
New Gallery
There has been a new gallery added to the upgraded forum. This gallery will allow people to create their own albums, and load pictures, music or videos. Albums can be open or restricted, depending on member's choice, and people can leave reveiws and comments. It can be found in the forum (follow the Forum link in the menu). If anybody needs help using it, we will try and knock up a nice easy to follow set of instructions.

--jacci on 11/04/11 04:47 am 4 Comments--


Thanks Jacci

- Divsionred
on 16/04/11 03:52 am

luv the new format

- JJ0425
on 17/04/11 01:10 pm

Thanks guys, glad you are liking it. Hopefully people will start using it!!
- jacci
on 17/04/11 01:36 pm

I shall be posting some things in there very soon.

- Quila Cole
on 22/04/11 09:56 am