The Untitled Girl by Caterina

Follow the story of Luciana Esther Carter who is just another girl conditioned by the "she is better than me" mentality that plagues so many young females in the 21st century.

Categories: Original Fiction Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Comedy , Drama, Family, Friendship, Inspirational
Story Status: Active
Pairings: None
Warnings: Original Characters
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 34 Completed: Yes Word count: 67208 Read: 171132 Published: August 17 2015 Updated: November 24 2015

1. Chapter 1 by Caterina

2. Chapter 2 by Caterina

3. Chapter 3 by Caterina

4. Chapter 4 by Caterina

5. Chapter 5 by Caterina

6. Chapter 6 by Caterina

7. Chapter 7 by Caterina

8. Chapter 8 by Caterina

9. Chapter 9 by Caterina

10. Chapter 10 by Caterina

11. Chapter 11 by Caterina

12. Chapter 12 by Caterina

13. Chapter 13 by Caterina

14. Chapter 14 by Caterina

15. Chapter 15 by Caterina

16. Chapter 16 by Caterina

17. Chapter 17.1 by Caterina

18. Chapter 17.2 by Caterina

19. Chapter 18.1 by Caterina

20. Chapter 18.2 by Caterina

21. Chapter 19 by Caterina

22. Chapter 20 by Caterina

23. Chapter 21 by Caterina

24. Chapter 22 by Caterina

25. Chapter 23 by Caterina

26. Chapter 24 by Caterina

27. Chapter 25 by Caterina

28. Chapter 26 by Caterina

29. Chapter 27 by Caterina

30. Chapter 28.1 by Caterina

31. Chapter 28.2 by Caterina

32. Chapter 29 by Caterina

33. Chapter 30.1 by Caterina

34. Chapter 30.2 by Caterina

Chapter 1 by Caterina


"You actually think someone would want to fight through the flab to fuck you?"

"Eww, look at the stretch marks on her thighs!"

"Your face looks like a bird shit."

The voices were too real. I couldn't tell if the voices were just in my head or not. My self-loathing only swelled seeing the stretch mark-free Staceys, and cellulite-free Sophias and acne- free Amys and thigh dimple-free Deenas get changed back into their school clothes after our gym class.

In my haste to get out, I nearly lost my balance trying to put one leg in my jeans. I put my foot down quickly so I wouldn't topple over and my thighs jiggled. The looks I got said it all - and they weren't very nice things.

Out of the school building now, I hastily paced over to my car that needed fixing about every other month. It took three tries before the car finally roared to life. Having easily manoeuvred out of the parking lot unnoticed I pressed my feet down on the gas pedal, travelling well over the speed limit. In that moment I didn't care – I just wanted to get a tub of mango flavoured ice cream I could dip into cheese puffs.

I sneaked a look of myself through the rear-view mirror and instantly cringed at the reflection.

You're ugly. Ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly.

Salty tears slipped out of my eyes, blurring my vision and I raised the back of my hand to wipe them away in order to see the road ahead.

Knowing full well that the lights were about to go red but not having the patience to wait for traffic, I hit the gas pedal with all force and zoomed off. The migraine was banging tunes in my skull I didn't know I could play, making it hard for me to drive like the licensed driver I was.

It was too late before I could notice how close I was to the car in front of me and as hard as I tried to quickly hold down my break, my efforts were futile. Before I knew it, my car hit the other car's bumper.


I contemplated just speeding off but then thought better of the idea and parked my car to the side lane seeing the driver of the other car do the same. I was in a huge state of panic as I thought about my mother. She was barely able to afford the car insurance and with the news of her insurance increasing all because I was lacking a little bit of patience, I knew I was already in hot waters with her.

My palms had gotten all clammy from nerves - a disgusting habit of mine to sweat furiously in uncomfortable situations. Knowing who it was already, I wasn't surprised by the loud knock on my window.

I thought that maybe if I apologized and pleaded my case, he'd probably have some mercy on me- student discount and all but judging by driver's ride, I knew he was going to be demanding for a huge compensation.

I was still thinking up of excuses as I took off my seatbelt and stepped out my car but came up blank when I was face to face with the driver.

"What are you? Blind? Look at that big dent!"

I looked up having thought of things to say to defend myself from the arrogant prick including my sob story to the arrogant prick immediately vanished from my mind and words that didn't sound like me, fell from my lips, "Damn, you're hot."

Chapter 2 by Caterina


For a full on five seconds or so we stared at each other - well, I say staring, it was more like I was doing the staring and he was doing the glaring. My question to him was what unfortunate goat was stuck up his ass hole. No one was too high and mighty to receive compliments – clearly he thought he was.

By the unimpressed look on his face, my silence (and staring) was not helping matters. Coming to terms that my last statement had not gone down well, I took in a deep breath, giving my mind time to process what to say before giving permission for my mouth to open.

Hesitating at first I apologized. Pausing briefly only to see his reaction it wasn't a good one, I used my speck of courage to rush out the rest. "I'm-I'm just hoping there is a way we can work around this?"

"You're sorry? Well I'm sorry but sorry is not going to cut it. Your sorry-ass car hit mine and your sorry-ass has to pay for that", he said pointing over to the small indent on his car parked on the opposite side of the road, "now hand over your details and you can tell my insurance just how fucking sorry you really are."

He didn't comment on my compliment so at least I didn't have to deal with that but shit, how he'd talked to me and looked down at me in disgust - the humiliation was huge.

My throat was dry as the tears urged to spill but my dimming pride was able to stem the flow just in time. In the state of mind that I was in, I did not care who he was going to get on me. Ducking my head into my car to unzip my school bag, I grabbed my notebook and quickly scribbled down my number. Tearing it out the page, I handed it over to him noticing the anger and confused expression on his face as he read what I'd written down.

"When you've sorted out what's stuck up your ass, give me a call so we can talk properly."

Not bothering to listen to his response, I got into my car and peeled off the side of the road without a backward glance.


Chapter 3 by Caterina



“And where have you been?”

My heart beat faster in anticipation of what was going to happen next. I was supposed to pick up my little brother Bobby from his elementary school but after the incident with that imbecile I had gone to the grocery store and basically blown all my allowance for the week on junk food, sat in the car I proceeded to eat through a whole tub of ice cream and half a packet of chocolate bars until I was pretty much nauseous.

By the time I thought to pick up my brother from school it was already thirty minutes past his home time. Usually Bobby would be outside by his teacher’s side impatiently waiting for my car to appear, so it had been strange to find the playground empty and my brother nowhere in sight. After going into the school’s main office, Bobby’s teacher had informed me that my mum had come and picked him up when I didn’t turn up.

“I-erm I-I had to do some last minute assignment-and-and-I needed some help from my teacher and-”

The words got stuck in my throat as her hard hands descended unto my cheeks. Tears welled up in my eyes but I blinked them back quickly. I’d only just be asking for more otherwise.

“Don’t fucking lie to my face Luciana, your school called me to tell me you missed sixth period and then I had a call from Bobby’s school whilst I was at work telling me he still hadn’t been picked up!”

Even though I was taller than her by about five inches, her hawkish eyes cutting into my tattered emotions, only made her seem just that more Goliath-like.

“I’m sorry mum it’s just the kids at school-”

“Look Luciana I don’t want to hear any more of it. Just remember that when you go about doing whatever you go about doing that makes you forget your responsibilities, remember I’m the only one that pays the bills to continue accommodating your fat ass, not your dad, not you, but me. Now get away from my sight.”

Without another word I trudged up the stairs wearily, letting the tears fall loosely from my eyes as I made my way to my room. My dad would have made everything better, I thought to call him but then I did not want to bother him with my silly problems. Countless times I tried opening up to my mother about the situation I was facing at school but she would just simply wave me off. It's as if she did not understand that bullying happened beyond the playground and still affected me the same way as when I was younger.

Forty five minutes after sulking a little in my room I got changed into some oversized t-shirt and some grey long bottoms and went back downstairs into the kitchen. My brother was sitting down in one of the high stools round the kitchen island. As soon as he saw me he jumped out of the chair and circled his small arms around my waist- well, tried to.

“Why didn’t you come and pick me up at school today?” he asked me in his cute innocent voice stretching his neck to look at me with his light brown eyes.

My heart melted, my brother was my heart and his cheeky grin never failed to amuse me. My facial expression faltered at the thought of paying for butting Buttbag’s car. I simply didn’t have the money and my mother was out of the equation, I still hadn't figured out how I was going to confess to her of the day's events.

“Lucy why do you look sad?” He asked dragging out the ‘a’ in ‘sad’, scrunching up his more-observant-than-he-should-be face at me.

“I’m not sad Bobby, just a little bit tired. Go watch TV while I make us some Mac ‘n’ Cheese.”

Hearing this he shouted out an approval before running to the living room. The boy had energy for days.

Fifteen minutes later, we were plopped down on the sofa watching reruns of cartoons with our cheesy meals on our laps.

“Bobby, it’s your turn to say grace,” I said bowing my head.

“Dear Jesus, thank You so much for this yummy, yummy food and we ask You take all the bad germs away. Please let mummy be home more and please let my sister Lucy be more happy. Thank You again Jesus. Amen.”


The hospital needed a nurse to fill in for the night shift so my mum had gone. I smiled in content as I gobbled down the food, knowing that I wouldn’t have to respond to anyone’s orders.

I paused to look over at my brother to see him giggling at the TV. Half-way through eating I couldn’t enjoy the food any longer. Thoughts of the name calling, the disgusted looks I’d get- I couldn’t get them out my mind. I was just one big, ugly, fat mess and that was enough to put me off the food. For a little while at least.

“Am I pretty Bobby?” I asked my brother allowing myself to wallow deeper in self-pity.

Without hesitating he said whilst proudly flaunting several missing teeth, “You’re my beautiful big sister. You’re the best!”

Silly tears dripped down my cheeks. He was too young to realise the essence of those words but it still had the desired effect.

“Lucy what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” He asked hopping off from the chair and walking over to my side.

“Nothing Bobby. These are happy tears. See?” I said showing him my tear glossed face bearing a semi forced smile.

His short arms wrapped around me as I half-sobbed half-laughed on his shirt whilst his small hand went to my back in a slow, soothing, circular motion. Finally letting go of my brother I asked, “Where d’you learn to do that?”

Shrugging he replied, “You give hugs when people are sad.”

“Thank you Bobby.”

Chapter 4 by Caterina


Mirror, mirror on the wall who’s the prettiest of them all?

Not you bitch, go sit down in the corner somewhere.

I’m surprised the mirror hadn’t broken in tiny fragments from the sight it had to reflect. Twisting my body to the side I used my finger to trace the squiggly lines that sprung up on my hips. My face screwed up in disgust when I viewed the stretch marks in the mirror. Grabbing both sides of soft fat on either side of my belly with my hands, I squished it tightly and sucked in a big breath imagining myself to be the ultra slim, slender and sexy girls I see strut down the school corridors or the celebrities plastered in magazines.

Releasing the breath I was holding, my balloon of a belly expanded into its usual bloated self. I looked down at my legs, cringing at the dimples indented on the back of my thighs. Eww. The thing is, they never did it directly at me, no, the kids at school bitched about me in the nicest way possible- behind my back.


My mother’s loud voice brought me out my self-assessment, “Yes mum?”

“Get your big butt down here right now.”

My mother just loved to announce my big butt to the whole world. Sighing, I threw on a robe around me and went down the stairs wondering what else I had done to make her life unpleasant because there seemed to be an ever-growing list.

I met my mum at the landing with her fists balled up, resting on either side of her hips and her foot tapping against the tiled floor.

“G’morning,” I said, hoping the hardened expression on her face would ease, but it didn’t, instead it grew into a scarier expression that I hadn’t ever seen on her face.

“Don’t good morning me, mind telling me why the police are in my house, saying that you smashed your car into this young man’s vehicle and left without informing him how you were going to compensate him? You clearly want to follow in your father’s footsteps, dontchya? ”

I froze on the spot at the mention of my dad. It was the most inappropriate of places for my mum to be bringing him up.

My gaze shifted behind my mum’s head where there stood two policemen and in between them stood a deeply tanned guy who I recognised as the owner of the car that I had bumped into yesterday. He looked at me with a victorious smile set on his lips, and a sort of mischievous twinkle in his eyes. My face grew hot as I realised I was standing in front of him looking so ridiculous with my just-woke-up appearance; I still had on my head the cut off tights that kept my cornrows neat, sleep could still be read in my eyes and the robe I was wearing was the only layer of clothing sparing me from everlasting shame.

“Ma’am we’re going to have to take your daughter in for questioning,” said one of the officers.

My mother raised both her hands in surrender and said, “Do what you want.”

Filled with disbelief at my mum’s coldness, I couldn’t say anything, but the look on my face said it all and it said it all to her face.

“I’ve just come back from a twelve-hour shift, I cannot be dealing with your shit Luciana. You’re an adult now, so deal with it yourself.”

Without further ado, she turned around heading for the stairs, but stopped when she noticed Bobby coming down, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He looked at me then shifted his gaze towards the three men who still stood by the entrance of the house.

“Mommy, why is the police at our house?” He asked quickly sensing something was wrong.

I couldn’t see my mum’s expression as her back was turned towards me, but her voice was lighter as she spoke to my brother, “They are just going to take Lucy somewhere, now come Bobby let’s go upstairs.”

“I want to go with Lucy!” demanded Bobby.

“No baby you can’t go with them,” replied my mum.

“No, I want to go!” protested my brother as he stomped his feet on the staircase.

“Listen Bobby, you will do as your told, now go upstairs to your room,” my mum said as she grabbed hold of his hand up the rest of the stairs.

It broke my heart to see him so upset as he’d been the one to comfort me yesterday as I stupidly cried on his shoulders. It was safe to say that there was an uncomfortable silence for the four us remaining. I was a little bit surprised when I turned around to see the arrogant twinkle in Buttbag’s eyes replaced with some other emotions that could be assumed to be guilt. Nah, that couldn’t be it.

“Miss, would you like to come with us?” asked one of the police officers as if he was actually giving me a choice.

I nodded as I silently started walking towards them, but just as soon I stopped a second thinking to myself: Am I really going to come out my

As if they were reading my thoughts, the officer who had just spoke said, “I’m sorry Miss but you’re going to have come with us now... like that.”

Chapter 5 by Caterina

First day of my Christmas break and I was in a dull-coloured room with an annoying moth flying in circles around the single bulb overhead, holding myself from having a breakdown at the fact that I was only wearing a threadbare robe to hide the chocolate mousse I was supposed to identify as my body and some duck slippers I found underneath the sofa, because the officers wouldn't even allow me to go change.

"So Miss Carter, you hit the rear of my clients car, wrote down your number on a piece of paper and then you said, I quote, 'When you've sorted out what's stuck up your ass, give me a call so we can talk properly' before going on your way."

"Is there actually any proof that I said this?"

"You're not in the position to be asking questions. My client found what you said to be very offensive, Miss. Carter."

"Okay," I said fighting the urge to shrug my shoulders.

Did I care? No.

Next to the attorney sat Buttbag who was still ever so quiet, leaning against his chair casually wearing a pair of black shades. He must have thought he was a rock star or something. He had a lean physique and the grey suit he wore enhanced his masculinity and olive-skinned complexion that had me suspecting he had some of that Latin yum-yum in his blood.

I cannot be doing this right now.

My staring went on a bit more than I intended for it to, because a cocky, I-know-you-want-me smirk decorated his full lips. My gaze shifted swiftly to the young, balding attorney who was sifting through some documents before picking one out and placing it on top of the pile.

"Mr. Henriquez has willingly agreed to settle this outside of court but he is asking for compensation to the damages done," he said, handing me the paper he'd been holding, "if you accept please sign right here, Miss. Carter."

In my haste to get the hell out of there, I foolishly signed my name without actually reading it through.

It was only when I was done signing that the attorney thought it'd be the best time to drop the bomb of all bombshells. "My client wants $120,000 in compensation to cover the damages done to the car."

"What!?" My heart might as well have stopped beating. I thought I was going to topple over in my chair from the shock of it all, "how can you expect me to be able to pay that? I'm only a high school student-- with no job!"

"Well Miss. Carter you can always stand in front of a judge and fight your case but if my client wins then you will be paying for your legal fees plus my client's," reminded the attorney.

Continuing he said, "Mr. Henriquez's Bugatti is currently on the market for exactly $120,000. Unfortunately for the damages caused it couldn't be repaired because they haven't yet made spare parts for that model and unfortunately this means that Mr. Henriquez only choice is to purchase another one."

"That's bullshit. You're telling me the small indent my shitty car made ruined the whole car?"

The attorney only shook his head confirm. I stared angry and dumbfounded as my mind started going into overdrive; maybe if I became a street worker and worked overtime, like I could do days, nights, weekends, Christmas would bring in the double pay and there's always Boxing Day, oh Lord, who would want to pay to sleep with a pig, it's basically bestiality. I needed a career change. There was always the strip club. I could join but then I'd probably just break the pole and men will only come and watch the Fatty show, I'd have my own set and everything, but instead throwing of them throwing me money, they'd probably fling some hot dogs on stage to keep my stamina going.

Shit, my mother was obviously not going to take the news very well. Buttbag now had a sly grin on his face, blatantly happy at my misfortune.

"Installments can be arranged Miss. Carter but if you refuse to pay then my client will have no choice but to take you to court and you can face an even worse-"

"However," Butt-bag spoke up finally taking off his black shades to reveal his rather nice eyes, "I have a job vacancy for a housemaid."


"I need a housemaid and you need to pay me back my money."

"And your point is...?"

"Congratulations, you've been employed."

Chapter 6 by Caterina



I had gotten myself a job without actually applying for it. To some, that would be a call for celebration but for me it meant explaining to my mum who was going to take care of Bobby, because she sure as hell wasn't going to pay for a babysitter.

After the interrogation I had been offered a ride back home by one of the officers unfortunately Buttbag insisted on taking me home. When I asked why, he didn't even answer. And of course, he was driving another ridiculously priced car, although a little more humble looking, if that was even possible for a car I didn't know but I couldn't lie, the interior was amazing. It was during the car ride that I came to know how much of an ass hole he was.

It had gone something like this:

Butt Bag: What's your full name?

Me: You already know that.

Butt Bag: Yes, but I want to hear it from the horse's mouth. Now answer.

Me: Luciana Esther Carter. What's yours?

Butt Bag: I ask, you answer not the other way round but I'll let you off this time. My name's Angelo. What's your date of birth?

Me: I'm of legal age.

Butt Bag: You know, when I ask for your date of birth, I'm looking for figures.

Me: I don't see why you need to know that. I'm only working for you for a short while. Why did you even offer me the job?

Butt Bag: Think of it more as...Community Service or hmm... if you want, it could be a Personal Service.

Me: If you so much as dare try anything with me, the only 'personal service' you'd be getting is my fist in your face!

At my threat he had laughed calling me 'crazy' and then wondered out loud if I'd be 'crazy in bed too' and in return he'd received a punch to his arm. Having not expected it, the car swerved dangerously to the side of the road, but fortunately he managed to gain back control in time.

"You'd be working much longer for me, if you damage this car too!"

Oddly, the idea had appealed to me. I know - I was too stupid. I was warming all the way up to the idea of being his housemaid. It must have been because I never really did interact with the opposite sex outside of my family, it was a totally new arena for me and I was excited. A guy talking to little ol' me?

Yeah it was lots to be excited about.

I did feel as if I was getting way ahead of myself, considering how I'd impulsively punched him. I didn't know how to be around boys, like did they like being punched, did they like being sassed?

In an effort to not do something stupid I looked out the window remaining silent for the rest of the journey. When we reached my place, I murmured a bye and got out of the car not looking back.

When I got up to the steps of my house I heard him shout, "See you soon mi pequeño querido!"

He'd driven off before I could ask him to translate what he'd said but truth be told he could have called me a fat hippo and I still would have thought it sounded gorgeous from his lips.

Forgetting rather quickly about my misfortune with the Buttbag, I unlocked the door to my house and not even three steps in I felt thin arms envelope my chunky thighs.

"Lucy, you're back!"

I looked down to see my eight-year old brother who had the biggest smile placed on his face. "Yes, I'm back Bobby."

He made it seem like I had been gone for a six months voyage, whereas in reality it had only been two hours at most.

"Where's mum?" I asked after paying attention to the silence in the house.

"She's still upstairs sleeping."

"Okay, so have you eaten?"

"Yeah, momma made me some bacon and eggs before she went to sleep."

Surprised by the revelation that my mum had cooked something, I lifted my eyebrows in disbelief - she hardly ever cooked.

"Come watch TV with me, Lucy."

Forever having a spot for toothless children I gave in despite the situation that I was still trying to sort out in my head. "Fine, but only 'cos you asked nicely."

And that was how we spent most of the day; from one cartoon to the other. I'd always been a kid at heart and having a younger sibling gave me an excuse for watching things which wouldn't be expected to be watched by an eighteen year old. I was still in my robes, not having bothered to change because I didn't feel the need to and my brother was still in his pyjamas -we were having an epic lazy day -well apart from me being summoned to the police station.

My brother and I were still lazily watching TV when I heard footsteps marching down the stairs. A red alert went off in my head at knowing that it was my mum. I hopped off the sofa, leaving my brother to continue the cartoon-fest and met my mother at the landing.

"Good afternoon, mum."

Snorting she replied, "And what's so good about the afternoon Luciana? Is it you lying to my face? Or maybe coming back from a twelve hour shift and seeing the police at my doorstep? Hmm tell me which one of those makes for a 'good afternoon'?"

"Mum, I was just greeting you."

"Well don't", she said walking around me to walk in the kitchen switching on the kettle to make tea to put in the flask she took to work.

My mum had some serious attitude going on and I knew that she'd be less than patient to sit down and hear what else I had to say so I decided to just come with it - which was easier said than done.

"The damage I done to the car meant that I'd be liable to pay a hundred and twenty thousand dollars but-"

That undoubtedly got my mother's attention. "WHAT?! Girl were you high when you smashed into his car? A hundred and twenty thousand?!"

"Mum listen, I signed to agree an out-of-court settlement, which in my case is better, since I don't have the money for a lawyer. Knowing this, Mr. Henriquez offered me a be his housemaid."

I looked on as my mother poured in the water in her flask not having said anything in response to my explanation. Feeling exasperated, I called her name again.

"Whatever, I don't have time for your stupidity. You wanna act all grown, carry on."

With that she closed the lid to her flask, got her bag, put on her coat as she walked towards the front door. Before leaving she yelled a bye to Bobby and slammed the door behind her not giving me a second glance.

I couldn't help but feeling like a piece of shit at having my mother dismiss me like that. Too weighed out in my hurt feelings I decided to have an early night in.

Before I headed up the stairs I told my brother I was going to sleep but not before reminding him what time he had to go up to bed. Luckily, my brother was pretty much the kind of child who was okay left on his own, as long as he had the TV and I didn't need to worry about the sort of programmes he watched as my mum had set up the parental control on the cable.

I got to my room and immediately crashed onto my bed. My bed had never felt as comfortable as it did then and within five minutes I had drifted off to sleep.

The sound of my phone ringing broke me off my so far sound sleep. Possessed by utmost annoyance I retrieved my phone from underneath my pillow. Not bothering to check the ID, I accepted the call.

"Who's this?"

"Is that any way to greet to your employer?"

Hearing the word 'employer' all sleep erased from my eyes as I erected myself into a sitting position on my bed.

"Why are you calling me at..." I took my phone away from my ears to check the time that was on the screen before continuing, ' 04:02 in the freaking morning? And how did you even get my number in the first place?"

His warm chuckle through the phone put me in a light daze, it sounded too good to be true so I brought it down to me still being half asleep.

"Remember when you told me to call you, 'after sorting out what's stuck up my

ass', well baby I think you'd be the perfect person to sort that out for me."

Grateful that he could not see my flushed face, I took in deep breaths in an attempt to calm the blood rushing through my veins. With the most disgusted tone I could muster, I said, "If that's what you called me at four am in the morning for, then goodbye."

I was about to press the 'end call' button when I heard a short snort from his side. "I'm picking you up in an hour to come to my place."

And get this, he was the one that cut off the line.

I sat there in the darkness of my room, repeating his last words as if I was reciting for a French speaking test. When his words finally sunk in I scrambled off my bed but not before tripping somehow on my feet, making a very a heavy thumping sound that could only resemble elephants stumping on the ground.

Not having any choice but to bring my brother along, I went to his room seeing him sprawled on top of his covers. I had to shake him rather violently as my brother was such a heavy sleeper - seriously, a tornado, earthquake and hurricane could be going on outside at the same time and he would still have been sleeping soundly.

Bobby and I were bathed and dressed and ready to go at exactly five am, and at exactly that time Angelo rolled up in front of the house. I locked the door to our house and carried my sleepy brother to the car. The car windows rolled down to reveal a questioning pout on Angelo's face at the sleeping figure resting on the crook of my neck.

Not really knowing what to say, I just said, "It's 'Take Your Son To Work' today."


Chapter 7 by Caterina


"He's not your son, is he?"

"Duh. I'm eighteen and he's eight that means if I were his mum I'd be ten when I had him. I like babies but I'm not that desperate to pop any anytime soon."

We were seated in his car on our way to Butt Bag's house. Bobby was seated on the back seat snoring peacefully. A smile played at my lips remembering how Butt Bag's face popped when I told him that it was 'Take Your Son To Work Today'. To think he actually believed my last-minute excuse for bringing my brother along with me - how gullible was he?

"You can never be too young these days, y'know?"

Even though it was true and he didn't know me, I couldn't help but be partly annoyed that he'd even entertain the idea. "Whatever, he's my brother."

I watched him take a quick glance in the rear-view mirror watching Bobby sleep before turning around to look at me with a grin on his face. "He's cute, it's a shame we can't say the same for his sister."

I replied to his comment by giving him a dirty look. Smirking, he focused back on the road clearly satisfied by my reaction. "I think someone's jealous."

"I think someone needs to stop talking."

"Someone's cranky," he said laughing to himself.

For someone who was basically saved from a court case, I definitely had a lot of lip. But I was beyond pissed for been woken up at four am in the morning, so if I couldn't do anything else I could back chat.

The car slowed down once we entered a neighbourhood that was probably one dentist and two plastic surgeons away from being a gated community. He drove up the short drive way and parked in front of a two storey medium sized house. It looked more suitable for a family not for a bachelor- but I guess, to each his own.

When he cut off the engine I got out of the car and went to the back seat to unclasp my brother's seatbelt and carry him out careful not to wake him up. Carrying him in my arms, I walked up to the front door where Butt Bag was already waiting.

He opened the door to his house and the first step I took in, I was hit by the smell of 'party'- this was a combination of alcohol and body sweat.

"Welcome to my humble abode."

"What happened in here? Is this really your house or a garbage centre?"

"Someone's got jokes haha. Nah it just got a little bit crazy in here last night. I had to kick everyone out at about three a.m. 'cos the next-door neighbour came round and threatened to call the police", he explained with a shrug of the shoulders.

It was only as he was explaining himself that one thing came into mind, "You drove to my house knowing full well that you were intoxicated and picked up my brother and I."

At the mention of my brother I know I hit a nerve, which was the desired effect.

"I had one drink the whole night Luciana, you're overreacting."

"I'm overreacting?"

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not. When it comes to my brother, I don't play and you know I'm right for calling you out on your irresponsible driving."

At that he let out a short snort, "You're one to talk about 'irresponsible driving'.

Yes, I was one big hypocrite for saying that but I felt justified as there was a child involved. The way his eyes seemed to penetrate through mine made me a tad bit uncomfortable and I had to look down at Bobby's sleeping face for a moment before hearing him talk again easily brushing away our dispute.

"So I was just sitting here thinking to myself who would be most delighted to get my house looking like a home again when my genius of a brain gave me the solution."

Walking to where I stood, he slowly leaned his head by my ear and if not for the power his voice seemed to have had on my body for that fraction of a second or the fact that I was still holding unto my brother, I would have socked him right in the eye when he said, "Let's get your brother to a bed so you can be free to help me clean up this pretty little mess I have made for you."

All feverish thoughts gone, I glared at him as he stood up straight taking in my not-very-at-all amused expression. He snorted evidently amused and I glared harder imagining all the evil things I could do to him right now. He strode away from me, no doubt expecting me to follow up the stairs that he was climbing.

"You think I could make a good actor?" he randomly asked as we ascended up the stairs with me behind left with a lovely view of his tight derrière.

"I think...a dog could act better than you," I lied not wanting to admit how much his 'acting skills' got to me.

"Liar. Don't be surprised when your nose grows longer, Pinocchio."

With a snort, I said, "Whatever."

We reached the top floor of the house and I was surprised when he took me inside a tidy guest room that was, for a lack of a better word, very green.

"You can lay him right there", he instructed as he pointed to a double bed with green covers.

When I was done tucking in Bobby, we both headed out the room. Closing the door behind him, he told me to follow me as he had something to show me.

I ended up following him into his room. Apart from the unmade bed, he surprised me with the cleanliness. I noticed on the king sized bed lay two attires of clothing. Upon closer inspection my eyes bulged upon seeing one of them.

"Because I am ever so kind I went out of my way to buy you two housemaid uniforms. I know which one I'd pick for you but I thought I'd let you make that wise decision", he said holding up the hangers that held the two uniforms on each hand.

The uniform he held on his right hand was a standard housemaid wear; black knee length dress with a white apron tied around the lower part. On the other hand, hung what I'd appropriately call a 'pour l'appétit sensuel' because that could not be classed as clothing. A white lace French knickers that barely covered the buttocks and if they were worn on me they most likely would not cover anything. The top was made into a normal maid's top but shaped into a corset. It had a huge opening in the middle that would no doubt expose maximum cleavage.

"You expect me to wear that?" I asked in disgust as I pointed to the flimsy housemaid uniform.

"Well...yeah", he answered in a duh-voice.

I looked at the uniform again nauseous at the mental image of me wearing it; my stretch marks on show, my thick thighs wobbledy-wobble and my bloated tummy that could be mistaken for a pregnancy - nah, that did not echo sexy.

Not sparing another second thought I grabbed the proper maid uniform. "I don't think so buddy."

The once stretched, hopeful smile on his face shrunk into a child-like pout. "You ruin my fun."


Chapter 8 by Caterina


There I was on a Saturday morning furiously wiping the smudges off of the oven's handle bar with Angelo constantly having something to say about my cleaning skills. There was no pleasing this guy. And to top up on the nonsense, I suspected the maid uniform (obviously not the other one) he made me wear was purposely one size too small for me and it just clung and rubbed against me the wrong way and made me all icky and sticky and sweaty and bleurgh.

"Look, you're missing a spot", he said from behind me, "right there."

Welcoming in a deep breath and praying for emergency patience I said nothing as I wiped over the dial turner.

"You do know I can see your reflection on the oven door?"

Holding in a smirk I said nothing. Finally able to come to full knowledge that I was less than willing to engage in conversation with him, he left me to it.

It was only half an hour later when I was done with the kitchen that I noticed how quiet it was. Thankful for the drink of water, I dropped the glass cup on the kitchen counter and decided to check on my brother.

Getting closer to the room where Bobby was sleeping, I could hear his voice. I didn't even realise that my brother sleep talked.

"...and then there was this huge, green monster, with big fangs. And then the potato bear said hello and she smiled back and said you look like my silly sauce..."

I opened the door to the room, three seconds from bursting out laughing, but when I saw Angelo's face, I had to let it out.

What was Bobby on? For a good ten seconds I did nothing but laugh, laugh out loud, laugh to my heart's content. My brother had quite the imagination. And he definitely was the least pleased that Angelo and I weren't taking it seriously.

I could tell that Angelo had not fully sobered up. "Your brother was just telling me about his dream."

I still had giggles threatening to escape my mouth, so to be on the safe side I tightened my mouth into a polite smile looking over at Bobby. His small hands were rubbing his eyes erasing the sleep from them as his feet dangled from the bed.

I sat down next to him and wrapped one arm around his shoulders and with my fingers I gently raked through his short curly hair, wondering what brought on the misty look on Angelo as he watched us.

"I don't like this room."

Wide eyed now, and looking at the sickly green theme of the room, my brother had clearly forgotten about his potatoe bear.

I wasn't completely shocked at his bluntness but I did think he would reserve his opinion until we returned home and not in the presence of the enemy.

"Bobby that was rude. Say sorry."

With a scowl on his face, he mumbled an apology.

"It's fine", Angelo said, speaking for the first time since having his laughing fit, "lucky for you I don't take offence that easily."

Still not happy, I decided to let it go. This time only.

"When can we go home Lucy?"

Glad for the question, instead of answering, I forwarded the question over to sir in standing in the corner in a sickly sweet tone, "Yes, please tell us when we can go home Mr. Henriquez."

Ignoring my gaze, he focused his attention back to Bobby. "As soon as your sister make me a hearty breakfast."

Keeping in my grunt, I settled for a surreptitious roll of an eye. He should go hire himself a damn chef.

"Why does my sister have to make you breakfast?"

I didn't really want Bobby finding out what sort of naughties his sister's been getting up to, but before I could even come up with some sort of cover Angelo had intercepted once again.

"Because I'm her BFFH."

"What's a BFFH?"

Bobby had taken the words right out of my mouth.

"Best friend future husband."

"Ooh Lucy, I'm telling mummy you're going to kiss kiss."

I know I didn't want Bobby to know what I was getting up to but I didn't exactly expect Angelo to be saying delusional mess like that.

Cutting the butt bag a dirty look as he lightly chuckled, I grabbed my brother's hand and walked out the room, ignoring the burst of frantic beats from my heart.

Ignoring it the best I could, I should say.

I wasn't stupid. He wasn't stupid either. It was easy for a girl so underweight in the scales of self-esteem to be easily sold dreams that a man would desire her in that way. And Angelo like a true predator must have smelled this on his prey: me. He probably didn't even do it on purpose, whatever the case may be, he wasn't going to fool me- that easily.

Best friend future husband. Pshtt.

Breakfast was yet another episode of Angelo showcasing how much of assface he was. It had gone something like this:

Angelo (a.k.a BB): Luce, the bacon's undercooked, the scramble eggs still look raw and I want more pancakes, I want it done noooow!

Poor Me: Did you really just call me l-o-o-s-e?

Bobby: That spells loose.

Angelo: Clever boy.

Poor Me: How dare you call me loose? You cannot just disrespect me just because of the terms we agreed on to settle this outside of court. And for your information I'm a virgin.

Angelo: That's interesting to know, but do you really want to get that right now, infront of your brother? And for your information, it's Luciana for short.

Poor Me: Well call me by my actual name and not some stupid abbreviation.

Bobby: What's a virgin?

Poor Me: Don't you worry about that Bobby. It's not something you should-

Angelo: It's a treasure island.

Bobby: Wow, can anyone go there?

Angelo: Nope, only one.

Bobby: But Lucy why would you call yourself a treasure island?

Poor Me: I-

Angelo: It's a private joke, Bobby. One day you'll understand. Now get me my food, Luce.

Bobby: You should say please, it's nicer.

Angelo: Bob, there are a few life lessons that I'm going to have to teach you about being a real man. When you're a man... like me, 'please' and 'thank you' don't count. You're the man, she's the woman. You want something from her, she has to give it to you, because guess what?

Bobby: I'm the maaaan!

Poor Me: Boy, sit your butt down before I flatten you out with the wooden spoon. Or should I call mum instead and tell her about you fighting at school?

Bobby: No please, I'm sorry.

Poor Me: Now there's a good boy.

Angelo : Woman, where's my bacon, pancake and eggs?

Poor Me: Man, where's your patience, respect and your eyes? I'm trying to get it done as fast as I can.

Angelo (a.k.a) : You know what for that attitude of yours, I want you to clean all three master bathrooms. I want you to do my dirty laundry and iron my clothes when they are dry, vacuum the five bedrooms, dust all the furniture and sweep the floor. Now, go.

And that's what for the past four hours I had been doing whilst Butt Bag and Bobby played on the Wii console. How I was going to endure this for the next few months, I didn't know. My back was killing, I had shooting pains going up and down my arms with my hands all angrily swollen up. I could seriously make a housework work out video and show housewives how to lose those calories whilst cleaning.

After finishing up folding the remainder of clothes that I had just neatly ironed, I decided it was a work day over, seeing as it was past three in the afternoon. My mum hadn't called probably because she was sleeping from her night shift, but I didn't want her to wake up without us still not being at home. Going down the stairs I could hear the faint noise of the telephone ringing, judging by the raucous guitar sound coming from the living room I wasn't surprised Angelo hadn't heard the telephone ring.

I headed towards the kitchen to get a drink of water then I walked by over to the hallway watching as the telephone rang on and on. Whoever it was I was sure they would leave a voicemail so I didn't feel the need to tell Angelo.

Sure enough the voicemail operator came on and after the beep, I heard the voice of a woman with a deep Spanish accent come on.

"Angelo Henriquez, I know you're there it's your mother speaking, please pick up the phone."

After a few seconds of waiting, she sighed before carrying on, "Well I just wanted to tell you that, we'll be flying over to the States in two days, so we can celebrate Christmas together. So your culo better be there at the airport to pick us up. Call me back when you get my message."

I heard the beep noise to signify the mail was over and stood not sure of what I was supposed to do.

"Is it just me or did I not hear the house phone just ringing?"

I swivelled around quickly to come face to face with Angelo's slightly confused face, with a towing Bobby behind him holding the Wii control.

Gulping, I rushed out the words, "Your mum just phoned and said she's coming in two days."

In a split second, Angelo became tense for reasons unknown.

"Are you okay?" I asked even though I was not on the best terms with him at that moment.

"I'm fine", he said rather sharply, as he to pick up his keys on the kitchen counter, "You ready to go?"

"Erm yeah...", I said hesitatingly having not dealt with moody Angelo since the first day we met. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Didn't I just tell you I'm fucking fine?"

I flinched at his tone and I certainly did not appreciate him swearing in front of my little brother. I clenched my fist my fist together not wanting to let my growing anger get the best of me. Damn dick. Instead I ignored him, and I directed my attention to Bobby, who could no doubt feel the tension, telling him that it was time to go.

"I'll drive you home."

"Are you done being a dick?" I whispered as Bobby went to drop the game console in the living room.

Talking to him like that when I didn't even have the upper hand was crazy, I know. I know but there was just something about Angelo that wiped off any intimidation I should feel being I his presence.

Even as his attitude had gone all concrete on me as he told me he would be waiting for us outside, I wasn't even worried.

What I was most concerned about was why he suddenly seemed so out of it just because his mum was coming.


Chapter 9 by Caterina


I had heard nothing from him. Nada, niente. For two days straight I had mourned his presence. Never in my life would I have thought I'd miss a pompous guy like himself. What was the world coming to, honestly? But it is what it is - I missed Angelo Henriquez and I wished he'd call me over to his house so I could see him, even if that meant I had to get on my hands and knees and get dirty cleaning. Urgh! When I thought of it like that, it just made me sound like a life-deprived loser.

"Lucy! Wake up or we're gonna be late picking up Ryan and Julian up!"

At the sound of my eager brother outside my room, I cleared my bugging thoughts as I reluctantly rose from my bed to take Bobby and his friends ice skating. I wasn't really bothered to be honest because all I had to do was supervise.

I made my way into the bathroom, brushed my teeth then I stripped myself off of my clothes. I never made a show out of being in a shower, for obvious reasons like not liking to look at my nakedness for too long but the hot burst of water was just something special and I couldn't help but revel in it a little longer than usual. Unfortunately it wasn't too long before my mother was banging her hand against the bathroom door telling me to get out and using the opportunity to remind me how irresponsible I was and blamed me for the rise in the water bill and then went on further to curse out my absent dad and blah, blah, blah. Nothing new.

When I opened the door to the bathroom she was still standing outside. "It's about time you finished, thought you were going to sleep there."

I took in my mum's appearance, she looked exhausted. The shouting must have taken a lot out of her.

"Good afternoon mum."

She looked at me curiously before replying in a more civil tone. "Here's thirty dollars for you and Bobby, I might have gone to work by the time you guys come back."

"Ok, thank you", I said holding up the thin bundle of notes.

"Alright, I'm going to bed now", she said before turning away in the direction of her room.

Reaching into my room, I heard my phone ring and I went over to my bedside to answer it, checking the caller ID, I realised it was a number I did not recognize, so I just pressed the 'Accept' button.

"Hello, who's this?"

"Why have you not being picking up my phone calls?"

"What do you want?"

To say keeping my composure on the phone was easy would be a Pinocchio-classified lie. Goosebumps automatically blossomed on my body and the hand clutching my phone grew sweaty just hearing his voice.

"First of all I want to know why you didn't save my number."

"I forgot to save it."

"Well, how about you remember to do so now?"

"Okay, whatever."

"I really don't like that attitude of yours."

"I really don't like that face of yours, but I'm not complaining."

Lies. Lies. Lies. Even to my own ears it sounded like a lie, it was no surprise that I heard him burst out in laughter over the phone.

" my gosh please someone help me!....hahaha...I'm dying of laughter....hahaha...Did... you just try to call me... ugly?"

He dropped his phone but I could still hear his ridiculous laugh in the background as I patiently waited for him to finish. Why? I was just a patient person. Lies! Okay but after moping about for the last two days I'd be silly to just cut off the line.

"Okay...haha...I'm done now", he said at last still sniggering. "Honestly though, have you seen what a cleverly structured being God has made me and need I remind you to the day we first met and you called me hot."

Willing myself not to remember that day, I said, "If you're done with your self-praise, I'm going to get off the phone 'cos I have things to do."

"Like what? Coming to my house to do my dirty laundry?"

He'd officially pissed me off and it'd taken less than two minutes but of course I'd be the bigger person. "No, like taking my brother ice-skating."

"And what about me?"

"What about you?"

"You're supposed to be working for me."

"Well if you had called me well in advance then I would have made myself available. I can't just cancel my plans. I can come tomorrow instead."

In my head I thought how was it possible that he'd already messed up the house that I had cleaned with my sweat and blood just two days ago?

"You're taking far too many liberties with this out-of court settlement."

And when he said that, that's when it hit me. I was taking liberties. My heart bumped a little quicker at the thought that I wasn't taking our current arrangement seriously enough and he'd be straight on the phone to his lawyer, but then I heard him speak again. "Fine. You better come tomorrow 'cos I'm having visitors."

"D'you need company?"


He cut me off before I could decline, "Yes."

What was the point of him even asking if he was going to answer for me?

"Which ice rink are you going to? And don't even bother lying", he added, strangely able to know the contemplations going on in my head.

Sighing I responded, "Dynamite Ice Rink Centre."

"What time you getting there for?"

"Two o'clock."

"Okay, I'll be there."

And with that he ended the phone call.

"Luciana, I need to pee."

"Me too."

"And me."

The reason why they needed the toilet so much? Who's fault could it be other than the Butt Bag smirking rather contently as he watched me helplessly trying to figure out how I was going to handle the situation.

We had gone to the cafeteria inside the ice rink and I had told Bobby, Ryan and Julian that they were only allowed one refill of their chosen drink. When they'd asked if they could have another refill after going over their limit Angelo had interrupted and said, 'What's the harm, it's not like you have to pay more. They want more, they can have more.'

Stupid man. Now I was the one having to deal with the situation. I had asked the boys several times before we got in line to pay to skate if we they needed to go the toilet and they all had said no.

For a moment all I did was stare down at the three boys all looking at me, with their legs crossed tightly in a shape of a K. If I took them to the toilet that meant I would lose our place in the already long queue and I didn't want to risk that, but if I didn't take the boys to the toilet, I was going to have three huge puddles surrounding me very soon.

"Stay here, I'll take them to the toilet," then he came closer to whisper in my ears, "now how would you have coped without me being here?"

"We wouldn't have been in this situation if it wasn't because of you."

Laughing lightly, he brushed past me summoning the boys to follow him to the toilets. I really needed to control myself around him. Seriously.

The ice rink now was buzzing alight with the holiday spirit as the DJ played cheesy Christmas records. Alone in the line seeing people laugh and joke in their small clusters of friends was another reminder that I wasn't some highly evolved human who didn't care for friends.

Some of the girls from my school passed me by me as they went to sit on the benches to wear their skating boots and I could only determine myself not to cry as they definitely made it a point to make sure I heard what they were saying about me in my skinny jeans even though they never mentioned my name. And no I was not being paranoid.

"Size ?"

The shoe attendant broke me off my silent chant, not wanting to let the tears leak I blinked a few times and faced the worker who was waiting for me impatiently to respond.

"Can I have a size 3...and uh uh..."

I'd forgotten to ask Julian and Ryan for their shoe size.

"Three size 3s, one size 10", said Angelo smoothly who had miraculously turned up at my side with the three boys behind him,"and for the lady a size..."

Angelo looked down expectantly at me waiting for me to give my shoe size, but I shook my head, responding, "I ain't skating."

Deep dimples formed on his olive-skinned cheeks, as he smiled back saying, "Yes you are."

Taking a simple look at my feet that were currently covered by my black converses, he turned his attention back to the attendant, "A size six for the lady."

After having paid for the boys, I walked over to the bench with the boys in tow, to help them put their boots on, leaving Angelo to pay for his own entrance fee.

I asked the boys if they wanted the penguins to help them skate, but they all said no except for the cute blonde headed boy, Ryan, who shyly asked if he could have one.

"Haha, Ryry is a baby. He can't skate without the penguins", mocked Julian the mulatto boy.

"Ryan is a baby! Ryan is a baby! Ryan is a baby", chanted Bobby.

Okay, this was not good with Ryan was getting redder and redder in the face and I knew any second he could burst into tears.

"Oi stop this right now. That is no way to treat your friend. Now say sorry to Ryan. Both of you." I said sternly looking down at them.

Looking somewhat remorseful they said their apologies. Damn their adorably good looks.

"Okay, Ryan let's get your penguin."

"Someone else is in need of a penguin," stated Angelo and his annoying self.

"Who?" asked the boys.


Giving him the looks of evil, I said, "I told you not to call me Lucy and I also told you I am not skating."

"Yes you are."

"You can't make me."

"Is that a challenge?" Angelo asked raising up an eyebrow.

Damn him.

"Whatever you do, don't look down."

"Oh my gosh, if you let go of me, I'm going to shove these boots up your---AARGH!"

Strong firm hands grasped my waist to keep me from smacking my head on the iced floor. I relished on the feel of his hands as they stayed rooted on my hips like they belonged there. Suddenly feeling insecure thinking that he could feel the moulds of fat on each side of my waist I tried to escape his grasp, but his voice cut my actions.

"Calm down and let me control this, okay?"

It was safe to say he was having fun seeing me needy. I watched enviously as I saw other skaters surrounding me, glide ever so effortlessly and obviously there were also the big show-offs who'd just kept zigzagging everywhere and there I was a big chump, not even able to take a step forward

"You ready to skate?"

Not even giving me time to answer, he glided across the rink, copying his movements I attempted to move my legs side to side one after the other. It worked! Together we slid across the rink, swerving around skaters, a few times I stumbled but I managed to carry on.

Feeling courageous all of a sudden I told Angelo I wanted to skate on my own.

Swivelling around to face me, he asked, "Are you sure?"

Nodding my head as an affirmative answer, he said, "Okay, skate to me."

Backing up a few steps to create distance between us, he waited for me expectantly.

Giving myself a five second inspirational talk, I looked at Angelo determined to do the damn shit. It was no big deal, I could do it.

If only.


My body smacked the floor painfully, and in my slightly dizzy state I could hear a mixture of concerned voices and laughter. The trio namely Bobby, Ryan and Julian skated over to my side giggling as they watched me lie on the floor helplessly. Angelo came, fighting hard to keep his stupid giggles in him.

"Not funny, " I said glaring at all of them.

"Ah come on, don't be so Luci-anal."

If only my evil looks could be converted to daggers.

After dropping off a very sleepy Ryan and Julian to their respective homes we headed over to Angelo's. All my brother's fault for losing in a bet of 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'. I know Bobby was secretly happy, well okay, okay, maybe I was too.

I was probably the 17,739,239th female to be in his house and even though it was just to do his dirty work, I still relished in the not so exclusive access to his house. Sigh, the fantasies of a self-esteemed girl never cease to amaze me. As long as I could divide illusion with reality, all will be fine, well that was my hope.

Now in the comforts of his room, after being rudely ordered by him to go make his bed, I decided it would be the appropriate time to play Inspector Carter and have a little snoop around. I sauntered over to his bed side and picked up the family portrait next to the lamp.

The background looked foreign, like they were at the seaside or something. A youthful looking but mature woman, with long dark hair, full lips and brown eyes had a dark haired boy possibly thirteen or fourteen, tucked underneath her arms smiling cheekily at the camera. To the left of the boy was a young handsome man with cropped black hair and brown eyes embracing the woman, whilst two small feet belonging to a toddler looking away from the camera, dangled on either sides of his neck. My first guess was that this was Angelo's family but I couldn't think further into my suspicions when I heard commotion downstairs and I abandoned the bed I was asked to make to see what was going on.

The voices I heard were becoming louder and louder as I went down each step. I saw a boy who looked like Bobby's age standing next to a woman. The woman though was the one that captured my attention, her brown eyes and long silky hair looked very similar to the young, flawless woman I saw in the family portrait. But her face was an extreme contrast. The glowing skin in the picture was now patches of uneven skin tone stitched into her once perfect face.

"It's nice to see you mama," said Angelo to the woman who had a face of a burn victim.


Chapter 10 by Caterina


"So I bet Bobby and Robinho are going to be best buds, huh?"

My brother was snoring loudly in the back seat and I laughed quietly so he wouldn't wake up. "Only if Robinho would just admit that he is the shortest."

Angelo whipped his head around like I'd just slapped him on the face. "You didn't mean that, did you?"

"I only say what I mean."

Either Angelo was an actor void of an Oscar or he was genuinely mystified by what I said- but I would put money on the first.

"You need glasses," he said kissing his teeth.

Now he was just asking for it. "The only reason why your brother thinks he's taller it's 'cos of his mohawk which gives him an unfair advantage."

That re-started another heated argument between me and the ButtBag which had first begun at his house when Bobby and Robinho first met. The two had hit it off quite quickly, starting with an introductory staring match. Angelo had to break it off or someone was going to end up with a stiff face by the end of the night.

Apparently, Robinho's method of 'getting to know' someone was to challenge Bobby to some video game to judge if he was worth his time. My brother never the one to step down from a challenge, stepped up to the bait.

Angelo had become uncomfortable and quiet when his mum and I eventually exchanged pleasantries and she introduced herself as Sara. That only happened because I got caught by her for sitting on the stairs staring at her and she had made sure to point out that fact loudly to her son.

Sara had to call the intense debate between Bobby and Robinho a night, seeing that both boys were getting more and more frustrated with each other's refusal to accept defeat.

"You know what I think?"

"Please let me know," he said in his little sarcastic way as he eased his car outside my house.

"I think it's time for me to get inside so I'm just going to agree to disagree but we both know that they're the same height."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night", he said with a mischievous smile dancing on his lips, "make sure you're at my house by ten tomorrow."

"Yeah, whatever."

"You know how many people would kill just to gain entrance to see this handsome papi?"

Ignoring his usual conceited remarks, I asked a question I had meant to ask him earlier regarding his standoffish attitude earlier on. "Are you-- are you embarrassed of your mother?"

Even though he looked chill laying back in his seat, he was downright tense. "Have you seen her face?"

There was silence in the car because I wasn't silly enough to answer that question. He looked out the window onto the dark road ahead that was only illuminated by the street lights whilst I fervently berated myself mentally for even prying.

It took him a while to answer. "I used to be."


"Let's just say kids can be mean."

"Tell me about it."

"You've been bullied?"

I looked like a deer caught in the headlights, anyone could see the answer on my face but I looked away before he read too much in to it. "We're talking about you, not me."

"I'm going to take that as a yes."

"Take it how you want."

Clearly, by the playful glint in his eye he took it the wrong way, "Oh, I can take it how I want?"

"Alright, I definitely have to go now", I said swinging the car door open with Angelo cackling to himself evidently enjoying the position of making me feel awkward.

With my bag around my shoulders I hoisted my brother up from his seat and he immediately coiled his arms and legs around me, with his mass of curls tickling the sides of my neck as he laid his sleepy head on my shoulders.

The temptation to just walk away and enter my house without another word said was hard to resist, but I resisted. With a stiff lip I thanked him for the ride and was just about to take a step towards the front door when he called out my name.


"Tomorrow. My house."

And just like The Flash he drove off in an instant.

Yawning, I forced myself out of bed despite my tiredness because I had to wake up earlier to get Bobby up for his school trip, thankfully Ryan's mum had come round to pick him up.

I was basically dragging my feet across the floor like I had a tonne of rocks strapped to my legs. It should be a crime to wake up before midday and to think that I had to go through this because I was short of a little patience when driving- sigh.

For a moment I just stood in the hallway taking in the silence. Christmas was a week away but the house certainly did not look festive; since Christmas was a pagan event, in my house we never did the whole decorating thing and I wasn't too fussed either so I didn't really feel I was missing out on anything.

From where I stood I could hear the beeping of my phone notifying me of an incoming text so I went back to my room and grabbed my phone and saw it was a message from Angelo:

'I'm gonna need you to pick up some things from the grocery store before you head over to my house.

1) Toilet paper x2

2) Laundry Detergent x1

3) White bread x2

4) Bag of doughnuts x1

5) Cookies x3

6) 2 litre Coke x2

7) Six-pack Red Bull x1

8) Shaving cream x3

9) Razor blades x3

10) Toothpaste x2

11) Frozen Pizza x10 (NO PINEAPPLES)

I put the money inside your bag when I asked you to go make my bed, which I realised you didn't even do. I'm going to have words with you on that later on. Call a taxi from the grocery store and I'll pay for the ride when you get to my house. I expect you to be at my house by half one.

I grumbled to myself as I realised my mum had taken the car so that meant I'd to have to go out in the freezing cold. Damn him.

The mass amount of junk food that lay in the shopping trolley was making me increasingly hungry. I greedily looked on as I wheeled it through the frozen food aisle to get the pizza. I'd admit that more than once I had found myself tempted to open a packet of the cookies and just have a teeny, weeny bite of it, but thought of better of it. Considering my recent weight gain, I could not afford to add on the extra pounds. A shot of envy went through me as I thought how unfair it was that Angelo could eat as much as he wanted whilst I had to deprive myself from one of the few joys of life known as chocolate.

Lost in my thoughts, my shopping trolley managed to accidentally bump into someone's backside.

"Oh I'm so sor-"

My apologies were cut off short when I was met up with a pair of warm brown eyes that belonged to Sara.

She looked at me as if surprised to see me and then laughed whole-heartedly as if getting smacked on her butt with a shopping trolley was a usual occurrence, "It's alright Luciana. It is Luciana, right?"

"Yes it is."

I couldn't help but stare at her face and with being up-close with her, I took it as my advantage to study the deep long scars that had damaged her once beautiful face. I could imagine a younger Angelo getting taunted by kids as his mum came to pick him up from school.

"Luciana? Luciana are you okay?"

"Yes I am," I replied coming to a slow realisation that my staring was coming off as borderline creepy.

"I see you have a lot of shopping there, too much junk and no healthy foods. Not good, Luciana," she said in a motherly tone, glancing inside my shopping trolley.

But little did she know.

Smiling I said, "Actually they are not for me they are for your son Angelo."

To say Sara looked shocked was an understatement, peering inside the trolley again and taking a step back she said, "I hope you're not talking about Angelo Henriquez."

"One and only."

"And why does he need you to do his personal shopping, why couldn't he do it himself?"

Sara looked very much scary as her lips twisted into a questioning pout. There was no way that I could lie to this woman, with the way she looked at me- and damn would it feel so good to get Angelo in trouble. "I'm Angelo's maid and he asked me I pick up some things for him at the grocery store."

Gasping, she asked, "You're his what?!"

Not even two seconds later, she whipped up her phone from her hand bag and not caring that she was making a scene at the supermarket and gaining attention from fellow shoppers, she shouted down the phone to Angelo. "Why do you, a twenty one year old hombre need a maid to do your dirty laundry or do your own shopping?!"

I didn't hear the response from the other end of the phone, but I knew whatever Angelo had said seemed to irritate her more. "You know what I don't want to hear it, all I know is that you need to bring your culo here right now!"

Ha ha, Angelo was in trouble.


Chapter 11 by Caterina



The entrance of a supermarket is clearly not an ideal place to be having an argument with your son- unless that person is Sara Henriquez.

"You leave your responsibilities to others and you don't look the least concerned about it. You're twenty one, Dios mio, don't you think I have a right to be upset?"

"I'm not leaving my responsibilities to others mama, you're just overreac-"

His mother's heavily accented voice cut back the beginning of a smartass response from his defiant son, "Don't answer me back when I'm speaking to you. Has all the respect gone out the window since you came to this country?"

Sara's back was facing me but her tall, tense posture and the tone in her voice let me know that she was well past annoyed. Balled up fists were rested on her slim, curvy hips - impressive for a mother of two (unlike mine). Her dark, long, straight hair was pulled into a tight ponytail that reached down the middle of her back putting to shame my coarse ones that constantly gave me a headache when I put a hot comb through them.

As Sara finished her sentence she turned around and on impulse I flinched. Those scars on her face had the equal effect of cold water being poured on me. It was like trying to put two pieces together that did not fit.

"Chica are you okay?"

Upon hearing the question I snapped myself out of my new habit of staring at Sara. "Yeah did-erm, did-I miss something you said?"

Angelo hadn't yet said anything (which I was reluctantly grateful for) I didn't want to be the one to jump the gun by explaining to Sara of the exact reason I was in this predicament. I wanted to be kept in her good books.

"Yes, I just told my son that he has no excuse for needing a maid."

"Mama I told you, her and I have an agreement and she is-"

"Mamaaa, I'm booooored!"

I was mildly aware of Angelo's accent turning increasingly Spanish just before a very bored-looking Robinho standing next to his brother interrupted. I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed him - he looked exactly like a mini-Angelo just slightly more tanned.

"Oh Robinho, I didn't even realise you were there", Sara said admitting all our thoughts aloud. Robinho's cute face scrunched up into a frown clearly offended as he questioned his mum, "How could you not notice me, if I came here with Jello?"

I snorted accidentally at the name Robinho referred his brother and as expected a not-amused glare was sent my way by 'Jello' himself.

Sara didn't notice the silent exchange between me and his older son, as she provided Robinho with an answer. "I'm so sorry, mi hijo. It's your brother's fault."

Sara turned her head over to Angelo to see if he would dare correct her. He didn't, only rolling his eyes back at her.

"Can we go home now? Jello and I were in the middle of a game and I was like so close to beating him."

It seemed that all the Henriquezs' were dramatic, as I watched how Robinho explained with such vigour on why this so-called game he and his brother were playing was of such high importance.

Not saying anything at first, Sara hooked one arm under mine firmly. "I'm sorry honey, but your game is going to be on hold for awhile because your brother is making dinner and he needs to buy the ingredients, whilst this beautiful chica and I go treat ourselves with some girl time."

Once again, I flinched. This time it was because of what she said. Did she just refer me as beautiful? I glanced over at Angelo who looked at me strangely, not being able to hold eye contact I quickly diverted my gaze to Robinho who's whining and moaning I had quickly found entertaining.

"I don't wanna gooo..." he said stamping his feet and crossing his arms tightly, so that his small chest poked out.

"And I am not a good cook", was Buttbag's excuse for not taking out his mother's orders.

"That's not true, your tio told me how you made the best paella he has ever eaten for him last week," Sara said not missing a beat.

"Well I gotta study for my finals."

"Your tio also told me you told him that you finished all your finals before the Christmas break and you have none any time soon. You must think your mother is a fool."

Finally accepting defeat, Angelo responded, "Does tio have to tell you everything?"

Chuckling, she replied, "Everything mi hijo."

"I still don't want to cook!"

Rolling her eyes at her older son's immature antics, she walked over to both Henriquez's kissed both their cheeks before grabbing my arms towards a different direction.


"Those boys stress me out, I think I could use a full body massage. How about you chica?"

No way was I going to let some stranger I don't know touch my ugly jelly and see the acne scars on my back. I could just imagine their disgusted expression because my head would be shoved down the hole on the bed so that would just make the experience ten times worse than what I went through at school.

I would not allow myself to be humiliated off school grounds, even though that's already happened, but whatever that was besides the point. Doing my best to reject her offer kindly as I watched her excited, warm brown eyes gleam at me I said, "Ah no thank you Sara, I'm fine."

"But why not?"

"I-I'm not really a fan of those types of things."

Her eyebrows rose up as she tried to make sense of something that was totally senseless- like who really did not like getting pampered?

"It's on me, don't worry about it," she said thinking I was having money issues and that's why I didn't want to have the damn massage.

"I can't-"

"You absolutely can, chica."


"I'm sure Angelo has worked you hard enough, I'm his mother and I know how demanding that boy can get. You've done enough taking care of others, you need to take this little time you have and take care of yourself."

"I'm actually fi-"

"No, you have no choice in the matter. You will have that massage Miss. Luciana", she said her voice all serious and determined but with a hint of playfulness in her eyes.

"If you insist," I said sighing finally giving in even though I was about to open myself up to more humiliation.

Jumping up and down, like a happy-go-lucky teenager and not a mature mother of two she faced the Chinese lady at the counter who was busy filing her nail and got her to pay attention by purposely raising her voice to get her to look up. Sarah was oblivious to the dirty look that the woman first offered her before passing her our robes showing the direction where to change.

Uncomfortable didn't even scrape the surface on how I felt laying there with my back exposed. It was the first time I'd let anyone see another part of me aside from my face, not even my mum saw me naked. Never was I the one to wear shorts, crop tops or short-sleeved tops and of course I got jealous when I'd see girls wear all the things I could never feel confident to wear and wear it so well. Loose tops and baggy trousers were the way forward for me.

Each of our masseuses who were Asians introduced themselves but didn't provoke conversation afterwards which I was suspecting it was because of their limited English. At least ask about the weather or something, I thought to myself as the warm drip of oil hit my back skin, before feeling smooth hands spread the oil around my skin. It was quiet for awhile and small talk would have been greatly appreciated to make me a tiny bit more comfortable. I couldn't lie though- the way the masseuse worked the knots and bolts at my lower back was absolutely magical. Sara certainly thought the same with the way she gasped and moaned.

"Ah, this is nice, no?" Sara asked finally finding time to engage in conversation with me.

"It is."

"I knew you would like it."

"Yeah I do."

"So do you have any other siblings other than Bo-Booby? Did I say his name right?"

Chuckling at her mispronunciation, I said, "His name's Bobby and no he is my only sibling."

Laughing at her mistake, she carried on, "Where is Bobby? He didn't come along with you."

"He went to his friend's house for a sleepover. I'm sure he can't wait until he meets with his dear friend Robinho again."

"Ha, I'm sure he can't wait."

"Counting down the days most likely", I added thinking of the two boys.

Sighing she said, "I just don't understand how I raised a lazy boy. A maid of all things. Tsk. Wait till his father finds out he's going to go loco."

The moment of truth had arrived. "Sara...I-I didn't tell you everything when I told you Angelo hired me as a maid."

"You sit down, madam." I imagined Sara had tried to lift her head up from the hole that we had to dunk our head in for the lady masseuse to have said that.

Carrying on my confession, I briefly told her the whole situation with the car thing and me signing for an out-of-court agreement which resorted into me being his housemaid.

I was ready to hide for cover, scared she might throw the nearest thing besides her at my head, but when I heard the bubble of laughs explode from her mouth I breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's so like him to get all heated up over something as stupid as a car. His dad should have never bought that ridiculously-priced gadget. I remember when he was little he would get so overprotective over his little toy cars - one time my husband and I were called in to see his kindergarten teacher. He had pushed a boy off of the swing because the boy had taken his favourite toy car and had made him chase for it back. Mi Dios knows that boy got an unhealthy attachment to cars."

Laughing at the image of a younger Angelo but unsure if I was off the hook I asked, "So does that mean, you're not mad at me for what I did to your son's car?"

"No, not at all, if anything, you did a good job, chica, there are bigger things in life to get mad about a car."

That I could definitely agree on.

Carrying on she said, "Since you two got an agreement going on I will not get involved, but if you feel he's getting too much for you, don't hesitate to tell me okay. I'm his mother and I'll whip his culo in shape if I have to."

"Thank you, but I don't think that would be necessary", I said even though it was a tempting thing to see.

"Well you say that now..."

I remained quiet as I was burning with the urge to ask a question that had been bugging my mind since I'd seen her but I thought it would be best if I kept silent.

"Ask me."


"You know what I'm talking about chica."

"No I don't."

"Of course you don't."

"I don't."

I was ashamed that it was that apparent that I wanted to know, because of how I acted around her.

"It was my mistake really, chica. I had forgotten to turn off the cooker after making dinner and I only realised after waking up to a house full of smoke and fire. My first thought was to get both my boys out the house as soon as possible-- I was panicking, my husband had gone away on business, it was horrible chica. I managed to get to my sons' room and luckily, gracias Dios there was a window big enough for them to escape. The last thing I remember before waking up in hospital, was seeing my boys shivering and crying as they watched me from the outside."

She was a phoenix.

And there was me with my silly insecurities when there was someone who should be more concerned about their looks but could careless. But damn it was hard not to care.

Before I even had time to absorb all that she'd said or to even respond she'd swiftly changed the topic to my plans for the Christmas period, which currently was blank. Fortunately she had lots to say, so for the rest of out massage session I let her take the spotlight in our conversation. Easier done like that.

We were heading back to the main supermarket to meet Angelo and Robinho, when I heard Sara glaring at her phone saying something in Spanish clearly annoyed before switching back to English, "He left us so he could get dinner started early, which I know is a damn lie."

Hiding my laughter, I lowered my head pretending to be deep in search for my phone whilst she called a taxi. Seeing that I had a text message from my mum I could only predict I had done something else to piss her off. Rolling my eyes at the screen, I pressed the 'Read' option:

'Your dad's coming out.'

I couldn't believe it.

" Luciana? Chica?"

Finally managing to look up from my phone screen that contained probably the best good news I'd ever had, I took in Sara's worried expression as she stared at me.

My head was all over the place. I needed to go home.

"I'm sorry Sara, but there's been an emergency at home and I need to go," I said quickly as I saw the bus that would take me home round the corner.

Not even glancing backwards to reply to her questions of concern I ran as fast as my hefty legs could take me to the bus stop.

My daddy's coming home.


Chapter 12 by Caterina


"I'm home! Mum!"

No answer.

Where is this woman who gave birth to me?

Oxygen was practically gone from my lungs, one would think that I'd been running for the Olympic Gold or something, but nope, I only ran the short distance from the bus stop to my house in my haste to hear the confirmation in person.

My dad's coming home? My dad was coming home.

I flung my keys on the kitchen countertop leaning against it too to catch my breath back. When was the last time I even ran that far? Urgh, I'm such a Fatty Freddie.

I stared back on the floor, curiously watching my keys lying there lifelessly on the red and white tiled floors of the kitchen. Now feeling bad for abandoning my keys, I asked myself how I would feel if I was a key and I was treated like that by my key owner. Yes, I'm the weirdo that thinks inanimate objects have feelings. I crouched down to rescue the keys and safely placed them in my coat pocket.

I walked into the sitting room, her presence was nowhere to be found.

"MUM! Are you home?"

"Child, I'm in my bedroom, stop shouting my name 'fore the whole neighbourhood think I done do something to ya'", shouted back my mum irritation clear in her tone.

Well if you had replied the first time, then I wouldn't be shouting out your name - obviously, those were my thoughts unless a bruised cheek was my ambition.

Sighing, I hiked up the steps to the top landing. I walked down the hallway, passing Bobby's room before reaching my mother's. I stood there in front of the door feeling awkward, because I rarely ever entered it and my insides were all tangled up in nerves, thinking if the context of the text message came to reality it would be the perfect Christmas present. I only hoped that whatever she had to say was good news and maybe we could be the happy family that we once were before drama started.

"Girl, are you going to stand outside all day or are you going to eventually decide to come in?"

Without further ado, I pushed the door ajar to see my mother sitting up in her bed, wearing her nightgown and headscarf to keep her short dreadlocks in place. Despite her work schedule, she had managed to keep her room pristine.

"Luciana, where d'you think you're going coming into my bedroom with them rank shoes on? You know the rules of my room."

How she knew that I had not removed my shoes without looking up from her book, I did not know but she did. Mother's intuition was not a joke.

It took me a minute to remember she never allowed anyone to cross the threshold of her room with footwear on. The last time I made the mistake of entering her room with my slippers on she yelled at me and made me get on my hands and knees to scrub the white carpet of her room with bleach- my eyes had felt like they were frying up. And it wasn't like I'd left any marks on the carpet, she must have had a severe case of OCD that day I guess. After that time, I damn well learnt my lesson and that's why I avoided going to her bedroom at all costs-except this time.

Huffing, I backed out of her room, bending down to slide off the converses from both my legs before re-entering the room.

I stood in front of her bedpost, still as a tree not really sure if I was supposed to do or say anything, I didn't want to get off the wrong foot with my mum. Absent-mindedly, I took in the surrounding around the room; three of her walls were painted white whilst the wall behind her bed was a soft lilac colour. My mum's oak wood wardrobe was plonked opposite my mum's medium sized bed. Her room was nothing special and nothing dull. It was just a room, specifically for her.

"Luciana, come sit down here and take a look at this," said my mum as she patted the empty side of the bed for me, beckoning for me to come.

Maya Carter telling me to sit next to her was something I had not heard in just over seven years. A part of me was reluctant to do so, we didn't have the best relationship. Truth be told, if I'd moved out the house we'd probably rarely be in contact. The thought alone was sad but true. Not wanting to further face the reality of my relationship with my mother I quickly scrambled unto her bed, all the while leaving a little distance between us.

I realised that it was her and my dad's wedding photo album that she'd been so fixated on when I came in. Both my parents looked so young and happy holding each other's arms as they stepped out of the church with their guests throwing rice at them. Where did time go? My mum looked so beautiful in her white long lace dress with puffy sleeves and my dad handsome as ever with his flat top hair and black suit.

"You're going to laugh when I tell you this. Two days before your dad and I got married we had a barbecue at my aunt's house - it was more or less a pre- wedding party. Your dad came up to tell me that his phone was missing and knowing the contacts he had on his phone and the kind of business he handled it wasn't exactly the ideal situation to be in. Y'know as smart as your daddy is, he could lose things in the stupidest places. I managed to find his phone, I don't remember where, but that's not important. He had an unread text message, so what did you think I did?"

"You read it."

"Damn right I did," she said snapping her finger and nodding her head up and down in confirmation. "One of your dad's ex-whores had texted him saying they were not going to give up on taking him away from me."

My mum was well deep in relieving her past but me not wanting the silence to stretch any further broke her from her memories. "What did you end up doing about the text message?"

A bubble of laughs sprang out from my mum's thick lips, as her head tilted back, before looking at me, with a mischievous smile on her face. "Even though I knew your dad wasn't messing around I was pretty mad at him that those whores still had a direct line to him. Aunt Alexandra always kept laxatives in her kitchen because she was forever trying to lose weight, so I put two doses of lax into your dad's drink and gave it to him and told him I found his phone but did not tell him about the message."

At that point both my mother and I were laughing so hard - I nearly forgot she hadn't finished telling the story until I heard her speak again.

"The next day I got a call from one of your dad's friends saying that he'd been going to the toilet all night and he was in pretty bad shape. Apart from the fact that we were getting married the next day, I was feeling seriously guilty so I decided to see your dad and tell him what really happened."

"And what did he have to say about what you did?

Nodding her head towards the photo album, she said, "A picture is worth a thousand words right?"

What was hilarious about the whole thing was that my dad still ended up marrying her. Clearly in my parent's case love excludes logical reasoning.

"Your dad ended up having to wear granny diapers to our wedding."

Not even a millisecond later, my mother's body trembled with laughter. I fought so hard not to laugh, but I just couldn't help myself. My dad in diapers - see these were the stories one saved for their children and grandchildren.

Light tears fell from our eyes as we finally settled down but with the odd giggle here and there escaping as she continued to flip through the photo album and I replayed the story in my head.

Theory proved: Maya Carter was crazy but Jay Carter was crazier.

"Last month, the court reviewed your dad's case and it's being a long process, but while I was at work this morning I got a call from your dad's lawyer's saying that your dad has been allowed to cut his sentence short. He's done the eight out of the twelve years he was supposed to do but will be on forty-eight months probation and report to a parole officer once a week. I sent you the text message at like twelve why did it take you two hours to reply back?"

I could barely register everything that she was telling me, but I managed to grasp the last part, "Oh, I was running some errands for Mr. Henriquez," I said nonchalantly, knowing I did very little 'errands'.

"Hmm-hm", was my mum's reply, pressing her lips together tightly and looking at me unconvinced.

Not wanting her to question me any further I asked, "Wh-when's daddy coming home?"

"Two days time."

"Two days time, that's like on the 21st?"

"Yeah, I know that's why we need to go grocery store, to stock up on food and Christmas stuff, y'all kids like."

"Well when can we go?" I asked, nearly bouncing up and down excitedly like a kangaroo at the prospect of seeing my dad after so long.

"Girl, wouldya calm down. Let me get dressed then we can go pick up a few things."

No lie, my dad was the heartbeat in the family - despite everything he'd done and everything we'd had to go through because of what he'd done.

I was waiting impatiently near the entrance door when my mum ever so slowly, walked down the stairs to meet me, which I bet she was doing on purpose, just to spite me. Not bothering to wait until she climbed down all the stairs down, I came out the house and opened the driver's side door playing the waiting game again for my mum to join me.

How did my dad ever cope with her, honestly?

Praising God Most High silently when she so humbly graced the car with her presence, I stuck the car key into the ignition only to have the car engines sputter and blow raspberries at me. Out of intense frustration at the damned car, I ended up banging my head repetitively against the steering wheel with my mum seated surprisingly calm next to me. "Guess we're not going anywhere for awhile."



Chapter 13 by Caterina


Eight missed calls. Six voicemails.

Rolling my eyes, I pressed the 'Call,' button, not really in the mood to hear the bull-talk that was waiting for me from the other end of the phone but the desire to get it over as quickly as possible had overwhelmed me.

"Took your sweet time to answer your phone -- you like the fact that such a handsome papi like myself is at your beck and call like a good little bitch, huh?"

That was to be expected.

I didn't even bother replying to his typical vain-like monologues, instead I set my phone on loudspeaker, before dropping it onto the space next to me on my bed as I resumed munching through a large bag of cheese puffs.

My rather loud crunching noises gave me away, "It seems to me that you have got your mouth occupied."

Orange flakes flew out of my nose as an accidental snort came out of my mouth.

"You have a dirty mind, Carter."

"You provoked it, Henriquez."

"Oh, so I provoke your dirty thoughts?"

Not wanting him to get the wrong ideas, because I obviously didn't have 'dirty thoughts' concerning him, I swiftly changed the subject, "Do you have to be so conceited?"

"When you look like me, it's very hard not to be."

"Of course."

"Glad we're on the same page."

I just wanted to shove a bamboo stick up his arrogant asshole, honestly. The sour mood I was in was not helping matters. After realising that the silly excuse of a car was not moving anywhere, my mum went back in the house to sleep off her night shift. That left me stuck in disappointment at not being able to get things in order in preparation for my dad's arrival.

My mum's change of attitude had my dad's homecoming written all over it. Even though she didn't appear excited at her husband being released as her daughter I could see it, she just wasn't really the type to put her emotions on display.

"You still there?" I heard Buttbag's voice ask, disconnecting me from my thoughts.

"Unfortunately," I replied as I threw back some more cheese puffs into my starving mouth.

"It's okay to be jealous, baby. "

"Don't call me 'baby'," I said refusing to let his stupid sexy voice get to me (even though it already had)."

"Babe, there's a thing of mine that would love to occupy your mouth."

He must have been crazy if he thought I would willingly let the conversation carry on. Out of court settlement or not, I pressed the 'End Call' button on my phone, cutting his laughter short. It was all just a big fancy tease game to him and there was no way I was going to play dumb stupid, no matter how much heat he generated in me.

I got up from my bed, going downstairs into the kitchen in search of some ice cream to help cool myself down.

After grabbing the strawberry-flavoured ice cream, I trudged back up the stairs into my room. Sitting back down on my bed I picked a single puff before dunking it into the cold slickness. The sight of the light-pink cream coating the bent shaped cheesy goodness was just too gorgeous for words and when I popped it into my mouth I was in pure nirvana - until my phone wouldn't stop vibrating.

"Angelo I am not in the mood for one of your stupid games. You think you're hot, fine, go tell it to someone who fucking cares, like a modelling agency or some shit. If nothing of value comes out of your mouth in the next three seconds I'm going to hang up."

"Chica, this is Angelo's mother speaking."

Shit. Shit...and double shit.

I couldn't say anything and for a second or two there was silence until Sara broke out in a loud laugh that somehow sort of removed the awkwardness of the situation.

"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Henriquez I thought it was Angelo -- I just erm - he was just -"

"Don't worry chica, I know how that boy can get and be rest assured that I'm going to have some words with him."

"I'm sorry again, Mrs. Henriquez."

"Oh don't worry about it. Men always knows how to press the wrong buttons to make us women act loco."

Overly glad that she was not at all upset with me, I finally could breath in and out.

"I'm just calling to make sure everything is fine, because you seemed to be in quite of a hurry when you left the supermarket."

Admitting to her that my dad was coming out of jail would not exactly leave the best of impressions and that's why I made up a lie of my mum needing me to do 'something'.

"Ah I see", she said unconvinced but said nothing of it, "when I told Angelo about you running off he wouldn't stop calling your phone every 10 seconds, I'm sure you must have like a thousand missed calls-"

"And that's the last time you use my phone again mum", I could hear Angelo's voice as he disrupted his mum from finishing her sentence.

Ignoring her son, I heard her ask, "What is this I hear of you sexually harassing this girl?"

And queue in Round Two: Sara The Spanish Phoenix versus. Angelo The Overly- Conceited Buttbag.

I must admit my lips curled into a smile as my insides warmed at the thought that Angelo had a pinch of concern for me. It's a nice feeling knowing that someone is looking out for you - a man, looking out for his woman.

Before those ridiculous thoughts made a home in my mind and bullied me into believing that Angelo cared for me in ways I wouldn't mind him caring for me, I snapped myself out of it.

I would NOT think too much into it. It was just an act of kindness. Nothing more.

I left my phone back on the bed as I resumed eating my cheese puff and strawberry ice cream concoction whilst tuning into the entertainment on the other end of the phone.

Finally after what felt forever and a life time and Sara having won the argument by default (because she was bad ass like that) I heard her ask, "Chica, you said your car wasn't working didn't you?"

I nearly choked on the cheese curls, as I wondered how she could have possibly known? I momentarily looked around a room, nervously trying to see if there were some secret cameras or supernatural shit going on, but found none out the norm. Sara was most definitely sent from heaven.

"Sara I don't -"

"When we were back at the massage place and you said that your car wasn't working and you weren't going to get it fixed till next week", said Sara's voice more firmly, with a hint of desperation, giving me no choice to play along, as I realised she was up to something.

Not remembering a time when I mentioned anything about my car I said, "Yeah sure."

Sara was those type of people that held so much authority in their voice and with just one word they could have anything wrapped around their finger.

Happy that I had agreed with her, she carried on, "Well Angelo over here just told me how he has nothing important to do with his time right now and how he would be more than happy to be your chauffeur. I'm sure you have some Christmas shopping to do, dontchyachica? "

Oh how I loved this woman.


Chapter 14 by Caterina


My mother wanted us to dress up cute but I looked acutely embarrassing. She'd ordered me to wear a light grey suit with the pencil skirt and blazer matching, and underneath it I had a white ruffled top. I hated the fact that it highlighted my horrid curves, it made me look bigger than I already was. I could feel my fat thighs rubbing on each other.

As the car got closer to the jailhouse parking lot, my uneasiness kept multiplying at the thought of seeing my dad again after so long. Eight years was a long time - I'd changed, he'd changed, my mum had changed and so had Bobby. Would he be able to fit in and would we be able to fit him in? I was his 'baby girl' before he left - would he take one look at me and see the mess I'd grown up to be?

"Mommy, where are we going?" asked Bobby the 55th time as his brown eyes took in the vastly spread, old building protected by the tall barbed wire fences a little way from where our car was parked.

"Baby, I told you it's a surprise so stop with the questions," answered back my mum and in return she received an unhappy pout from Bobby, "boy you better clear that look off of your face."

Even though my mum tried so hard not to show it, her nervousness was apparent as she fussed over Bobby's tie once again, making sure it was tied properly and re-folding the collar of his white crispy shirt.

On the scale of things, she was a BBBW (Big Beautiful Black Woman). My mother was always the one who took time in making sure she looked good but all that changed after my dad was incarcerated. So when I first saw her dressed up in her ketchup red dress suit, I was absolutely amazed (and damn right jealous) by her. Gone was her nurse's uniform, and in return was a feisty woman ready to claim her man.

"Luciana hold your brother's hand, I don't want him running about," said my mum as we waited outside the electric gates that had patrolling security guards with long rifle guns.

I smiled brightly as he grabbed unto my hand, having missed his presence around the house since he had gone to his friend's for a two day sleepover. I could tell that he was getting bored as he kept swinging my arms back and forth and he couldn't seem to stop fidgeting about.

The temperature was Antarctic but I didn't even feel it. I didn't sleep the entire night because scenarios kept playing in my mind of how the first meet would be, so whilst my mum was being asked about who she was picking up and to provide her driver's license, I fixed my eyes beyond the gates wanting to catch the first glimpse of my dad.

About five or so minutes later, far off in the distance I saw two men, one white, one black with similar builds, emerge seemingly out of nowhere and walk towards where we were.

My heart beat really fast when the black guy turned out to be my dad. It was sort of hard to make him out fully because they were quite a distant walk away but as soon as he got closer sparks of nerves shocked me to stay still.

I couldn't move- it was just so surreal. Before I knew it, the gates was the only thing standing between my dad and us.

My mum was cool as a cucumber. When the security let them through the gates she just fastened her eyes on the white man who was my dad's lawyer. My dad on the other hand couldn't keep his vision steady as he looked from my mother to me to Bobby, his eyes gazed a little longer at his son.

"Mrs. Carter?" asked the tall, Caucasian man with a courteous nod.


They both shook hands and I could smell my mums nerves had reached fever pitch and she hadn't even afforded my dad eye contact.

"My job here is done... hopefully", he said jokingly before turning to my dad, "stay out of trouble Mr. Carter."

"I will try my best", said my dad chuckling which raised unamused looks from all of us.

"Remember you still have 48 months probation to complete."


"Alright well Mr. Carter, you're a free man, your family is here waiting to take you home, have a Merry Christmas."

With one last hand shake with my mum and dad, the lawyer left us to ourselves. The three of us stood still, grounded in our spot, with nobody saying anything. Finally able to clearly see my dad, I was overcome with a lot of emotions. If it wasn't for Bobby tugging my hand to gain my attention, I would have probably burst into tears.

"Who is that man and why does he keep staring at me?" He whispered whilst suspiciously looking at my dad. Bobby was just about a year old when my dad was incarcerated, so to him it was like meeting his father for the first time.

"That's our daddy, Bobby."

With that new knowledge my brother stared back at my dad with renewed confidence - no one with good sight could deny that they were father and son. All too suddenly, Bobby's warm hand left my grasp and slowly he walked over to my dad and said, "Hello dad."

Hearing that one word of acknowledgement come from his son, my dad's face broke into a genuine smile as he picked up Bobby into his arms to have his first contact with him in so long. Bobby's slim arms wrapped around my dad's neck as my dad continued to pat his back.

I'd always been daddy's girl and when he went to jail I was just ten so he could still carry me but unfortunately I'd grown up into an eighteen year old fat frump, so there was no way of that happening.

"Esther girl, are you gonna give your dad a hug?"

Nobody ever called me by middle name - except my dad. When I was younger he'd tell me I was his 'little star'. Without being told twice I ran over to my dad like I was five again and hugged him tight, and before I could stop them slow tears began to leak out my eyes. It'd been too long.

And then remained one. Maya Carter otherwise known as my mother who from where I was standing was not ready to give in so easy to her husband as her children had done. My dad gently dropped Bobby back to the floor, and loosened his arms around me as he whispered to us, "Kids, I need to talk to your mother."

Walking over to where she was standing I could still hear the interaction between the two, as my mum was obviously playing hard to get. "Girl, who you looking good for?" asked my dad, smiling as she still refused to meet his gaze.

No one in particular", answered back my mum.

"Is that right?"

"Yes", she replied not with the same cool edge she had earlier on.

I called that progress.

"So why are you here?"

"To take my stupid-ass husband home whose made me do it alone for eight years," retorted my mum, looking more vulnerable than ever.

That was certainly a new look. My dad unaffected by her words kept on smiling, "Do you still love this stupid-ass husband of yours?"

My mum was still being a hard-ass as she did not respond to my dad's question, which resulted my dad using a very different tactic which was not quite appropriate for young eyes such as Bobby. My brother and I watched on as my dad began leaving kisses around my mum's neck, whilst hearing my mum's half-hearted protests to let her go. I heard the security guards behind us start coughing. When he neared her mouth, I heard my mum half-whisper half-moan, "Not infront of the kids, Jay."

My dad quickly glanced over at us, before looking back at my mum. "Tell me you still love your stupid-ass husband and when you get home with him, you're going to show him just how much you missed him."

Hearing my dad talk dirty to my mum was highly awkward for me. Headphones for me as soon as we get home, I thought. Quickly recomposing herself, my mum lightly pushed my dad away from her as a small smile was evident on her lips, "You know I be loving your stupid- ass till the day I die."

And with that Mr. And Mrs. Carter shared an eight- year old kiss.


Chapter 15 by Caterina


It had been a day and a half since my dad had returned home from prison so I wasn't surprised when he knocked on my bedroom door demanding we talk.

It was about time - eight years was no joke.

I watched as my dad got frustrated trying to get comfortable on the yellow bean bag next to my bed, but unfortunately because of my his rather tall frame, as soon as his butt hit the bean bag, it flattened and it made him look quite silly. I only just about kept in my giggle, exchanging it for a violent cough. My dad who was not to be fooled gave me an evil look, not at all pleased that I was using his unfortunate position as entertainment for myself.

"Dad, if the roles were reversed, you'd be laughing too", I said half- giggling as he vainly tried to get himself seated on the bean bag.

After a few failed attempts, he stretched out an arm towards me, "Help me get off this damn thing. I don't understand how you supposed to sit down on it, if it ain't even comfortable."

Laughing, I walked over to my dad's outstretched arm and pulled him up until he was standing on both feet.

"I don't think that beanbag was designed for your height or age."

In response I got a displeased grunt asnj he sat opposite me on the bed. For a small second he had a sombre expression as he looked at me and the growing silence had started to get on my nerves.

"What?" I asked eventually to ease the awkwardness - I couldn't help but think he was wondering how he got himself an ugly daughter.

"I just can't believe that my baby girl has grown up to - you was ten when I went away and I was still able to give you piggy back rides, play hide and seek with you...but now...I can't even do those things with you, you're not a child anymore."

One by one, salty tears slipped out of my eyes and raced down my cheeks at the guilt and regret heavy in my dad's voice.

"I'm sorry Esther, I know I haven't been the best dad and I'm sorry for the shit your mum, brother and you have had to go through 'cos of me."

No one could ever argue against the fact that I was a daddy's girl, but I couldn't help feel some sort of resentment towards my dad with everything that had happened. It was just hard to let go of the fact that things could have been different if he had thought more about how his actions would affect our family.

"I know there's no excuse as to why I did what I did, but the only reason I did what I did was to give you, your brother and your mum, what I never had growing up."

"Yeah, I know dad," I croaked out as I grabbed some tissue from my bedside.

It was only when I was sixteen that my dad actually admitted that he'd been convicted on money laundering charges - I had to force it out of him by threatening not write to again unless he told me. He never told me the finer details of his charges, I guess because he was remorseful and so I didn't press him for it. When I was younger he'd give me some bull-crap about he was going on holiday for a while and I'll get to visit him from time to time.

The first time that we did visit him in prison, a then one-year old Bobby kept pointing at inmates faces that scared him and wouldn't stop screaming until security asked us to leave.

Time passed and between moving houses two hours away from the prison and changing schools, taking care of the house and Bobby whilst my mum went to work and going through puberty earlier and faster than others and being picked on for it, meant that visits to my dad became less and less frequent. I probably only ever got the chance to see him once or twice a year.

"Es look at me...", and when I did I had to look away again because his eyes were shiny with unshed tears, "it's probably going to take some time for everyone to get over the past and get comfortable with the transition, but what's important is that we're here together now."

Hearing that made it seem more real, as I had a hard time believing my dad was finally home and to stay.

By then, the tissue I had been using was soaked with snot, so I got up to get more tissue from the bathroom but then my dad stopped me. "Here."

"Seriously? You had some on you the whole time and you just sat there and watched me dribble snot all over my face?"

"What? I was caught up in the moment," he said defending himself as he passed the packet of pocket tissue he'd taken out from his back pocket.

"If you say so."

"I do," he answered but then changed topic as I turned on my side and blew into the tissue, "so are you in your graduating year?"

When I was done cleaning my nose I turned back round to face my dad. "Yeah I am."

"Have you decided what you're going to do after you graduate?"

"I'm going to take a year out and get some work experience."

That got my dad interested and we got into a twenty minute conversation about my plans. It felt unbelievably good to just be able to tell my him everything I wanted to say instead of having to wait a week or a month for a reply- and to be honest writing wasn't my forte. There was always so much that I'd want to say that I'd had to leave out because it would be too much to write and I always had a sneaky suspicion that there were being read by the prison officers- but obviously that had never been proven and basically it was just so much effort writing.

"So d'you like it round here?"

"It's okay..." I replied fidgeting with my shirt sleeve, not liking the direction that the conversation was now going.

"It's okay? In my head that does not sound too reassuring...something's up."

I wanted to tell my dad everything else that was going on with me but I felt I shouldn't, because in my mind I should've been old enough to deal with my silly playground problems on my own.

"I don't know what it is daddy, but people just don't seem to like me - I think it's because of how I look."

"And what about how you look makes them not like you?"

"I'm ugly and fat."

"And how do you see yourself?"

"Ugly and fat."

"If that's all you see then you really are shallow as the rest of them."

It was a challenging task holding my tears back. I didn't know what was more hurtful the fact that my dad didn't bother denying what I thought of myself or that he'd called me shallow.

Without sensing when he'd moved closer I felt my dad's arm go round my shoulders before bringing my head closer to his chest, it was like wearing a huge warm jacket.

"Esther, if you haven't noticed you've got yourself a very handsome looking dad and a beautiful mother, so you saying others think you're ugly, makes no sense to me."

I couldn't help but burst out laughing against my dad's chest at hearing him say that in the most serious of voices.

And there I was thinking Angelo was the only one who thought so highly of his looks.

"Do you ever wonder why rich people or people of influence tend to look more attractive?"

"Yeah, because they have money."

"Okay and how did they get that money?"

"They work."

"Exactly Esther", he said pulling me away but holding my hands, "they work so they don't have time to focus on what's not really important. Esther, you need to work, explore and find out what God has put in you not focus what he's put on you. What He's put on you is already perfect, whether you think it or not."

That was some heavy philosophical stuff from my dad and as usual before I could even fully process what he'd said he swiftly changed the topic.

"Who's Angelo?"

"Huh? Who's Ang-who?"

"Don't play with me girl."

"Dad, I really do not know who you're talking about."

"Okay then. So what's this I hear about you smacking into someone else's car, the police coming into the house and you becoming someone else's maid?"

I reminded myself to thank my mother for snitching on me.

Wiping the sweat from my palms on my bedclothes, I looked anywhere but my dad as I said, "It's true, daddy."

"Well mind explaining?"

"There's nothing to explain."

"Esther don't even test my patience, I've just got out from jail the last thing I need to find out is that my daughter is in trouble with the law. Do you realise that makes me even feel worse about myself as a father than I already do?"

"It's not like that dad. Angelo - I mean Mr. Henriquez and I agreed on an out of court settlement", I quickly explained desperately hoping that my dad hadn't noticed my million dollar slip up.

My dad noticed it all right, a slow smile curved on his lips and I bowed my head in defeat ready for his reaction.

"So you're on a first name basis with this guy which means there is something more to the story, why did you lie?"

"I dunno", I said shrugging my shoulders.

The truth is I really did not know why I was lying to my dad about knowing Angelo. Maybe I was trying to protect him from my dad, but protecting him from what? Or maybe I was scared he wasn't going to accept him, but accept him as what?

Not liking my confusing thoughts, I was about to open my mouth to apologize but my dad beat me to it, "Whoever Angelo Henriquez is better just be keeping my daughter's services to him professional."

If I watching another dad tell his daughter mine had told me I would have laughed, but this was my reality where instead of a response my mouth opened wide like a gaping fish.

Before I could say anything back, the door to my room swung open and there came in Bobby with an impatient expression on his face.

I knew that Bobby deserved to spend more time with my dad since he was practically just getting to know him, so I smiled knowing that my dad and I had had enough time bonding and it was now my brother's turn.


Chapter 16 by Caterina



"Where are you going?"

So much for me trying to be a silent ninja. Ten steps and I would have walked out the house unnoticed.

Reluctantly, I walked back near the landing, looking up I could see my dad's tall, bulky frame standing at the top of the stairs, with a suspecting look.

Wiping the perspiration from my palms against my jeans from being under my dad's heavy gaze, I coughed out, "I'm just meeting some friends."

My dad's immediate response was to give me a look that read, 'bullshit'.

"I do have friends - we just wanna do some late Christmas shopping."

There went the look again. It was so hard lying to my dad - despite the years we spent apart, he could easily know when I was lying. He wasn't implying that I could not make friends, he just knew the type of person I was - a loner at heart. This came to an advantage when I changed schools because it was easier for me to move on as I hadn't made any strong attachments.

"You and your "friends" go shopping at eight a.m. in the morning?"

"Yeah, we wanna get to the mall before it gets too crowded. "

"Es, you do know you sweat more when you're lying-same thing your mother does."

Playing dumb, I said, "Huh?"

"'Huh' is for people who suffer from speech difficulties."

Ignoring the repetitive vibrations of my phone, no doubt knowing who it was, I started, "Dad -"

"Lucy, I wanna go too, are you going Angelo's house?" asked my brother out of nowhere his little frame stood behind my dad, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. I could've just strangled him at that moment. Instantly my dad transformed into Overprotective Father at the mention of a male's name and me going to the said male's name house.

That was exactly the situation I was praying hard to avoid, even though he knew the nature of our relationship, my dad was convinced there was more to it than there really was and I didn't want to further prove my dad right

"Angelo? So even your brother is well acquainted with this boy."

Already taking backward steps towards the main door, I quickly said, "Dad it's really nothing...I really have to you...I'll be back soon."

I ran out the door like my ass was on fire, thankful that Angelo's car which turned out to be a minivan was already parked outside, I jumped in and not caring at that moment that he was looking at me like a crazed woman, I told him to drive.

Surprisingly, he did as he was told like a good little boy with no questions asked.

When I finally managed to catch my breath back and I made sure we were free from harm's way, namely my dad, I breathed a sigh of relief. It was a good thing that the car wasn't working, as I wouldn't have put it past my dad to stalk me until he got some answers.

Looking over at the driver's seat, Angelo drove uncharacteristically quiet and I wondered what was up with him. He had woken me up at half six in the morning asking me to get ready for eight with no explanation of why.

I couldn't say I couldn't come because frankly I didn't have a choice. Still feeling grumpy for being woken up early, especially on Christmas Eve I asked him where we were going.

"Obviously somewhere", he replied in a bored tone, which I did not appreciate at all.

"Try being a little bit more specific, Henriquez?"

"How about you try shutting up for a second, damn, so annoying."

His irritation spoke volumes. I couldn't lie, it got to me that he'd talk to me in that way - I thought we'd past that. Clearly not.

It didn't take long for me to be pissed off. After all, my dad had just come back home from jail and I would rather had been spending time with him than be sat next to his miserable butt.

Looking out the window seeing all the wreaths, sleighs and snowmen light up the houses we drove by managed to put me in better spirits. Seriously though, some people went in hard on their Christmas decorations.

"My mum burnt herself badly whilst cooking yesterday so I had to drop Robinho at my uncle's house and take my mum to hospital and we didn't leave until five in the morning. So yeah that's been my night."

At least it explained the cranky attitude.

If he thought he'd be easily forgiven - well he was right, but I'd let him stew for a while. I wanted an apology. I knew I probably wouldn't get one but I could still try. I didn't know where I got the confidence to be even demanding for one - but damn, I deserved one. And for the rest of the ride I made it a point not to speak with him.

We ended up at the shopping mall. Wordlessly I got out of his car and followed him as he took lead.

I was surprised by the hordes of people that had already filled the mall and of course as expected it didn't take long for me to be self-conscious. The judging gazes forwarded to Angelo and I didn't help matters - or maybe I was just seeing things or looking too much into things. Ugh, I didn't know. All I knew was that he was attractive and I...and I was not.

Like why couldn't he have just called one of his friends or something to come with him - but then again who would want to go shopping at this time? Or maybe this was some sick game of his, to make himself look better standing next to the ugly duckling. I've read magazines and books lying around how sometimes 'pretty' girls surround themselves with their 'less attractive friends' so they could stand out even more. Was this the same shit Angelo was pulling with me?

Without warning, I felt warm hands grab my cold ones, and looking up at the Hand-Thief it was none other than Angelo.

"You're too slow," was his only explanation as he carried on walking.

Not wanting further attention on us, I tried to let him go of my hands but his grasp was too firm. I hated the fact that I loved the feel of his hands wrapped around mine - they were so big, strong yet gentle.

Ridding myself of my ridiculous thoughts, I tried once more for him to let go of my hand, but the boy was just too damn strong.

"It would help things a lot if you talked to me."

Accepting defeat, I said nothing to him and let his hands do all the work of holding mine in place. When his thumb started drawing stupid circles on my palms I had to remind my legs to keep moving and my lungs to keep on taking in air.

He was seriously waltzing with my heart.

Maybe I was just being unnecessarily awkward over something that wasn't such a big deal - but it was weird having a guy willingly want to have any contact with me. I just didn't get it. It was something that made me withdraw even more.

But in the depths of me where no-one could see, I was happy at how we looked - like a damn couple. Finally we reached a stop, and I nearly pee'd myself with excitement when I took in the sight before me.

A candy store!

"I guess if my words can't get me back into your good books, I'm hoping that candy can."

"Don't get ambitious, you were never in my good books."

Before I knew it I found myself standing in front of the jelly bean dispenser.

Grinning he said, "Well at least it's got you talking and it works with Robinho, so I thought I would try it with you."

Rolling my eyes at him, I helped myself to the biggest bag and filled it a quarter way with jelly beans before moving to the butterscotch gums, "I'm not a child."

Laughing to himself like there was a joke I'd missed, he said, "I know that for sure."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing", he said giving me a quick upward downward glance before turning away to get a bunch of Christmas themed rock sweets.


After four and a half hours of shopping, Angelo had finally declared it home time. He had bought so many things we had to keep going back and forth to his car to drop the items off which explained why he brought the minivan instead of one of his fancy sports cars.

"You sure do have a big family."

"It's not for my family."

"Oh okay, for your several baby mamas then."

The way he burst out laughing shocked me a little, I placed my hand on my chest trying to still my racing heart as I watched unamused Angelo bent over with tears spilling from his eyes.

After he'd sobered up we entered the chemist and without noticing we had found our way in the feminine hygiene section. With eyes raised I turned around to ask him what we were doing there and for the first time, he seemed to be out of his comfort zone- as he should be.

"What erm - is there something I should be looking for when buying these things?"

I was confused, but then I thought of Sara, "Didn't your mum tell you what sanitary item she uses?"

"It's not for my mum," he answered, "or for my girlfriend."

He had a girlfriend. He had a girlfriend and I couldn't help not being pleased about it. And that was saying it politely.

It was seriously hard for me to maintain my composure with the way that Angelo looked at me like he was gauging my reaction. I didn't even like him, so why was I jealous?

And most of all, why was I surprised? A handsome egocentric guy like him will always be able to have girlfriends even if he treated her like a peasant.

"So who do you need to buy this stuff for?" I asked pretending to be interested at the box of hair removal cream because I couldn't look at him without him noticing the disappointment on my face of him having a girlfriend.

"To the homeless shelter."



And that's when it actually made sense - the number of gloves, scarves, hats, socks, men and women's briefs and all the other stuff he'd bought that made me wonder a little deeply about what was going on.

For some reason, he seemed rather reluctant to tell me and I didn't understand why.

"We...we have this thing in our family where we don't give gifts to each other on Christmas, instead we give it to others who aren't as fortunate."

Honestly, I could have just hugged him - if I was brave enough. What makes a guy more attractive than knowing he has a generous heart?

Trying the best I could not to give anything away, I picked a pack of pads and box of tampons, "You're going to need to buy different sizes of these."

"Why?" He asked taking the pad I had out of my hands.

"Erm because some women bleed a lot and some don't bleed that much."



For some reason, it did not feel weird talking to him about that sort of stuff. Handing the basket over to me, he said, "Since you know what you're doing, you can take over. Just get a bunch of stuff they might need. I'm going to get some breakfast."

"Angelo, are you being serious right now?"

Not saying anything, he clasped a band of notes and his car keys in my hands. "Have fun."


Chapter 17.1 by Caterina

CHAPTER 17 Pt. 1


"Lucy mum said that you gotta get up for church!"

I pretended I did not hear my brother shouting at me on the other side of my bedroom door and tried to get back to sleep.

"Luciana wake up!"

Grunting grumpily I sat up on my bed wondering in my sleepy state the last time we had gone to church but came up blank. Let's just say, it had been a very long time. I reached out to take my phone from my bedside table and saw that I had a new text message:

FROM: Buttbag

Someone told me that you've been a naughty girl this year and we all know Santa only gives presents to good girls, but luckily for you I got something that would make you scream from joy when you see it. *wink*wink* Merry Christmas, Luciana.

A stupid grin surfaced on my lips as I felt heat growing from the pit of my belly, ignoring the easy effect that the simple text message from him had on me, I quickly cooked up a reply.

TO: Buttbag

Merry Christmas to you too, Mr. Henriquez. I suggest you try to be less perverted in this coming new year.

I must have read the message over twenty times before I fully convinced myself that it was good enough for me to send. I did not want to encourage his little game, or seem desperate by replying one second after he had texted me. Yep, Luciana was going to play it cool.

"Luciana, if you don't come out in five seconds I'm gonna tell mum. One...two...three-"

"I'm here. Happy?" I said after flying out out my bed to reluctantly open the door to my room.

Bobby unexpectedly attacked me into a waist-hug, beaming up at me with a radiant smile on his chocolate coloured face that instantly made me forget my earlier irritation with him. "Merry Christmas, Lucy!"

Releasing myself from his surprisingly strong hold I realised that he was all suited up in his Sunday Best; his short afro was nicely kept, he wore a white suit, pressed white shirt and a black tie and on his feet shiny black shoes. Just when I was about to ask my brother why he was already dressed my dad came up the stairs and I went to attack him into a hug.


"Merry Christmas, daddy," my voice sounded muffled since my mouth was pressed against his shoulder.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Esther. I wonder what's got you so happy", he chuckled as he returned my hug.

Well it definitely did not have anything to do with the text that I got from a certain Spanish hombre. Nope, definitely wasn't it.

"It's Christmas, of course I'm going to be happy," I explained hoping my dad won't try to analyse me any further.


"You sure didn't seem to be in the Christmas spirit over the last few days."

"Well, it has finally caught up to me," I replied and before he could say anything I continued, "I'm just going to have my bath now."


I quickly excused myself and made my way into the bathroom with a small smile on my face. Fine I'll admit it, it was because of Mr. Henriquez.

Twenty minutes later and with a towel wrapped around me I padded back into my room to get dressed. To my surprise, on my bed lay a deep purple dress that just went below the knee with a yellow silk belt around the waist line, beside the dress was a yellow church hat. Looking at the floor were a pair of gorgeous yellow heels that made me gasp at how high they actually were. I didn't want to make a fool of myself like those girls I

saw sometimes at the mall who walked around as if they got a limp when really they just did not know how to walk in heels.

My number one suspect to who could have delivered the goods was Santa but I had to remind myself that Santa Claus is a myth. It took me a minute to see that there was a folded card on top of the dress.

Dear Luciana,

I know you might think of me as the Wicked Witch from the West,

But I'm your mother and all I want for you is the very best,

It is obvious we both have some stuff to get off our chest,

But for now, hurry up and get dressed.

Merry Christmas Luciana.

I smiled at my mum's attempt at writing a poem, it was real cute. My dad was having big effects on her but I dreaded to think on how our conversation was going to go - my mother wasn't exactly the World's Best Listener.

The text alert tone of my phone interrupted my thoughts. I tried so hard not to look happy about reading a message from Angelo but damn it, I had a goofy smile spread on my face.

FROM: Buttbag

Don't pretend that you do not enjoy my perverted ways and what's with the formalities Miss. Carter?

TO: Buttbag

You would like to think that and I'm just being polite, something you should practise. Anyways, I got to get ready for church. Hope you have a great Christmas.

After replying, I wasted no time getting ready. Looking at my reflection in the mirror I tried to convince myself that I looked beautiful, key word 'tried' but that didn't work out. The word sounded too foreign to be associated with me. Not wanting my low self esteem to already dampen my mood for the day I settled with the fact that at least I was wearing

something new. With that in mind, I grabbed my bag and exited out my room to meet my already ready family downstairs.

"Jerome I told you to bring out the chicken to defrost. Now what are we supposed to eat when we come back from church?"

"Baby I told you I forgot. I'm sure it'll be defrosted by the time we come back."

"No, it's not, it takes at least twelve hours for it to - Oh my, Jay look at your daughter!"

At first, I thought I scared my mother with my appearance as her eyes widened so big in a millisecond, it was almost comical. My dad's head whipped around just as I got down the last step of the stairs.


I was starting to feel rather uneasy as my parents continued to watch me like they'd made a very fascinating discovery and I definitely did not like being centre of attention.

"Thank you mum for the dress."

"That's look good", answered my mum, slowly snapping back to reality.

"So what church are we going to?" I asked partly to take the attention completely away from me.

"It's a Pentecostal church not too far away from here. The taxi should be here any minute now but first your daddy and I want to talk to you and Bobby."

As if Bobby knew that he was being called upon he waltzed into the kitchen and then when he saw me his eyes widened too as my mum did as if I was a ghost or something.

"Lucy, you look really pretty!"

"Thank you, Bobby."

Compliments always had a way of making me feel uncomfortable but when my brother said it, it just made me smile.

"Money's tight right now especially so what we're asking from both of you, especially you Bobby, is patience just until your father finds work."

I wasn't all that too interested in getting any gifts for Christmas, more so at the thought of Angelo's family tradition. Satisfied with our response, my mother focused with the main task at hand, which was the frozen raw chicken placed on top of the kitchen counter.

"Jay what exactly do you expect us to eat since you forgot to defrost the chicken?"

As far back as I remembered from our previous Christmas's we always used chicken instead of turkey for our Christmas dinner, but it seemed that we wouldn't be having chicken either.

"We could just eat out, it's not a big deal Maya," replied my dad and I could tell he was

desperately trying to resolve the matter quickly before it escalated.

Luckily we heard the sound of a car horn, cutting off whatever my mum was about to say.

After the church service which I thoroughly enjoyed; all of us decided we were definitely going to permanently fellowship there. My mother having thought better of my dad's suggestion to go to a restaurant, decided we should go to a Chinese buffet restaurant down town. We were all sat in comfortable silence in the taxi until my mother's phone began to ring.

"Hey Sara, Merry Christmas to you too."

Truth be told, I never even knew my mum had friends so I was even more curious. To be honest I think the three of us were surprised as we listened on trying to make out my mother's conversation with new interest.

"Yeaah, just remember to apply the aloe're welcome, no problem....I'm just with my family now we're going to a, I couldn't do're being too've thanked me enough...but I don't want to impose...okay, are you sure?...text me the address and I'll tell the taxi...okay we'll be there soon, thank you bye."

After dropping the phone call, my mother told the taxi driver that she was changing the

destination. The taxi driver looked rather annoyed as he inserted the address into the navigator, before doing a U-turn. I was more than sure he was going to over-charge my mum's indecisiveness and because it was Christmas it would be double the price.

"Honey where exactly are we going?" asked my dad who was just as confused as me.

"We're going to Sara's house," she said looking at her reflection on her compact mirror, "she's a patient I treated at the hospital yesterday and she invited us to join her family for Christmas dinner."

One thing I knew for sure about my mum was that she did not warm up to people so easily especially to someone that she had only known for less than a day.

"Maya please tell me you aren't being serious, we're going to a stranger's house, intruding in their family home to disrupt their Christmas and eating their food like we're some sort of homeless family," argued my dad in a highly annoyed tone.

"Sara and I are not strangers I got to know the woman okay. She willingly invited us into her home, so I do not see what the real problem here is," retorted my mum already getting hot-headed with my dad's disapproval of her actions.

I definitely did understand where my dad was coming from and I suspected his male pride was being wounded, not being able to provide for his family like he should and after all my dad would've preferred if we were all alone together after so much time spent apart. My dad was about to say something back but then changed his mind after

seeing the downcast expression on Bobby's face.

At last the taxi driver came to a stop in front of a three-story mansion and we all

gawked in awe at the gated building standing before us.

"Ma'am you're fee is $45," announced the taxi driver managing to quickly snap

my mum out of her reverie when she heard how much she was being charged.

"What?! It didn't even take ten minutes for you to drive up to this place!"

"Well you changed your destination and that burns gas."

My dad quickly sensing that my mum would be ready to put up another argument with the taxi driver, he intervened, "Baby, just give the man his money."

My mum reluctantly took out her purse and reluctantly handed the taxi driver a few notes whilst muttering to herself of the nerve of the driver cheating her out of her hard-earned money.

It wasn't until we got out of the taxi, that I felt real cold. My teeth chattered and goosebumps formed on the exposed parts of my skin. It wasn't snowing yet, but with the seemingly Antarctic weather I could tell it would soon enough.

Four of us walked towards the black gates and my mum took out her phone to call her friend to inform her of our arrival. She had a brief word with her and within

seconds the gates slowly opened granting us permission to enter the premises.

A wave of apprehension flowed through me as we walked up marble steps that my eyes instantly became fixated on having never seen one in real life. Inside now in what was the foyer, I was already deafened by the sound of loud Latin music playing and a lot of women walking around with crying babies, yelling in Spanish and the men doing their men stuff joking in their native language. The Christmas spirit was definitely buzzing in this place but my mother was wrong to have called it a Christmas 'dinner', it was beyond that.

"Maya it is so good to see you and your family!"

And as the story goes I eventually looked away from the furry of activity to see Sara hugging my mother. As in Sara Henriquez. As in Angelo's mother. I had to blink a couple times to make sure my imagination was not playing up with me.

As if she sensed someone's gaze on her she turned into my direction and looked pleasantly surprised to see me. "Chica how lovely it is to see you!"


Chapter 17.2 by Caterina


Angelo's POV


There are times when I dislike being a Spanish dude - Christmas being one of them.

Relatives from all over the planet who I never even knew existed show up unannounced at my uncle's door with their whole family and I wasn't just talking about a mum, dad and maybe two children - no. It was more like a mum, dad and a dozen children (most who were infants) with maybe a friend or two to tag along, ready to eat free food. My uncle the ever welcoming host was always happy to accommodate since his house was probably large enough to contain the population of the Caribbean.

What took the piss about being in a house full of Latinos who were supposedly your 'relatives', was that you couldn't even hit on any of the girls, in case they ended up being some distant, third cousin relative shit. And I was not on that incest mess.

My mother had told me to place some more slices of turrons, on the serving platters after telling me she was going off to do something - she did tell me what but I didn't really pay attention to what she said as usual. I took a slice from the platter, just to make sure that that the cake had the right texture and quality to be eaten by others and with a mouth full of honey almond goodness I left the kitchen area to play waiter to the five thousand.

"Mi Dios Angelo, you're so big now!"

No shit Sherlock. I forced on a charming smile at the plump, butter-skinned lady in front of me who supposedly thought a twenty-one year old guy like me would be as tall as one of Santa's Little Helpers. I was about to make my swift exit but that definitely did not happen when her chubby hands wrapped around my free one.

"Paloma, venir! Look at Henriquez son!"

Within seconds I had attracted a crowd of menopausal women, who couldn't resist keeping their hands of off me. This was nothing out of the ordinary. I mean shit, one must be deaf, dumb and blind to not take a second look at my awesome face. Usually I'd be pretty cool about being centre of attention but I just wasn't feeling it in that moment, yet I had to keep up the pretence because after all it was Christmas and sharing is caring.

I seriously needed an escape plan, my arms were aching from carrying the silver platter, but I was squashed in the centre by thick Spanish women, forcing me to stay put. And when I say thick, I mean Big Mama thick.

Out of nowhere, someone pushed against my sides, nearly toppling the platter over but I managed to balance it in record time. I looked to my side to see a tall, pretty young girl with a head full of wavy, black hair and without warning bright flashes of light were blinding my eyesight momentarily.

"Smile at the camera...oh mi Dios, you and Maria make such a lovely couple, don't you say Angelo?"

Not this shit again, I thought. I was tired with women trying to pair me off with their daughters and seeing me as their 'future son-in-law', when in reality that would never happen. The girl, Maria, had casually draped her arm round my torso rather tightly, getting way, way too comfortable with me.

Wishing I was anywhere but there, I distracted myself looking at the hordes of people littered around my uncle's house before catching sight of my mum in the foyer talking to a black family of four. Intrigued by the possible new discovery of my bloodline, I was even more than desperate to get out of the tribe of women gathered around me and the one flirting with my arm.

Right then, I spotted Robinho walking my direction so I focused my gaze on him until he made eye contact with me. When he did, I made a subtle sign to get him to come over He already knew what to do.

"Jello, mum's looking for you."

"I'm sorry ladies, but I'm going to have to go," I said as smoothly as possible adding a drop of disappointment in my voice.

That shit worked like magic. The women looked heartbroken that I was no longer gracing them with my presence but with Robinho there, they were compensated and immediately the cheek-squeezing and butt-pinching commenced. I must say my brother handled the attention rather well - I had taught him good.

It had become a thing between my brother and I, especially when it came to large family events like that. He knew the game plan; when the attention got too much, my brother would come in to save the day and later on I would compensate him.

Now that I was free, I stared at the turrons for a moment figuring I would just walk over and ask the family if they wanted a slice- pretty simple but workable. Straightening myself up, I strode over to my mum, but as I was bringing the platter of the traditional cakes forward I became briefly paralysed by who I saw.

"Oh, this is Angelo my eldest son. Angelo, this is Mrs. Carter and her husband. She was the nurse that attended to me for my burns yesterday at the hospital and I decided to invite her over to have Christmas with us. It was a surprise when I found out that Luciana over here and Bobby are her - Angelo, are you okay?"

I was not okay.

Shifting uncomfortably, I throated out, "I'm fine."

God knows I tried hard (maybe not hard enough) not to be swayed away by my lustful thoughts when my eyes laid on her voluptuous curves highlighted by the sexy purple dress she was wearing.

I let my gaze slowly wander to her neck where I could see her toffee skin sheeted with light perspiration and I continued my journey upwards with my eyes to see her chewing nervously on those full, bowed-shaped lips of hers. What I wanted to see most were her eyes but she made it a point to look away like I was not standing in front of her near damn embarrassing myself at the evidence of how much I wanted her.

"Mr. Henriquez...nice to meet you."

The firm handshake and the subtle hard glare I got from Mr. Carter pulled me out of whatever shit Luciana had managed to pull me into. Of course no father would be happy at witnessing some guy eye-humping his daughter, which I admit was not a smart move on my part but for once my lower body part had the reigns.

"I believe we've met before," said Mrs. Carter no doubt recalling back the time I came to her house with the police.

I wasn't a total asshole and I did feel bad when I had seen Bobby crying for Luciana when her mum had said that he couldn't go with her to the police station. I had justified my actions by insisting Luciana had brought it on herself by not providing me her car insurance details. When it came to my cars I did not joke.

Trying to ease off on the tension I chuckled lightly. "I believe we have. Merry Christmas, Mrs. Carter."

"Sara, your boy here is...something else."

"Having two boys is hard work," responded my mum laughing which everyone joined in and I couldn't help but feel some type of way about that - if anything, I had been a ray of sunshine in my mother's life.

"Bobby, Rob is right over there," I said to Bobby as an attempt to take control of the situation again.

"Mum, can I go over to Robinho?"

Mrs. Carter having said yes, he raced off to my brother who looking from where I was, was still being tortured by those women.

One down. Two to go.

Conveniently, Uncle Eduardo passed our little group and within two minutes of my mum introducing each person my uncle's flawless hospitality was able to sway away Mr. Carter.

Two down. One to go.

"Maya, I really want to show you...something," she said passing a mischievous glance at Luciana and I, "let's leave these kids alone."

Not even waiting for Mrs. Carter's response, my mother dragged her away into the crowd, leaving me and Luciana alone - at last.

I stood in front of her thinking she would finally acknowledge my presence instead she started stalking off into an unknown direction. Before she could walk any further I grasped her wrist and she stumbled onto my chest. Using the tip of my fingers I lifted her chin up until I could see those chocolate-dipped eyes of hers.

I leaned forward until she could hear my breath in her ears. "Was you just going to walk away without wishing me a Merry Christmas?"

Her breath hitched, I chuckled quietly- she was feeling something and she was fighting against it. I pulled her back against my chest when she tried to walk away again.

"Let me go, people are watching."

The irritation was loud in my voice."So?"

"I need you to stop playing your games with me."

"What games?" I asked confused.

"This game of Stop it", she said finally looking at me properly.

Not even bothering to reply to her protests to let her go and beyond pissed I passed the damn silver platter down to a random guest and with a strong grip on Luciana she had no choice but to follow me up the stairs.

"Where are you taking me to Angelo?"

"Somewhere you can properly explain to me the shit you've just accused me of."

Pushing the door open to a vacant guest room I led Luciana inside before closing the door and sitting on the king sized bed. Looking back at her annoyed face I asked as calmly as I could, "Explain to me about this game."

"I don't have time for this, I'm leaving Angelo."

"Not until you tell me what I want to know."

"Are you threatening me?" she asked eyes wide in shock.

"Do you want to leave?"

"You are threatening me", a bitter laugh escaped her, "unbelievable."

From where I sat I had the perfect view of her standing in the middle of the room in every way perfect and every way pissed at me. It was obvious, I got off on getting on her nerves.

"It's all a big game to you, pick on the low esteem girl, she's an easy target. You know all the right words to say to make her feel good about herself and then at the unexpected moment you'll break her down and make her feel like she's worth less than shit."

I was dumbfounded.

"Very clever. Pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. I saw you with that girl earlier on and she had her arms around you. From where I stood you two looked pretty comfortable around each other. I bet you say the same shit to her and all the other countless girls you like to play with when you're bored."

To vexed to say shit, I marched over to where she stood, grabbing her I slammed our bodies against the wall. Before I could second guess anything my lips smashed against her soft ones. Her soft whimpers and moans, nearly drove my mind to insanity. My hands having a life of their own ended up slowly massaging the soft flesh of her ass.

Knowing that if I did not stop any sooner, it would be harder to stop later, I slowly unlatched my lips from hers. Our short gasps of air mingled together and for brief seconds I watched her partly closed eyes, still revelling in the moment. They looked so dark and vulnerable and shiny with lust.

"Did that seem like a game to you?"

Before she could answer the door to the room opened and without warning I felt the force of Luciana's hands push me away.

"Kids if you're in here, dinner's r-Oh Dios Mio, I didn't realise you two would be...I'-I'll just go now," said my mother still standing at the doorway looking back and forth between Luciana and I.

It was one of those moments where I had to be careful not to curse out my mother, and I actually had to close my eyes and count to ten knowing that Luciana was flying out the room at that moment and I had let her go.

A bright smile covered my mother's face as Luciana rushed past her muttering an apology. I knew the second she left my mother would want to relieve what was on her mind, things that I necessarily did not want to hear or admit to myself because I was simply in no mood for it.

"Mamá , no ahora", I said going back to sit on the bed.

Thankful that she didn't push and respecting my need to be alone, with effort she restrained herself from saying anything further and closed the door, leaving me in the dimness of the room.


Chapter 18.1 by Caterina


Boxing Day to many meant Boxing Day sales, to me it meant lying in bed for as long as possible and pondering over my first kiss.

After Sara had caught Angelo and I in a very compromising position, I had quickly excused myself, racing out the room as if the furious fires of hell were chasing me. During the Christmas dinner, everyone (which was a whole lot of people), sat around the long dining table indulging in the several delicious Spanish traditional dishes that I didn't know the names to.

I was able to squish myself between my brother and a woman who carried her crying infant on her lap. Even though the piercing screeches of the baby put my hearing at high risk, I was happy that I was at a safe distance from where Angelo sat. Yet, even without looking up I could feel his presence and I was forced to glance at where he sat with a stolid expression on his face like he hadn't rocked my world ten minutes before.

Thankfully, he did not bother me anymore for the rest of the night even though I had kind of secretly wished he would. Even with all the music, laughter, conversations, it still did not help distract me from thinking about what had transpired between Angelo and I.

The rest of the time I was in his uncle's house I made sure that I was surrounded by people, mostly women happily chattering away loudly in their native language, whilst I just smiled and nodded my head pretending to understand a word they were saying.

It was half past midnight before my family and I left and as soon as I got home I changed into my pyjamas and crashed on my bed.

I hated the stupid mushy, weak, vulnerable, he-gave-me goosebumps, he-made-my-whole-body-tingle, he-made-my-heart-race-faster-than-the-speed-of-light emotions that for the last twenty four hours I'd been plagued with. It was incredibly annoying.

Deciding it best to get up, I left my room hoping to clear my head just a bit. Downstairs in the kitchen, my mother was taking the chicken out of the oven. The smell was awesome and it was no surprise that my belly rumbled in hunger.

"You're out of bed early," she said snapping me out of my surprise at seeing her in the process of actually making food - something that happened rarely.

My dad was definitely working his magic on her.

"It's midday mum," I said screwing my eyes in confusion after looking up at the clock and seeing it was half twelve.

"You don't say."

My mum was trying her hand out in sarcasm - I did not like it. For one, it was harder to tell if she would be okay with me talking back at her or not.

I planted my butt on one of the stools round the kitchen island and watched with my mouth watering as the juices trickled out the chicken when she cut into it.

"You want some?" She asked after looking up and seeing me perving hard on the chicken.

Without needing to be asked twice I eagerly shook my head to say yes and went on to grab plates out from the kitchen cabinets for the both of us.

"Where's Bobby and daddy?"

"Bobby's still asleep and your dad's gone over to Eduardo's house to talk 'business' as your dad so mildly put it."

Even though he was the most chill out of my parents, my dad didn't warm up that easily to people either so I was surprised that he'd become acquainted enough to feel comfortable to go over to Eduardo's house again. Sara and my mother were acting like best friends already, I knew for a fact that Maya Erica Carter would never ever just go to a practically stranger's house and spend Christmas with the stranger and their family. Even my brother had forged some sort of bromance with Robinho.

I momentarily stopped eating as I came to a sudden awareness that my whole family had become entranced by the charismatic spell of the Henriquezs'.

Except me of course.

Me kissing the Butt-bag was a mistake I wasn't willing to make again.

My mum stopped mid- chew when she noticed I was staring into space and not eating. "What are you thinking about so much that's got your face screwed like you been sucking on a sour lemon?"

"Nothing." I glued my eyes to the half-eaten chicken on my plate avoiding my mum's stare that read 'Liar'.

"I think it's about time we talked," I heard her say after a moment's sigh.

"Oh," I said but in my head I was planning my escape plan just in case she decided to use the knife to bring her point across to me.

"Over the past years I realise that I put a lot on you. I wanted to be strong for you and Bobby but really you became the backbone of this family. And I know a lot of times I wasn't there as a mother for you and for that, I am sorry."

Despite her words meaning a lot to me, I couldn't look my mother in the eye because I was so unused to this vulnerable side of her. "It's okay mum."

"Also another thing Luciana, I could tell you you're beautiful a million times but you're gonna have to see the beauty I helped make, yourself."

Turning my eyes to my plate, I stuck a piece of chicken in my mouth so she wouldn't see me rolling my eyes at her slyly conceited self.

"So want to tell me what was up with you yesterday?"

"What was up with me yesterday?"

"I saw you at the dining table and you looked all shaken up."

At that exact moment when I thought I would have to answer to what I definitely did not want to provide an answer to, the house phone started to ring and my mum got up to answer it. Breathing a sigh of relief I thanked my guardian angels.

"Sara! Thank you so much for inviting my family and I over yesterday. We had a great time."

At the mention of Angelo's mother's name, I choked on the small piece of chicken I was chewing on. I prayed hard that Sara would not tell my mum about the circumstances she found me and Angelo, because if she did, shit would be going down.

Out of nowhere, small hands smacked my back repetitively and rather hard, but I ignored the pain because it was actually helping.

"It's okay now Bobby, thanks, I'm good,"I quickly said seeing my brother's hands nearing to hit my back again.

Dropping his hands to his side, I noticed him eyeing my plate so I asked him if he wanted some which he responded with an obvious yes. After getting up to cut some slices of chicken and placing it into a plate, I slid it over to Bobby.

"Bobby baby, Mrs. Henriquez says that Robinho is going rock climbing, do you want to go too ?" asked my mother with the phone pressed to her chest.

I looked over at my brother whose eyes had grown three times larger from the last time I saw him which was like five seconds ago.

Hardly containing his excitement he started jumping around completely neglecting his chicken. "I wanna go!"

"Okay, Robinho's brother is going to come over and give you a ride in about an hour so go get ready."

With that said Bobby zoomed out of the kitchen, and left his barely eaten chicken on the table.

And before I could get back to decimating my chicken thigh, my mother delivered the breaking news that I'd be accompanying my brother out.


Chapter 18.2 by Caterina


Angelo's POV



"Jello, I wanna go rock climbing."

"Are you seriously kidding me Robinho, rock climbing? What are you, Humpty Dumpty?"

"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, he didn't climb a rock."

"Same difference. Do you seriously need to go rock climbing on Boxing Day?"

"Yup. I helped distract those women away from you yesterday and now it's your turn to do something for me."

"And you couldn't choose any other day but today?"

"Nope. I'm going back to Spain soon I want to do something fun. Mum's going to ask if Bobby can come."

"Get mom to ask Bobby's mum if Luciana can come too."

"Ooh Jello likes Luciana. He wants to kiss her."

"Shut up hedgehog face and get out of my room."

"You're just jealous because you'll never look good as me with a mohawk."

"Remember who's got the driving license to drive your little butt to your Humpty Dumpty place."

"I'm telling mum off you."

"I'm so scared."

"Te odio."

"Don't be a hater. Te amo, hermano."

That was the conversation my brother and I had at ten in the morning after he had rudely barged into my room. I could have kicked him in the balls right then and there for breaking me off my sleep, especially because I did not get back from my uncle's house till in the early hours of the morning.

Fortunately for my brother's balls and his future children, I realised the great opportunity presented before me which I couldn't afford to go to waste. And that's why a victorious grin was bombed on my lips as I drove over to pick up Luciana and her brother at their house, looking forward at seeing her reaction when she saw what I got her.

"I'm gonna tell Luciana that you like her."

"You tell her that and I'm gonna tell everyone you wet the bed, I'm sure that would be fascinating news for everyone."

"Okay, fine I won't," responded Robinho defeated.

I fixed my gaze back on the road ahead smiling at the little prank I pulled on my brother the other night when I had crept into his room whilst he was asleep and poured water on his bed. He had woken up in the morning crying, convinced he had wet the bed after seeing the wet patch. It took all of my self-control not to burst out laughing as he cried pleading for me not to tell my mum about what happened.

Speaking of my mum - my highly opinionated mum - she hadn't said anything about what happened at the Christmas party.

My mother had made a career out of being an actress so I wasn't surprised that she acted as if nothing had happened so flawlessly. Aside from acting, poking her nose into my business was her field of expertise. But honestly she had to realise that I was a twenty-one year old grown man and not the ten year old that left Spain all those years ago.

When I parked my car infront of Luciana's house I checked myself out in the rear-view mirror making sure I was looking as handsome as usual but then I felt this strange stuff going on inside my belly, and it definitely wasn't because I needed a shit, it was like this weird fluttering sensation. It was messed up. Luciana put me on edge - an edge where I

wanted to fall off and fall right into her chest and motorboat right back to the edge again and again and - okay jokes aside - I liked her.

It would be the first time I would be admitting it to myself and it was highly unsettling, even more unsettling was when I saw her come out of her house and the shit going on in my insides intensified.

Man, I thought I was losing it.

The rain was getting heavier, so I turned my wiper on just as Bobby climbed in the seat behind Robinho, whilst Luciana was still behind locking her house door. When she was done she put her hood up and jogged over to my car. She entered first with her backside and just as I'd planned, her plump behind compressed the fart balloon which in effect produced a mocking sound of how my mother's trumpet farts sounded like in the


She screamed and I laughed my ass off.

"Eww, Lucy, you could've done that before you got in," said Bobby covering his nose from the non-existent farty smell whilst my stomach nearly exploded from me laughing so hard.

"Bobby, I did not fart, I'm not sure what it was..."

Picking up the now deflated balloon, she glared at me with those coffee coloured eyes of hers through the rear view mirror. "Mind telling me why this..this balloon was put here?"

"That was your Christmas present from me."

Her eyes squinted and her lips pursed to show her deep annoyance, but that only made her look even more cute.

"You said that the present will make me scream from..." she trailed off again not able to finish her sentence as she realised she had gained the curious stares of Bobby and Robinho wanting in on the conversation.

"From what?" I asked smirking harder daring her to say what I knew she wouldn't say.

"Never mind."

"Hm. Thought so."

She briefly gave me a dirty look, before turning her gaze to stare out the window. The rain was beating down full on so I switched the wipers to a faster level, thankful that there was no traffic. Glancing at Luciana through the rear view mirror I watched her eyebrows scrunch up as if she was having some intense thoughts whilst she subconsciously bit on the inside of the lips that I had the honour (and pleasure) of

exploring the day before.

Best present ever.

I would be lying if I said that it didn't do my ego any good that she was jealous of the girl that hung on my arms whilst I was kept hostage by those big mamas. Luciana's possessiveness was kinda sexy to me.

On a contrary note, why would she say I was playing games with her? I didn't understand her. She was crazy and seriously frustrating. It was hard getting her alone after my mum caught us together - she was avoiding me. There was some real shit between us and she could deny it with her lips but not when her lips were on mine.

"So, Luciana are you looking forward to spending the day with my brother and I?" Robinho asked with a mischievous twinkle in his eye that all Henriquez men had when they were up to something.

"Yeah, sure," she said uneasily after quickly glancing at me.

"Well who are you looking more forward to spending the day with, me or Jello?"

Why my brother had to use that damn nickname infront of her was beyond me. Her eyes sparked alive with a twinkle as she giggled at Robinho's question. What an annoying little pisshead. Nevertheless, my hands braced tighter around the steering wheel as I waited for Luciana's answer.

"Of course, I'm looking forward to spending the day with you Robinho."

"I knew it. I'm sure my brother would be disappointed to hear that since he was the one that asked that you-"

"Oh Robinho, I forgot to ask mum about your potty training lessons."

Since when did my brother think he was a master player of the game I invented? I watched as his tanned face turned into a deep crimson shade - he looked mortified- exactly the look I was banking on.

Bobby who hadn't breathed so much of a word, startled the car with his loud taunting laugh. "Robinho, you still get potty trained? Are you like wearing diapers now?"

"I do not get potty trained!"

"He doesn't really get potty trained, it's just a private joke between us," I said hoping for his sake that my brother had learnt a valuable lesson not to mess with me.

"Yeah right," responded Bobby sarcastically definitely not convinced.

"Bobby that's enough now," said Luciana but I could tell she was finding it difficult not to laugh.

After about a minute Robinho and Bobby returned to their usual bantering whilst Luciana avoided eye contact with me for the rest of the car ride.

When we reached the indoor rock climbing centre our brothers quickly got out of the car, already arguing who was going to climb the highest and fastest to the top. Luciana too, walked ahead with the boys and it would have been clear as daylight to anyone on the

outside that she was still avoiding me. Chuckling silently at her antics, I strode over until I was behind her, putting both my hands firmly on her hips. She stopped moving - for about two seconds until she tried to push me away with her arm. I nibbled gently on the soft folds of her ears, loving the feel of them between my lips and loving more the

reaction I got from her.

"You've had twenty four hours to avoid me. Now's not the time."

Letting go of her, I paced over triumphantly to the boys, leaving Luciana to recover.

The rock climbing place from the outside looked pretty edgy with grey and white footsteps imprinted all over the building. Done with the aesthetics, the four of us walked inside to get to the reception where we were greeted by the woman on the counter.

The receptionist proceeded to ask me as the voice of the group, the standard questions like if any of us had a fear of heights, any illnesses which may affect any of us partaking in rock climbing and if Luciana may be pregnant which had made me laugh after hearing her defiant no.

After all the boring, compulsory questions were answered the woman informed me that because of Robinho's and Bobby's age they would not be able to go to the main rock climbing hall but instead would have to go to the kiddies version.

"Bobby, are you sure you and Robinho are going to be okay on your own?"

"Miss, there's no need to worry we are fully staffed with instructors to supervise them and besides there are other children their age that they can interact with," informed the woman reassuring the mother-hen that was Luciana.

"Yeah, me and nappy boy are going to be okay on our own Lucy."

"I told you to stop with that."

"I'm sorry, I can't help it," replied Bobby not looking at all sorry.

"I don't wet the bed!" whispered Robinho his face gradually turning red.

"Bobby I'm warning you, be nice to Robinho," she said before nodding her head towards the woman instructor. "Now go."

After our brothers left with their instructor, a caucasian, five foot something, muscular guy appeared before us with a harness slung around his waist introducing himself as Mark, stating whilst looking slyly at Luciana that he was going to be our instructor. My eyes hardened at the middle aged shithead who thought he was clever implying that fact especially to her. I balled my fist tighter trying to contain my anger when I saw Luciana smile coyly back at Mark. Damn right I was jealous.

I glared at Luciana to send her a 'WTF' message but she didn't even pay attention instead she walked ahead of me following the instructor as he led us into the main rock

climbing hall. Getting there I briefly took in the simulated rocks round the vast room that had different coloured climb holds attached on them. There were a few other people there but not many to call it a crowd.

"Have you done this before, darling?" asked Mark directing the question only

at Luciana as he continued to hump her with his eyes.

"Yeah, I've done it a couple times," I cut in before Luciana could reply.

He blatantly ignored me. And to think that I was a paying customer, what ever the fuck happened to customer service?

"And what about you, darling? Have you ever... climbed...a rock... before?"

I could have slammed his face onto the floor but I was able to rein in some self control before it was too late. The old fart with his back combed, slick, over-gelled hair that failed to cover the balding patch in the middle of his head, was trying to get into Luciana's pants with what he thought was a seductive voice. And to add insult to injury,

Luciana giggled at his question.

"The man asked you if you've done rock climbing before, the question was hardly borderline humorous."

In return I received an equal look of annoyance from her before she turned around to answer the instructor, who I refused to refer to by his name.


"That's fine, darling, there's a first time for everything. First of all you're going to have to put on a harness and then I'm going to go through the safety guidelines with you and a quick demonstration."

The instructor then proceeded to hand out a pair of harnesses to the both of us with me left to strap it on myself. I watched how the instructor slyly placed his hand on her lower

back as she placed her feet in the two holes of the trapping. She was about to bend down to pull up the harness, but the instructor stopped her, insisting he would do it and I didn't miss how the little shithead took his sweet time to do it and 'accidentally' brush his hands up her thighs. Not ready to take more of the nonsense, I marched over to the both of them just as the instructor was about to adjust the belt across her waist. I snatched the strap out of the so-called instructor's hand, forcing Luciana closer to me.

"I got this."

"I'm the instruct-"

"I said, I got this," I gritted out feeling my patience wearing thin fast.

Luckily for the guy, he backed his nasty ass off. "Angelo, are you crazy? He's the instr-"

The look I gave Luciana cut off the rest of what she was to say and she kept silent like a good girl whilst I quickly secured the harness around her waist. That shithead certainly did not deserve to touch her. "There you go, sweet honey pie. Now behave yourself."

Placing a quick kiss on her forehead, I hid my smile at seeing her unimpressed look before turning back to the instructor so he could proceed with the tutorial.

"Now rock climbing isn't that hard at all. Most important thing is that you take your time. Whatever you do, don't look down or you're more likely to fall when you see how far up you are from the ground. When going down don't try and jump off thinking the harness will land you safely. It won't, simple as that. To come down you have to use the same method you used when climbing up, which was using the hand holds and foot holds. Any problems up there and give a shout, understood?"

Luciana shook her head as her affirmative answer. "Good. You can go first. Come over here."

She walked over to the instructor who stood in front of the shorter sized rock walls, and my lips lifted seeing her stare at the trapezium shaped wall in amazement as if she'd discovered a new planet or something. It was one of the many things I liked about her; how little things easily made her smile or got her excited.

The instructor clipped her harness around the climbing slings before permitting her to climb up. I watched cautiously as she placed her feet on the first of the climb holds just in case she slipped or hurt herself. My gaze then shifted to the instructor to see him staring hungrily at Luciana's ass like it was a Big Mac Meal or something. It was taking all of me not to face-plank the guy. Realising I was watching him, watching her, he eventually tore his gaze away.

"Oh my gosh, Angelo. Look how far up I am!" I heard Luciana shout barely three feet off the ground.

Chuckling I replied back, "Yeah, you're definitely soaring in the clouds."

Just then, someone rushed over to the instructor asking for assistance and then the instructor quickly muttered to me that he was going over to help someone and if I needed him I should come over. Happily dismissing him, I replied, "Yeah we will be fine on our own."

Still unaware that her precious instructor had gone away, I decided it was time I played a little game with Luciana.

"Damn that ass should be listed in the World Heritage Sites because it is certainly a sight for sore eyes," I drawled out in my best southern accent that immediately stopped Luciana climbing further.

"Her butt hits me in the face like a punching bag,

Mi senorita hermosa,

It's hard not to talk so explicit,

When the visuals are extremely pleasing,

Lucy climbing up a rock,

I'd prefer if she were sat on my big Spanish -"

"Angelo, what exactly do you think you're doing?"

"Pouring out my soul as I sing to you," I answered back plainly but what she couldn't see as her back was facing me was that my body was trembling so hard at holding back from laughing at her obviously not appreciating my out of tune singing.

"Angelo, please bring me down so I can murder you."

"But I can't do that because I'm not a qualified instructor."

Growling in frustration she said, "Don't mess with me right now, I need to come down."



Even I had my limits and I couldn't resist the sound of desperation in her voice any longer so I raced over to check what was wrong with her, only to see her staring at the wall helplessly.

"Luciana, take a deep breath and feel for the foot holds a step at a time before coming down."

"I'm scared I'm going to slip."

Not wanting her to risk her safety, I quickly hooked my harness onto the climbing slings, racing up until I was butt-to-face with her. Momentarily distracted, I stopped to stare - well that was until I heard Luciana shout at me.

"Honestly, what is your problem?"

Smirking widely at her frustrated face, I replied, "They're right behind you."

Her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion at what I could have been talking about but when she saw me nod towards her generous buttocks, she growled angrily at me. Unexpectedly she lifted her feet on one of the footholds aiming to take a kick at my face, which I quickly avoided whilst laughing at her vain attempt.

Unfortunately, she lost her balance and screamed out loud as her body fully detached itself from the rock wall and the climbing sling swung her weight back and forth.

Her face: Priceless.


Climbing the rest of the way to meet her I was able use one of my hands to grab her already outstretched ones to connect her back the climbing holds next to me.

"And that is why you don't try to kick someone in the face. Now one step at a time climb down, I'm right behind you."

After the hilariously traumatizing moment, Luciana punched me in my arm. About forty five minutes later the four of us were at a pizza place sharing a margherita. Bobby and Robinho bantered away, Luciana on the other hand was pretty much still in shock. I tried not to laugh in her face remembering how her arms flailed about screaming manically for help.

An hour later, I dropped her off home and with not so much of a bye or 'thank you for saving my life', she got out of my car with Bobby.

I loved getting under her skin.


Chapter 19 by Caterina


My jeans did not fit me anymore - couldn't say I was surprised.

I had bought it after seeing it on the "70% off" rack a month back, knowing that if I left it to my indecisiveness on whether I should take it or not it would be gone by the time I went back for it.

Growling in frustration that the jeans could not even provide the illusion of toned, slender legs instead of tree-trunk thighs, I pulled it off of me and threw it across my room not caring where it landed. Skinny jeans, my foot. I guess trying clothes during or after the Christmas holidays was not the brightest of ideas.

Sighing, I looked around my room to see the mess that I had made in the hour that I'd returned back from the rock climbing place. My carpeted floor was littered with clothes that I had angrily disposed of after realising I was too big for them.

Wearing only unmatched briefs, I turned to look at myself in the full length mirror. My belly was its usual flabby self, hey-ho, no surprise there. It appeared to me like there were fresh prints of stretch marks on the side of my hips - no amount of cocoa butter could erase those ugly squiggles away. And oh gosh, my thighs were rubbing on each other. I really wished I could dismember my body and start all over again like a puzzle piece.

I rotated slightly so I could take a view of my butt, which in theory I believe was at least a third of my body mass. My lips curved into a stupid grin when I stared a little longer at them whilst thinking of the Buttbag singing that ridiculous song- he was so damned silly.

Onto not so brighter notes, the part where I accidentally detached myself from the rock walls dangling back and forth - honest to God, I saw my life flash before my eyes - well that was until the butt of a bag that was Angelo, decided to play hero despite him being the reason I was dangling for life.

I could not understand why he put up that jealous act in front of our instructor, especially since Mark was ever the polite gentleman. I bet the reason he was acting so anal towards Mark was because no one was paying him as much attention as usual. Boy, needed to realise the Earth didn't orbit around him like he was the damn Sun.

I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me giddy inside seeing Angelo get all possessive on me. Nevertheless, I still wasn't in the happiest of moods with him so after he had dropped Bobby and I off, I thought it best to distract myself by sorting out clothes I'd be giving to charity. Yet there I was groping my butt with a smile lit on my face because of him.

I couldn't understand myself anymore - how could he control my mood so effortlessly?

The sound of my bedroom door being swung open made me release the hold I had on my buttocks to quickly grasp for a nearby top to cover my half-naked self. Knocking on the door meant shit-all to my mum.

"Luciana you would not-" having taken notice of the state of my room she stopped her sentence and the excitement on her face turned into a frown.

"Luciana clean up your room. You're a lady not a tramp. I raised a human not an animal. Your fairy Godmother isn't just going to magically appear with a wand and clean up after your butt. "

Struggling not to roll my eyes at her dramatics, I answered, "Okay, ma."

"Good. Now when you finish come down stairs and I'll show you the things I bought when I went shopping with Sara today."


I was confused on how the two seemed to have formed a friendship so quickly - a brief meet at the hospital and they were already becoming shopping buddies. It was so unlike my mother.

"Yes Sara. What other Sara do I know? You kids went out and Sara wanted to get stuff for her relatives back in Spain and asked me if I could help show her round. Now stop with the questioning, clean up your room and come down," she instructed before closing the door to my room.

Thirty minutes later I was done clearing up my room to an acceptable standard (acceptable in my eyes anyway) and I headed down the stairs to meet my mother, wait for the kitchen. It was the second time that day, and to my surprise she was happily humming and cooking something like the perfect housewife. I guess my mother really was making a change.

My mother had said money was tight for us, so I was indeed baffled when I spotted numerous shopping bags lying around on the floor.

"That room better be spotless when I go check it, girl," she said whilst wiping her hand on the dry cloth before coming forward to pick up the shopping bags and placing them on the counter.

"Mum I thought you said that we didn't have enough money so why all the shopping?" I asked needing to divert the conversation.

Busy ruffling through the bags like she was in search of something specific, she didn't bother to answer my question. Instead she handed me three carrier bags and I gingerly took it wondering what was inside.

"I got you those. I just thought you may need some new clothes for school. If you don't like 'em, I still got the receipt for you to take back and choose something else you want."

Not going to lie, my heart warmed at the thought of my mum going out of her way to buy me something even though I was sure there were some overdue bills which she hadn't yet paid off.

"Thank you mum, but you shouldn't have especially with the bi-"

"Look, I work hard and I deserve to treat myself and my family. I'm not going to use all my wages to pay the bills, girl. The bills will sort themselves at a later date," she said as she brought out a pair of low-heeled gold, sparkly ribbon pumps from its box. "The Boxing Day sale is mad out there, guess how much I bought these babies for?"

Briefly taking a glance at the shimmering shoes held up gloriously in my mum's hand, I gave my estimate, "A hundred?"

"Nope. Thirty-five."



"Never would've thought."

"I know right," answered my mum momentarily admiring the pumps before placing them back in the rightful box and sifting through other items she had purchased.

"When your brother wakes up I want him to try on these converses, they only had it in a size four and a half and he's a size four, so I hope it still fits him."

I'm sure my brother would be ecstatic to see that he finally owned a pair of the converses that he'd had his eye on for ages, which my mum had promised him countless times she was going to get him.

"Bobby would definitely grow into these," I said in favour of my brother who was still in his room no doubt deep in his sleep after the 'adventurous' day he had with his dear friend Robinho.

"I know, my baby's growing so fast," sighed my mum holding up a short sleeved top fit for Bobby.

Suddenly remembering something, my mum lowered the shirt with a knowing look on her face. "Speaking of growing fast, word is that you and that boy Angelo were caught doing grown-up things over at his uncle's house yesterday."

My heart dropped for in that moment I thought she was going to exterminate me. Off the top of my mind I couldn't even come up with a cover up.

Sighing, she abandoned the shopping bags and took a seat on the stool whilst I stood in front of her like a scared little kid anxious to know the oncoming punishment.

My mum had never really discussed with me when I could date or anything like that - not that she needed to because obviously there was no reason to. But at least if she did start on me, I had some ground to stand, a shaky ground, but still a ground.

"You're eighteen -- officially an adult by law but as long as you live under my roof you still a child, my child who I still have certain authority over. I once was your age so don't think because I'm your mother that I don't know all about the feelings and overflow of hormones you teenagers get."

I earnestly prayed that, after being five years late, she was not going to give me the birds and the bees talk. On the other hand I was more than surprised that she hadn't sought out a frying pan to hit me on the head with, she was rather calm.

"You told me the young boy employed you as his 'housemaid' for a period of time in compensation for you damaging his car, right?"

"That's right mum."

"And somewhere along the line you two seemed to have developed into something more, right?"

I nodded my head profusely, ignoring the silly thrums of my heart at my mum's question, at the possibility of me and Angelo being 'something more'. "That's not right mum."

"So what is it that Sara tells me about finding you two pressed together on the wall?"

When she said it like that, it sounded so wrong.

I lowered my head as my face became flush with embarrassment. "It was just a kiss."

"And 'just a kiss' can lead to STD's or me being a grandma -- I'm too young to have a grandchild."

Resisting rolling my eye at my mum's dramatics, I watched as she grabbed her bag digging her hands inside before she pulled out what seemed like a prescription packet and tossed it over to me.

My eyes widened in shock, when I realised exactly the prescription she had given me.

"Don't look at me like that girl. I'm your momma and my job is to keep you safe. I know that Sara's boy is in college and with those looks he's definitely not innocent and you definitely aint't getting any innocent the more time you spend with him. As your mum you know I would love for you to wait until you're married but obviously I can't make you do that. There should be mutual love and respect with the man you share yourself with. I also bought you some cond-"


Heart pounding, I tossed the packet of the contraceptive pills into a random shopping bag that was nearby and my mum chucked the handful of condoms that she was getting out back into her bag.

Just as I placed my pointer finger to my lips begging my mum not to say shizzle to my dad, he walked into the kitchen with a curious look on his face.

Not wanting him to get into interrogative mode I quickly raced over the short distance, arresting him into a hug.

"Hey daddy, how was your day?"

"Hey baby girl, my day was good," he answered returning my hug.

Noticing the bags lying on the floor, he asked, "What's all this?"

My mum who had gotten up to check what was she had placed on the fire answered with her back turned. "Oh, it's just a few things I bought today when I went out with Sara."


My dad clearly did not agree with my mum's choice of adjective to describe the amount of shopping she'd done.

"Yeah few. Don't start troubling my ass now, Jay."

"Whatever. I got something I want to say. Where's Bobby?"

"He's still asleep, we went rock climbing today with Mrs. Henriquez's sons and I guess he lost all his energy."

"You mean with the one you're on a first name basis with?"

Feeling uncomfortable with the way the conversation was turning, I softly replied, "That's right."

"Baby, why don't you tell us what you have to say?"

I could have hugged my mum so tight for saving me from my dad's impending interrogation.

"Guess who's officially employed?"

The bright smile gracing my dad's face quickly fell at my mother's response. "Jay you been out for less than a week and you say you got a job? If this is another illegal shit, I sw-"

"Maya calm down. I'm on probation and regardless of that you really think I'd do some stupid shit like that again?"

After a short, silent glaring match which my dad won, he continued, "Eduardo Henriquez heads a major cargo shipping business and he thinks I may be good to work for him. I told him about my past and he was fine with it. I'll be working in one of his warehouses sorting packages. A job's a job and that man's paying good."

"Oh okay baby well I'm happy for you," said my mum walking over to my dad planting a kiss on his lips.

Sometimes it was just funny when I saw my parents back and forth attitude with each other, one minute their arguing and the next their loving each other up.

Of course as his daughter I was happy that he'd finally gotten a job and in a short space of time too (it just showed the importance of networking) but I just wished his employer wasn't the uncle of the guy I sort of had feelings for.

Leaving the couples to themselves because what they were doing was borderline improper for me to see, I grabbed the stuff that my mum bought for me and scurried off to my room.

I lied down on my bed, ready to take a quick nap exhausted from the day's events when a terrifying thought shocked my body to get up again.

The bag I'd thrown the contraceptive pills in was next to my dad.


Chapter 20 by Caterina



"Your dad and I are going to the mechanic to get the car fixed, d'you want to come with us?"

Going to the mechanic was hardly a fun family day out and besides if I really wanted to go I couldn't.

"I can't. Angelo has some work for me to do," I explained as sorrowfully as I could.

Still lying down on my bed, I tightened my bed covers around me, pulling them up so they covered the silly smile that I had on. My mum didn't need to see that.

And I wasn't smiling at the prospect of seeing him. Pshtt, forget that. It was because I was going to be washing his dishes and doing his dirty laundry. Yep, I was happily soaking up my life as a housemaid.

My mother, who up until then was standing at the doorway of my room, came walking inside until she was stood next to me at the head of my bed. Taking something out of her bag, she finally placed them on my bedside table.

Having taken notice of the foiled squares and contraceptive pills, I thought my eyes were going to pop out their sockets. My mum, who was playing oblivious to my shocked expression, patted me on my head and lowered her head until there was a small distance between us, before saying in a whisper, "Remember mommy loves you."

Raising her head, she lightly laughed as she retreated out of my room finally paying attention to my I-just-saw-Jesus-come-back-to life shocked expression, but before closing the door behind her she said, "We're taking Bobby along with us."

Ripping the covers away from me, I stood in front of the bedside table staring in amazement at the small, squared packages for awhile. I was in an exploring mood so I picked an orange one up; it felt cold to touch. There was nothing much to it, it had the name of the brand and in small prints it read, '1 latex condom'.

Deciding to go all the way, haha, I tore open the corners and was a bit cautious to what I would find, but all I did find was, an orange circle shaped thing. Okay, whatever. Placing the wrapper back on the bedside table but retaining the condom, I poked the centre with my pointer finger not really sure of what I was doing. Having rolled out the thicker outer bit with my other hand, the condom now looked like a long, orange translucent balloon. The 'balloon' though had some sort of grease on it which I figured was the lubricant.

I remembered back in health class we were given a demonstration on how to put condoms on using a pretend penis. A lot of the students had volunteered to try and put one on but I didn't - I planned on not knowing how to use it for a long while - obviously that didn't go to plan.

As I wondered in my head if we had bananas or cucumbers at home, my phone vibrated. I laid the condom on the torn wrapper, wiping off the oily substance off of my fingers on my pyjama bottoms before picking up my phone from underneath my pillow.


Sugar honey pie, I'm going to pick you up in about half an hour.

The boy was a mess. I rolled my eyes restraining the smile that was fighting its way on to my face.

I only had a limited time to get ready and I still needed to find a hiding place for the condoms and pills to prevent myself getting axe-murdered by my dad.

I didn't think there was anywhere safe in my room to put them in; underneath my mattress would be the typical place to put it and that's the first place anyone would look so I thought the wisest choice would be to take them with me wherever I went until I thought of somewhere to put them. With that decided I tossed them inside the side bag that I would carry out with me.

It was some minutes past midday when I saw Angelo's car slide in front of my house from the view of the kitchen window. I was too busy trying to see what he was doing, that when my phone buzzed again, I jumped.


I see you watching me, why don't you come out for a closer inspection?

Annoyed at the fact that he had caught me watching him, how, I had no clue, I purposely waited for like a minute or so before I finally made my way out my house. My parents and Bobby had long gone, so I locked the door behind me.

Outside was extremely cold and windy and the grey pea coat I was wearing hardly did anything to keep me warm. I wanted to take slow strides so he wouldn't think I took his advice but seeing the weather I upped my pace until I was in the heated confines of his car.

Daring a look his way, I found him smirking mischievously at me. I gave him a 'What?' look because he was starting to make me feel uneasy but of course that only made his smirk more pronounced.

"I'm waiting until you finish admiring this work of art aptly called, Angelo Leo Henriquez by Jesuchristo."

Subconsciously my eyes roved along his naturally tanned face, taking in his beauty and I didn't know what came over me but I had the sudden urge to touch those lips. I noticed his Adam apple bob up and down and looking back into his dark eyes there was a certain intensity I was not comfortable with. Quickly breaking the unknown tension that had unexpectedly built between us, I looked out the window and as he started up the engine.

For a while or so neither of us said anything and I thought I was going to suffocate from the heat inside the car, ever since that 'moment'.

It certainly did not help matters that my mother's word kept on ringing in my ears,'With those looks he's definitely not innocent and you definitely ain't getting any innocent the more time you spend with him.'

"So out of ten how would you rate my kissing skills?"

"Why are you asking?" I nearly broke my neck from twisting it so fast at hearing his question.

"Because we're going to have to talk about what happened sooner or later and I know you're not the one who's going to bring it up, so I might as well do it - using different tactics," explained Angelo looking rather calm but his hands wrapped tightly around his steering wheel told a different story.


"Well what?" I asked vainly hoping he would have forgotten the question altogether.

"Don't play stupid."

"I'll play whatever game I like."

"You're impossible."

"That's hardly breaking news."

"And real immature."

"Takes one to know one," I retorted as I focused on the road ahead already needing the space away from him. He was being unnecessarily difficult. "I'm just trying to be the best possible housemaid money can buy so I can over compensate for ruining your precious car."

"Oh yeah?"

"Oh yeah."

"I kissed you and you liked it. I felt your soul on my lips."

I snorted. "My soul? What kinda 14th century foolishness have you been reading? Even they didn't get as cheesy as that."

"I know what I felt."

"You certainly felt a lot then."

"And so did you. I'm a passionate guy Luciana, I wasn't brought up to hide how I feel."

"Good for you."

"Or is it?"

"If it gets you what you want, then I guess it is good for you."

"That's the point. I'm being open and yet I'm not getting--" he stopped himself before sighing in frustration. "Forget I said anything."

It was just hard. I wasn't ready to face the truth, especially not when a bucket load of doubts and insecurities filled my head at that moment:

I was fat and ugly.

I had days where I didn't shower or brush my teeth because I was way too depressed to even fabricate some energy to do so.

I didn't have any fancy talents or skills that made me stand out from the rest.

There was still a giant question mark on what I wanted to do in my future.

I was just downright self-piteous and pathetic.

Never a time had I remembered a guy being drawn to any of those particular qualities stated above so I felt justified in not wanting to let my guard down. I couldn't help but feel there was a hidden agenda for Angelo. I didn't want to be made a fool of.

The thought of someone like Angelo wanting me was too heavy of a dose for me to swallow. He was gorgeous yes, but he wasn't perfect either; I mean first off he was stupendously annoying. He had a tendency to interfere because in his head, everyone loved him. He thought he was entitled to everything and anything he wanted. And he never lifted his toilet seat up or maybe he'd never been taught to aim properly, which often left me having to scrub off his piss stains.

Yeah, he wasn't perfect either, but he had insanely good traits to make up for it. And yes I was falling. The talk from him saying he'd felt my soul on his lips was more than enough to get me buzzing.

For the rest of the ride, which was to his house, we remained in rigid silence and I mentally beat myself over and over again for being too chicken to have an adult conversation.

He finally parked in his drive way and I got out of his car as he did the same, neither of us saying anything. Opening the door for me to enter first I was first greeted by Robinho who winked at me. I was taken back at that fact, and how much the eight year old resembled his older brother. He was going to be a little flirt when he was older.

"I've got a few things I need you to pick up, I just need to go check up on something."

Going up the stairs, Angelo left me to my own devices and just as I thought about being company to Robinho who was busy playing a video game, Sara appeared out of nowhere.

"Chica, I didn't know you would be coming over here, what a surprise."

I should have been annoyed at Sara for snitching to my mum but that was impossible to do as soon as I saw her warm, radiant smile on her face.

"I didn't know I was coming here either, but Angelo needs me to do some stuff for him."

A larger smile appeared on her ageless face that the accident hadn't managed to erase.

"Come, come, chica. We have to talk," she said taking my hand and dragging me into the kitchen area.

"Okay, I know you're not too happy I told your mum about what happened between you and Angelo but I was just too excited. I knew you two liked each other!"

Sara was way too excited for hers or my own good. "Mi hijo doesn't want me to poke my nose in his business, he thinks I'm too nosey."

I had to agree on Angelo on that one but for obvious reasons I did not voice my opinion, instead I nodded my head, listening to what else she had to say.

"My brother-in-law and Angelo are organizing a New Year's party at his house again. Your mum already knows so your family is coming. Chica, I'm going to take you shopping. We have to find you something beautiful to wear."

"Oh Sara, there's no need for that."

"Yes there is. There is absolute need."

The determined look on her face, brushed away any courage I had to tell her I didn't want to go shopping, but I have come to know that the word 'No', was not in Sara's vocabulary at least not as an answer to her.

"But why?"

"There is something strong between you two. Lo siento. I feel it chica."

"Sara I don't-"

"Trust me. We find you something beautiful to wear and watch how-"

"These are--What are you two talking about?"

The sound of Angelo's voice present in the room cut short what Sara was about to say and it didn't help that we were looking rather guiltily like children caught stealing chocolate their parents warned them not to eat.

Together, with the sweetest syrupy smiles, we replied, "Nothing."


Chapter 21 by Caterina


Wrapping my arms around my torso, I curled my whole body tighter in a ball as the pressing pain in my lower abdominals got more intense. It was definitely not a good day for me. I couldn't cancel out on Sara, because, I just couldn't. It was Sara, no explanation needed.

The ache having lessened, I got up off my bed and more like staggered to the bathroom. I was so thankful that my mum had been able to pay off the gas bill or that would have meant me making the effort to boil water in the kettle, pour it in the bucket and then mixing it with cold water. I brushed my teeth and then quickly entered the shower booth. The hot burst of water spraying on my back and belly certainly did me good.

After ten or so minutes, I dried myself off and went back to my room to get dressed. There was already a text message from Sara saying that she was on her way over to me. I was going through my bag just to make sure I had put in all my necessities when something caught my eye. Opening the small packet, I took out the information leaflet and briefly read through it. It's advantages would most definitely favour me in the state that I was, but then I considered the disadvantages which included weight gain - definitely not what I needed. Unable to make a firm decision, I threw the contraceptive pills back into my bag and thought to myself that if the pains got any worse, I would consider taking it.

Moments later, I heard a car horn and for sure it was Sara. After saying bye to my dad and Bobby who were having breakfast, I left my house.

"Chica, we're going to have so much fun today!" announced Sara excitedly as I put on my seatbelt (not wanting a repeat of what happened last time when I didn't.)

"Are we?"
"Of course we are", she responded before zooming off like a madwoman.

She had been able to convince or maybe more like command Angelo to give me the day off and for that I was truly grateful. She was definitely my guardian angel.

I couldn't even look at her son without feeling the strong need to punch him, one for how hard he had worked me over the past three days and two, because he was avoiding me. Even when he texted me on what needed to be done there was none of his usual conceitedness - no lie, I sadly missed that.

I just didn't understand his sudden change of character and it was starting to get on my nerves. So in my head Sara taking me out shopping to 'woo' her son was pretty much a pointless exercise.

Ten minutes later we found ourselves at the department store where most of the stores were designer. Sara dragged me into one of them excitedly because she saw a displayed dress that she liked. That was a major concern for me since I had a very limited budget. Sara was all too busy in her own world, sifting through hangers, holding a few against my body, to notice the stares she garnered from near-by shoppers. That bothered me a lot. Yes that sounded hypocritical of me since I had done the same thing when I had first met her, but it was just like they were judging her without actually knowing her.

"Luciana what do you think about this one?" asked Sara as she held up a long, elegant white gown for me to see.

"Hmm...It's a bit too simple for me", I said after eyeing the price tag and seeing it was into the thousands.

Turning the dress both sides before hanging the over-expensive dress back on the rack, she agreed, "You're right chica, let's go to another store."

That was the routine for the next two hours; we would go into a store or rather I was dragged into one and then I would give an excuse of why I did not like the dresses, Sara would agree and then we would go to another one.

However the more times we would enter a new store, the more increasingly infuriated I was starting to become because of the blatant stares, whispers, pointed fingers and a few giggles I noticed aimed at Sara and the thing was they didn't even try to hide it. These shops were mainly stuffed with upper-class, upper-rich, upper-snobbish, stuck -up tight asses who covered their ugly personality with their seemingly perfect body features. Sara on the other hand seemed unaware and that really got me angry at how cruel people could be.

Breathing deeply to calm the urge to slap the plastic and insensitivity out of the two bitchy staffs that were in charge of the changing rooms, I smiled at an awaiting Sara showing her the eighth dress she had asked me to change into.

The dress in question was an aqua blue ball gown that reached above my knees with silver crystals sprinkled at the hem. It made me look all the more bigger around my hips and I wasn't in the mood for showing leg, so the dress was a big no-no. Sara on the other hand seemed to have a contrary opinion.

"Lucy you must get this dress and look it's only $200 this is very good price!" she said clapping her hands with excitement.

Only in Sara's world did two hundred dollars for a dress seem like a 'very good price'.

"Sara, I don't like this dress", I mumbled scared of what she might say.

"What d'you mean you don't like the dress? Every shop we've gone to there has been nothing you've liked. This dress looks absolutely beautiful on you" she said then proceeded to kiss her fingers for emphasis, "it brings out your complexion so I don't understand why you don't like it."

I don't know what it was but I think it was her Spanish accent that made her seem all the more intimidating and that's why for a moment I stood there foolishly, my eyes glued to the white plush carpeting of the changing room, whilst I fiddled with the dress.

Softly sighing, Sara said, "Go get changed chica, we can continue looking for a dress after we get some food. Estoy hambriento."


"I'm hungry. Now hurry up chica."

A few minutes later I came out the changing room with all eight dresses and handed it over to one of the bitches at the entrance of the changing rooms. As Sara and I began to walk away, I heard from behind me, "I thought I was going to puke if I had to see that woman's face any longer."

Thunder, fire and lightning seemed to pounce on me at once, fuelling me to do some serious damage but just as quickly, Sara's hand grasped my wrists. "Let it go."



With burning rage that was ready to rip me apart I had no choice to but to be led out by Sara.

It was only when we arrived at the place that provided me the most happiness, otherwise known as the food court, that I became slightly settled. Only slightly. Sara on the other hand looked as chirpy as ever and seemed to have forgotten what happened all together. Mumbling to herself that she needed 'break from Spanish food' she ordered for burger and fries, whilst I only ordered for fries knowing it'd probably trigger more cramps, but whatever.

"Doesn't it bother you how people stare at you and say mean things about how you look?" I asked after we sat down to eat.

"Is it supposed to bother me?"

Feeling uneasy by her steady gaze on me as she munched on her fries, I said, "I don't know. It'd bother me."

From the amount of stares that she received in the time I spent with her, it would have been enough to make me never come out the house, if I was her. I just didn't understand how she could be okay with people intentionally trying to make her feel bad about herself.

I knew from the shit I faced in school of how words and people's actions could easily penetrate into someone's head and make them believe the negativity.

"I'll be honest, it did bother me at first - not anymore", I heard Sara say as she took a sip of her ice tea.

"I don't know if you know this , but I'm an actress, I'm more known in Spain. Anyway something like this", she said pointing to her face, "is the worst thing that could happen to someone who's living is made from being in front of the camera."

"For the first two months or so after the accident, I stayed at home. Only the doctor who changed my dressing really got to see my face and I refused to have any mirrors around me. But then, I had like an epiphany that I should be grateful to Dios that I didn't die. My children were going to grow up with their mother around and my husband still with a wife. It wasn't the end of the world, people have it worse. You understand chica?"

"Yes I do."

"Good. I know who I am and I comfortable with it. I'd rather be called beautiful based on how I make others feel than what's on my face."

Not even five minutes later, she started clearing up her plate. "We still haven't found a dress that you like so you have to hurry up."

After nearly being force fed by Sara herself we had exited the food court and we were strolling around the mall, in random directions until a shop caught Sara's eyes again and she got me to go with her, excitement clear on her face.

This shop sold traditional Mexican clothes and the workers were much, much nicer. Actually they seemed to have recognized Sara from one of her movies and they all huddled around her asking for autographs whilst I stood at the side happily watching her soak up the attention. The owner was very much pleased with Sara's presence in his shop and had immediately ordered three of his staff to be assistants to Sara. Speaking now in her native tongue, Sara said something to them whilst pointing at me and I assumed she was asking dresses for me. I wasn't sure I felt about a Mexican dress.

Any uncertainty I felt was cleared off, when I saw the dress that the assistants brought out from their stock room; the bottom half was long, ruffled layers of different colours cascading down, whilst the top half was black in the chest area but its short sleeves were puffed up into different layers of colours. I immediately fell in love with it.

"You like it chica?" asked Sara with a knowing smile on her face.

After getting the dress, which Sara had demanded I let her pay saying it was my Christmas present from her and it would be rude for me not to accept it, we had left the shop and were finally after nearly four hours of searching, able to leave the mall.

But then Sara smacked her head and said, "Oh I forgot chica, we haven't bought the shoes to go with the dress and we need to get manis and pedis. The New Year's Party is tomorrow, no chipped nails allowed."

Lord help me.


Chapter 22 by Caterina



"Mum, why are people watching me?"

We had gotten out the car (yes, the damn car had finally been fixed) outside Mr. Henriquez's home, after having to chauffeur my lovely family because the driver's seat was the only space big enough to accommodate my ridiculously gorgeous, extravagant Mexican dress. Anyways, we were in the driveway, which was decked out with like millions of cars, and heading up the steps to the main entrance when I noticed, well I thought I noticed, people staring at me.

"How do you know they're not watching me?"

My mum could be a little conceited at times and my dad was the driving force, for example, after hearing what she said, my dad unexpectedly wrapped his arm around her waist possessively and said, "They can watch all they like but I'm the only one that can touch all I like."

I didn't miss the fact that my dad was smiling down at my mum's rather generous bosoms and his hands had slipped down to gently grasp her butt as he added, "Cos this is all mine."

It'd be hard to believe that before we had left the house, the two were arguing for about half an hour over something which I couldn't even remember.

Leaving the lovers behind, I had grabbed my little brother with me climbing up the rest of the steps because I couldn't stand around in the frosty weather with my killer six inch heels to watch the parents make love faces. Jealous? Pshtt, not even a bit.

I could hear the loud, deafening music and if it weren't because the doors to the mansion were already open, I was pretty sure the sound waves would have been strong enough to bust open the door. Without exaggerating, anyone at a 50-mile radius would have known a Spanish New Year's Party was going down.

I really should have brought ear plugs.

The Christmas party was child's play compared to how the whole place had been transformed. Everyone was everywhere, I couldn't really concentrate on a singular person, people kept swarming in and out the doors and for the brief seconds that I was standing there like I was some sort of statue a terrifying thought occurred to me.

One of the jobs that Angelo had me running off to do was to sort out the catering arrangement. I had told Mr. Santos that he should make food enough for a hundred and fifty people, problem was that there were definitely more than two hundred people in the place.

Guests were going to starve if I didn't do something about it.

Nerves running high, I grasped Bobby's hands tighter, warning him not to let go of my hand because knowing him he'd probably run off in search of his dear friend Robinho. I would have let him do that but there were far too many strangers around and I didn't have the time to go looking for a lost child.

Ignoring the scowl I received from my brother after telling him that, I sandwiched my small purse between my armpits and lifted up the bottom half of my dress with the other hand, because it was slowing down my pace. I walked in the direction of the kitchen vaguely remembering where it was, from my morning visit with Mr. Santos so he could plan out where he was going to set out the food.

After like over a hundred 'excuse me's' and a near face plant to the ground caused by the life-threatening heels Sara had forced me to purchase (well with her money), I was finally able locate Mr. Santos in the kitchen busy ordering his workers to be faster with the minor food preparations.

The temptation to sneak a bite of the beautifully arranged pieces of some delicious looking cake neglected on the table was strong. Unfortunately, I couldn't because I was only just about managing to breathe in the dress as I had the misfortune of finding out yesterday that I was a tad bit too big for it. There was no way the flabs would be making an appearance.

Walking quickly towards the chef before I gave in to temptation I tapped him on the shoulder on his white chef jacket. "Mr Santos?"

At the mention of his name, he twisted his neck to look at me or more like gawk at me and in the process he dropped the wooden spoon he was holding in his hand. I became uncomfortable by the continuous stare that I eventually broke eye contact.

"Mr. Santos!"

Bobby's shouting did the trick, even he could pick up on my uneasiness.


"Mr. Santos", I repeated, "I need to talk to you."

"I hope no one is complaining about the food", he asked his face turned completely serious as he bent down to pick up the wooden spoon.

"Actually that is what I wanted to talk to you about."

An alarmed look flashed on the aged man's face as I told him that.

"No one is complaining about the food... yet" I joked but it didn't seem that way for the chef as his face only looked more tense. "I'm only joking, from what I've seen so far everything you've made will exceed everyone's standards but I have a major concern that the food will not be sufficient for everyone present. There seems to be more than a hundred and fifty guests."

With the little boost of confidence that I had given Mr. Santos, the relief was clear on his face and he even started chuckling. Chefs and their ego - God forbid anyone coming between them.

"Don't worry Miss. Carter, everything's sorted. Mr. Henriquez told me yesterday to prepare for at least seventy five extra guests. My team and I have everything sorted out, you just go and enjoy the party."

I wondered for a brief moment if it was Angelo or his uncle who had told him that, but then again I didn't really care. All I cared was that guests weren't going to party with empty stomachs.

"Can I go find Rob now?" asked my brother as we left the kitchen area trying not to get jam packed with all the multitudes of bodies around.

"Ay mami! Mi Dios chica, is that really you?"

Jumping out of shock, I turned to my side to see whose piercing shriek and thick Spanish accent had nearly caused my heart attack - lo and behold it was the one and only Sara Henriquez with Robinho in tow. She was still at a distance, hands on hips looking me up and down admiringly before eventually walking over to me.

"You look exquisite chica. I wish I could talk to you more, but I really have to attend to other guests", lifting up a perfectly threaded eyebrow suggestively she said, "oh, my son is going to be chasing a lot of men away from you."

Rolling my eyes at the Henriquez woman, I replied, "If you say so."

"I do say so", she stated confidently, "just remember you are part of the family now, so make yourself comfortable here and we'll meet later for the New Year countdown!"

And with that she disappeared into the crowds of people. I wasn't surprised that when I looked at my side Bobby wasn't there after seeing Robinho.

I was left alone and that gave me time to linger around hoping that a certain someone would notice me. Ever since the car ride he'd really been a Mr. Grumpy but I'd hoped we'd get a chance to talk. Yes, I'd finally grown some woman ballsies to entertain having an adult conversation.

About Three Hours later...

I was at the New Years Party and I was pissed. Not as in, 'Oh my gosh, I've intoxicated my body with so much alcohol, I think I'm just going to talk some shit and then pass out'. No. As in I was at the New Years Party and I was pissed off.

I must have had a sign written on my forehead that said, 'Babysitter for the Night' or something because I didn't understand why random mothers and fathers would hand me their baby to carry whilst they wandered off to talk to their friends, laughing merrily and happy at the festivities whilst I handled their responsibility.

I'd lost count on the amount of times taken other people's children to the bathroom because they needed to do a caca or pipi. No matter where I tried to hide, someone would find me and ask for a favour regarding their child. I couldn't help but suspect that that Butt of a Bag, secretly appointed me out as some sort of nanny for the night as an evil ploy of his, which I didn't put past him with the amount of shit his wanted me to handle for his ass in the week.

I know Sara said I was part of the family, but damn, I didn't want to be that familiar to all those babies.

My feet felt like they were burning in the furious fires of hell. The dress, I didn't even know how I still managed to inhale oxygen and my cramps...I wasn't even going to go there. And because I didn't want him to see me all bloated and bleurgh I'd gone on a hunger strike the whole day. And all the sacrifice and pain for what really? To somehow win the fantasized undivided, loving attention of Buttbag.

I could've just slapped him. No actually, I wanted to kill his eyes, because he clearly didn't need them if he wasn't using them.

I sounded so ridiculous to myself, but I didn't care. I was in a very hormonal, emotional state and in my head, it gave me permission to say exactly how I felt. I couldn't believe how gullible I was to believe Sara, that someone like her son could like someone like me.

I knew for sure that he saw me because those times when I wasn't busy feeding strangers babies, I made sure that I was at a seeing distance from him. I even contemplated flirting with the rather cute waiters but then I just thought that would be even more pathetic and desperate than anything that I'd done up until that point. All the while he was there he was chatting happily with his disciples (others may refer as his 'friends'), who were on hand and foot to stretch that stupid ego of his.

Having finally gotten through the throngs of people to get into the kitchen I went to the sink and put a kitchen towel under the running cold tap water in an attempt to wipe off the huge splatter of milk across my chest area where the last baby I fed had vomited on. As I said, pissed off.

It wasn't too long before someone else found me, the someone turning out to be mother dearest.

"Luciana, I need you to go get the Aloe Vera cream I bought for Sara for the burns on her hands."

"Okay, mum."

Giving up on trying to remove the stubborn white stain, I closed the tap water, grabbing my purse on the side of the sink I walked through the sweaty, dancing bodies to get outside onto the fresh freezing air.

Making my way over to the car, I could hardly walk properly as the shooting pains going up and down my leg was nearly all I could think about apart from how pissed off I was. "How could he even not say shit to me, not even a hi, nothing. I nearly broke my leg for that bastard wearing these stupid heels. Oh my gosh I'm so stupid, I'm talking to myself. Urgh, I hate myself. I can't believe I actually made myself believe that after one kiss he was going to fall in love with me. I must think this is some Cinderella fairytale shit, how could I even compare myself to Cinderella, I'm like a fat mushroom. I hate Angelo's ass so damn much."

"Hate is a strong word."

Even though I knew who that husky voice belonged to before seeing the face, I screamed out loud because it was so unexpected. My voice echoing throughout the driveway, my heart thundering out my chest I pivoted around swiftly ready to attack but instead he attacked me first with his cold eyes.

His face had no obvious expression written on it, but his eyes that had turned the colour of the bleak, night sky were powerful enough to still me. He looked so beautiful and unpredictable all at the same time. It was unnerving.

"I-I-I was just erm, l-looking for the car keys", I stuttered out stupidly my hands blindly searching for the keys in my bag as I backed up into the side of the car hoping that the doors would magically open so I could escape.

"Would those belong to you?" He asked his void of emotion as he nodded towards the ground.

Shaken and confused, I hadn't remembered when I dropped my purse and all its contents had come out, the car keys been one of them - but I knew for damn sure that's not what he was asking about.

His eyes were fixated on the contraceptive rubber that I had taken out its wrapper from my personal sex ed. earlier in the week. One look at his face and I knew what he was thinking.

"Answer me Luciana."

Even though it was none of his damn business, I felt compelled to answer him because this side of him made him look so... unlike him and I was shook.

"Yes they do."

"Esther your mum said that she-What's going on here?"

I think I was the closest to have a heart attack when I heard the booming voice of my dad out of nowhere, but there was no time for that as my inner ninja took over and I quickly pressed my heels on the unmentionable.

Forcing a quick smile on my face, I replied, "Nothing daddy."


The strained smile on my face was instantly wiped off as I realised that my dad was going to see, but I still tried to stall some time.


"I said, move. Now. Luciana."

My dad had called me Luciana and at that moment I knew he was extremely serious, playing games would've just angered him even more.

I slowly stepped aside, revealing the thing that I had tried so hard to hide all week. I had managed to find the perfect hiding place for the contraceptive pills and unopened condoms and planned to throw the condom I had opened in a public bin, but I forgot to because of how busy I had gotten.

My head hung low, not wanting to see the furious gaze my dad would surely bestow on me as he thought the worst.

"You have ten seconds to explain."

If I thought Angelo's gaze was scary, my dad's was petrifying. His looks could definitely kill - and they were about ready to murder Angelo any second. I had to own up.

"It's mine, I dropped it."

Gasping in silence, I twisted around to face Angelo, who submitted that fat lie to my dad, staring at me daring me to contradict him.

"Luciana, go inside. Mr. Henriquez and I need to talk."

I couldn't leave these two outside alone, my dad was going to murder tonight.

"But dad-"


Tears formed in my eyes at hearing my dad yell at me for the first time in my life and quickly surrendering, I ran away into the house leaving the two...alone.

"In our Spanish tradition, at the strike of the clock we eat twelve grapes for good luck and prosperity for the New Year. Has everyone got their grapes and glasses of cava?"

Unanimous murmurs of yeses rung through the hordes of people as they held their bowls of grapes and wine glasses, their attention focused on the small platform stage erected in the large hall that stood Mr. Henriquez.

Looking at the large clock, everyone started counting down and I couldn't help but keep praying and wishing that my dad was not murdering Angelo.

"Feliz Año Nuevo a todos!"

In three goes, I had cleared my bowl of any grapes as I tried so desperately to keep my emotions in check. Too grief-stricken by the potential murder of his Mr. Henriquez's nephew I couldn't find it in my heart to join in with well-wishing from the guests as I continued to scan around everywhere for the missing two.

They had been out for at least ten minutes and I still could not see any sight of them. I couldn't believe Angelo had covered for me, I just didn't understand why he had to get himself involved.

I think my heart stopped for a moment as I caught my dad and Angelo slip into the crowds of people. Double checking for any bloodied knuckles, marks, bruises, anything, I found nothing. A long whoosh of breath left me.

Now who said wishes don't come true?


Chapter 23 by Caterina



It was seven am in the morning and I was outside walking in the freezing cold. Reason why? My dad had woke me up and told me we needed to talk. That was expected, but I didn't expect to have had to leave my toasty warm bed to face the glacial coldness outside so early in the morning. However, one look at my dad's stern face and I knew it would be wise for me to keep my mouth shut and obey him.

Keep shut and obey - even if he was leading me to my death. I really thought he was because he hadn't told me where we were going since we stepped out the

house trudging through the light snow on the lonesome dark streets. Not being funny or anything, but I think I had an inkling of an idea on how Isaac must have felt not having a clue where his father, Abraham was taking him to, not knowing that his intention was to kill him. I prayed that God would send me an angel to save me too.

My brain couldn't help but to remind me that an angel in another form had saved

me the night before. What my brain couldn't do though, was to come up with a logical explanation as to why Angelo had covered for me when a minute before my dad had made an appearance he looked incredibly pissed at me.

I wanted to slap him for avoiding me for the past week and then I wanted to kiss him out of gratitude and then slap him again, just for extra measure.

Exhaling loudly from frustration, my cold breath made a small, puffy cloud before dissolving into thin air. My inner-child thought it'd be fun to start releasing air so I could create more clouds, because they looked so cool. They would have been even cooler if they were big enough to drift me away to a far, far away land where 'Once upon a time' and 'and they lived happy after' existed.

I stopped when I heard low chuckles from my dad. "Aren't you a little too old for that?"

"Noooo...." I answered defensively not realising how caught up I was in my little game.

Daring a look at my him, he appeared relaxed, well more relaxed than a couple hours ago, which was progress as I had never seen my dad look so upset and angry with me and with me being a daddy's girl, that had broke my heart.

We finally stood in front of a yellow-gate entrance that led to the park. I had lived around the area for seven years and I had never set eyes on the park so I was a little surprised that my dad who had only been out for two weeks had already familiarised himself with the neighbourhood. Then again, I shouldn't have been surprised since my daily route didn't involve me going past the park.

I tried to quench the excitement building within me as I took sight of the red swings, coated with fresh white snow, but it was too much for me to handle and without hesitation I bolted towards it.

"Esther, be careful or you're gonna...fall."

"Ow, my butt hurts daddy."

In my haste to get to the swings I had managed to forget how easy it was to slip on snow without good grips on shoes, which I didn't have. And that was the reason why I sat painfully on the slushy snow rubbing my sore bum, waiting for my dad to help me up.

"I told you to be careful, look at you now," chided my dad as he jogged over to me. "Hold my hand."

Grabbing my dad's outstretched hand I was able to hoist myself up whilst my other hand continued rubbing off the pain in my backside. I wrapped my hand around my dad's neck as he led us both safely to the swings. I sat down on one of the two swing seats and he sat on the other, neither of us caring that it was lathered in snow and that when we got up it would most certainly leave a wet patch on our trousers.

As I clasped my hands around the silver chains and swayed my legs back and forth

slowly, I remembered times when I was little and my dad would take me to the park, I'd scrape my knee after falling off the monkey bars or do something to hurt myself and my dad would always be right there to pick me up and make it all better. Those days were simpler.

"I know the condom belongs to you."

These days were complicated.

I tightened my grip on the steel chains, feeling my heart do the same as I tried to come up with the best explanation.

Strangely for some reason, I had thought that my dad would actually believe Angelo, but I should have known better than that, my dad dug all the way down for the truth.

"Daddy, I can exp-"

"No need to, Esther."

My head shot up to the side, staring at my dad, surprise written all over my face at his response.

"I trust you."

"Y-you trust me?" I repeated still shocked that my dad hadn't whipped out an axe ready to attack me.

"Yes, I trust you. I trust that your mother and I, with more credit going to your mother, for obvious reasons, have instilled values to help you make the right choices in life...whatever they are. And I'll continue to pray that God will continue to guide you to make the best decisions for yourself. All I want from you Esther is that you trust me back."

"I do trust you."

"I mean like the trust you had when you were six and you came to me when I took you to that show at the circus and the performers started taking snakes out of the baskets. You got scared and you ran out of your chair and ran straight to me."

"Oh my gosh dad please don't remind me of that. That was traumatic," I said trying to erase that memory, the memory that instigated my everlasting fear of snakes.

My dad only laughed back. "Remember your boyfriend from kindergarten...what was his name again, John? Jordan?"

"Yeah, Jordan," I giggled at the memory, "and if I remember correctly you got really angry and you made me point him out so you could report him to my teacher that he was sexually harassing me."

"But he was," my dad retorted, no doubt feeling justified for the lengths he'd gone to 'protect' me.

I had been about five and after coming home from school, I had giddily gone up to my dad, just bursting to give him the good news of my new found romance and of how Jordan had kissed me on the cheek. In my innocent five year old mind, I just could not understand why my dad got so furious over my spectacular news. Luckily, when my my dad came to pick me up from school, my mother had come along and she'd made him see sense that there was no need to report my 'boyfriend' to my teacher. Unfortunately the next day, my dad ordered me to break up with Jordan. And that was the first and last relationship I had had.

"We were five, daddy!"

"Whatever. Point is I want you to trust me like you did back then. I want you to

always feel comfortable to speak to your dad, whatever the situation."

"Okay daddy," I lied.

I had learnt from my mistake and I wasn't going to let history repeat itself.

"You're lying."

Annoyed at his lie-detector skills, I asked, "How come you always know when I'm lying?"

"Father's instinct."

Scrunching my nose, confused, I said, "It's mother's instinct, there's no such thing as father's instinct."

"Now there is, because your dad is just that awesome," he said before sighing in a way I knew he was going to precede what he just said with something serious. "When I saw it, that's when it really hit me that you're eighteen and not ten anymore. I am sorry for yelling at you, it's just that I got angry at myself, as I realised how much time I've missed with you, that I'm not going to get back. I see now that it's time for me to accept the past and move on with the time I got with you now, but I already feel like you're moving too fast and you're ready to

let go of your dad. I'm not ready to let you go, Esther."

"Daddy, I'm right here," I said before remembering something I had meant to ask

him for awhile. "Why did you not tell me in your last letter that you were coming out?"

"There was a fifty percent chance that the judge would grant my release and I did not want to get your hopes up in case they did not. Thank God they did."

Having no need for extra questions, a comfortable silence spread between my dad and I as we silently watched the morning sky begin to gracefully lighten up with

its different tones of orange, purple and blue.

"Happy New Year, Esther."

"Happy New Year, daddy."

It only occurred to me then, that it was the first day of the new year but it didn't really feel like it. Shortly after midnight we had thankfully left the Henriquez's New Years Party as I was in no mood to party after the night I'd had. Also, despite Angelo's heroic efforts towards me, he continued to avoid me but for the two milliseconds that he did glance at me he still looked pissed and that was not the attention I had hoped to garner from him. What a waste of a two hundred dollar dress.

Naturally, I was curious to find out what he and and my dad had discussed so I

casually asked my dad trying not to seem eager or nosey, although I think I failed on both parts. I even referred to Angelo as 'Mr.Henriquez', so as not to raise suspicions and an interrogation of my 'relationship' with him.

Laughing to himself quietly, I watched as the first few snowdrops landed on my dad's nose. "You can call him by his first name, you know."

"I know, but I prefer not to."

"So what did you two talk about?" I pressed again.

"Men stuff."

Men stuff? That had me even more curious.

"Like what, 'men stuff'?"

"Grown up, men stuff,"he laughed, adding, "he's a funny guy."

My dad saying he was funny only meant one thing - Buttbag had busted out some of his perverted sexual jokes.

I didn't question my dad any further as I didn't want to be corrupted with the crude details of their conversation. A few moments passed and the snowfall was getting heavier and heavier.

"Daddy, it's cold, I wanna go home," I said whining like a two year old child, feeling the numbing cold on my butt.

I was shivering and in risk of getting pneumonia I got off the swing ready to head home. Before I heard his reply, I was walking ahead in a brisk pace desperate to be back in the snugness of my bed.

"Esther, stop walking so fast or you're going to slip...again."

Of course, me being me, I slipped...again.


Chapter 24 by Caterina



Sara and Robinho were going back to sunny Spain in two days and having seen the snow that had painted the town white, I didn't blame them. As a sort of 'Adios' gesture, Bobby took it upon himself to host his first sleepover at our house after rudely refusing to go over to sleep at Angelo's house because of the distaste he had in the colour co-ordination or lack of in Robinho's room - the same room where he had his little nightmare about the 'potato bear'.

Of course me, the ever socially-deficient eighteen year old on the pathway of becoming the most perfect help anyone could hire without charge was left in charge to take care of the boys. Honestly, I deserved some type of award or something on the scales of Mother Teresa.

Speaking of mothers, my mother had gone to do a night-shift and my dad had been gone since the day before after been given the opportunity by Eduardo to shadow him during one of his business meetings in a different state, so he was not due to fly back until the next day.

"Lucy, someone's at the door!" I heard my brother say excitedly as he paced over to the main entrance after hearing the doorbell sound.

"Check before you open-"

Before I could finish my sentence I let out a loud sneeze. Snot bubbles formed, and as I blew into the tissue, I was glad that there hadn't been been anyone to witness my embarrassment.

"Check before you open the door Bobby!"

It was my dad's fault that I had a cold, he'd made me come out the house at any ungodly time and it didn't help that I slipped twice.

"It's Julian," stated my brother after taking a peek from the window before opening the door.

Not long after, Bobby's other friend Ryan came and then when I heard the next knock on the door, my heart race picked up. I must have grown some wings because I flew for the door which undoubtedly gained raised eyebrows from the three boys. Exhaling a short quick breath, I opened the door and my smile fell flat on my face in an instant.

"Aww, not the Henriquez you were hoping to see, chica?"

Sure enough it wasn't the Henriquez I was hoping to see but of course I wasn't going to admit that. "Of course I was hoping to see you, Sara."

It was pretty comical to watch both Robinho and Sara roll their eyes and sigh simultaneously at my horrible lying skills.

"My son has been real grumpy for the past few days," she informed me before her coffee coloured eyes stared at me intently, "and if my memory is not failing me, he's been that way ever since the New Years Party."


It was clear by the way she was watching me that she thought I was a contributing factor to her son's mood change. Despite the evil glares Angelo sent my way, he'd avoided me for most of the night and when we did have an encounter it happened to be with a condom between us.

Something had changed for him and I ever since the car ride to his house. I desperately wanted to fix it but I feared it was too late. I didn't even know what exactly there was to fix - it just felt that even when he was present his presence was absent.

Sara's unladylike snigger broke off my thought circuit. "I'm going to go to my

brother-in-law's house and stay with his wife to keep her company for the night," then coming forward to embrace me tightly, she said, "chica, I'll miss you, take care of my boy."

I couldn't help but gape at her as she let go of me - 'take care of my boy'? She had been the one to tell her son in front of a supermarket, no less that he was old enough to take care of himself, so I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to that Sara.

Mother and son had their little kiss bye before Sara retreated back to her car. "Chica, you should come to Madrid sometime!"

And before I could respond the crazy Spanish woman zoomed off. I guided Robinho into the house as I could feel my toes slowly turning to ice. Upon entering, Robinho didn't need to be told before he made himself at home wandering over to where Bobby&Co. were all huddled together and I noticed they were whispering in low voices, whilst taking quick, sly glances at me, like they were Geisha girls or something.

Leaving them alone, to play Chinese Whispers or whatever they were doing, I wandered off to the kitchen, opening the pizza boxes that I had ordered earlier on since I was in no way, shape or form in the mood to cook. As I was dividing the pizzas into equal slices, I heard the several footsteps of the boys treading in the kitchen. Lifting my head up slowly to fully look at them, I became alerted by the mysterious shape protruding from their tummies and the looks they were giving me was edging on disturbing.

Not wanting them to be aware that they had a big girl like me shook, I cleared my throat, hoping that my mum's authoritative voice would come through.

"Boys, dinner would be ready in a shortwh-"

I had sneezed again, a clear detriment to my plan of being in charge.

"Luciana, you've got a cold," scrutinised Bobby, obviously the nucleus of the group.

The rest of them murmured their agreement as they continued to look at me like I was growing three heads and turning green. It was cute to know that the boys were concerned for me, but I didn't want them to get worried even though I was feeling light headed and bleurgh.

"Guys, I'm okay, I just have a little cold that's all," I answered beaming the best

convincing smile in their eight-year old faces but unfortunately that didn't do the trick.

"I think you need to get yourself checked up, Miss Luciana," I heard Ryan the cute blonde headed boy say in a sweet, charming voice.

"Yes, get yourself checked, sister."

"Erm...excuse me, but I think you need to check your tone, brother," I answered back not liking Bobby's smart-ass response.

Not even pretending to have paid attention to what I said, he turned around facing the boys. "Boys, it's time to unleash your weapons."

My brother had obviously been watching too many action-hero movies. One by one, I watched shocked as they revealed their 'weapons' from beneath their shirts; they came in the shapes of ketchup and mayonnaise bottles, a big chunk of cheese and Robinho had like a whole bag of jelly beans opened all ready for major destruction.

I stared at them silently, not sure if I was supposed to take them seriously or not but unable to hold it any longer I started laughing nearly choking on my giggles, well that was until I observed how they slowly advanced towards me and they all had serious gazes fixed on me.

"Boys," I called warily as I backed further and further away from them, "violence is not the way forward."

"Luciana, you have one last chance to surrender before we attack, are you willing to get checked up?" asked Robinho with strong determination in his voice.

"I don't ne-OW!"

A bunch of skittles hit several parts on my face, and then milliseconds later I felt a cold, gooey substance on my chest. Looking down I saw a mix of red and egg-white patches, which was closely followed by the cheese hitting my lower parts quite painfully.

I was getting bullied in my own home, how marvellous.

"Oh my gosh boys, sto-", Bobby had managed to squirt ketchup into my mouth whilst I was talking and now I was coughing out the tomato concentration onto the kitchen floor as I heard the boys congratulate my evil brother on his 'nice shot.'

Wiping the sauce from the side of my mouth I attempted to get control of the situation. "Boys, I'm being serious, you really need to-"

"We'll stop when you surrender," bargained Robhino.


There was no way four little chipmunks could fight off a tigress like me.

"Well boys, the target is not accepting defeat, you know what to do."

Before Bobby finished his sentence they fired at me once more, and once more is all I could take.

"I surrender! I surrender!"

A devious smile spread across Bobby's face as he discontinued his attacks, satisfied with my announcement. "Now that wasn't so hard was it, Lucy?"

Turning around to face the boys, he patted each one on the back. "Job well done, boys. Now escort the target to Phase 1."

Was this a joke? I wondere to myself as Ryan and Julian immediately stood by my left and right, taking hold of each of my hands whilst Robinho stayed at my back and Bobby took front position leading everyone to the sitting room.

"Now, I need you to lie down on this couch whilst we do some medical tests," instructed Bobby whilst passing some kitchen paper to clean my shirt.

"Why do I need to lie down?"

"Do as I say or you will face the consequences."

I wondered to myself if it was normal for eight year olds to know big words like 'consequence' and use them in the right context or my brother was just advanced for his age. I really did think Bobby and his little crew were high on something like candy, but I didn't want to test their patience so I obeyed.

Straining my neck up to see what the foursomes were up to, I observed Ryan and Bobby put on white gloves and then Julian opened up some sort of First Aid kit. Where would they even get First Aid kits from?

"I'm going to check your heartbeat so keep still."

I burst out laughing when I realised that Bobby was going to use a plastic stethoscope to check for my heartbeat and what made it even funnier was the serious look on his face as he placed the small buds into his ears and the diaphragm on my belly, like my heart was that low. When he was done, Ryan whipped out his sticker labelled thermometer, the measurements ranged from Chilly Cold, Cold, Warm, Fever, and then lifting up my arm he placed it right up my armpits and took it out three seconds later.

"Bobby she's really heating up, we're going to need the doctor to come in."

At that point when Ryan gave his 'medical feedback' to my brother, I didn't know if I was supposed to laugh, because the whole thing was crazy to me.

"Rob, call the doc," ordered Bobby.

With one button of his phone, which was surprisingly a real phone (what was an eight year old doing with a phone?) Robinho waited for the imaginary doctor to pick up on the other end.

"Jello, we have an emergency."

A look of terror struck my face as I realised the doctor wasn't imaginary after all.

"Yes she's here, obviously...why can't I call you Jello in front of her?...She's got a fever."

"No I don-hmmm!" I tried to shout but just as soon a small hand cupped my mouth and I looked into the oceanic, blue eyes of Ryan.

"Don't be naughty, Miss Luciana."

Robinho put a finger to his lips, signalling me to hush up, before he continued speaking on the phone. "You gonna be here in ten minutes, okay...hurry up, she needs your medical attention."

I couldn't help but gape at Robinho when he said that, wondering just how much the young boy knew about things to do with 'medical attention'.

Before hanging up, I heard him ask his brother to bring their game console along when he was coming.

"Why would you tell your brother I've got a fever, when I clearly don't?"

He might as well have been brushing off his shoulders when he responded coolly, "You do have a fever and my brother goes to medicine school, so he can cure you. And you looked really, really, sad when you opened the door and saw that it wasn't Jello dropping me off."

I had no response and Robinho knowing this had a victorious smirk on his face.

Seventeen minutes later the doorbell rang, I bounced off the couch ready to open the door and tell Angelo that there had been a slight misunderstanding.

"One day you're going to thank us for this, Lucy!" I heard my brother shout from behind me as I reached for the door knob.

That's when I realised that they had purposely set this, 'Oh-Lucy-you-don't-look-well' bull. No wonder they were congregated earlier like they were in a secret society planning evil, and indeed they were.

"You...!" I pointed at my brother and his friends at how mischievous they could be but not able to find the appropriate words for the bad chipmunks.

A loud impatient knock, reminded me that Angelo was still out there in the freezing cold. I opened the door to be met with frosty dark eyes that somehow still managed to look yum and make my heart automatically react.

"Shouldn't it be your boyfriend on call for duty instead of me?"

For a moment I didn't know what to say as I watched fresh, ice crystals fall elegantly on the curved tip of his nose, his cheeks were lightly flushed pink and his lips, damn they looked so tender and sweet and - my hormones needed some serious calming down at that moment.

Clearing my throat from those unnecessary thoughts and pretending not to hear what he had said, I opened the door wider. "I think it's best you come in before you catch a cold."

After wiping the snow off his leather boots on the doormat he silently stepped inside the house taking a quick look around before he located his brother and the others watching TV.

"Guys, here's your stuff," he said handing the game console bag to his brother, "Luciana and I are gonna go talk upstairs. No eavesdropping, no peeping."

Not even saying a word to me, he went past me and up the stairs, which was my queue to follow. After showing him into my room, he shut the door as I turned on the light. Walking over to my bed I sat comfortably as I could, given the situation, whilst he sat a little way from me on my desk chair.

I couldn't even look at Angelo - he made me feel so out of place in my own place. The chance for me to finally fix things had arrived yet I found myself not knowing what to say. In other situations, I probably would have been excited at the fact that it was the first time a guy who wasn't my father or brother had entered my room, but the timing was just wrong.

"Why call me?"

"I didn't call you, your brother did."

"So you got my brother to call me?"

"And why would I do that?"

"Apparently you got the fever for me."

"Please stop being so delusional," I replied rolling my eyes at him.

"That's a nice look you got there, going for something new?"

I had totally forgotten about the earlier events of the night and I wished then that the Buttbag would have seen me with my snot bubble rather than ketchup and mayonnaise smudged face. My already low self-esteem took an instant dive as I desperately looked for tissue by my bedside.

Luckily I found some and I wiped the mess from my face - the best I could.

"You're the first person I've found so incredibly hard to resist."

I froze midway wiping my cheeks at hearing Angelo's voice so low and rugged which equalled to deeply sexy and equated to my heart beating a quadruplet of times.

Oxygen was challenging to inhale as I braved facing him. "Wh-what do you mean?"

Avoiding eye contact with me, he sighed in frustration as he combed his hands through his hair. "I've managed to stay a virgin for so long and I still intend to wait until marriage make it hard, no pun intended, for me to want to."

Taking a breather, I carefully watched as he slowly paced up to me looking in every way like a hungered lion ready to pounce. Feeling his proximity too intimate I found myself leaning back until I lay flat on my bed and he just followed suit.

I grew even more self-conscious as I took a whiff of myself and smelt the shit that my brother and his friends had poured on me and I prayed I didn't smell too disgusting for Angelo.

Mere inches away from me, he didn't flinch the slightest, we studied each other's faces silently for brief moments our breaths fusing together, until he spoke in the lowest of voices. "Is there a key I need to know about that has already had access to my house?"

Unable to form words in the state I was, I shook my head to say no, smirking I watched as he dipped his head further down and for a second I thought he was going to kiss me but instead they ended up at the soft crinkle of my ears where I felt his lips graze over them. "When the time is right we are going to create love, I promise you that, but you need to admit to yourself what you're fighting so hard not to. Stop allowing other people's bullshit to penetrate your head."

With that he sprang up the bed with a random smile on his face before saying goodnight and walking out, leaving me on my own with a collapsed heart and no sign of breathing, thinking:

I've definitely got the fever.


Chapter 25 by Caterina


First day back at school and I was dreading it.

After tying the laces of my black converses, I grabbed my school bag and just as I was about to make my way out of my room I stopped at the full length mirror, assessing what I was wearing, which was nothing special; some pair of grey tracksuit bottoms with the matching hoodie. My face was free of anything make-up wise and my hair was parted into two cornrows.

Exhaling slowly, I tried to steady the rocketing nerves embedded within me on thoughts of what more potential self-hating treatment I was going to be so fortunate to receive.

I managed to coax myself into dragging my butt down the stairs to see my mum washing the dishes, just like the perfect housewife she was evolving into.

Not even turning her head to acknowledge my presence she said, "You got a letter in the post today."

Pausing from washing the dishes, she dried her wet hands with the purple dry cloth folded neatly beside her, before picking up a medium-sized brown envelope from the kitchen counter and handing it over to a confused looking me.

"I wonder who it's from."

"If you open it, there's a tiny chance you might just find out," said my mother, sarcasm having taken dominance in her everyday speech.

It's funny how she said the same thing I said every single time she got a letter even though she already knew it'd turn out to be a reminder from an overdue bill. Sigh, parents- the definition of hypocrites.

My look of disapproval changed to high suspicions when I saw the sly, I-know-something-you-don't-know grin smacked on her face and when she caught me looking at her she resumed her earlier housewife duties of washing the dishes.

Dear Sir or Madam,

This letter is to acknowledge that --Luciana Esther Carter - completed 84 hours of community service for our organization(Henriquez Cargo Shipping) between 20nd of December till the 1st of January.

Eduardo Henriquez

C.E.O of Henriquez Cargo Shopping

I flipped the single-page letter to check its legitimacy, but seeing the H.C.S heading imprinted at the top of the page, I started to question the 5W's to the situation.

What was Angelo thinking not telling me I was under some sort of court order of community service whilst I was under the notion that we had settled this out-of-court like we had both agreed and signed to?

When had I ever worked under the supervision of Angelo's uncle and at his company?

Why would Angelo not inform me beforehand of my completion of community service when he came three nights ago?

Where could I get a baboon stick?

Who was strong enough to pin him down whilst I shoved the aforementioned baboon stick up his a-hole as reward for always managing me to leave me even more confused with every action he took?

"So...who's the letter from?"

"Apparently I've completed my community service for Angelo," I replied in a bored tone like not ever seeing Angelo didn't bother me at all when in actual fact it so badly did.

Reasons? Only God knew.

"Ah, you must be real glad about that," stated my mum with a questioning grin on her face as she carefully watched my facial expression waiting for my answer.

"Yeah, sure," Realising that it was time I started making my way to school, I picked up my school bag. "Mum I'm going now."

An example of a good that had come from my dad being finally home was that I didn't need to wake up earlier in order to get Bobby dressed and drop him off at school before making my way to mine. Unlucky for me though, Bobby and my dad left in the car which left me to trudge through the snow.

"Erm, Luciana where do you think you're going?"

"School," I said just when I was about to open the house door.

Where else would I be going? Sometimes I wondered about the woman.

"Well how are you getting to school?"

"I'm walking."

"I don't think so, you'd probably not make it past the door before you slip and bump your head on the pavement. You are a walking hazard whenever your feet come in contact with snow."

"I can walk on snow perfectly fine," I defiantly replied even though I knew she was right.

"Your dad thinks differently. He told me you slipped twice when you went out with him the other day, and that was when the snow was light."

And just when she said that I wondered if she told my dad that she was the one that had supplied me with the condoms and contraceptive pills?

"I know what you're thinking."

"No you don't."

"I know I do."

"Okay, fine what am I thinking?" I challenged her balling my hands on the side of my hips - if she wanted to act like Ms. Mind-Reader well I'd happily give her the floor opening.

My whole family was a cocky bunch, I just wonder why that trait didn't dominate in my genes.

"You're thinking why didn't your dad lash out at me for giving you the condoms and the birth controls when I was the one that gave them to you, right?"

Ignoring my shocked face, she continued, "Don't worry about that, your dad and I have sorted it and we trust you'll make the best decision."

I had no doubt what she meant by 'best decision'.

"Anyway, I was talking to Sara yesterday and she told me her son would be more than happy to take you school today."

"Morning, beautiful!"

Ignoring the serious sparks threatening to blow my heart out, I rolled my eyes as I seated myself uncomfortably in Angelo's car. "Morning."

Secretly savouring a glance his way, I watched with little envy how he could appear attractively calm whilst it felt for me that any second my veins and arteries would sputter out from within me.

I was shaking and it wasn't because of the low temperature - I still hadn't gotten over the scene in my room from the other day, the letter I received and then the strange calmness from him like everything was roses and sunshine.

Attempting to control my shaking nerves, I matted my hands on my laps to stop the trembling.

"Are you cold?"

Before he heard my answer he grabbed my hand with his soft, manly ones, effectively stopping my shudders. His thumb then stroked my palms before weaving his slim fingers through the gaps of mine and settling our joint hands on his thighs.

"Are you still cold?"

"No, not anymore."


It seriously got to me that he was acting all calm and wasn't addressing the elephant in the room.

"So are you ready for your first day back?"

"What's there to be ready for? School is shit."

"Someone's got a potty mouth."

"Is it that obvious?"

"Clearly someone isn't in a good mood either. What's wrong?"

You! You're what's wrong! I wanted to shout out, but of course I didn't. "Nothing's wrong."

"Of course not", he said, before adding, "I don't know why you girls always do this. There's obviously something wrong yet you wanna play mind games."

Despite the tension, we still held hands - and that's all I could think about as I looked out of the window, silence taking over us.

I took in the thick inches of snow on the streets and even though I wouldn't admit it to my mum I was grateful that Angelo had given me a ride to school. The traffic was ridiculous but at least I was in the warmth.

I looked at Angelo for a quick second and it was then that it really sank the reality of what was going on - he was holding my hands.

He'd said he wanted to create love with me.

He thought I was 'beautiful'.

And I certainly hadn't forgot the so-called community service.

And something else too.

"Are you really a virgin?"

"You're not seriously going to tell me that's what bothering you," he replied dryly as he swerved past the other cars when the lights went green.

"You haven't answered my question."

"I am a handsome, intelligent and kind..." after a second he added, " times, 21 year-old virgin, who not only is capable of thinking outside the box, but also outside the boxers...most of the time."

We were at the traffic lights that had turned red, so Angelo turned in his seat staring intently at me and I was almost forced to break eye contact, but I managed to hold my ground. "One guy is not like every other guy and every other guy isn't like the one guy. I need you to trust me Lucy."

"So you're serious about saving yourself for marriage?"

"Yeah I guess."

In that brief moment we locked gazes, which probably didn't last for more than a second, something intimate and powerful transferred into the enclosed atmosphere. It gave me the funnies just thinking about it.

It took few minutes before we went back to normal, or as normal as I could be and I was thankful for the conversation having digressed to my plans after I finished high school.

Conversation between us flowed and I found myself getting uneasy at how easy I was starting to become used to him and being around him. Too easy for my liking.

I had told him how after high school I wanted to take a year out from education and instead work to raise money for college and also volunteer part time at an orphanage or a foster home. He had asked me what my career plans were and I told him I wanted to become a child nurse, and this was his smart response:

"Hmm, I'll be a doctor and you'll be a nurse. I see how that can be fun in other circumstances."

Finally after half an hour's drive, he parked in the school's parking lot despite me repeatedly protesting he shouldn't, given the fact his car would certainly attract attention.

"Did you bring the letter?" Angelo asked whilst I was unbuckling the seatbelt from my waist.

Pausing after realising what he was talking about, my eyes cut into slits, my annoyance pouring in, in heaps.

"Yes I did bring the letter and I was wondering when you would tell me that I was under a court order, despite the out of court deal you made me sign."

"Relax, all you need to do is show it to your principal to prove that you're on good behaviour again. Believe it or not, but the paper where you wrote your number on was actually a school letter, so you kind of made it easy for me. I came to your school but they withheld information from me, for your security, so I had to explain to them what happened and get my lawyer involved."

With every word of explanation that was supposed to bring clarity to the situation I got even more pissed.

"So now that my school knows, they won't give me a good reference when I go applying for jobs and I might as well kiss being a child nurse goodbye. Thank you so much for your marvellous help in ruining my future."

Before he could give another stupid explanation to me, I got my stuff and climbed out of his car.

A mass of students scattered around the school building, many taking a look at the car I had just come out from. From behind me, I heard the sound of a car door being slammed shut. Desperate not to be anywhere near the Buttbag I upped my pace in the direction of the school entrance. It only took ten or so steps before I felt myself tumbling down but with my guardian angel, or ironically speaking Angelo on my side or rather behind me he quickly hoisted me up and kept me steady before I did my first face plank in public.


Having turned me around, he pressed me against his warm chest and enveloped me in a tight embrace. My limp, cold hands hung to the sides resisting giving in to him.

"Don't worry everything's sorted, stay in them books and stay outta trouble."

Pushing him away after making me sound like an imbecile, he grinned at me before jogging back over to his car and setting off.

Shifting back to the direction of the school entrance, I ignored the several pairs of eyes dotted around staring openly at me.


Chapter 26 by Caterina



Listening to Mr. Darley talk to me in such a condescending tone made me feel like such a delinquent. Honest to God, my halo was long overdue.

"What explanation can you give to justify your actions? None."

No, it's none of your business, I wanted to say.

With bored eyes I watched as Mr. Darley re-read the letter that stated I had completed my community service. Sighing heavily, he placed the paper on his computer desk before shifting his gaze out the window looking at the snow intently as if he was trying to draw inspiration for what he could say next.

The unexpected shrill of the school bell overhead made me jump and within seconds the sounds of students filling the corridors penetrated through my principal's office.

This prompted him to conclude his speech, "As it is a new year Luciana, I will put this," he said nodding towards the letter, "behind us and I hope that you maintain your grades and focus on your potentially bright future, understood?"

"Yes sir."

With a satisfactory expression on his dark-skinned face he finally allowed me to leave his office.

Vainly trying to avoid the inevitable I purposely strolled through the school hallway at a slow pace, figuring that I had a good enough excuse for my lateness. That meant I could get to class a couple minutes later without getting into trouble.

Within minutes, which really seemed like mere seconds, I reached my first class. I had managed to balloon myself with as much courage as I could by reminding myself that I really was an undercover ninja from all the badass stuff I had done over the holidays. With this fact solidly established in my mind, I had planned to bust open the door with my legs, not even bothering to apologise and explain to my teacher why I was ten minutes late to her class, I would swagger off towards my seat and if I was feeling extra cool I would rest my feet on the desktop and sit back like a true Bad Ass Mother-Mother.

Truth is, I chickened out.

I knocked on the door, waiting patiently for my teacher to give me permission to enter -just like a good girl would.

After hearing 'come in' I went up to my teacher to repeatedly apologise and explain the reason for my lateness and then I dumbly stood there as she reproached me for failing to produce her with a late slip. With my head bowed down, ignoring the immature snorts from the students, I timidly walked the rest of the way to my seat. As soon as Ms. Darcy started talking in her coarse, smoker's voice I drained out everything she was saying whilst I started doodling around in my notebook.

Three hours later, I was sat in my last lesson before lunch. In no time, my belly was rumbling loudly obviously embarrassing especially when the class was quiet. A breath of relief left me as minutes later the lunch bell rang. I stayed behind until all the students had scampered off before making my way to the cafeteria.

"Your total's $2.99".

Breaking contact from my own little world, I placed the coke and pizza on the counter and I held my precious apple Danish whilst I dug out the money from my bag. Out of nowhere, someone bumped into me, effectively making my apple Danish fall out of its paper bag and drop to the floor.

Someone wanted to get murdered.

"Oh my gosh, I'm like sooo sorry. Let me pay you for another."

"No," I breathed out all at once, feeling my immediate response was a little too harsh, I lit up a fake smile on my face, "no thank you, I'm okay."

It didn't take me coming face to face with Jacey Ellis for me to recognize it was her, her all-too sweet citric voice made her all too famous for everyone in the school's student body. She was a well known bitch, she would bitch about Her, Him and It.

Dumping my Danish in a nearby bin, I walked speedily to sit at the table on the far side of the cafeteria which was perfectly arranged for the lone-lunchers.

Half-way chomping through my bread pizza I was rudely interrupted and when I twisted to see who it was, lo and behold it was none other than Jacey.

"My friends and I are sitting over there and like we would you want you to join us."

Affording a glance at her artificial allies, I asked with obvious scepticism and irritation at having unnecessarily disturbed me, "Why now?"

Her immaculately threaded eyebrows rose in confusion with a hint of surprise in her hazel eye."Why now what?"

"Why is it now after three and a half years I have been at this school that you ask me to sit with you and your friends?"

I noticed the smile on her face falter for a bit, before gaining her composure. "I always see you eating alone and you don't really talk to anyone. As my New Year's resolution, I said I will try and adopt an attitude of community spirit, and this is me keeping to my resolution."

I wanted to laugh in her face at her bull-filled explanation. I guess I had to see the actual change in her before I believed it because all I could still see was authentic fakery.

Obliging reluctantly, I took my stuff and followed her back to her table. When I settled down on a seat, I was too uncomfortable to carry on eating my food because of my body issues. It didn't make it easier that everyone else on the table was eating some type of junk food - they could afford to as each person on the table was involved with one form of sport or another.

After Jacey excitedly, too excitedly introduced me to the group and they greeted me way too excitedly, they returned their attention back to their food, except me, who was miserably sipping on my coke. A brief silence took over before Jacey broke it.

"Soooo Leona...when are you going to finally admit you like Callum?" I heard her ask a brunette hair girl, with freckles dotted all over her face which added to her pretty face.

"Please, like I can like a guy with back hair."

This provoked laughter from all of them, before being intervened by a flawless skinned Asian girl with her long black hair held in a ponytail. "But you kissed him!"

"That was a pity kiss, Selena."

This statement aroused another bout of laughter from the three of them. Whoever the Callum guy was-I felt sorry for him.

On and on the bitches bitched about different people until it started to wear them down.

"Oooh, Luciana oh my gosh you have to tell us, was that your boyfriend that we saw you with this morning?"

"No," I immediately responded.

I surprised myself with how possessive I became but I definitely did not want them knowing anything about Angelo.

"Well then who is he?" urged Leona.

"A happily married man with three kids," I quickly rushed out.

"So? He's hot. Do you have his number, maybe he can be my baby daddy?"

"Don't be shocked, Selena's field of expertise is handling married men," said Leona having seen my flabbergasted expression on my face at Selena's response.

The cutlery stand was not too far from my face and they were gleaming in my face tempting me to pick one of them up and casually stab Selena's home-breaking whorish eyes.

"So then, what type of guy do you go for?" inquired Leona noticing the sort of mockery tone in her voice.

Avoiding their watchful gazes, I didn't give it a second thought. "I'm not fussy."

"With a face like that, you couldn't be."

I guess the lovely Jacey forgot all about 'community spirit' and her dark colours definitely did take root as she failingly tried to cover up her slip up.

It cut.

And seeing the rest of the girls having a hard time to suppress their laughs. It cut deep.

It shouldn't but it did.

I should've gotten used to this, but I couldn't.

Leaving my food tray, I grabbed my bag and walked out the cafeteria, desperately navigating for the female toilets.

When I finally located it, I locked myself in one of the cubicles and sat on the lidded toilet, finally in privacy, I waited for the tears to come.

They didn't.

I was frustrated with myself, I actually wanted to cry to relieve me of the hurt I was feeling. Somehow though, my body seemed to have desensitized itself from reacting in the way it usually did and I did not know what to do with myself.

I was angry because I was incapable of standing up for myself - how pathetic. It was okay for my dad to think that I was shallow because I only focused on the external, but it was hard not to.

In that moment I wished that I could feed Sara's strength into me and I would be brave enough to carry on with the day and pretend everything was honky-dory, but I couldn't.

There was no way I was staying for the rest of my remaining lessons. All I could think about as I planned my sweet escape was to get home, tuck under my bed and sleep, forgetting about my silly insecurities and the problems that surround them.

It was the perfect opportunity to leave school as it was still during lunch time and students would be clustered about everywhere, so I wouldn't be so suspicious. I decided to take the exit that led to the the smoker's shelters, since it was closer to the main streets.

Aware of the sharp wind that I was going to be fighting against I zipped up my coat and prepared myself to walk steadily but speedily in the snow. I had walked past the basketball court, and I could feel the adrenaline sizzling in my veins as I became step by step closer to leaving the premises unnoticed.

A lone figure stood in the smoking shelter puffing away - short, jet black, bob-cut - Ms. Darcy. Crouching down as quietly as I could without making snowy crunchy sounds with my foot I guesstimated the time that it would take me to run past her with her back turned.

There was only like a 100 metres between where I stood and the gates, I was no track star but I was sure I would manage.

Seeing Ms. Darcy's back still turned, on the count of three, I ran.

"I think you might just want to stop right there, young lady."

Surely, it was not my day. Turning around to face her I waited until she finally met up with me.

"Do you have a slip permitting you to leave the school grounds early before the home bell rings?"


"Well then you shouldn't be leaving the school's premises unauthorized. Follow me to the principal's office, your parents need to be contacted."

I had officially become a certified bad ass.


Chapter 27 by Caterina



"Esther, you can't keep running away from your problems!"

"I'm not running away from them daddy, I-I'm just simply avoiding them."

"You know there's a special word for people who do exactly what you just described", with a moment's pause, he uttered, "coward."

Maybe it was the way in which my dad said it or the fact that he'd used it in reference to me that made me feel worse than expected.

The truth was hard for me to swallow.

"No I'm not a coward, I just don't see the point in a confrontation when walking away is a better option."

My dad didn't even bother to credit me with a response, instead he kissed his teeth at me and opened the fridge, pulling out a bottle of water and unscrewing the cap before drinking huge gulps from it.

"Why were you trying to leave the school premises?"

My dad's usually playful pair of browns was anything but playful as his determined look to know the truth was set on me -that was my cue to be nervous.

Not able to hold eye contact with his strong gaze, I fidgeted with the strap of my school bag. "I already told you."

"And that is?"

"I wasn't feeling well and I didn't want to go to the school nurse."

"No, that's the lie you told Mr. Darley. I'm not Mr. Darley, I'm your dad I want to know the truth."

Trust my dad to figure my lying ass out.

After getting busted the lovely Ms. Darcy and her annoying scratchy voice escorted me to Mr. Darley's office and went on and on about my lack of discipline and loss of focus in my studies.

My mum was called but she couldn't make it because she was at work, so she gave my school my dad's number.

My dad was most definitely not pleased with me - and that was putting it plainly. He had been in a meeting with Eduardo, but had to cut it short. I no doubt felt guilty about that.

My principal had gone into great lengths to entertain my father with the many tales of my habitual escapes from school, including the day I had hit Angelo's car.

My dad always the one to keep his affairs, especially family affairs private didn't say anything to Mr. Darley except to reassure him that he was going to 'deal' with the issue. I didn't miss the look of dissatisfaction on my principal's face when he realised that my dad was not going to give him a show by yelling at me in front of him.

"So am I going to wait until Jesus comes before you start talking?"

But I couldn't.

How pathetic of me would it have been to tell my dad I couldn't cope with a group of girls saying mean things to me.

"I can't."

"Why's that?"

My dad was right - I was being a coward.

Exhausted already from the day's events I said, "I just don't want to talk about it."

My eyes caught my dad's lip twitch as if he wanted to say something more, but in the next second they had set in a small pout having seen the resigned look on my face.

Sighing, I dragged my school bag along the floor as I tiredly sauntered towards the stairs to go to my room but not before hearing my father mutter to himself. "She's just as stubborn as her mother."

When I finally reached my room I flung my bag in some unknown direction before hurriedly taking off my shoes and coat and tucking myself warm in the duvet covers. That was exactly what I needed.

I was finally away from the world and my insecurities.


As hard as I tried to sleep, that one word irritatingly kept drumming itself into my brains disallowing me partition from the universe and causing me a headache. Amongst the chaos going in my head, I heard several vibrations right on my ear and I sat up frustrated searching for the damn phone.

I found my phone chucked on the floor and for a second I looked at it confused at how it got there, since I remember hearing it beside my pillow but I figured my arms must have swung it down in my haste to locate it.

From: Buttbag

Had fun on your first day?

I was too annoyed to reply back. I could only assume he was taking the piss but I was certainly not amused.

After the little talk Mr. Darley had with my dad he also informed him that I was on my last warning and if I failed to follow the conducts of the school I was going to get my butt expelled and I could blow a good-bye kiss to graduation.

Had fun on your first day? I didn't even understand why I was getting so frustrated with Angelo when I knew he didn't know of the events that had taken place and it wasn't his fault that they had taken place in the first place - well not fully anyway.

Truth is, I wanted Angelo with me. I wanted him to say some stupid shit about how pretty I was or that Shakespearean stuff about how he wanted to create love with me - I really just wanted him to comfort me. Then again, as Jacey so lovingly implied, I couldn't afford to be demanding. So that meant settling for being a friendless coward in a cold bed.

Yes, the pity party was on full blast.

The next morning I felt like utter bleurgh, lucky for me the house was already empty so I didn't have to deal with anyone's questions. I had stayed in bed all night and I must have slept like over twelve hours or something but to me it still felt like I'd hardly any sleep.

Pushing myself to get up and get ready was a real battle but I did not want to get on Mr. Darley's bad side any longer for the duration of my time at his silly school. The thought of having to walk in the heavy snow was definitely not helping my foul mood. I knew for sure I had a ninety-nine percent chance of slipping. My school most definitely should have been closed but of course my school was one of them schools that refused to shut down even if the apocalypse was occurring, because they didn't want us to miss on 'important education'.


I closed off the curtain when I heard the unexpected ring from the doorbell. Picking up my school bag, I exited my room before making my way down the stairs. Checking through the peephole, and seeing who it was my heart stupidly decided to beat a little harder but I ignored it as I swung the door open, pretending to be unaffected by his presence.

My mood was still very much in the gutters but seeing him, lifted the air a bit. Unfortunately I got too quickly frustrated and annoyed and uneasy with his intense gaze. "What?"

Surprise fleeted on his face for a second. "What?"

"Yes, I was just about to make my way to school and I don't want to be late so what are you doing here?"

"Your mum asked me if I could give you a ride to school that's why I'm here -- you didn't even reply to my text yesterday, what's up with your ass?"

"First of all I am not inclined to answer your text messages just because they are from you and secondly, it's none of your damn business."

For some reason I could feel myself grow hot and hotter with suppressed anger and it only heightened by his presence. I watched cautiously as he closed the door shut behind him, before he crossed the short distance right in front of me chuckling softly.

"Alright, Luci-anal."

"Excuse me?"

"You're excused. Something's up but knowing you, you'd probably expect me to use my telepathic powers to figure it out, right?"

"I don't expect you to do anything."

Side-stepping him, I attempted to move away but he only followed suit.

"Seriously what's wrong with you?"

Hearing his husky voice speak with genuine concern was nearly enough for me to give in. Nearly.

"Nothing is wrong and as I've told you even if there was it'd be none of your damn business," I stated out more harshly than I intended.

"Clearly there is something wrong. I just don't understand why you have to be on defence mode all the time."

"There is nothing for you to understand," looking away from the look in his eye, I continued, "please just leave, I'm sorry that my mum had you come here but I can make my own way."

"You can't keep pushing me away!"

Surprised by his raised voice I jumped, feeling his deep frustration at me but I certainly did not appreciate that - it only made it harder for me to contain my anger.

"Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do? I'm not under your damn authority."

"Right, so this is what you want?"

In my mind I thought it would be better for us to carry on living life like we'd never met yet useless tears pricked at my eyes as I defiantly said, "Yes."

Angelo's body grew tense. His jaws were locked tightly and I turned my head to avoid him seeing the unshed tears in my eyes. "Okay then, fine."


A short pause followed after as I heard my heart scream at me to take back everything I said but it was too late.

Abruptly turning to make his way back to the front door, he said, "I don't need this."

"That's alright, I don't need you."

As soon as the words escaped my lips I regretted them. My pride would not let me see that he had the last word in and I wanted him to feel too how much his words had stung me.

For the split second he looked at me before disappearing out the house, his face was vacant of anything emotionally but his eyes told a different story - I'd hurt him.


Chapter 28.1 by Caterina


I had a job interview - nothing special, but I guess it was another step in the forward direction. There was only like a month and a bit left before I would shout the words 'Good riddance' to high school and whilst most seniors were getting their butts excited for college I decided to take a different route and gain some experience working in the real world. So there I had it, a job interview at a seniors care home.

It wouldn't have been any use telling my parents, especially my mum as she'd be making plans on my salary and how I'd contribute to the household regardless of the fact that I hadn't even gotten the job yet.

Once I got into my room, I dropped my bag on the bed and sat at my desk with a heavy sigh. If it weren't for the invention of assignments and exams, I would have had nothing to do with my days other than mentally slap myself and cry over what I let pass me by ever so easily. There were instances when I would walk in whatever room my mum was and she'd be on the phone to Sara and her voice would suddenly turn into a boom box and she'd say stuff like, 'Oh Sara, Angelo is such a lovely boy!' or something like, 'Did Angelo really do that?'

And her game plan definitely did work; one mention of his name and my ears would perk up like antlers, wanting to know what he was up to. I had talked to Sara once or twice since she'd left and both times she'd asked if her son and I were in a relationship yet, which I had glumly responded no. I had no idea if she knew that Angelo and I were not on speaking terms, but my mum who was always ever to eager to fill in Sara with updates, I'd expect she knew already. 

After those two occasions of speaking to Sara, I told my mum to lie for me whenever she wanted to speak to me, to tell her that I was in school or sleeping. It's not the fact that I didn't want to speak to her but I wanted to avoid the awkward conversation where Sara would eventually ask me why Angelo and I were no longer talking.

Surprisingly my usually interrogative parents had not said anything to me about it - for once. Bobby though did ask me on a few occasions if we could invite Angelo over to our house for a 'sleepover' which I responded with a resounding no.

It had been four long months of not having to listen to his narcissistic remarks or him  annoying me in some type of way that made me want to throw something at his face.

But damn did I miss him. I missed him so damn much.

It was bittersweet really for it cost me not having Angelo in my life to finally make an attempt to be more secure with myself. It was a working progress. There were many days when I hated my body and wished I could rip it apart and start again but there were also breakthrough days, albeit few, when I took my dad's and Sara's words on board - I needed to discover what was inside of me because that was more powerful than what

 was on the outside. 

For that reason, I tried to keep myself busy by volunteering twice a week at a kindergarten assisting children who were physically disabled. It really put a lot of things in perspective for me seeing beautiful little darlings have diseases such as multiple sclerosis, polio and down's syndrome plague them for the rest of the their lives. Sometimes the way they responded to me or how I saw them progress through each activity given, made me forget about their disability. The strength and beauty of those children through whatever they were fighting made me ashamed on how much I took for 


Checking the time and seeing that it had nearly been an hour since I'd returned from school, I got up from my desk and changed into pyjamas before settling in with my soon-to-be-due assignment. 

"Don't think I will allow you to go to your interview dressed like that," my mum said looking down at the clothes I was wearing which were a pair of dark, blue jeans and black and white checkered polo shirt, before finally meeting my shocked gaze.  "If I were your prospective employer I sure would not give you a job when you don't look like you really want it."

I had come down the stairs hoping that everyone had gone about their business and I could make an easy exit, but of course life didn't work that way, I met my mother in the kitchen eating her breakfast. Whoever came up with the quote "Mother knows best", I bet really meant, "mothers are nosiest".

"How d'you know I had an interview?" I asked whilst thinking hard at what point between the last five days since I'd gotten the letter did I mention it to her.

"Oh please Luciana, if you hadn't wanted me to find out about it you should have cleaned your room when I asked you to," she said unapologetically at the intrusion of my privacy, "now come up, I have twenty minutes before I need to get to work to get you 

looking presentable."

There wasn't even any point in me trying to convince her I looked perfectly okay with how I dressed so without saying so much of a word I tailed behind her up the stairs.

"Looking at your resume and the questions you've answered for me today I say you've been very successful, Miss. Carter but before we take your application any further we are going to need a recommendation letter from a past employer and your school."

Forcing a strained smile on my face, I replied, "How long do I have to do this by?"

" A week."

A week?

My interviewer who was a middle aged woman had noticed that I had gone silence and with another cheery smile she said, "If there is nothing else that I can help you with,  I had a pleasure talking to you today Miss. Carter and I hope to hear from you soon. Have a lovely day."

Once I had made myself out the senior care home, where my interview was held I unlocked the key to the car, jumped in before sitting down in utter loss of what to do next.

Getting a recommendation from school was easiest but the other...I was not prepared. The kindergarten didn't give recommendations to its volunteers unless they were with them for at least six months and I'd only been with them for three - that only gave

 me one option. Releasing a short gasp of air, I stuck the key into the ignition ready to drive to school for my afternoon classes. 

After school I had called my dad to be of great assistance to me and get Eduardo to ask Angelo to write me a letter of recommendation, because yes, I was too chicken to do it myself. My dad's only response before cutting off the line rather rudely was, 'Esther I love you, but I'm not doing your dirty work.' And this was why after mustering up much courage and squashing up my cowardice I was sat in my car outside Angelo's house, after four months.

I couldn't do this.

It felt like a bouncy castle party was going on in my belly as I sat still in my car. My palms were perspiring profusely and I thought I was going to pee out of fear. The urge to drive out his driveway was kicking from every side of me. I checked myself in the rear view mirror for the hundredth time looking for some reassurance, that all was going to be well, which was a bull loaded lie when I knew anything was going to go but well.

For brief minutes I repeatedly shifted my gaze between his front door and the silent, peaceful afternoon street ahead of me that looked so tempting to just cruise through and away from any pending confrontations. At the same time I wanted to go in, I wanted to see him, I wanted to hear him, I wanted to feel that something I felt whenever he was in close proximity with me.

Do it for the old people, they need you Luciana.

Before I could change my mind, I hastily scrambled out my car, breathing in deep and exhaling slowly. I walked up to his doorstep and pressed his doorbell. Even if he did tell me to fuck off, I would know at least I tried. Even though I knew I would deserved it, I knew it would still hurt me deeply.

Within seconds the mahogany doors to his house opened and my heart thrummed faster as it became familiar with the husky smoothness of his voice as he asked for who was on the other side of the door. I didn't answer him but for some stupidity beyond human 

comprehension I let out a little squeak as soon as his mocha coloured eyes came in to view.

He arrested my breath as soon as our eyes met and I was overcome with overwhelming emotions. I carried on my private study of him a little further taking notice of his olive 

complexion that had darkened since I'd last seen him. Two weeks ago, whilst I was doing the laundry, I heard my mum in the bathroom speaking to Sara who was on loudspeaker telling her that Angelo had come to Spain for a few days.

I tried to muster the remaining pieces of sanity I had left as I uncomfortably cleared my throat ready to state my purpose of being at his doorstep unannounced only he beat me to it first.

"What are you doing here?"

He sounded pissed off and his gaze was not in the least bit friendly.

Surprised by the question even though I shouldn't have been, I stuttered out, "Wh-what am I doing here?"

"That's what I asked." He replied in a bored tone as he rested one long arm on the side of the door until he had enough of waiting for myself and went back inside. 

For a second I was unsure of whether to follow him inside or leave, but he hadn't slammed the the door shut in my face so I took it as my invitation to enter.

Walking into his large living room I spotted papers spread out everywhere with multiple cans of empty energy drinks tossed around the floor and centre table.

"Studying for finals," I heard him explain so closely from behind me.

I jumped and quickly twisted around only to bump face to shoulder with him. His arms came around my waist to steady my balance, shocked by the action I quickly pushed away from him.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't expect you to be close," I stammered feeling heat from his touch laced around my waist.

I looked up waiting for his reply but he didn't, all he did was just stare back blankly at me. Under his empty gaze, I found my throat too clogged to say anything that I was supposed to say. It must have been the months without his presence contrasted with being that close to him that made me do something I did not understand.

Slowly I paced over to where he stood refusing to break contact. His gaze wavered in 

small confusion. In close proximity I heard  his breathing dip as I pressed my lips on the hot flesh of his chest, before whispering in his ear, "I've been a bitch, I'm sorry."

Chapter 28.2 by Caterina

CHAPTER 28 Part.2


Angelo's POV


I remember my dad once told me in one of his father-son talks that there comes a time in a man's life when he loses his balls and never gets it back, 'Power of the Vagina', he called it. He emphasised on how powerful the presence of a woman was, using Eve as an example on how she was able to successfully convince Adam to eat fruit from the forbidden tree. He would also point to my mum's and his relationship and I would laugh in my dad's face because even though both my parents were intensely devoted to one another, my mum could be one demanding woman and my dad had no shame being putty in her hands. And I just never saw myself that way with any woman but from looking back into Luciana's large chocolate eyes, my dad's words haunted me.

She was good, I had to give her that - and more.

Having her lips on my chest had my internals spazzing out of control. Her pleading eyes lingered onto mine as she waited expectantly for me to say something after her apology.

Four shitty months and finally she was here. There was definitely anger as I realised how easy I was about to forgive and forget what she said the last time we saw each other.

I carefully contorted my face into a blank stare. She licked her full bottom lips nervously and looked up briefly before looking down again.

"Ar-aren't you going to say something?" she asked in a hoarse whisper whilst focusing her gaze at the messy pile of text books I had scattered all over my living room.

"Something like what?"

"I don't know but... at least something," she huffed out exasperated and I briefly became side-tracked by the small rise of her chest.



I watched amused as her eyebrows crumpled together in confusion at my intelligent response.

"Is that all you have to say? Okay?" she asked in clear annoyance and I noticed her place more distance between her and I.

I was not amused by that action but I ignored it - for the time being.

Shrugging my shoulders nonchalant, I replied, "What else is there to say?"

"I don't know...just-urgh, you know what forget it, sorry for disrupting your study t-"

Pacing quickly forward I grasped her upper arm tight, stilling her from going any further but the girl was still not getting the message and was trying to wriggle free.

"Honestly, Angelo...Let. Me. Go."

"Or what Luci...anal?"

My smirk widened seeing her head snap up quickly with a highly irritated look on her face. I could see her fighting a retort in her head but for some reason she resisted, which was a shame - I missed her fire.

"Just let me go."

Playtime over, I flung her over my back before walking back to one of the sofas. Dumping her as smoothly as I could on one of the paper littered settees I wedged both her legs between mine.

Purposely grazing my lips with hers east to west, the tips of our noses touched. "Or what, Luciana?"

Lifting my head higher to see her better I noticed the tears blanket her eyes.

Burying my head in the arch of her neck I circled my tongue there for a while no doubt loving the sound of her soft gasp, before kissing the supple flap of her ears. The feeling of her palms gently caressing my cheeks and cupping my neck was enough to provoke me to fulfil the promise I made to her the last time we were in this position, but I couldn't. I needed to get my self-control back.

"I thought you didn't need me, remember?"

Even though it had been months since that day, there was not a day I didn't think about what she had said. It hurt like shit.

I watched carefully now, her chest rising and falling slowly, her face flushed, her eyes having taken a darker colour I could tell she was hesitant and vulnerable. Within seconds tears were spilling slowly from her sides.

"I do need you," I heard her choke out, "I-I just don't think I'm what you need."

Surprised by her answer, I stared blankly at her wondering for a moment if she was actually being serious. "And how exactly do you know what I need?"

My voice void of any play, my gaze fixed determinedly to hers wanting to know why she would say something like that.


"Get up."

Dismissing the look of surprise from Luciana, I took hold of her hand without her permission and pulled her off the couch and the mass of papers we had laid on top were all scrunched up.

"Oh my gosh I've messed up your papers, aren't those like your assignments, Angelo?" I heard Luciana ask behind me as I lead her out the living room and up the stairs.

"It doesn't matter."

"I'm glad you take so much pride in your work," she replied sarcastically under her breath as we finally reached my en suite bathroom.

My eyes took in the full length mirror that was next to my shower booth and I walked over to it, pulling Luciana in front of it whilst I stood behind circling my arms around her voluptuous curves. For awhile we gazed at our reflection, her body firmly pressed against mine, feeling the heat of one another.

Glancing at her through the mirror I could still detect the doubt in her eyes and the insecurity. Lightly sucking on her collar bone, educing a moan from her lips, I asked, "Do you see what I see? How can I not want this? How can I not need this?"

Twisting her around so that we were face to face, I tilted her head up with my pointer finger and for the brief moment we held each other's gazes I was clear about something. Overwhelmed with foreign emotions I cleared my throat before speaking. "I like my women beautiful."

"What guy wouldn't?" she snorted looking away from me now.

Turning her to face me again, I repeated once again, "Be-u-tee-full."

She didn't seem to get what I was saying so I had to break it down for her once again, "Be-you-fully. I accept you the way you are, so I don't understand why you can't."

Looking down, she started playing with her hands, before smoothing it out on her clothes, I had noticed it was a habit of hers whenever she was nervous.

"Because it's hard to."

"What's hard?"

"Angelo, I don't want to talk about it," she said and left the bathroom abruptly.

I followed her out into my bedroom and sat on the Ottoman in front of my bed with her. "Are you shutting me out again?"

"I-I'm not shutting you out I just don't want to talk about it."

"You're shutting me out," I said frustrated, before taking a deep breath. "Why are you so insecure?"

"It's hard not to be."


"I just don't like myself much."

"And that's why you push me away?"

"I'm not pushing you away, I'm saving you."

Her answer had me confused. "And why would I need saving from you?"

"Because sooner than later you will realise that there's nothing much to me, I'm boring, and I certainly am not beautiful."

"Oh yes, because I'm just another dickhead who wants to get into your pants, right?"

"Yes, exactly that. Guys like you love saying stuff or doing stuff that makes girls like me feel special and then when you're done with us, you just leave us broken and twisted in the wind," she said straight- faced which only made my pissed off levels rise to the max.

"So basically I'm an asshole who preys on girls with low self- esteem just so I can sleep with them, even though I'm a virgin-"

"Being a virgin has nothing to do with it."

"I don't know if you realise this Luciana, but I'm a Christian and my relationship with God is the most important thing to me. You implying that I'm capable of disrespecting women in that way seriously offends me. First of all if I did, that would hinder my relationship with Him, and also, I simply just don't have the time for that."

There was silence in the room. There was still doubt on her face and yes, I was a man but I wasn't immune to being hurt.

"You talk about me preying on you for selfish purposes, yet you're the one who only came here not to really apologise but to ask me for a recommendation letter. "

That quickly brought her out of whatever she was in as surprise and guilt was obvious on her face when she shifted her gaze to me. Her dad had told my uncle who had told me that she had been offered a job but had to get a recommendation, so I couldn't say I was too surprised that she'd shown up at my front door.

"Angelo...that's not how it is."

A bitter filled chuckle left my lips. "Of course it isn't."

"I am sorry, Angelo. I'm just in a very confused stage in my life and I'm trying to do what I think, what I believe is right. Pushing you away seemed the right thing to do...four months ago. It hurt me hurting you."

"You didn't hurt me," I replied which was a bull-loaded lie.

A tear dropped from her eyes as she breathed out unevenly. "Angelo, remember when you took me to- to that homeless shelter to drop off all the things you bought?

"What about it?"

"I came to like you so much more just seeing how selfless you were and you were the one who first planted the seed in my head to want to give more and be less focused on the surface things."

She was stroking my ego. I didn't even know if she realised how good she was at it but I said nothing as I went into my closet to get my shoes. I could feel her getting frustrated and I felt real good about that.

"I'm going out to eat."


The pleading in her voice stopped me just as I was about to leave my room. For a while neither of us said anything, growing tired and hungry of the pregnant pause I reluctantly turned around as I really did not want to continue the discussion further.

"Luciana, go to the gym or find a new diet or some shit, if that's what's going to make you stop being so damn insecure but you and I know that what you really need to do is lose is all that negativity in your head that's got you thinking you ain't shit."

"You make it sound so easy."

From where I stood, I could see she was fighting back tears and it made me feel like an asshole at what I'd said to her but she needed to hear it.

"I never said that it was easy, I just want you to stop feeling like everyone is against you and stop pushing the people who care about you away," I said unbelieving of how unbelieving she was of herself.

"Damn, it wasn't until I came to America that I realised how insecure girls can be about their bodies, back in Spain it's different."

"How is it different?"

Shrugging my shoulders I said, " I dunno, we're just more chilled, we don't obsess about our looks as extremely as you Americans do."

Surprisingly for me a smile overtook my face as I watched Luciana stare back blankly at me. She was still over-thinking, absorbing, doubting, yet she looked real cute. Power of the Vagina.

"What's funny?"

"Nothing. Are you hungry?"

"Yeah," she replied unamused that I'd avoided her question.

"Cool, you can buy it for us."

Smirking to myself I heard her follow me down the stairs, "I'm not your maid anymore and besides that, no real man makes a girl pay for his food."

"And you would know this because?" I asked not liking the thought that some guy, in my absence, may have given her the illusion of how a 'real' man is supposed to treat a woman.

"I ain't buying you shit."

"Calm down, Lucianal," I chuckled to myself as I grabbed the car keys amongst the millions of practise papers that lay all over the centre table.

"Don't call me th-"

"You owe me though," I cut in quickly.

"And I'd like to know how you came about that conclusion."

The way she always took things so seriously had me laughing out loud, "Luciana, I was just joking."

We ended up at a Spanish tapas restaurant as I was feeling for some home food and as expected because it was basically past closing hours the place was pretty much full. Grabbing a hold of Luciana's hands felt natural to me as the waiter led us to a more secluded part of the restaurant and we settled down in one of the booths.

Wasting no time we both ordered for chicken and prawn paella, I had practically been studying the whole day and if it wasn't for Luciana's coming round to my house I would have probably not eaten until late in the evening, so I was not mad about the distraction.

It wasn't until I was about until half of my plate was empty and mid-chew that I looked up and noticed Luciana staring at me. "What?"

She jumped a little but then tried to cover it up by saying I had sauce on my chin.

I made an attempt to rub it away with my arm but went back to eat - I was too damn hungry.

"It's still there," before I could react she'd reached over the table with tissue and gently wiped my chin, which no lie, bordered on a caress.

I don't think she realised what she was doing until we held eye contact, she quickly removed her hand from my face and slurped her grape juice whilst I chewed on happily. She was still fighting it.

"I don't want to make it seem like I only came to you 'cos I needed a favour but I really need this recommendation letter."

"That's interesting," I said trying not to be irritated especially since I did not want to be reminded that she'd only come to see me for one primary reason.

"Well?" she asked exasperated her mouth full.

"I have four words for you."

I noticed her eyes twinkled with excitement and I smiled triumphantly because she was going to be in for a shock.

"Prove it to me."

Her face once again scrunched up in confusion she asked, "Prove what to you?"

"Prove you didn't just come back for a favour and you're not just once again going to run away from me as soon as you get what you want. My uncle will get you a job if you don't get this one, but four months is enough of the games. There's no way we can deny that we feel something for each other but I need to be sure you're here one hundred percent. Are you?"

Moments passed, years flew but in a heartbeat, I heard her, "Yes I am."

"Prove it to me."







Chapter 29 by Caterina



You give me dewdrops, you give me sunshine, you give me rain

The love I feel for you is so strong, I think I'm going insane

I say I don't like my thick thighs and big butt,

You say real men appreciate meat and bones are for dogs

I say I don't like my stretch marks

You say don't insult God's creativity

I say I think you're lying

But you kiss me and tell me to be quiet

You're my dewdrops, you're my sunshine and you're my rain

Drowned in your love is where I pray to remain


I look into your eyes and the whole world is dancing in tune

I kiss your lips and immediately I get the reassurance we'll make it through

I feel your arms around me and I know I've finally found my Angel.


I love you

Even though I don't know how to

I do promise to show you my true colours

Be warned, they may come out black and blue

That means I may hurt you

But please understand I'm doing something I've never been taught

And I know you'd never give your car key to

a kid

Without a driving permit

but I'm asking you to give me another chance

It'll be worth the risk

Let me drive you crazy.


Huffing out of frustration, I flipped over to a new fresh page in my notebook, not satisfied with the last poem I wrote.

As if I, Luciana Esther Carter, was writing love poems, like honestly, I must have lost my damn mind in the sixteenth century because only people of those days wrote sappy, cheese-filled poems to their lovers.

Lovers- that title weighed heavy on me, I mean at eighteen what exactly did I know about love, loving and having a lover? I was barely loving myself even though I was trying - trying being the operative word. I didn't know anything about relationships except what my middle school teacher once said that when a boy and a girl like one another they want to do stuff to and for each other.

Prove it to me.

Gritting my teeth in annoyance at those damned four words that had been the cause of my torture for the past month, I looked like a mad black woman as I repetitively stabbed at the A4 lined paper, successfully puncturing holes, wishing it was Buttbag's face.

He was playing hard to get, it was so unfair. I couldn't even get an innocent peck on the cheek, last time he'd kissed me was at his place which had been a month ago. He refused to touch me in any and every sense of the word - holding hands was strictly forbidden.

To top it all off, at my graduation the week before he came along with my parents looking all hot, getting me all bothered; wearing a pair of cuffed chinos and white polo shirt that contrasted beautifully with his sun-bronzed skin. My name had been called out three times before I was tapped on the shoulder to go get my certificate from a not-so-amused Mr. Darley.

On my way to the podium I tripped on the stairs - no surprise there. I blamed my mother; if she hadn't forced me into wearing those damned heels, when I was perfectly comfortable in my converse, I predict it wouldn't have happened, but then again knowing my luck it probably would have. After the graduation ceremony, I went straight to my parents and my dad asked if I was going to say bye to my friends and all I did was give him a look that gave a clear answer, I didn't know if he was taking the piss or not.

So this was the part that really exhausted my pipes; I stood like five freaking inches away from Angelo, expecting him to like, I don't know, maybe congratulate me in an 'affectionate' way, but all he did was pat me twice on the shoulder. Wasn't that just jolly good? I was so angry, I nearly prayed that the forces of heaven descended on him and struck him down.

So for the past week I scribbled nonsense, trying to "express" what I felt hoping it would be proof enough for him. I never was much of a writer or a romantic- not that I had any reason to be romantic, but I thought that words had a way of being immortal in a way that other things couldn't. And on the off chance that he had memory loss he could always read the words that had stayed the same from the first time I wrote them down. When I first asked him how I could prove it to him, his smart reply was, "The balls in your court and if you play it right, you might just have my balls in your court."

The only contact that I was afforded with him for the past month was texting and the odd calls because he was taking his finals, so we didn't see each other except for my graduation, but with each passing day the content of the messages turned something intense. And yes there were boundaries but it had been hard to not act the Jezebel and tempt him to cross them.

I tore a page of stanzas and out of frustration I scrunched it up and threw it in a random direction that landed near my bedroom door. Just then, my phone started vibrating, reaching for it by my bedside table I saw it was Angelo calling me. My heart throbbed excitedly and I tried not to let my excitement show in my voice.

"What's going on?"

"Is that any way to greet your future husband and father of your children?"

Him saying that did something crazy to me, I didn't even want to say. Not wanting to think too deeply at what he may be insinuating, I laughed it off.

"Okay, what can I do for you Angelo?"

"Hm, slightly better," chuckling he continued, "but how do you know it's not me that wants to do you?"

"Do you always have to be this dirty?"

"Only with you, mi pequeño querido."

That had been the second time he'd called me that, the last time being the first time he'd dropped me off at my house, but too soaked up in the loveliness of his voice I once again didn't ask for a translation.

"I need you."

My breathing at that point sounded laboured, my heart was beating something fierce, the shit sizzling between us was both intense and intimate and in fear of losing the moment, my voice was reduced to a whisper. "What d'you need me for, Angelo?"

"I need help me paint my brother's room."

I could have just murdered him.

As soon as he said that, that Butt of a bag started sniggering loudly into my ears, obviously aware of my embarrassment.

"I can't," I said ignoring his silly, boyish giggles.

That effectively stopped the laughter. "And why not?"

I could have lied and said because I was volunteering at the kindergarten and that would have been a totally believable excuse, but for some reason I didn't. "Because I don't want to?"

"What about if I want you to?"

"Well then I guess we have a problem."

"I guess so too," he agreed but not even a second later he came back with a defence, "your brother was the one that told Robinho that his room looked like green shit."

"Bobby wouldn't use the word 'shit'," I stated but secretly worried that my brother was picking up some bad language at school.

"No, he didn't exactly use that term but that's what he meant. Now my brother says he wants me to repaint his room white."

"Robinho shouldn't listen to my brother, if he likes the colour of his room he should ignore him. And besides that your brother lives in Spain, doesn't he just come and see you on holidays?"

Chuckling, he replied, "True, but I want my brother to feel at home when he's in the States. He doesn't like it much here, it's the least I can do."

It touched me knowing big ol' buttbag was considerate enough to re-paint his room in order to suit the preferences of a brother who probably only visited him three or four times a year but I still wasn't budging.

"Well are you gonna come and help me?" He pushed.


"Don't you realise I'm using this as an excuse for me to see you?"

He's forwardness and the sincerity in his forwardness only made it harder for me to resist. His voice too was seriously blurring my judgement and as if I was under the hypnotism of black magic I heard myself ask what time he needed me to come.

Snorting loudly, the smart-ass answered, "I'll be ready for you to come anytime, baby."

"Well someone is feeling very mature today, aren't they?" I responded, rolling my eyes.

"After hearing your voice...believe me, he is very mature, if you know what I mean," I just about caught him laughing out loud at his stupidity before I cut the line off certainly having enough of his dirtiness corrupting my innocent mind.

Half a minute later, my phone buzzed once again, but this time alerting me of a text message, from none other than him.

From: Buttbag

I'll pick you up in an hour's time.

Not even a millisecond after reading the text message, the door to my room flung open and I had to quickly shove my notebook underneath my butt, so no one had an idea of what I was getting up to. The intruder turned out to be Bobby, and I flung him a not-so-happy scowl at not having knocked, which he swiftly ignored. Yelling loudly, with clear excitement eating him up, he announced, "Lucy, mummy just spoke with Sara and she said that her and Rob are coming in two days time to spend their whole summer vacation here!"

Narrowing my eyes at my brother, remembering what Buttbag had informed me, I asked, "Did you tell Robinho that you don't like the colour of his room because it looks like green poo?"

Shrugging his shoulders, he replied with an easy yes.

"That's not cool, Bob. Now that means you have to come with me to Angelo's place so we can repaint his room, since you have so much to say about it."

After a series of groans and moans and a few failed attempts of excuses, he complied.

It served him right for having such a big mouth.

"What's this?" I heard him ask just as he was about to head out of the room.

Looking up, my eyes popped out when I realised he was unfolding the piece of paper with my poetic attempts on it. Fleeing quickly from my bed, I aimed to grab the paper, but my brother turning it into a game quickly swerved to the right, which made me lose my balance and topple on my bedroom floor.

"Bobby, give it to me right now!"

"I love you-"

"What's going on here? Luciana? Bobby?"

My mother with her dishevelled locks falling on the sides of her face, and her dark cocoa coloured eyes looking at us quizzically, stood waiting for an answer from either of us.

"Nothing," we both responded.

"Hmm," she hummed clearly not believing us, but deciding not to question any

further, turning her gaze at Bobby she said, "Bobby your dad's taking you to the barber's so go get changed."

"Okay mummy," he replied with a deceivingly innocent smile on his face.

My mother had turned her back on him to face me and I was kicking myself mentally for not having better control of my frustrations as my brother escaped but not before flinging his tongue out at me whilst holding the crumpled paper that I was sure was going to cause me some major humiliation later.

"Your room stinks like egg farts Luciana, do you ever open your window?"

My ever-blunt mother scrunched up her nose at me as if the smell was going to suffocate her. I seriously did not know what she was talking about because my room smelt fine and I hated opening my bedroom window especially in the heat of the summer when bees and wasps were everywhere ready to invade and scare the bum fluffs out of me.

"Mum my room smells fine," I replied rolling my eyes at her typical dramatics.

"Oh so you think Angelo would hold the same opinion as you if he were here?"

The thought of Angelo seeing me in my morning mess, me not having had my bath, brushed my teeth, hair all over the place, and the possibility of entering my room to smell my 'egg farts' had me cringing hard. Then again, Angelo had already seen me looking my worst, back when he came to my house with those police officers. It all seemed like such a long time ago as so much had happened since then.

"Why would he even be in my bedroom in the first place?" I asked whilst pretending to be immersed in the job of making my bed, so she didn't see the grin on my face.

"Pshtt, child don't think your mum's a fool, I know you trying to cover up a smile thinking about that boy," she said in an all too-familiar Maya-Carter-all-knowing tone.

"No I'm not!"

"Hmm hm, if you say so. Anyway I came to tell you that Sara and Robinho are coming from Spain in two days and this time Sara's husband is coming too. Eduardo is hosting a barbecue and we're going."

"Oh okay", I responded not that I really had a choice even if I didn't want to go.

Judging from my mother's face, I could tell that she was definitely one excited bunny at having her friend back. Honestly, I was still surprised at how quick my mum had been able to bond so well with Sara in a short period of time, especially when prior to Sara, Maya Carter wasn't the type to get all buddy-buddy with anyone.

"Mum, I'm going over to Angelo's house he wants me to help him paint this brother's

room," I rushed out just as she was walking out of my room.

"Hmm hm, just be careful 'painting his brother's room'."

"Mum, I can't believe what you're trying to insinuate!"

I could bet my stars that if my complexion was lighter my face would be sporting red like it was in vogue.

"Well what exactly am I trying to insinuate darling?"

I think I preferred her when she wasn't sarcastic.

"You know what you're insinuating mum."

"Well you must have been thinking it, sweetie."

"No I wasn't."

"All I'm saying is you should be careful painting his brother's room. We don't want any accidents, do we?"

Shaking my head, as my mum left my room laughing to herself, I tried to clear my mind off of what 'painting his brother's room' could mean. Going over to my wardrobe I picked out what I would be wearing out and I settled for a bright yellow maxi dress and white sandals. Probably wasn't the wisest choice considering I was going to be painting but I figured Angelo would have something for me to cover up in and if he didn't, there was always something called 'washing machine'.

Forty five minutes later I went downstairs figuring I could do with something to eat before Angelo arrived. I think my mother was having a lazy day as she was still dressed in her pyjamas, lying down on the sofa with the fan on cooling her from the heatwave whilst she watched some reality series. When she glanced up at me her eyes had widened.

"Yeah I can really tell you're going to paint his brother's room with what you're wearing."

Before I could reply, the house bell rang, taking a deep breath I checked through the peep-hole and sure enough it was Angelo. I opened the door and after taking a little more time than I should to approvingly assess the specimen I finally met his own studious gaze. Everything was happening all at the same time; my heart clenched, my breathing seized, my palms got sweaty making the grasp I had on the doorknob loose, my legs had lost the will to stand and if not for my mother's voice yelling to know who the hell was standing at her front door, I'm sure I would have collapsed.

"It's Angelo!"

With great self-control did I fight against the strong urge to lick him like a bitch when he walked past; he was like a cake placed in front of those display windows in bakery shops or even better, a stripper.

Yes, I had lost it by then. Completely and utterly lost it.

In a bid to calm my hyperactive nerves which were threatening to make a fool out of me, I breathed in the hot, humid air before shutting the door close.

Back to the living room my mum had fully sat up, her attention not more on the TV but in the man, and damn was he all man, present in her house. Looking at my mum, she had that mischievous twinkle on full mode in her eyes and I grew anxious at wanting to know what she had up her sleeves.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Carter."

"Afternoon to you too Angelo," greeted back my mother,"my daughter tells me she's going to help you paint your brother's room?"

"Mum I already told you all we're doing is exactly that."

"Is your name Angelo?" my mum snapped back at me before turning her gaze back to Angelo who was holding back a laugh.

He answered her whilst I folded my arms together trying (failing) to act not bothered at my mum embarrassing me in front of him.

"Hmm okay," although she certainly did not appear to believe that all we were doing was painting his brother's room, she didn't say anything further.

Not wanting to take the risk of lingering in the house longer than I should, I told Angelo I was ready to go and I headed towards the door feeling his presence behind me. As I was about to close the door I heard my mum holler, "Have fun!"

The heat outside was unbearable, already I could feel the hot stickiness on my back as I

settled down inside Angelo's car, being even more close to him in a confined space only intensified the heat.

"Just so you know," I heard him start in a husky whisper he's cool breath fanning my cheek as he turned in his seat to face me, "you look beautiful."

I needed an inhaler - a defibrillator would have been better. For several moments I lost the ability to breathe. With the tiny amount of rational thinking I had left in me, I was able to break myself free from getting my heart completely fried. Trying to play

it cool, which at that moment I was anything but cool, I said, "I know you're trying to charm me into helping you paint your brother's room, but there's no need I've already agreed to help."

"Don't even try that shit with me," the irritated tone present in his voice had me looking up in his hard gaze to see them equally irritated, "I said that because I wanted to. Don't ever try and play down my compliments, understood?"

Nodding my head wordlessly, I looked out the window whilst he turned on the air conditioner (not that it really helped), got the car into gear and drove to his house silently.

As I mindlessly people-watched, I breathed a sigh of relief at having completed high school and never by choice having to be around those miserable shit heads that had nothing better to do than to make my time there horrible.

Honestly, I could say that I had progressed, and when I said progress I meant I could look at my reflection two out of five times and not want to break the mirror. I was still on this long journey and it definitely wasn't easy, but I was becoming more introspective by getting out more and cultivating a deeper relationship with God. It's just that hearing the word 'beautiful' associated with me was still taking its time to get used to.

It wasn't until we got to his house that Angelo broke the silence that had held us since the drive over from my house. "D'you want an ice lolly?"

"Yes please," I said giggling at the thought of a twenty one year old guy like him still into ice lollies.

"What's so funny?"

"I dunno, it's just weird, ice lollies are more for kids, so I wouldn't have thought a grown man like you would still be into that," I replied nonchalantly shrugging my shoulders.

"Oh , I'm into a lot of things you're yet to know about," he replied in typical Angelo style and raising his eyebrows suggestively.

Kissing my teeth, I watched as he opened the door to his refrigerator before closing it and putting a box containing the lollies on the kitchen surface.

"Take your pick woman."

I picked up the box and dipped my hand in to get a strawberry flavoured lolly before passing the box over to Angelo. Grabbing a scissors from the knife rack I cut the wrapper open before plunging it into my mouth and my oh my did it taste and feel so good. Yes it was simply strawberry flavoured ice cut into a cute shape, but against the volcanic heat of the outside, it did wonders to my body and I couldn't help but close my eyes and moan in pure ecstasy.

"Hmm I needed this, thank you," I said to Angelo who only stared at me with a strange look in his eye.

After finishing eating the ice lolly, Angelo wasted no time trying to order me around, which I wasted no time reminding him, I was no longer his maid and he should be on his knees begging me not bossing me around to do what he wants. He looked at me with a slow grin expanding on his pink lips, and said that there would only be two reasons why he would be on his knees for me, I asked him what the reasons were and he just snorted before randomly stating I was cute, that undoubtedly left me all the more confused.

It figured out that there really was Robinho's room to be painted; he had already single-handedly removed all the furniture and covered the carpet, so that paint wouldn't get on it. Unopened tin buckets filled with paint were placed around the room, Angelo handed me a brush and for the next six hours straight we painted his brother's room.

As tedious as the job of painting a room was, somehow doing it with Angelo was fun. Shit was just right with him, there was no point arguing against it and it was probably the first time I admitted it to myself.

"Oh my gosh Angelo, look what you've done to me!" I yelled having now fully seen his handiwork as I looked in the mirror in his bathroom. The amount of times he'd 'accidentally' got paint on me was ridiculous.

"Please, look what you did to me."

"You started it," I argued, holding in a snigger at seeing his naked chest coated in paint.

"Fine, you can use my shower and I can get your dress dry-cleaned for you," he said whilst trying to wipe some of the paint off his chest.

"No it's fine, the dress is all messed up now I'm just going to throw it away when I get home. I bought it on sale so it's not a great loss."

"I want to see you in it again."

Holding his stare for a moment, I replied okay before looking away. It went quiet between us as we put the finishing touches to the room. Even though I liked it and except for the increase of blood flow to certain areas in my body, I never did know how to react when he was so straight up with me.

He'd made it a point not to let his touches linger and I could only commend his self-control whereas in my head I was thinking about getting home to give him one of the poems as soon as possible. Yes, I know, I needed deliverance.

Half an hour later, we were finally done and I lay on the plastic covered carpet tired out from the day's labour, I was past caring if Angelo thought I looked like a slob. The window in Robinho's room was open and the sun on my back just felt so good, well until I didn't feel it anymore.

Twisting my neck round, I saw an unamused Angelo towering above me and because of where he stood it looked like there was a halo surrounding his head- I nearly laughed out loud from the idea of him being an angel. I couldn't lie though, he looked good.

"D'you want pizza?"

"Yes, pizza sounds good," I said wanting anything but pizza at that moment despite me not having had anything to eat but the ice lolly.

"What d'you want on it?"

"As long as the pizza doesn't have pineapples, I'm cool with anything."

"Okay, I'm gonna place an order but I'm going to drive over and pick it up myself. Feel free to use my bathroom, I'll put on my bed something you can change into. I should be back in half an hour."

Not even giving me a backward glance, he exited his bathroom leaving me on my own. Weird. Shrugging of his change of behaviour, passing it as some male-PMS thing I got up and went into the en-suite bathroom in his room, stripping off my dress before entering his shower.

Losing track of time but feeling refreshed I stepped out the shower booth and dried myself with a clean towel. With the towel wrapped around me safely I walked out of the bathroom, back into Angelo's room and smiled at the comic shirt he picked out for me along with some black joggers.

Thinking he'd have been back already, I called out his name but I got no response. His wardrobe drawers weren't closed so I walked over to close them for him. Just as I was about to close the last one, something struck my attention that had my eyes popping out, just like it did the first time I saw it.

The sexy maid costume.

For some reason that only God knows, a compelling force gravitated my hands towards the attire and before I knew what I was doing I was pulling it out the draw and holding it up in front of me.

I don't know what made me do it but before I was aware what I was doing, I had managed to do the unbelievable, reasoning with myself that Angelo was out and he'd never have to find out if I just quickly put it on and took it off as soon as I saw how it looked on me.

For a full moment I gazed at myself in the mirror that fronted Angelo's wardrobe doors, completely surprised with myself. The lingerie fitted my body, in a way I'd never actually thought I would appreciate, it was the first time I fully came to realise how womanned up I was.

Getting excited by my new free-me, I started swaying my hips to an imaginary beat whilst looking at my reflection.

"My, my, I look mighty fine today" I started in a ridiculous British accent as I kept on doing different poses, " I quite fancy myself a strapping young fellow from over the Atlantic, in the land of Picasso. His name might come as a particular surprise to you, since he acts anything but like his name suggests, but his name is in fact Angelo."


I thought I was going to jump through the roof as a loud scream evaded my mouth at the unexpected voice. My heart's rate spiralling out of control, my eyes widened in shock as I slowly faced the very hungry look in Angelo's dark intense eyes.


Chapter 30.1 by Caterina



"Esther girl come down, we're late as it is!"

The heat of nerves lodged in the hollows of my belly only intensified when I heard my dad shout for me. I kept telling myself to stop being so chicken-shit over eggs not laid. And for those who did not understand that metaphor - too bad. Breathing in and breathing out in risk of hyperventilating, I came to stand in front of my mirror, assessing my simple, white sun dress that stopped just above my knees. The day before, out of laziness in maintaining the short kinky mess at the top of my head, I had gone to the hairdresser's and had big Bantu knots done.

My heart lurched against my chest at hearing my mother scream at me from the bottom of the stairs. "Luciana how long is it gonna take you to get ready?!"

I feared never. I wasn't ready to see Angelo again.

He had wanted me, that much I could say.

I had wanted him, that much I could admit.

His light brown eyes had turned coal-coloured from the waves of tamed passion that I saw emanate itself in the few milliseconds he realised what I was wearing.

Thank God Almighty my mind was in gear - I had shrunk away from him as far away as possible whilst trying to do the impossible of covering my too obvious butt in those damned French maid knickers, whilst he stood in a trance-like state. Needing to take control of the situation, I had stuttered out a small white lie about my mum calling me while he was gone saying she needed me back home to do something for her. Thankfully, he didn't try probe for more information like he'd usually do instead he walked out the room saying he'd be waiting in the car for me.

The car ride had been silent, even the smell of the pizza couldn't sway my attention to my empty belly. When I had reached my house I had said a quick bye to him, grabbing my box of pizza I had flung out the car as if swarms of midget devils were chasing me.

The thought of a guy evidently showing in a less than verbal way but more 'body language' how much he wanted me, terrified me. Any ounce of confidence I had wearing the stupid costume immediately fizzled away from then on. Against Angelo's lethal look of lust, I had shrivelled into a cesspool from intimidation.

The image of the scene in his room I fought hard to erase from my memory but I just couldn't. It was all just so hard with us being Christian and aiming for a chaste life before marriage, but the tension we felt between us was some major sexual currents that our fragile, fallible bodies found hard to power out. Thankfully we did in time.

Weirdly in the two day period we didn't see each other face to face our communication did not appear in anyway awkward and I was more than happy to carry on with the pretence that there was nothing that needed to be discussed but based on history I knew I had to put my adult- cap on and eventually have a conversation with him.

"Hurry up Luciana, mum said that I should come get you," the unexpected voice of Bobby in my bedroom roused me from my thoughts.

Taking a deep breath, I turned away from my mirror to face my little brother who was standing impatiently by the doorway, no doubt eager to be reacquainted with his friend Robinho. Not wanting to delay my family any longer to the barbecue I replied, "Alright, alright I'm ready."

As I walked closer to exit my room I noticed the sly little smile casually settled on my brother's lips. It was discomforting to say the least. Clearing invisible mucus and crumbs from my face with my fingertips, I raised my eyebrows at him. "What?"

Silly knowing smile still intact, my brother decided to be the smart-ass he was growing up to be and replied with a question of his own. "What's what?"

He wasn't helping my nerves nor my patience. Breathing out slowly to calm my spazzing nerves, I asked, "What are you looking at?"



"Why what?"

"Why are you smiling in my face like you know something I don't?"

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't," my brother's not so innocent smile having grown wider sparked a mischievous twinkle in his playful dark, brown eyes.

"How does it feel?"

A semi-serious gaze had taken over my brother's face and I became more confused than ever.

"How does what feel?" I asked my brain having gone blank from the random question.

He shrugged his shoulders at me, with yet another smart-ass reply hot and ready to be served. "That's what I'm asking you, big sis."

Someone must have been teaching my former innocent brother the art of been an increasingly frustrating and infuriating smart-ass.






Butt Bag.

Butt Bag!

Damn that Angelo.

"Have you been speaking to Robinho's bro-"


At the sound of my mother's threat; any sign of nerves, anxiety or interrogation vanished - immediately. No one wanted to keep Maya Carter waiting when she was hungry.

It was only when my dad drove into the Henriquezs' residence that I grew queasy with anxiety - I was shitting myself.

Without hesitation my mum, dad, and brother eagerly climbed out the cars stretching their limbs briefly before strolling away. Out the car window, my mum had grabbed hold of Bobby's wrists before he went shooting off to God knows where.

All of a sudden my dad halted to a stop which prompted the other two to cease from further movement. He had said something to them and nodded his head to the direction of where they just came from before heading back towards the car.

At least someone realises I'm missing, I thought.

I was sadly mistaken. Figures that my dad only came back to lock the car doors. I banged repetitively hard on the window as he made steps to catch up with my brother and mother. Hearing the loud banging from behind him, he turned around once again sporting an identical smile as that of the one his son had worn earlier on.

"I knew that would get you out the car."

"Oh my gosh dad, I can't believe you made me think that you forgot about me," I huffed irritated as he opened the passenger door for me.

"Never that Es, couldn't forget my star," he chuckled lightly, offering me his arm to loop mine through.

An involuntary grin fleeted across my face as we walked arm-in-arm to meet up with my mother and Bobby. The four of us rounded the corner of the house since the barbecue was being held in the backyard and I don't think any of us were prepared for the sight that we were met with.

"Mum I thought you said the barbecue was between friends and family so why does it look like the whole world has been invited?"

"Child, I have no clue."

We'd walked past the big house and into the big number-acre backyard of Angelo's uncle. There was a bouncy castle and carousel on one end that was occupied by the little ones, several canopy tents were set up with guests seated around the round plastic tables eating the delicious looking barbecued meats and drinking and laughing and just being generally merry. Mega-sized speakers boomed with Latin music, I smiled content as I watched people dance and get lost in the music. In front of the glass sliding doors of the back of the house there was a great, green canopy tent set up and if the constant fog of smoke was not an indication I don't know what could be more obvious to know that was where the barbecue action was taking place.

"Mum I want to get a water gun too," Bobby said seeing children his age running around the grass with water guns whilst the adults yelled at them in Spanish for getting them wet.

My mum one too get easily hot and bothered especially if she was running on an empty belly said, "Not until we find Sara."

Then as an afterthought she added, "My feet are already killing me."

"No one told you wear the damned shoe, May."

I knew as soon as my dad said something a silly argument would commence. My mum rolling her neck faced my father giving him the one finger. "I wore them because they looked good and judging by the look you gave me earlier on, I'd say you agree."

"What choice do I really have?" asked my dad, sighing softly at my mum's typical hard-headed antics.

"None, exactly. So when we get home I'm gonna need you to massage my feet."

A scowl surfacing his lips, my dad replied, "That's not possible."

Fingering underneath her newly-manicured nails, she replied in a casual tone, "Very well. I guess someone isn't getting their midnight snack tonight."

Glancing up, she then gave my dad a challenging look which my dad surely understood as an amused smile quickly grew on his face.

"Erm, hello, children present."

I jumped in before it got any naughtier for my innocent ears whilst nodding my head to Bobby who really wasn't paying attention to the three of us but nevertheless I no longer wanted to be a witness to my parents' conversation.

"Look, there's Sara!"

We all followed Bobby's gaze and there and behold was Sara talking animatedly to one of the people in charge of the barbecue in the green canopy. With a light chuckle after sending a not so sly suggestive wink at my mum, my dad said, "Let's go meet the Henriquezs."

I was shitting myself once again- next to Sara was Angelo. My belly churned and churned as if it was in a belly-go-round and then it decided to juggle the contents of my stomach up and down like it was in some sick circus. Whilst my parents and brother all sported excited, care-free smiles as they approached the green canopy, I stormed up ways in my brain in which I could avoid him.

"Dad I need to go find the toilet," I said as we were only twenty feet away from the Henriquezs.

"Wait till we say hello to the Heriquezs. It's all part of the social convention."

Social convention could have kissed my coffee beans at that moment.

Groaning, I half-whispered, half-moaned like a two year old. "Dad I honestly need the toilet, I'm desperate."

"Esther, I just told you we have to greet the Henriquezs first. For once could you be less like your mother and just listen?"

Even with his cheeks all ballooned up as he took a big bite out of his burger and barbecue sauce on his chin he still looked good, thankfully he hadn't noticed me. Already I could hear my mum way-too happily greeting Sara and Sara equally happily responding, her accent stronger than ever. I refused to make eye-contact with any of them and all the smoke coming from the barbecue and the lovely, intoxicating, meaty smells wafting around was starting to mess with my senses and I really just wanted to get out of there.

"Daddy, I need to poo..." realising that I had unfailingly gained the attention of everyone in close proximity to us, I continued, "...put my make-up on."

Of course I was subject to the laughter that followed.


Chapter 30.2 by Caterina


Leading with my brother who for some reason couldn't stop giggling like a hyena high on crack or something, a couple pot-bellied drunks sitting on the lawn chairs wearing string vests that looked more suited for their one-year old toddlers joined in the laughing circus.

As if shit like that could come out my mouth.

I was always the one to single-handedly put myself in circumstances I'd been wanting to avoid and it annoyed me to no end. My dad had looked at me with raised eyebrows simply amused most likely wondering where his lovely, civilized, introvert of a daughter had gone.

I stood awkwardly as I became furrowed in embarrassment and I had planned to make my swift getaway by walking over to Mr. Santos, the head caterer that I had hired for Mr. Henriquez's New Year's Party who had smiled and winked at me in recognition as he flipped burgers on the barbecue grill. Unfortunately as I was about to make my move a pair of arms enveloped me in a tight embrace which I had no choice but to return.

"Chica, Dios I missed you so much!"

Sara's face appeared in my view after nearly squeezing the living days out of me, her ever-present smile beam at me pulled an easy grin on my face also.

"Sara, I missed you too but I know my mum missed you more than anyone here," I said laughing glancing at my mum who just rolled her eye dismissively at me.

Cupping her smooth, soft hands around my cheeks, with still a care-free grin on her face she loudly said, "Chica if you still need to go to the toilet, Angelo can show you the way."

Without thinking I shifted my heat flushed face to the one person I had failed oh-so successfully to avoid. He had a stupid smirk dangling off his lips yet the reserved look in his midnight eyes had my heart twerking and my belly clenching with want. Jesus help please.

Smiling back at Sara I replied, "I think I'll be fine without the make up," I said emphasising 'make up' a little louder, so people wouldn't get wrong idea of why I had needed to go to the toilet.

Instead of accepting my answer, she decided to press on further, "Are you sure chica? Because Angelo wouldn't mind-"

"Sara, really I'll be fine. I don't need it," I said cutting in not wanting her to pursue the matter any longer.

I may have been seeing things but it did look like the hopeful expression on her marred but yet beautiful face fell just a little bit at my answer but just as soon the happy-go-lucky expression reappeared on her face and grabbing my wrist she led me behind the cloth-covered tables that had several silver chafing dishes for the buffet, so we wouldn't be blocking people in queue wanting to serve themselves. The desperation to just a grab a plate and join the line was eating me up, but Sara was not done with me yet. My parents had wasted no time grabbing a plate for themselves and getting themselves busy with a chicken thigh.

Bringing me out of the smoky canopy and into the burning sun, my heart thundered as I realised how close I was to Angelo who was sitting on the steps that led to the back doors of his uncle's house. Breathing out slowly I prayed, I would not act like a frazzled idiot.

"Chica, you look beautiful today!"

Averting my eyes being caught with shyness, I forwarded the compliment to her. She certainly did look good with the coral dress that reached mid-thigh exposing her toned, tanned, long legs which she paired off with brown strappy wedges.

Suddenly I felt Sara's breath over my ears as she whispered ever so gently, "Being in love and being loved amplifies a woman's beauty, chica."

Distancing herself from me, her warm brown eyes shone with a knowing look and I stood there wiping my palms across my dress, fiddling with my fingers, unsure of what to say.

I had never been more thankful for anyone to interrupt a conversation than the moment when I saw my brother approaching us.

"Mrs. Henriquez, I don't know where the toilet is."

Sara turned round looking down at Bobby with a motherly smile on her face. "Alright sweetie, I'll just get Angelo for you," turning the opposite way where Angelo was, she called out his name prompting him to get up and come over.

"I need you to show Bobby the toilet," Sara said.

Without so much as a warning, I felt an arm slip possessively around my waist and soft lips pressed swiftly on the edge of my mouth, leaving my lips tingling for more. Just as quickly his arms let go of me, steadying myself with a hand placed above my hammering heart, I looked at a happily surprised Sara wondering whether I had imagined the whole thing.

Being as coolly as ever I heard him say, "Come on, Bobby let's go."

Perplexed I watched as he headed towards the sliding doors with Bobby following behind who turned round puckering up his lips playfully at me.

"You kids confuse me," said Sara shaking her head.

Still dazed, I turned around slowly facing Sara, asking, "What do you mean?"

Laughing at my expression, she responded, "Doesn't matter chica. Let's get some food."

A few minutes later we were seated underneath a canopy tent not too far from the barbecue and I came to a shocking discovery that Angelo's dad and uncle were identical twins!

There were only subtle differences between them, one was that Angelo's dad or Elias as he had introduced himself was deeply tanned and sported less grey hairs than his brother Eduardo, other than that it was like staring at the same person. I had been surprised by the tight embrace I had received from him as soon as he saw me.

"Dios mío, eres hermosa. Vas a ser una adición bienvenida a esta familia," I heard Elias say placing a firm yet gentle grip on my shoulders whilst looking deeply into my eyes.

I looked back at him with an awkward smile on my face, having no clue what he had uttered thankfully Sara had been present and had told him that I didn't speak Spanish.

"I said, you are beautiful. You're a welcome addition to this family," said Elias after chuckling at his own misunderstanding.

My eyes had widened in realisation at what Angelo's dad was implying or to tell the truth to what I secretly wanted him to be implying.

Speaking in their native language Sara gestured at my parents who had risen up from their seats ready to introduce themselves, giving me brief moments to calm my racing heart.

After all the introductions were done and over with, the Henriquezs' which included Elias, Sara, Eduardo and his wife thought it best if we joined two tables together to accommodate more space for my mum and dad. Forking my fries passively, I spanked the jealous ogre in me as I glanced longingly at the couples cosy up to each other.

"Finally you come back what took you all so long?" said Sara looking up at the figures behind me.

The empty seats between me were filled by Bobby and Robinho on one side and Angelo on the other, who with a smirk directed at me, simply answered, "Nothing."

I could no longer focus on eating, he had drawn his chair impossibly closer to me and my breathing automatically escalated when I felt the slow stroke of his thumb on my lap. When I had attempted to squirm away from his touch he had gripped me tighter. "Don't make a scene, I just want to touch you."

Needing my attention to be distracted immediately, I glanced at all the faces around the table only to notice that they were all engaged in their own conversation. My dad who I had expected to be acting the over-protective father didn't even look my way, he was too busy in a conversation with the men on the table not seeming fazed by the close proximity of Angelo.

Pretending to be staring down at my half-eaten food, I sneaked glances at Angelo's manly, very manly hands resting on my laps until a question from Elias had my head snapping up.

"Is there a wedding in process for the both of you?"

What made it worse was that he glanced back and forth between Angelo and I expectedly as if he'd asked the most obvious question ever.

There was clearly a misunderstanding. I looked at my mum and dad thinking they were going to say something but they just grinned back at me like someone hadn't indirectly asked for their daughter's hand in marriage. Sighing, I thought it was up to me to clear the air.

"Mr. Henriquez we're not getting mar-"

Oxygen seized from my lungs for a moment cutting me off short as Angelo seemed to have located a spot along my inner thigh that had struck many chords.

Slapping his hands away from me, I whispered, "Stop doing that."

I was surprised by the irritant look on his face as he retorted, "Well don't saying something you don't mean."

Stunned by his response, I could only stare back. Wrapping his arms around my shoulders pulling me closer, he turned to his father stating rather cheekily, "Sometimes when she's overwhelmed with the surplus of affection I give her, she says things without thinking, papi."

Glancing back at me with a silly smirk on his face, before unexpectedly kissing my cheeks once again, he said, "Isn't that right, Luciana?"

Wanting to wipe that self-assured smirk off his face but not wanting to cause a scene I turned facing Mr. Henriquez with a forced a smile on my face.

I suspected Angelo's dad must have had one too many margaritas as his noticeably dilated eyes gazed at his son whilst pointing a finger at him, "Mi hijo, remember the conversation I had with you when you were sixteen?"

I became suddenly curious when I glanced back at Angelo and noticed his neck had turned a light shade of pink as he nodded in response to his father's question.

Directing his pointer finger at me his gaze still fixed on his son saying, "Ella tiene sus cojones. No la dejes ir."

I really wanted to know what he had said to Angelo to make him turn mighty red but nevertheless I smiled contently realising for once he was the one in the uncomfortable position.

Transferring his gaze at me, Elias advised, "Don't let him go."

Laughing uneasily, I picked up my iced tea and downed it in one go - he had told me not to let him go like I really had the upper hand in the situation.

I could only blame the alcohol consumption having affected my dad's mouth filter, but then I knew my dad was not a lightweight, so he really had no excuse for making matter worse by saying, "Son, I don't recall you asking for my daughter's hand in marriage."

Angelo didn't even have time to respond as Eduardo's wife Amanda joined in the conversation, "Should we be expecting another set of Henriquez twins?"

Sara suddenly interested in the conversation added, "Angelo's grandfather was a twin and his great-great grandfather too, so that might be a strong possibility for mi hijo."

In that moment I wished the sun could just melt me until I became a chocolate puddle in the ground. Even though I was burning with embarrassment the image of my belly swollen with Angelo's child gave a warm glow inside me, no lie, I easily grew used to the idea.

Angelo seemed to be taking it all in his stride, rolling his eyes as Sara clapped her hand excitedly and eyes filled with glee, announcing, "I want some grandbabies!"

Luckily Eduardo intervened noticing the discomfort the conversation was making both of us, "Nothing is happening, until these kids say so. Everybody needs to calm down and just chill out. Comprendes?"

All the adults held their red plastic cups in acknowledgement finally allowing me to breathe a sigh of relief.

Well that was until I saw Sara smile like she knew something I didn't, which set a bunch alarms going off in my head. Placing her cup down, she said, "Angelo why don't you go show Luciana your big surprise?"

All that was running through my mind was the scene back at his house. Not wanting to make my panic obvious, I said, "It's okay it can wait."

The suggestive wink from Sara certainly did not help my racing thoughts, "Chica, I think you're going to like it."

Not even give me a chance to protest against going Angelo's hands enclosed around mine tightly dragging me out of my seat, before whispering lowly in my ear, "I think you're going to like it too."

From behind me, I heard Sara cheer, "You kids have fun!"

Still holding hands, we squeezed around the maze of tables, dancing bodies and water gun-fighting children before completely leaving the backyard walking round to the front of the house.

I realised that we had walked right past the main house and heading towards an unknown direction. "Where are you taking me to?"

Dismissing my question, I watched him press a button on a fob key and the gates to the large garage we were standing in front of slowly opened. "Happy Graduation."

I stood momentarily paralysed at the subject in my view not sure if it was possible for me to even react. His arms encircled my waist, before resting them on my midriff. "Do you like it?"

My eyes wide in shock I palmed my mouth unable to say anything.

"Yeah...I'm guessing your stunned silence says it all."

"Hopefully what you heard is that I can't accept it," I said still in the 'after-shocks' of seeing my 'gift'.

Snorting, he answered, "Who said you had a choice?"

Entranced by the beauty of the black coupe I walked closer ignoring his question for the minute, pondering on why I found it so familiar.

"In case you're wondering, this is the reason why we met," said Angelo quietly.

My eyes expanding in realisation, I gasped aloud, "Is this the same car that I dented its bumper?"

"It's not just a car. It's the car that you only went and hit its back two weeks after my dad got it for my birthday, so you understand why I was pissed," responded Angelo smirking at the dumb-founded expression on my face, "and I never got round to apologising to you...until now. I was an asshole to you that day and for that I'm sorry."

My heart beat faster with the intimate look in his eye, faking a cough I averted my eye to the 'love machine'. Yes, referring it as the 'love machine' was very much cheesy but I'd say it's appropriate for the situation.

"So erm, did you manage to get the dent fixed?"

Stuffing his hands in his pockets he replied, "Nope."

"Why not?"

"I could if I wanted to but I like the reminder."

"The reminder of what?"

"How you and I met of course, duh."


My heart thumped like it was getting ready to escape my chest, moments passed and neither of us said anything only the music in the distance could be heard.

"My mum told me about what happened when you went out shopping together."

It took me a long second to figure out that he was talking about the ignorant women back at the changing rooms who I'd wanted to do some severe damage to had Sara not restrained me. Just thinking about it recharged my anger at what they had said.

"Honestly, Angelo, your mother is one strong woman."

"Yeah she is, but I can be quite over-protective when it comes to her and if I had been with her that day I would have fucked those girls up with my words alone."

"Yeah, I've been witness to that before," I said referring back to the day we first met.

Smiling more to himself, he sat on the roof of the car allowing more distance between us. "So when are you going to take a ride in it?"

"Never ever. It's - It's too much. Besides my parents wouldn't even allow me to accept it, " I said knowing that I was going to have to put up with more argument from him.

"Your parents know."

"They know?"

"Yes they do. It's really a present from both our families. Your parents wanted to at least pay for the damage done to the car but I said no, so instead they decided to cover the insurance expenses."

I made a mental note to deeply thank my parents but still feeling uneasy at receiving such an expensive gift, I replied, "Maybe we can take it out for a ride later, but first I need to go say thank you to our families."

In one short movement I felt myself being swooped up and laid down on the hood of the car. "That can wait. I'm not done with you."

Removing his arms from underneath me leaning back, I watched him watch me appraisingly before holding up a piece of paper he'd gotten out of the back pocket of the jeans he was wearing.

"I think you might have been looking for this."

"If it's the recommendation letter I asked you a month ago for, forget it. They most probably have found someone else already," I said glancing at the paper dismissively.

"This is no recommendation letter."

Seeing my look of mortification, after recognizing my handwriting, only made Angelo the infamous Butt-bag smile wider. "Your brother thought it was wise I read this."

It all finally clicked at why Bobby had been acting all weird with me and it didn't help the embarrassment that washed over me at being laid all bare in ink writing. I didn't say anything because I knew some awkward- not-put-together sentence would jumble out of my mouth.

"Read it to me," commanded Angelo, with no question in his voice, passing the scrunched up paper to me.


"Come on, don't be Luci-anal."

Folding my arms stubbornly, I said annoyed, "I'll be however I like."

All he did was raise an eyebrow. "Oh yeah?"

"Oh yeah."


The unexpected tenderness in his voice caused me to look up and pay attention to his eyes - I couldn't fight with what I saw. Scowling at being damn well coerced into reading my most vulnerable thoughts, I grabbed the piece of paper out of his hand to his best delight.

Acting truly did run in his blood for in thirty seconds he'd been authoritative, teasing, playful and last but certainly not least, raw - yeah, that was the only appropriate word I could use to describe how his dark eyes had gripped me to do as he wished.

Just as I was about to start reading, he said, "And when you read it, read it like you mean it."

"You're pushing it."

"Nope, I'd rather push it in."

Sighing, I placed the sheet right in front of my face not even bothering to entertain his dirty comment.

"I love you, even though I don't know how-," my breath caught in my throat at the feel of Angelo's lips drape slow kisses around my ankles triggering sensations that made my concentration waver.

"Don't stop."

He'd taken the words right out of my mouth.

Focusing back on the paper, my speech only came out in the form of shallow breaths and accidental moans for the remainder of the reading, as he had progressively laid kisses leading upwards until we were face to face. The dear car had depressed with the pressure of our weights as Angelo hovered above me on all fours. Both our breathing had deeply escalated as we once again found ourselves watching each other.

Already having memorized the last line of the poem, I searchingly gazed in his face as I brought my finger across his moist lips, "Let me drive you...crazy."

His head dipped and I thought he was going in for the killer kiss, but no - not yet.

"Luciana, I want to tell you something."

"Wh-what?" I managed to say.

The most beautiful and assuring smile staring down at me and only me said, "Any inch of your skin you don't like, I love more. I love anything that divides, subtracts, adds, multiples and equals to you. I love you."


End Notes:

A.N: I sincerely appreciate the support I have gotten from this book over the last four years from the conception of the book.

I also want to thank those who bought the book too, you are all so well appreciated.

And for those not having had enough of Luciana and Angelo, the sequel, "The Entitled Girl" is out now.

And if you'd like to own a copy of your own you can get yours at Amazon.

As many of my Day 1 readers will tell you - I change my mind a lot! So don't be surprised if you see this book suddenly not available on the Valent Chamber.

Either way, if you're reading this, then that means a lot to me, so thank you for your support.

This story archived at http://