Seriously...whenever I need a pick-me-up, a fic that brings a smile to my face that soon into cracking up out loud...I turn to this story. Please update soon.
Reviewer: JV4ME Signed [Report This]Date: 23/05/13 07:52 am
Please update when possible.
Reviewer: nightseer Signed

Date: 17/02/13 12:13 am
So...when are you going to update this some more? i want to know how much s*it your characters are in and how they intend to get out of it. Good job with the story line.
Reviewer: Leigh Anonymous

Date: 02/04/12 06:27 am
please finish this story.
Reviewer: Mochagirl Anonymous

Date: 21/02/12 07:04 pm
Wow her ex is a jack ass for breaking her heart. I hope he hear the news that she married a hot sweet sexy as hell guy. Their friends are so silly lol thank for the update.
Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed

Date: 10/11/11 09:57 pm
This is some funny stuff! I laughed the whole Time I was reading it. Between the 2 fighting friends and a marriage they can not get annulled (they had sex remember?) I guess what happens in Vegas, doesn't always stay in vegas!Good story!
Reviewer: KittyOh48 Signed

Date: 10/11/11 06:27 am
Sucks doesn't even begin to describe the situation...I feel for the babies. I truly do!
Brooke and Sam are a HOOT! Gotta love best friends!
Wonderful update, deary! I am so along for this ride!
Reviewer: SebineDareau Signed

Date: 10/11/11 03:45 am
Things just went from bad to worse. I think the maid did it she sent the document but if she wasnt getting paid then somebody else did it. Guess Who?
Reviewer: Cherry Signed

Date: 10/11/11 03:30 am
Great update - well worth the wait!! Thank you!
Reviewer: ammalicious Signed

Date: 10/11/11 01:02 am
The maids took the marrige certificate. Isn't that illegal, can't the hotel be sued....LOL! They got my girl Jackie all stressed out.
Well there is not turning back now. Everyone and they moma know they are married.
Great update....Thank you
Happy writing.
Reviewer: Thundakat Signed

Date: 09/11/11 07:12 pm
I have so been waiting on the update for this story, and I so happy. Color me, thrilled!!! Sam and Brooke are so hilarious and Dolly she had me hurting myself laughing!!! I can't wait to see the feelings develope. There is obviously a connection between these two, it wasn't just the alcohol. The alcohol made them each receptive to each other. I hope that they don't let past hurts get in the way of what they are feeling!! Ryker never loved Jackie and neither did Jenna love you Jordan. YOu are both with the person that was meant for you, embrace it and enjoy!! You have made my day!!! Hooty Hoo!!!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: 09/11/11 06:36 pm
This is a really great story! I would sue the pants off of the hotel and every staff member in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then buy the hotel and fire everyone of them!!!!!!!!!! Update soon please! :)
Reviewer: Monique Anonymous

Date: 09/11/11 04:11 pm
Poor things... they thought Dolly was going to be of some assistance... lol.
Cant wait until the next update!!

Date: 09/11/11 02:35 pm
Marriage ia legal, now time for them to fall in love. Girlfirend will be a problem, or should I say ex-firlfriend since he is married now.
Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed

Date: 09/11/11 01:41 pm
Im loving this. Wonder what her ex will say now that he told her that she wasn't marriage material and what will Jordan's say since she thought that he couldn't commit. LOL!!! I want these two to stay together and fall head over heels inlove. Ah, but that's where we're going, right? LOL. Can't wait for the parents to find out also as well as the ex's . LOL. Keep up the good work.
Oh...and if only Sam and Brooke end up in bed together and get caught by Jackie and Jordan and both girls end up pregnant. LOL
Reviewer: Brenda1257 Signed

Date: 09/11/11 12:53 pm
Wooow! Cant believe the marriage liscense got out! Cant wait to see how the relationship develops between Jordan and Jackie!
Reviewer: annie Anonymous [Report This]Date: 09/11/11 10:35 am
First, jake gyllenhaal is my secret crush (just dont tell my husband that)...
Second, LOVE this story!!!
Third, this is a great start to a love story...who doesnt secretly want to wake up married to a millionare hottie!!! I cant wait for the development of this story..Will they stay married? Did she get pregnant? OMG, all the things that are runnning in my little head....
Cant wait for an update!!!
Reviewer: Leogina Signed

Date: 28/10/11 06:35 am
Wow, what're they gonna do now? Loved the update.
Reviewer: baha_malo Signed

Date: 24/10/11 07:55 am
OOOOOhhh Dayam! The poo has hit the fan now! OMG! this story is going to be hilarious! I am laughing while I am typing this review. I love the story, reminds me of another story I read on another site, but hey you can never have to many of these funny ones. I think Jordan and Jackie will be great together not to mention the chemistry of Sam and Brooke. But on a serious note, I did spot a few grammar errors so I must take off for that. All in all this story deserves 5 stars so far, but I will give you a 9 for right now! Thanks, and keep up the great work.
Reviewer: KittyOh48 Signed

Date: 24/10/11 06:54 am
Interesting, I will wait before I make a comment...
Reviewer: Bredreaway Signed

Date: 24/10/11 02:57 am
Why was Jordan drinking himself into a stupor anyway? I mean, dude is on top of the world, right? His career is booming, all women want him and all men want to be him so what's the deal? Apparently everything isn't roses and maybe this chick Jenna is the reason why. Obviously he isn't THAT into her because he can't even remember her name after taking one look at his wife!
Brooke and Sam are great! I love how he counters her snarky remarks with swagger-snark of his own. I love to see their reactions to the shocking news-flash. Loved the update, can we have another soon? :)
Reviewer: JV4ME Signed

Date: 24/10/11 01:45 am