Reviews For Beast
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Title: I'm Gonna Get Up...

WHAT A CLIFFHANGER!  I hope that Sunny doesn't get shoot. Actually I hope that Sergi PUNK ASS is the one shot.  I CAN'T WAIT for the next chapter. PLEASE update SOON!!!!!!!!



Reviewer: miquerida Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/03/10 02:38 pm

Title: I'm Gonna Get Up...

Loved the update.  It has me all nervous...and the ending with Sunshine walking in...well as usual, I will be checking for updates daily.

Reviewer: qualidee3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/03/10 02:12 pm

Title: I'm Gonna Get Up...

I don't know if you intended to, but you made Sergei a very sympathetic character for me. I feel deeply sorry for the boy. I think Sunshine holds a great deal of responsibility in this; she's naive to think she can be this great world saving heroine when she is attached to a gangster. Kind of like ignoring the plank of wood in your own eye to remove the speck of dust in your neighbours eye. Sergei knows that they are all ultimately bad for her. Even with the great bouncing XD lol

What I love about this story is that everybody is flawed. Even the great Sunshine that they all put on a pedestal. She may not have started that way but that's where she's ending up and poor sergei feels he should remedy that. I can understand his feelings in that regard. Conversely, I would say it's up to Sunshine herself to decide what she wants and if she wants Nikki, that's who she'll be with. I wish he would have left her (and the organization) to her own devices.

Sigh. What a fantastic update.

Reviewer: Valhalla Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/03/10 02:12 pm

Title: Who they are

 Awesome update!!!!!

 I think you and your muse had more than one Pink Ladies that's the only reason I could think of for you to leave use hanging like this.

I have a feeling Sunny was hit by that bullet and If that's true then Sergei is a dead man period! If Nikki was hit then Sergei has lost Sunny as friend and will have to go on the run cause he will not be alive for long once Mr. S finds out..Sergei, has made such a mess of everything and has put everyone in a bad position.  I hope that Priscilla or Antonaly gets will get there in time to save some lives.

This next chapter can go either way I'm on pins and needles awaiting the outcome..No, more Pink Ladies for you and your muse..You ladies are EVIL when you drink..

Reviewer: Renee Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/03/10 01:25 pm

Title: I'm Gonna Get Up...

Nooooo! Did Sunny get shot?  This is a big old mess. Please update soon.

Reviewer: Tootall Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/03/10 01:12 pm

Title: I'm Gonna Get Up...

I read it as soon as I got notice that you updated and at the end I had to close the laptop and go to sleep cause I was SO ANGRY/SCARED/CONFUSED and PRAYING TO THE BABY JESUS that nothing would happen to Nikolai or Sunny!!!

A shot going off usually means someone gets the stray bullet and I am so NOT even going to contemplate that something happened to either half of my favorite couple (Nikolai or Sunshine)...

Chica, I'm about to round up a posse and we are going to come after you and you pink drinkin muse!!! We need an UPDATE and we're going to need it ASAP!

Frankly I don't care what happens to stupid ole Sergei... He has been a pain in the butt for a long time... His brother Anatoly may take him out after all this... The child needs to be taught a lesson and I'm hoping in the long run if Nikolai is the one that has been shot that Sunny realizes how her not really dealing with Sergei played a part in all of this...

Ugh so many thoughts rolling thru my head...

I just want an UPDATE and like yesterday!

Thanks for sharing (and you and the muse STOP drinking)... No good comes of it... LOL!

Reviewer: spanishfly69 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/03/10 01:04 pm

Title: I'm Gonna Get Up...

WTF???? Noooooooooooooooo. NO! NO! NO!

Oh, no, you didn't pull a stray bullet thingy!!! And a cliffhanger, too?!!? 

I am soooo not speakin' to you right now, wicked one. You and your Pink Lady sippin' muse.


Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/03/10 12:16 pm

Title: Who they are

You and your muse are evil!! How could you end it there!  Then I suppose it was too good to not do eh!?

I can't comment now too much going through my head - Thanks and I have to go to work.  Will post a longer comment this evening.  OMG!! evil writers!

PS loved it by the way.

Reviewer: Penny Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/03/10 11:00 am

Title: I'm Gonna Get Up...

Gah!! You left it there?!?! She can't be shot. Please don't let her get hurt. I can't deal, this is too intense. You can't leave it there!


Thank you for that fantastic update! I was on the edge of my seat where I shall remain until this issue is resolved.

Reviewer: Jaynie Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/03/10 10:23 am

Title: I'm Gonna Get Up...

Nooooo!  A cliffhanger after the gun goes off.......Please give us an Update soooooon, so we know what happened. 

Why did Nikolai feel he needed to rush Sergei?  He changed COMPLETELY when Sunshine suggested that they go somewhere and talk.  This is partly her fault for not discussing Sergei with Nikolai earlier. 

I sure don't want Nikolai to don't let him.  Does Sergei have to die, I mean, Nikolai has the power to put him out of the organization, in another state or country, to start a new a gift to Sunny. 

Unfortunately, this situation and how Nikolai takes Sergei down will probably show Sunny how he got his name.  Even though, I think Sunny, unlike the wife of Stanislasky knows without being told, what Nikolai has done in the past.  I mean Sergei told her quite a bit before she told him to shut up.

And WHERE is Stanislasky so he can tell Nikolai and Sunny how Nikolai's life is going to change. 

Please don't let Sunny or Nikolai be dead....

Anxiously awaiting the next Update.


Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/03/10 09:59 am

Title: I'm Gonna Get Up...


Please don't leave us in suspense to long.  I needs to know what happened.  I think Sunshine or Cilla shoot (no pun intended) maybe even Nikolai got shot before Nikolai was able to get the gun away from Sergei. Maybe he does not realize it because of the rage and adrenline going thru his body right now with the adasity of Sergei's plan though not a very good one had to kill him.  Sergei was working straight off of emotion not a logical thought in this whole plot.



Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/03/10 09:54 am

Title: Who they are

Holy F***!!!

My heart freaking sped up at the end of the chapter.
I was like OMGOMGOMG!

Woooooah o.o

Im totally going to be checking everyday for teh next chapter.
I love you so much XD

Reviewer: Blckbeary Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/03/10 08:32 am

Title: I'm Gonna Get Up...

Oh nooo, that was just so wrong to leave us hanging like that. Sergei, have lost your mind!!!!! Hmmm, wonder who got hurt..... Hope everyone survives. Loved the update.

Reviewer: baha_malo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/03/10 08:31 am

Title: Or We Might Take it Differently

May I please have my Sunny and Nikki fix? Cant wait for the next update --please!!!

Reviewer: katiemae Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/03/10 01:26 am

Title: Or We Might Take it Differently

Great Chapter.Ok what is the deal with Sergi..Dude let it go already...can't wait for more.

Reviewer: kellyklue Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/03/10 10:41 pm

Title: Or We Might Take it Differently

OMG!!! Sergei is a dead man! If Nikki doesn't kill him Sunny might do it herself. He is so stupid and all for someone that will never want him!  She is taken and happily so. Hope she finds out or maybe walk in on this scene. That would be great!  Love how you are writing this!!! This is my favorite!! 

Reviewer: april Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 10/03/10 12:19 am

Title: Or We Might Take it Differently

Brilliant chapter!!

The first part was very difficult to read. I was right along Nicholai in ever feeling of dread, anticipating that awful "good bye" even as reluctant and torturous as it seemed for Sunshine to utter it.

Nicholai, a fearless man accustomed to being in control, was at the mercy of one small woman and her most powerful words.

And then there was a repreive. A stay of execution. A one week respite.

Even Ben has come to expect and accept Nicholai as a permanent fixture in their lives. He shows more compassion for Nicholai's plight than he did for his own father. But as he said, Sunny seemed to have been the only one unaware of how Jacob was hurting her. Is she punishing Nicholai with the severity she was unable to weld against Jacob? It certainly isn't fair to either of them.

I loved the visit from Mr. Stanislavsky and Kostya... and his story. I hope it had some impact on her opinion of Nicholai. I'm sure he is arranging for Nicholai to go legit. Good father!

The party was sublime. Sunny surprised and totally blew Nikki away with her agressive possessiveness. They were scorching hot, but in a different way this time.

Then there was nutcase Sergei. Caught me totally by surprise!! After my initial shock, it seemed to me that Nikki wasn't as surprised as I expected. I'd guess he has been having Sergei followed and there is someone behind HIM?

The suspense is killing me!!!! 

Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/03/10 12:31 pm

Title: Or We Might Take it Differently

Good chapter. I enjoyed it from the beginning to the end. Sooo many things going on, like how was Nickolia's role going to change? Is Stanivlasky retiring and turning the entire thing over? I would hope that there was a way to get Nikki out, but that's a rarerity in mob organizations. Sunny willing to take it bit by bit, just as long as he lets her in; as well as Sunny's display of jealousy. Nickolia actually opening up, finally realizing that he has to tell her, no matter how painful it is for her. And the end, well that speaks for itself.

I LOOOOVe Kotsya, what a little cuttie.

Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/03/10 07:44 am

Title: Or We Might Take it Differently

Oh God

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/03/10 06:15 am

Title: Or We Might Take it Differently

Oh Sergei, may you rest in peace!  Who knew that Sunny could pull the claws out... you go gurrrl!  This is the BEST story!  Keep up the good work, you are a very, very talented writer.

Reviewer: ivy11 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/03/10 03:35 am

Title: Or We Might Take it Differently

This story has come highly recommended and I can see. You have woven and fantastic tale here! I've been reading almost daily for the past few weeks and I can truly say I'm going to be sad to see this one come to an end. 

Reviewer: Philly Girl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/03/10 02:54 am

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

There is change in the wind.

Ugh, my heart goes out to all three in this chapter. Sergie seemed to have taken a step back, and I believe that his concern was more about her safety, than his feeling for her. Sunny want's to keep her eyes closed, but she knows the truth is at hand. Ahh Nikki, it's time for you to tell the truth, and trust in her love for you.

I love this story, and have from the beginning. However, I've noticed that some of Sunny's dialogue feels off, when she's talking with or about Nickolia. It almost feels as if Sunny has either an accent, is decades older or lives in a different era. I still love the character, but her dialogue at times irks my nerves.

Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 08/03/10 09:41 am

Title: Who they are

In a nutshell - YOU ARE A HELLUVA WRITER! I am so invested in these characters and story that I have to remind myself that this is a story! 

You keep me on my toes guessing - cant wait for the next update.

Thank you for sharing your genius with us mere mortals! 

Reviewer: katiemae Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/03/10 07:53 pm

Title: Or We Might Take it Differently

Omg what in the world is Sergei thinking?! Is this the same Sergei that was friends with Sunshine ? Maybe I have the wrong person. I really think its good that Sunshine is giving Nikolai his own time to tell her things about what goes on in his life and can't wait to see what happens next.


Reviewer: Kiah Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/03/10 04:54 am

Title: Or We Might Take it Differently

Intelligent conversation (difficult to envision his Ben's age, he’s very smart).

Cleverly presented (loved Stanislavsky’s story).

Unexpected emotions (jealousy…who knew).

Hopeless avoidance (he’ll never tell, she’ll never want him to, not really).

Surprising cliffhanger (aah my poor young Brazykin, I’ll miss him. His presence adds a different perspective, a certain truth/reality to their fantasy).

Awesome storytelling (no explanation needed, the work speaks for itself).

Reviewer: JV4ME Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/03/10 09:42 pm

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