]



Grandpa Amethyst and Grandma Kendra have strong love, and vow after an incident to make love to each other for the rest of the lives, even now in their old age. When they have to take care of their four year old granchild, their love life is being challenged. 

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: Drabbles
Genre: Family, Inspirational, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations, Original Characters, Sexual Content , Un-betaed
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Word count: 3252
Read Count: 5357
Published: 22/04/11
Updated: 22/04/11

Rated: Mature Content
[Reviews - 64]


Advertising tycoon Alandra Meyer wants a child. The only problem is she doesn’t have any prospects, nor does she really want them. She’d rather cut off her left arm than rely on a man to do a damn thing for her. Men equal distractions and distractions just aren’t an option in her world. The only person she can depend to conceive the child she so desperately wants is herself…and possibly her oldest friend, Julio. However, before he agrees to be her humble donor, he has a favor of his own to ask. After a tug-of-war between the two, Alandra obliges her best friend's request. Hoping for the best but expecting the worst, she awaits said request to walk through her door that Monday morning, unbeknownst to either of them that his presence will change both of their lives forever.

Disclaimer: All characters and original storyline are the property of Renee Banks. I am in no way associated with the creators of any media franchise included in the story. No copyright infringement is intended. 

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: General
Genre: Drama, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations, Original Characters, Strong Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 5
Word count: 16062
Read Count: 20621
Published: 08/11/10
Updated: 15/12/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 5]

Sorry about the other stories guys. Erased the file with my stories in it and asked my guy to copy these and delete some from another website but he did it backwards.

Thank goodness a friend copied them to her computer. As soon as I finish reediting this weekend I will repost them.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television, Movies
Characters: Zoe Washburne
Classification: General
Genre: Family, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Male/Female
Warnings: Adult Situations, Un-betaed
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Word count: 2651
Read Count: 893
Published: 29/05/10
Updated: 29/05/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 11]


Veronica Whitmarsh lives in the gritty streets of Detroit, and with the stress of school and work welcomes a visit from an old friend... but when she does she is dragged into a world she has no business being in. 

Table of Contents
Categories: Music, Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Drama
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations, Dark Fic, Drugs/Drug Use, Strong Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 5
Word count: 5033
Read Count: 2676
Published: 15/10/09
Updated: 13/02/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 9]
Summary: Jason and Lena love each other. If only they had the guts to admit it.

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: None
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations, Original Characters
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 1391
Read Count: 1382
Published: 17/10/09
Updated: 17/10/09

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 10]

title banner  

What started out as a night on the town all by herself turned into an event she never could have planned!

"...My hair cut is short, sassy, and fierce just like me. I have a fresh pedi and mani, all cause I'm going out for a night on the town. Sure am. I bought myself a $115 ticket to see 'Dreamgirls Live' at the fabulous Fox Theatre...I'm worth it. In a dazzling red dress, some kick *ss stiletto sandals, and showing all the *ssholes just what they won't be getting. Dinner before, then cocktails at intermission, I'm going all out tonight because...I have a date with myself."

...and then, what did my wondering eyes see appear...

"I should have counted up the costs but instead I got lost in the seconds in the minutes in the hours...as we lay"


THIS IS A ONE SHOT for the SERIES Love Bears All

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of SparkApCider (SPAC). The original characters and plot are the property of SparkApCider (SPAC), and is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. 

Graphics by SPAC  

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: Crossover
Genre: Comedy , Erotica, Family, Friendship
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations, Drugs/Drug Use, Extreme Language, Fluff, Original Characters, Strong Sexual Content
Series: Love Bears All: A Journey to Love
Chapters: 1
Word count: 5559
Read Count: 1615
Published: 29/08/09
Updated: 29/08/09

Rated: 17 and older

[Reviews - 1]
Summary: Jealousy happens

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Alexandra Moreau
Classification: Cannon
Genre: Friendship, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Sexual Content
Challenges: My Number One
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 1002
Read Count: 768
Published: 08/06/09
Updated: 08/06/09

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 128]

user posted image 

I'm really not good at summaries. Basically Evangeline has been in Atlanta for a year and arrives back in Llanview with her new baby girl. Either Christian or Todd could be the father...or so she wants everyone to believe..

Table of Contents
Categories: Daytime Television, One Life to Live
Characters: Evangeline Williamson
Classification: Cannon
Genre: Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Tangeline (One Life to Live)
Warnings: Adult Situations, Extreme Language, Strong Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 13
Word count: 48776
Read Count: 12577
Published: 19/08/08
Updated: 12/11/08