
New Features

The ability to add story status to individual stories has been added now.

Thus far the options are:


On hiatus indefinitely

Taking a short break from this story


Authors, if you could please include the status of all new stories and if you want to edit any current ones that would be very helpful. You will find it with the classifications and pairings etc

Readers, if a story is marked as on hiatus, we ask you to respect that and to not continually request updates from the authors, as sometimes that kind of pressure can be very daunting and if they are on a break, it is likely for a good reason, which is personal. Real life must come first.


If anybody would like any more statuses added, please resond using the comments link immediatley below or give a shout in the shoutbox.

--jacci on 10/09/12 04:32 am 1 Comments--


What A GREAT idea!  I wish more fiction forums would adopt this.  As a reader, it's disheartening to get involved in a story line and then it abruptly stops with no explanation.  Thank you for offering this to authors and..... their readers!!!!

- Night57byrd
on 12/09/12 03:19 am