Reviews For Beast
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Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

Even though I knew Sunny was okay, it was still good to glimpse Nikki in his hours of despair. His vulnerability was sad to witness. The big bad gangster brought to his knees. Their reunion was appropriate and lovely. Just fitting for our favourite couple... If this is fluff Onimosity, bring it on... lolol

Reviewer: Introspection Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27/02/10 06:36 pm

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

Love it. Love it. You are the best,

Reviewer: karen Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25/02/10 05:57 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

Omni, why is it that a chapter you've labeled as fluff is scaring the sh*t outta me? LOL

True, there was a lot of cutenes in regards to Sunny and Nikki. But Stanis coming to America scares me. 

This   “There are some things I must take care of, for the family.”    almost made me pee my pants. Does he harbor ill will towards Nikki's devotion to Sunny? just kill me now. lol

This chapter has taken away my hope that Nikki will give up his illegal activities. But who knows. You got me scared, chica. good job.

Reviewer: BellaChica Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 24/02/10 07:34 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

Update again soon

Reviewer: Gale Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24/02/10 03:52 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

This was a cute update I enjoyed the sillyness and love between Nikki and Sunny.  That little boy Kostaya in so inlove with sunny.

It seems like Something about to take place if Stan coming to America and he had not been in years.  I guess it is now or never with Sunny finding out about some of Nikki life.

Reviewer: Cherry Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24/02/10 02:43 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

This story really makes my day!!

The beginning with Nikki and Sunshine, in bed just enjoying being together without the complications of their lives was so sweet and beautiful, I want that for them always. When Nikki was telling her the folk song and ended it with his wish just to be with her..was so incredibly sensitive and sweet..I almost cried. Please please please don't leave Nikki or Sunny devasted at the end of this wonderful story..they have such a beautiful special love for each other...I think Sunny may survive, wounded badly but Nikki would not be able to live w/o Sunny.

We all say, what a transformation Nikki has taken since meeting Sunny and he has but I think it is just the getting rid of the Nikki he had to be to make it in the business and prison to the real true Nikki he always was but could never allow anyone to see. Sunny just allows Nikki to be his true self, the self he would have become if there had been no prison or business in his life. The real Nikki that was hidden under the darkness. The darkness that had to give way because Sunshine (light) is always greater than darkness.

These two are so good for each other. Sunny is the ultimate nurturer and Nikki has never been nurtured or cared about like this before. Nikki is the ultimate protector, I know w/o a doubt he would die for Sunny and she has never had that before. They are just so good together!!

I love them when they are having fun together, they make me laugh and smile so much because I know they both need some happiness in their lives and these times they seem so normal. And I know thy both just want to be normal.

I want to hug Nikki when she ask him about things that are painful and would ultimately lead them down that very scarey area of his life that he is so fearful to share. Sunny is so careful with him to, not wanting him to experience any pain but knowing that eventually it will all have to be told if they really want a real relatiosnhip. Nikki knows it will have to be told also and I am happy he is not going to lie to her about anything but I have to admit I have as much fear about him telling her as he does. I am praying that he tells her before anyone else gets a chance to tell her. It will not be easy no matter who tells her the truth but it is much better coming from him.

However, if Sunny is light , she will not be afraid of the darkness that has trapped Nikki. She cannot live with it because light cannot exist with darkness but she can and I believe will, help him rid his life of it. It may not be easy at first but I think Sunny's love and light can get past and demolish the dark part of Nikki's life, if he allows it to be demolished and if they let him out!!

I am praying that Stanis witnessing his sons great pain and anguish over his fear of losing his Sunny an dthe remembrance of his own loving wife's reaction to the darker part of his own life, will enable him to be sensitive to the man he calls son. I am praying that Stanis is making the trip to give Nikki his freedom and allow him to run the legite businesses only so that he can live a real life with Sunny. I am optimistic because he said he is going to take care of both families and he considers Nikki in both families. Please let him bring good news and please don't let it be too late.

I don't know what else to tell you about how much I love this story..I do ...and with each update I love it even more. I can only think of one or two instances when I have been this heavily invested in a relationship. :)

I want so much for them both to be alright!! and together..if at all possible..together!!

Bravo sweetie...excellent as always!!

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24/02/10 02:15 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

This was the best sex scenes (I can visualize) ever

Reviewer: NiaZ Signed [Report This]
Date: 24/02/10 02:09 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

I stayed up late last night so I could read the latest update...girl, I have to be up every morning at 4:30 in the a.m. to get ready for work...but this story is so worth the on to my review...

I'm getting that uneasy feeling again...don't know why...but the time for answers is fast approaching...I loved how both Sunny and Nikolai didn't want to let go the calm before the storm...reveling in just loving each other and being together...but knowing a dark cloud hovers off in the distance that could destroy it all...I'm so worried now if Sunny can really handle all that Nikolai has to tell her and will either of them have the strength to let the other go if she can't...this is a real conundrum...I don't know if my poor heart can take it if she can't...

And Stanislavsky's impending visit really has me worried...what is so important that he would leave the old country to come all the way to America to see specifically Sunny...will he allow Nikolai to get out the business...will Nikolai even want to give up that part of his life...he knows nothing else...I'm on pins and needles about what happens when Stanislavsky comes...

I'm going to keep a box of tissues handy in case things don't go the way I wish...but either has been one heck of journey...I love this couple...wish them all the happiness that they each deserve...but I have to keep reminding myself this is a dark fic...and Nikolai is a very complicated man who has led a less than savory life...

Looking forward to the next update...partly in anticipation...partly in dread...great story...keep up the good work...

Reviewer: attheritz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24/02/10 01:14 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

I love how you have written this story! It has great emotional moments! I do want to know why Stanislavsky wants to see Sunny. Maybe to convince her to stay w/ nikki or warn her what she might be getting into if she stays? either way I don't think don't think both nikki or sunny can stay away from each other too long! Love the characters!!!

Reviewer: april Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 23/02/10 09:47 pm

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

Fantastic ! I loved it. I can see Kostya marrying Sunshine and Nikolya's daughter some day.. . 

Reviewer: Orangesathome Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 23/02/10 07:05 pm

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

Beautiful update! I truly love this story.

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23/02/10 06:57 pm

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

I almost never review...dunno why, but I'm loving this story. It's been moving along quite nicely. The development over time has been great as well.

I hope he continues to be honest with her and their relationship strengthens...but then there is also her friend who is in love with her. Let's see how that goes when it all comes to a head, cuz I'm sure it will. 

Nicely done!

Reviewer: AlmostEsq Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 23/02/10 05:53 pm

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

This chapter was a roller coaster ride for me.  The beginning with Sunny and Nikki together in the room and then at the musuem was both sweet and funny. You have definitely made Nikki complex as many others have pointed out.  There are so many little clues about him that peek through out of the banter. I hope he can leave the darkness behind for Sunny's sake.

Oh but, please, please let him come clean with Sunny soon.  It is just killing me how she asks questions and then the wall comes up.  We, Sunny, Nikki, and me (HA!), will be heartbroken when he tells her, but at least it'll be over with and we can all move on. Whether it be together and strong or apart and miserable.

I really hope they have the talk before Stanislavsky comes.  I don't know what to expect from that visit, but I can't wait for it. Great job Onimosity!

Reviewer: sherprin Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 23/02/10 05:01 pm

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

Nikki and Sunny continue to intigue me. They are so complex.

Sunny loves Nikki but dreams of another life style. Nikki loves Sunny but is he willing to walk away from the life? I can't see Sunny giving Nikki up.

Reviewer: juno Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23/02/10 03:51 pm

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 1

Wow it's getting better and better, sometimes I have to drift away every now and then because the story is very long and they tend to go on and on to nowhere but I'm determine to finish

Reviewer: NiaZ Signed [Report This]
Date: 23/02/10 10:13 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

I love it! I wonder what Stanislavsky has to take care of for the family and The Family

I so love how Sunny makes Nikolai so much softer and gentler and he smiles and jokes and seems so very happy around her.

Kostya love himself some Sunny...I am glad he and his mother is taking the trip with Stanislavsky...he is getting older he does not need to travel by himself and plus like she said it will be an adventure and they get to see Sunshine.  Two weeks or rather the next update can't get here fast enough I want to see what is about to be up.

I am glad that Sunny asked him to the dinner and he accepted. :D

You spoil me please update again soon

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23/02/10 09:27 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

Yay... Mwah ha ha!!!

Lots of PINK and blue cotton candy!!!

More later!!! 



Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23/02/10 08:31 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

Fantastic as always! I look forward to your updates. Check ever day.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 23/02/10 08:09 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

This was a wonderful intimate view of Nikolai and Sunny.  After that, I really don't think that they could live without each other.  And Sunny keeps pushing to get to know more about his business.  I suspect that when he tells her what she already suspects, she will probably ask him to leave it for her...and Nikolai, I believe, will leave it for her.  The question is will the Family allow him to leave? Oh, we are getting to the serious part.  And why is Stanislasky going to the see Nikolai, of course, but for what purpose?  Is he going to anoint Nikolai as his successor and new head of the The Family?

Looking forward to the next Update....


Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23/02/10 07:26 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

Great update.  Stanislavsky going to America.  I hope this will be good for Sunshine and Nicolai.

Reviewer: qualidee3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23/02/10 06:56 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

I love these two together. They are just a loving couple who relate so well to each other.  Nikolai is going to have to talk to Sunny soon about his work life.  Something is definately coming with Stanislavsky.  Will Kostya's mother be Sunny's friend or foe? 

Thanks for a good update.  I always love to read about the two of them.

Reviewer: Lovelybears Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23/02/10 06:34 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

They've created their own fairytale, but it is all too real.He has to decide when and how soon to tell her. Maybe his dad will allow him to walk away from this life so as to not have the light in Sunshine's eyes dim when he comes to America. Awesome update!

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23/02/10 06:08 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

Awesome update!! Just love those 2, What awesome characters you have in this story. Wonderful chapter. Thank you

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23/02/10 05:59 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

wow he going to american nice but i'm little scared too about this trip what will he say to Nikio  i love that little boy he love sun shine it to cute lol. wow the trip to paris was great him holding her he just him when he with sunshine loves her but also he scared too that she wanted love him any more.  i love this story it so great and well writen i can't wait to read the next chapter thanks for the updated.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23/02/10 05:49 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

Hmmm, wonder why he's making the trip to the US??? Wonder if he'll offer Nikki a way out of the business???? Will he ever open up fully to Sunny????

Reviewer: baha_malo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23/02/10 05:28 am

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