
New Help for Beta searches

We have just added a new feature to the Chamber to help people looking for beta readers.  If you go the Members/Authors Link in the menu and change the dropdown to Beta Reader, you will be able to see a list of people who have offered their services as beta. You can then use the contact author form to contact them and ask if they would like to help.


This is NOT a promise of help, we are all volunteers here and nobody is obligated to help if they do not wish to, for whatever reason. We all have busy lives and may be able to help sometimes but not other times. Please be considerate when asking for help.


If you would like to get yourself added to this list, go into your Account Info/Edit Bio and select Yes for the beta reader option. if you find yourself already on this list and do not wish to be, please edit your info and set it to NO.


If anybody has any issues or problems with this, unsure how to use it, or wishing to report abuse of the system, please contact administrators immediatly at

--jacci on 19/11/11 11:55 pm 0 Comments--