For The Last Time by Realstone

…this story should be considered AU, because it is totally different from the way Rose died in the episode "The Possession," and Alex gets a chance to grieve her grandmothers death. This is how I believe every life's end should be celebrated, with family and friends and good memories. This story is also a small tribute to a great performer. As one of a multitude who laughed with Esther Rolle on Good Times, enjoyed her many film performance and welcomed her brief visit to PTL, I will miss seeing her on the large and small screen.

Categories: Primetime Television Characters: Alexandra Moreau
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Drama, Family, Friendship
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Character Death
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 2444 Read: 2627 Published: 07/03/09 Updated: 07/03/09

1. Chapter 1 by Realstone

Chapter 1 by Realstone

Alex pushed aside the multi-colored britches quilt and sat up. Her body sagged under the growing sense of unknown that had kept her staring at the clock on the nightstand, mesmerized by the click, click, click as the long hand slowly crawled its way from second to second.  The waiting caused her stomach to churn adding to her discomfort. She stood up suddenly, her body demanding some action, that she do something. Do what? She almost spoke aloud.

Slipping her arms into her robe Alex walked toward her bedroom door several times determined to wake Derek and seek his counsel, his insight. As precept of the San Francisco Legacy house and her friend, she trusted his judgment and psychic gifts that were a notch above her own. At the door she began to argue the pros and cons. Derek won't mind if I wake him. Opening the door she stood in the silent hallway the doorknob poking her in the back. You know it's not fair to wake him, especially when you're not even sure what's wrong.

He's use to one of us bringing a problem to him. He'll understand.

Understand what? You don't even understand. You don't need Derek holding your hand...

She stepped back inside, softly closed the door and sat on the edge of the bed again.

Would you want someone to wake you at 2am over a feeling? You can wait until later in the morning.

I need to talk...

It can wait until morning. Get a grip Alex Moreau.

Okay, I won't wake Derek, but I am not going to lay here staring at that clock for the remainder of the night!

Pulling on a loose fitting sweatshirt and a pair of jeans Alex headed for one of her favorite places on the grounds. She hadn't worked in the gardens surrounding the castle for months because of one thing or another and right now it didn't matter that it was dark and the moonlight weak. She had gown up hear the old ones say that a garden worked in the near-light would "bloom past one's delight."

She worked hard, determined to ignore the urge pulling her back to the house and calling...calling who? "This is ridiculous," she mumbled aloud in the soft night air. Concentrating once more she clipped away damaged branches from a rather stubborn Jasmine shrub with which she had an on-going love/hate relationship. Tonight she was determined that it would submit.

All the time she ruthlessly pulled and clipped she unconsciously searched for the cause of her discomfort. She hadn't forgotten any monthly reports; she'd answered all formal requests for research from other Legacy houses and even managed to answer a few informal ones from various Internet friends. Their caseload was unusually quiet. If the persistent feeling wasn't professional maybe it was personal. She recalled talking to several friends and extended family earlier in the month and all were doing fine. Alex looked up at the impressive battlements and massive brick structure still seeking an answer to her unease.  Inside was her immediate family and although they were not connected to her by blood, she has made them her own.

Her thoughts flowed at a faster pace as she shifted a bag of fertilizer.  Memories of her last conversation with her sister earlier in the week rose for replay. Tanya had sounded cheerful and on the mend. Their run-in with Daniel Ureure, a practicing sorcerer, had left new scars but helped to heal old ones. It had taken months, a lot of self-introspection and strength, but Tanya was becoming whole once again. Alex smiled with pride that "the baby" seemed to have found her path in this world. Grandma Rose had often said that Tanya was a wanderer and it took them time to settle down, to find out where they fit. During their conversation Tanya had surprised her by saying she would be staying with Rose until her plans were finalized.

"Rose?"  The sound of her grandmother's name in the darkness didn't bring with it the usual feeling of joy and now that she had spoken, she knew who she had been waiting to hear from. With each step toward the house, with each breath a sense of finality filled her.   Alex hurried across the yard, up the stairs to the patio and into the kitchen.   She'd reached for the phone sitting on the counter when her movements slowed as her vision narrowed, like a spot light highlighting an actor standing center stage, until all she could see was the phone held tightly in her hand.  Slowly her vision expanded until she could see Rose standing before her. "Aucun besoin pour que maintenant enfant, soit venu asseoir avec moi pour une'pelle."  Internally, Alex translated the words, "No need for that now child, come sit with me for a spell." Letting go of the phone Alex grabbed onto Rose's hand and followed her through the door and out into the night.   Moving slowly Rose lowered her body onto the top step.  Alex sat between Rose's legs her head resting on her thigh.  Closing her eyes Alex wallowed in the warm love pouring from her grandmother.   

"I am so proud of you and Tanya."  Hearing her words brought her grandmother's face into sharper focus.  Alex noticed the new lines around her mouth, the skin a little tighter and drier under her eyes. Alex frowned, it had been a while since she'd seen Rose but she couldn't believe she had aged that much.  "You have achieved so much, done so much good." Rose smiled. "I expect you be good to yourself Alexandra and remember I will love you always."

"Always," Alex echoed as Rose faded away, the vision leaving her feeling drained and lonely.  Tears rolled down her face as she listened to the phone ring within the house.

- - - - - - - - -

"It's Tanya." Derek met her in the hallway leading to the main entrance.  The phoned held out toward her.          

She hesitated for a brief second before wrapping her fingers around the cold plastic.  Wiping away the tears on her face, Alex straightened her shoulders, internally becoming the warrior Rose would expect her to be as she listened to Tanya tell of their grandmother's death.  With only a few words to Tanya, Alex handed the phone to Derek.  Moving several steps away he assured Tanya that whatever she and Alex need would be handle by the Luna Foundation.  As Derek moved away Nick moved closer wrapping both arms around Alex refusing to let her withdraw from them.  He nodded in agreement as Derek told Tanya they would be in New Orleans by mid-afternoon. 

- - - - - - - - -

Alex watched a bank of clouds below the plane.  They thinned providing a briefed view of the land below that disappear as the clouds thicken. Her attention shifted to the thin length of ribbon held tightly in her hand. Attached to the ribbon were miniature photos encased in delicate filigrees of gold.  The first a pencil drawing of Mama Marie, the next Grandma Rose, then her mother, and the last two of herself and Tayna.  She stared at the pictures held in a hand that tremble at the thought of each lost and the pain the living were left to manage.  

"Rachel will join us as soon as she has rescheduled her appointments. What's this?" Derek asked as he picked up the book lying in the seat next to her.  His deep tones carried easily over the drone of the engines. Reading to her words she had not heard since her childhood.

Hello, Alexandra Danielle Moreau. On this night of your birth, no moon can be seen yet the sky is brilliantly lit. I hold you in my arms and your tiny fingers holding mine fill me with delight. There is so much to tell you, so much you should know. Above all, know that I will love you. That special you are born, true daughter of generations past, true mother of generations future. Know that you will be a lover of things fragile and innocent, of places yet unexplored, of things dark and powerful. Your eyes will shine with wonder at God's creations, shed tears at man's cruelty and hard heartedness, glow with great wrath on behalf of those unable to rise. You will give all that is yours to give. Do not fear failure or doing that which should be done; fear not error but stupidity unchecked, fear not love but passion misspent. You shall see what was once past for those who cannot see the present, whose futures are unclear. Accept the love within a touch supported within a smile, kindness within a spoken word. Remember you are Alexandra Danielle Moreau. And that you will be loved always.

Derek closed the book and held it out to her.  Taking it Alex's fingers gazed his and Derek's mind filled with the image of Rose sitting at the bedside of a young woman.  In her arms wrapped in a soft blanket was a newborn.  The infant's eyes were clear and alert, focused on the face smiling down at it.  "Rose gave this journal to my mother shortly after I was born. My father gave it to me after momma's funeral. A Moreau right of passage, I guess. My mother would have given it to me to add my prayers for my granddaughter."  A ragged sigh escaped Alex as she turned toward the window effectively shutting herself off. 

Derek looked away from Alex as Nick took the seat at his side.  "We should be landing in less than an hour.  The service will pick up Tanya, meet us at departures and then...take us to the funeral home."

- - - - - - - - -

Tears clouded Tanya's eyes as she watched Alex walk up the ramp toward her and for a second she saw Rose Danielle de la Rue was smiling back at her.    People walked around the two women holding each other.  Some smiled thinking the two women represented a long awaited reunion. Others glanced back a second time thinking what attractive women they were. Only a few noticed the tears and sadness marking the women's faces. Derek and Nick stepped forward almost in unison after allowing Tanya and Alex some privacy. Both knew that the hardest part was still to be faced before either sister could move on with their lives.

- - - - - - - - -

Unconsciously Alex's fingers began to drum on the back of the pew. Shifting in her seat she closed her eyes as another kind soul stood to give tribute to Rose's unselfish love and community service, but all that Alex could feel, was the rapid beating of her pulse and the lost of time. Time, so much time is being taken away from us. I've haven't spent enough time with her. Soon she will be shut away and we'll be left with nothing but dying flowers and fading memories.  Alex's fingers moved faster, they're going to keep on talking until I...

Tanya could feel the tension building in Alex and she grasped her hand, holding it against her shoulder. "I wish they'd hurry up." She whispered in Alex's ear. Tanya breath against her ear a reminder of when they were little and held whispered marathon conversations in church and Rose's disapproving glares from the choir stand.  Tanya's confirmation of her own feelings helped her to see past her own grief.  To acknowledge that others also had a claim to her grandmother's life, and that it was right and fair that they too express their feelings about Lady Rose. The remainder of the service was simple but heart-felt. Music from the community choir carried them through the viewing and outside into the warm sunshine.

- - - - - - - - -

Derek watched Alex as she moved among the crowd of visitors and friends, shaking hands and kissing cheeks, while she held the same plate of food that some kind soul had handed her just after they'd arrived back at the house. He watched as she took a bite or two when someone pressed her about keeping up her strength. He watched remembering how much energy it took to think of others, to not break down, to not be totally absorbed in grief.   Tanya also watched Alex. They were being uprooted by Rose's death and even though she was the oldest, Tanya knew Alex would feel it her responsibility to give her strength to Tanya.  Deep inside she cringed knowing that at one time she would have expected Alex to stand for her. But no more. Tanya smiled strengthen by the knowledge that she could rely on her own inner strength and give in return.

Alex was slipping the plate of cold food among a stack of used dishes when she felt eyes on her. She turned to Tanya and gave her a quick conspiracy wink. Both smiles met and grew, bonding each more firmly to the other.  She broke eye contact with Tanya as the kitchen filled with new mourners expressing their condolences.  Tanya seeing the weariness growing on Alex's face tactfully began herding everyone towards the parlor.

Smiling her thanks Alex walked outside.  Sitting on the top step of the back porch she pulled her knees close to her chest and rested her head against them. Tired eyes watched the shadows of the trees and flowers shortened in the waning sunlight.  Closing her eyes she sought out the warmth of Rose's presence.    Turning her head she kept her eyes closed as she felt a warmth replace the cold surrounding her.   Understanding filled the space even as she heard a voice gently chide.  "Let me go Alexandra. You know how, let me go."

"Thank you for loving me always."

Alex opened her eyes as another presence replaced Roses'. "Tanya is still inside with a few stragglers, Nick didn't have the courage to throw out."  Derek said as he sat on the step next to her.  Nick grunted his disagreement from the doorway.

"I just needed a moment to say goodbye."

Derek looked back at Nick. "I know this may not mean much, but you and Tanya are not alone.  We're here."

Alex's hand grabbed Derek's hand, a beautiful smile lighting her face. 


End Notes:

Disclaimer: All main characters and the premise of Poltergeist: The Legacy belongs to Richard B. Lewis, Trilogy and MGM/USA productions. No financial copyright infringement is intended. Not one pecunia has exchanged hands. I just wander into the same playground from time to time and humbly ask to be allowed to play.

This story archived at http://