Penname: Thundakat [Contact]

Real name: Stephanie

Member Since: 11/12/08

Membership status: Member


Hi all I am an advit reader love all types of genres but have to say that I/R has become my most favorite for the last 3 plus years.  I have found a lot of my favorite authors are here and looking forward to reading lots of their work and finding more favorites.


Beta-reader: Yes
Yahoo IM: stephanied22

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Reviews by Thundakat

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 923]

They messed with the wrong woman this time!

FBI agent Subrina Rayelle is on a mission to take down the people that forced her best friend Leesha into prostitution and then beat her to death when she tried to escape.

Refusing to even cry one tear of grief for Leesha until all guilty parties are brought to justice, Subrina sets her sights on Nevada where the crime took place. If only she hadn’t met her soul-mate on this mission – a beloved nephew to the leaders of the suspected prostitution ring and who may also be among the guilty parties himself. 

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Drama, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Original Characters, Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 210
Word count: 3441
Read Count: 79615
Published: 09/10/10
Updated: 09/04/11

Title: Chapter 109: Chapter 50.2

Dang Nana!  I thinks that if Nana had been just a bit younger she would have made a play for him herself...Goodness!  LOL!  She was shelling out the info like it was public info.

Got to love Nana though.  LOL

Thanks for the update

Author's Response:

lol. Nana is a trip. She's actually one of my favorite secondary characters to date.

Thanks for commenting!

Author's Response:

lol. Nana is a trip. She's actually one of my favorite secondary characters to date.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16/01/11

Title: Chapter 110: Chapter 50.3

Damn I can't stand Ricky.

Tuesday and Wednesday just make me sick with their mal-nutrient behinds though they don't know Ceasar from Adam let along Subrina's man they are little hot asses that need to get their acts together.

Great update and Ricky I can't wait til Karma bite him in the ass and hard along with Blaine and dumb bumb Mecedes.

Author's Response:

Mal-nutrient behinds? LOLOLOLOLOL!!!

All I can say is thanks for the comment AND the laughs!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16/01/11

Title: Chapter 111: Chapter 51

Well damn!! Bree don't get upset he was only dancing his heart is true and it is you that he wants but he is a man.  His fantasy of twins partly came true with only a dance chica only a dance.

Thanks for the update and again Ricky....well you know.

Author's Response:

Yes, it really was only a dance.

Thanks for tcommenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16/01/11

Title: Chapter 112: Chapter 52.1

Girl you were not lying when you say and the plot thickens.  Blaine has a grand daughter who'da thunk it!  She sounds like a smart one too but I don't think she has advanced as well as her grand daddy Blaine and he ain't all that cleaver his durn self cause he about to go downnnnn.  You heard.

Great update on to more.

Thank you

Author's Response:

No, Binky ain't got nothing on Blaine. And yes, I heard loud and clear. LOL!

You're most welcome!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16/01/11

Title: Chapter 113: Chapter 52.2

LOL!  I wonder what Ms Subrina has up her sleeves. 

Ricky boy you continue to play with fire don't  you?

Ceasar I know you won't be doing anything else with those trifling twins except dance so I am cool with that just like Brina.

Always great update

Happy Writing!

Author's Response:

Ricky continues to play with fire because he hasn't truly gotten burned yet. But he will be...eventually.

Happy Reading!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16/01/11

Title: Chapter 114: Chapter 53.1

Well well!  Blaine did not do something nasty again Binky in fact he is elated to be a grandfather and father.

I wonder if when he is taken down will this cause Binky though to turn on Brina for cutting her ties to a better life or so what she things is a better life.

Thank u for the update :D

Author's Response:

Blaine got some humanity still within him, it's buried deep though.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16/01/11

Title: Chapter 115: Chapter 53.2

I hope the twins heeded Brina's words lie or not and bounce and won't blow her cover before it's time.

I can't wait to see what she has in store for Ricky and Mecedes.

Great update.

Next :D

Author's Response:

No worries. Subrina got them all covered.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16/01/11

Title: Chapter 117: Chapter 54.1

Damn Ceasar's Alphaness just well...yeah u get the jist go Brina work your magic on your man.  You done told him u love him and there is no going back now at least not tonight anyway,

Great update as always.

Author's Response:

Girl, I love an Alpha-male. Probably why I write so many into my storylines. LOL!

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16/01/11

Title: Chapter 118: Chapter 54.2

No Ricky your wrong that woman screaming is non other the Bree herself making sure  you are aware which only had to be pure karma that Ceasar is in the room next to yours

Want you be shocked and put in check tomorrow when you see the lady :D

Author's Response:

Yes, that was a little payback for Ricky. tee-hee. Yep!

Thanks for commenting!

Author's Response:

Yes, that was a little payback for Ricky. tee-hee. Yep!

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16/01/11

Title: Chapter 119: Chapter 54.3

Great update and I hope that Ricky continues to be a lame duck.

I love how you described the love screen graphic but where you have to use your imagination and read btwn the lines.  LOL

Loving this story as always. Off to read more.  I keep getting interrupted which is beginning to frustrate me.

Happy Writing!

Author's Response:

Consider Ricky Mr. Lame Duck. LOL!

Thank you for loving my love scenes...and for commenting!

Author's Response:

Consider Ricky Mr. Lame Duck. LOL!

Thank you for loving my love scenes...and for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 17/01/11

Title: Chapter 120: Chapter 55.1

Ricky should invest in denstry cause if he keeps up with his actions regarding Caesar and Bree he is going to need alot of his teeth replaced.

Great update as always...Loving it!!!

Happy Writing~!

Author's Response:


Thanks for the laugh.

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 17/01/11

Title: Chapter 121: Chapter 55.2

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Response:


Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 17/01/11

Title: Chapter 122: Chapter 56.1

OMG!!! OMG!!!! OMG!!!!


Evening knowing that Leesha is alive I still want Ricky and Blaine to take a nose dive off the higest mountian remain alive and suffer for the rest of their unsavory lives.

Ricky messed up her face and killed her child yes "her" child he is just someone that unfortunately donated the sperm.  Destroyed her life by saying he loved her and selling her to the highest bidder 

I have steam coming from my ears for just this update alone.  I want his ass torture toenails, fingernail, eyelids ripped off.

Thank you  for the update I have to go breath now...


Happy Writing!

Author's Response:

Wow! That was quite a rant. I loved it!

Happy Reading!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 17/01/11

Title: Chapter 123: Chapter 56.2

Sorry kari you will have to settle with just hearing Subrina's voice chica...don't get to gaze on her presence...nananny boo boo.  LOL!!!

So Crazy Red wants to confess his sins and get a lighter load on his shoulders sorry charlie u still taking a long trip to hell in gasoline drawers in a hand basket buddy.

Great update as always

Happy Writing

Author's Response:


I see you still don't care for Crazy Red, despite his 'conversion'. :)

Happy Reading!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/01/11

Title: Chapter 124: Chapter 56.3

Ok Karianne's obsession yes I said obsession over Brina is about to work a nerve or two or three.

Caeser baby if that was showing you insecurities I hate to see what you are like secure cause from that love making scene shoot who am I kidding from all the love scenes with you and bree they are off the change.

And the plot thickens and continues on.

Thank you for the update

Happy Writing!

Author's Response:

You're so on it about Karianne. She really is obsessed. Sad. Just sad.

Happy Reading!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/01/11

Title: Chapter 125: Chapter 57.1

The reason is Ricky you are sick and twisted no better or more elaborate explanation is needed other then that.

Great update as always

Happy Writing!

Author's Response:

You're right. Enuff said about Ricky. lol/

Happy Reading!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/01/11

Title: Chapter 126: Chapter 57.2

They are so cute....just so so so cute.  That right keep on bonding bond so much that Ceaser has no choice and will not be able to walk away once he finds out the truth.

I am counting down when all hell breaks loose and ALL truths are revealed.

Great update! Great story can never say that enough.

Happy Writing!

Author's Response:

All of us are waiting for the MAJOR climax of this story. Be patient. It's coming and the wait will be soooo worth it...I hope. lol.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/01/11

Title: Chapter 127: Chapter 57.3

No comment other then loving it and that was heart felt with Brina's talk with Ceaser about his jealousy and their love substaining.

Happy Writing!

Author's Response:

I hope C keeps that talk in his heart when the bad times roll in 'cause they are definitely coming.

Happy Reading!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/01/11

Title: Chapter 128: Chapter 58.1

I just love their fire.  They are so good together.

So Geoffery came thru for Karianna and Brina it's good he is doing somthing but that still is not going to change where you going when you leave this world playa.

Great update

Happy writing

Author's Response:

I'm feeling their fire too. lol.

Happy Reading!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/01/11

Title: Chapter 129: Chapter 58.2

Ricky just want to be loved.  I still don't like him though.

Blaine is a crafty SOB aint he?

Loving the story.

Happy Writing

Author's Response:

You're on point about Ricky. I still don't like him much either. lol

Happy Reading!



Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/01/11

Title: Chapter 130: Chapter 59.1

LOL!!!! Those poor poor horses is correct.  Bree and Caesar should be a shame of themselves.  LOL!!! Then Bree on top of it talking about lets do it again.  I lmao on that one and this chapter. 

Who gets banned from a horse ranch....Y Bree and Caesar of course.  I hate to see when they start making babies and then want to get freaky they are no where quiet lovers so the babies would be at grand parents house on a regular.  LOL!!!

Author's Response:


Your comment was hilarious. Thanks!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 19/01/11

Title: Chapter 131: Chapter 59.2

Great update!

Can't say I can think of anything to push me or motivate me past fear haven't come across anything that keeps me paralyzed in a corner or it reoccuring on a regular.

My motivation to push on in anything is my faith and my children.

Happy writing chica and keep up the marvelous work.

Author's Response:

Faith and kids are GREAT motivators! Kudos to you.

Happy Reading!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 19/01/11

Title: Chapter 132: Chapter 60.1

Well aint that a bitch.  Karianna has straight lost her mind.  Why all the haterade coming to play we needs some more alliances.

Karianna needs a straight a-whipping the kind an ole skool moma/grandmoma gave her children when the were misbehaving.

Great update as always.

Author's Response:

I'm sending the extra alliances as we speak.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 19/01/11

Title: Chapter 133: Chapter 60.2

I was sitting her jumping up and down and clapping my hands like I was special when you came up with the plan to have Burt be A-Plus aka Ava aka Avalon aka Caesar's mom new love interest

I see a match made in heaven already in the works with those two so both mom and son will be getting love interest that are with the FBI only Ava knows where her man came from right off the bat but Caesar had to be lied to even though it was for a good cause and not like Brina setup from jump to deceive him but he was so damn persistant when it came to getting her no matter how hard she tried to resist him.

Girly you know this was a great update but I will say it anyway GREAT UPDATE.

THank you for sharing!

Happy writing!


Author's Response:

Caesar was so persistant and that will be part of Bree's defense when stuff hits the fan. I mean, she really tried to resist him, but the dude just wouldn't stop pursuing her.

Happy Reading!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 19/01/11

Title: Chapter 134: Chapter 61.1

Great person to depict Burt with none other then my favorite older man Frank Langella.  I am sure Ava will be mosted pleased.


Thank you chica for the update.  I am almost caught up.

Author's Response:

Frank L is my personal older guy crush. tee-hee. Yep.

Thanks for commenting!


Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 19/01/11