Penname: Thundakat [Contact]

Real name: Stephanie

Member Since: 11/12/08

Membership status: Member


Hi all I am an advit reader love all types of genres but have to say that I/R has become my most favorite for the last 3 plus years.  I have found a lot of my favorite authors are here and looking forward to reading lots of their work and finding more favorites.


Beta-reader: Yes
Yahoo IM: stephanied22

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Reviews by Thundakat

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 923]

They messed with the wrong woman this time!

FBI agent Subrina Rayelle is on a mission to take down the people that forced her best friend Leesha into prostitution and then beat her to death when she tried to escape.

Refusing to even cry one tear of grief for Leesha until all guilty parties are brought to justice, Subrina sets her sights on Nevada where the crime took place. If only she hadn’t met her soul-mate on this mission – a beloved nephew to the leaders of the suspected prostitution ring and who may also be among the guilty parties himself. 

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Drama, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Original Characters, Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 210
Word count: 3441
Read Count: 79615
Published: 09/10/10
Updated: 09/04/11

Title: Chapter 135: Chapter 61.2

I think she is calling to apologize because she was very infatuaited with her and I don't it turned off that quickly since she was put in check.

I also think that Karianna is big enough to know that she was wrong in trying to sabbatoge the assignment and had gotten to close to Brina.  

Then again I could be wrong and she could be calling to dig it in deeper and to also let her know that Leesha was still alive but had been in a coma and that the higher ups knew all about it.  That Leesha not only is alive and was in a coma but is awake, recovering and has a son.


Great as always chica. Great as always.

I'm all caught up now I have to wait like everyone else for the next installment. It's all good though 

Happy Writing!

Author's Response:

Keep reading you'll see how Miss Thang-Thang does.

Happy Reading!


Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 19/01/11

Title: Chapter 137: Author's Note

That sums it up for me.  Thank you

Author's Response: I'm glad and you're most welcome!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstar
Date: 31/01/11

Title: Chapter 138: Chapter 63.1

Well Ricky you're just not going to learn are you when it comes to Bree and Caesar that your mess starting always always backfires on your dumb a$$ but nawh do your thang boo-boo the fool do yo thang and bring that hussy along with you so she can get checked too.  I am just going to set back and enjoy your egg face and whatever else may happen to you and skizzy skank.

Loved the update.

happy writing 

Author's Response:


No other comment is necessary. Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 31/01/11

Title: Chapter 155: Chapter 70.1

This couple is just so hot goodness gracious.  Been not reading in awhile but it apprears that I left off and came back at a very very hot and steamy love making scene.

Great update as always.  I am sure I have lots to catch up on so on to the next chapter.

Author's Response:

Goodness gracious indeed. lol.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/04/11

Title: Chapter 156: Chapter 70.2

Ahhhh! I had tears on this chapter.  They have finally purged all that ugly stuff out and now are able to bond like mother and daughter should.

Great update loved it.

Author's Response:

Ohhhhhh...your reaction to this chapter nearly brought me to tears.

Thanks so much for sharing this comment with me!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/04/11

Title: Chapter 157: Chapter 71.1

Awww! No! Nana has cancer or it has come back.  OMG! Girl ok the last two chapters have had me in tears the first one good tears cause mother and daughter hashed it out but Nana my favorite Nana is suffering from cancer. No wonder she is so enthustic about a baby from Bree and her getting married.

She is the thread that binds it all.

Great update. Thank you

Author's Response:

Yeah, this one had me pretty teary-eyed too. Nana is a favorite of mine as well.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/04/11

Title: Chapter 158: Chapter 71.2

I love Nana so much and her bossiness, her teaching and preaching, her strength her courage her high spirit just love her.

Bree I am happy that you want to get pregnant but I don't know if you should keep that from Caesar I think he would be able to get over the decit of your idenity way quicker then the decit of you getting pregnant.

He went thru that with Rae and you see the effects that had on him even though it will be his and you want this baby so no abortions will be in question that is still decit for not reason.  You thinking emotionally at this point not logically.  Never get pregnant to keep a man that is what Avalon did and we all know how that worked out the only thing is that Ceasar would no doubt be happy about the baby he would not be happy for the reason and the man already thinking about babies with you so again I don't agree with this decit baby-girl.

Great update. Love this story

Author's Response:

I know of a woman right now that's tryna to trap a man with a baby. It's a very sad situation. I personally want a man to be with me for ME, not some baby.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/04/11

Title: Chapter 162: Chapter 73.1

Well you know I am a big fan of you writing but I just wanted to say I love how you intertwine and make things come together so smoothly.

Great update as always on to the next chapter.

Author's Response:

Awwwww, thanks for the compliment, Thundakat! U rock!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/04/11

Title: Chapter 169: Chapter 75.2

I am on the fence about Caesar's father on if he should be tested or night because so long ago this man turned his back on his only son and treated him like dirt like he did not exist. Then I say would that make him no better then that man.

I am going for the don't even get tested but...I don't know sooooo hard so hard.

Ricky has killed another woman. Well put one in a coma and didn't know that she was in a coma persumed dead instead....Anyway his ass needs to go to hell or jail one no get out of jail free card.  I know he made cause he has the HIV virus but damn you brought tht like other things onto yourself playa.  I wonder if Binky has the virus too.  She said they have been sexing up protected.

And the drama just keeps coming.

Author's Response:

Yes, the drama keeps coming. I love all the points you made. So valid.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/04/11

Title: Chapter 173: Chapter 77.1

Blaine was being down right vendictive right there instead of leaving like a man should when a woman asks him to he had to throw dirt.  If he was thinking his normal nut job self he would have known to let her cool down and try to worm his way back in.

Plus it was not Ricky's fault all the way to expose that Binky girl to the virus she was in with her grandfather trying to pin him to a pregnancey that was not his doing. Plus he did not know until Rae boasted about her having it and him having it too and he had stopped having sex by then.

Blaine knows Vicky's health is not all good he did that on purpose asshole.

Author's Response:

Blaine don't care about nobody but himself now. The little love he had for Ricky is gone too.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/04/11

Title: Chapter 179: Chapter 79.2

Bree Bree aint no joke I loved how she put that woman (I use that term light) in check.  I was laughing my ass off when she said she admired how quickly Bree changed her tone after putting her behind in check going so far to wonder if she ws bipolar LOL!!!

Great update.

Author's Response:

LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! I liked that scene too. tee-hee

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/04/11

Title: Chapter 180: Chapter 79.3

Damn Ricky is trying to straighten up and fly right.

But now we really know who the real villian is in all of this Blaine cause I don't think wil looking back that Ricky would have been all that bad without the influence of Blaine except for the treatment of Leesha that was all him and his temper.

Author's Response:

Yeah, Ricky is turning over a new leaf. It's about time, don't you think?

Blaine has been REAL villian all along. Ricky was just another pawn...spawn? lol.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/04/11

Title: Chapter 201: Chapter 91.1

Damn Ricky why couldn't you be a good guy and a victim of Blaine like everyone else.

I hate that he die he won't see his son and he want be able to apologize to Leesha.

I hope Ms. Vickie survives the stroke with minium paralyses.

Good Lauren and Avalon where not there and that Blaine did not try and blow up the S-Ranch I am curious still though about the van parked in the front where the other girls back early.

I hope that Binky is safe and will testify against Blaine.

I know feels betrayed but I need him to get over it sooner then later Subrina is the same person I wonder if he is going to cut his mom off too cause she was the one that started this investigation by sending Leesha's book to her.

Speaking of Leesha sounds like she has an admire and protector in her doctor hmmmmm. I hope Leesha also makes a full recovery

This story is so wonderful I am starting to hate to see it finished. Well enough of my jibberish back to the story.

Author's Response:

C is postiioning himself to dig in even deeper with his grudges. Sigh.

Thanks for commenting!

P.S. I hate to see it end as well.

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/04/11

Title: Chapter 202: Chapter 91.2

Yes, finally Leesha and Bree reunited.

In the last jibber I entered I forgot to mention Mercedes it is sad that she got burned so badly but again it is her own fault I wonder will this humble her a bit.

Damn Ms. Vicky had to be the causality out all this mess though I did not want Blaine to die cause I want his trifling ass to suffer why Ms Vicky she just found herself and was divorcing that trifling ass man.  She just found her mother and was bonding with her which I wish she to was at the mall shopping when all this went down I know this not the right time to think of this but I hope Blaine was not in the will to get anything but a swift kick in the nades.

Damn Ms Vicky dead.

Author's Response:

Yes, that was sad about Mercedes. But that was one lesson she needed to learn. No worries about Vickie. All is well. Trust me.

Thanks for commenting!


Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/04/11

Title: Chapter 203: Chapter 92.1

That scene was a bit like xmas carol.  You know with the past, present, future all rolled into one.  LOL!

No dying for Blaine he has to spend out the rest of his old life suffering, the only good thing I can say for him is that killed that pedofile that molested Ricky so ruthlessly.

Great update.  Thank you.

Author's Response:

LOLOLOLOL!!! I see your point about that scene being like the Christmas Carol. lol.

Thanks for the laugh AND the comment!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/04/11

Title: Chapter 205: Chapter 92.3

YEAHHHHHH!! Leesha got her memory and all of her faclities back.

She was hiding she just needed 2 hear Ricky's apology.

Great update.

Author's Response:

Yep. Leesha was hiding all right. She ain't hiding no more though. Yayyyy!!!

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/04/11

Title: Chapter 207: Chapter 93

TWINS!!!!! Now I wish Leesha could have kept her twin boys. :( oh well.

Great update.

Author's Response:

Yes, their kids could have gotten married had they all lived. It's all good though. At least Leesha was able to keep one child.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/04/11

Title: Chapter 208: Chapter 94.1

Actully I was yelling...."SUBRINA, PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE!" but close enough.

Glad Ceasar has gotten his head out of his ass even though he took his everloving time about it.

Author's Response:

tee-hee. It was fun writing that scene. Ceasar's stubbornness was starting to get over my nerves too. I had to let him do SOMETHING to redeem himself.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18/04/11

Title: Chapter 210: Epilogue

Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Wonderful story. I am glad that I started back reading when I did finding out that yesterday was the due day to take it down.

I love the ending.  You had me surprised yet again with Ms Vickie I no where saw it coming. :D

I know you have to rest for a bit but can't wait to see what you have in store for us next.

Happy Writings!!!!

Thank You for sharing.

Author's Response:

When I saw you and one other faithful reader still tryna finish the story, I decided to leave it up for another week. I couldn't leave y'all hanging.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and many animated comments!

Happy Reading!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 19/04/11

Title: Chapter 1: Main Cast

AHHHHH! I feel so special thank you for leaving it up 1 more week and not leaving me hanging but u do know I would have been stalking asking where the story was @ rite....LOL!!!

Happy Writing!

Author's Response:

LOLOLOLOL!!! I can so see you doing that - stalking the story. LOL!!!

Happy reading!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed
Date: 20/04/11

Title: Chapter 1: Main Cast

Well actually I question that so call love he had for Ricky I think it was if at all only there because Ricky was young and could mold him and as he got older he had things that he could keep him in check about plus he enable Ricky so again he could keep him under his thumb.  Like you said Blaine has no love for anyone

Author's Response:

Yeah, Blaine was just too far gone. He didn't WANT to change. There was hope for him when he was a child, but somebody messed THAT up.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed
Date: 20/04/11

Title: Chapter 1: Main Cast

Yeah it was about time but too bad it was too late.

Author's Response:

This is true.

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed
Date: 20/04/11

Title: Chapter 1: Main Cast

Yes, that was a lesson she needed to learn there is a difference btwn arrogance and pride in self and confidence.

Author's Response:

Another true statement. You're on a roll today, lady!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed
Date: 20/04/11

Title: Chapter 1: Main Cast

Yes, it's all good all good indeed.

Thank you for sharing

Author's Response:

Thank YOU for reading along with us!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed
Date: 20/04/11

Title: Chapter 1: Main Cast

He almost missed it with that little truma of his but I am glad you brought him back to reality just in time in fact he was the fault of the event happening much sooner then expected with all that excitement Subrina was going thru....(Trying to type in code for those that have not finished reading yet) ;)

Author's Response:

Thanks for typing in code. lol. And you'r so right about him setting her off.

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed
Date: 20/04/11