There are so many twists and turns that we encounter along life's journey. How we maneuver through these hills and valleys allow us to see our 'true grit' and allow our true selves to shine through. Our lady lawyer finds herself at a crossroads and much is at stake.
Every journey starts with one step. This is Evangeline's first step.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Taking the long way home
Chapter 1
Michael McBain helps Evangeline to her apartment after she becomes ill at the Palace restaurant. While getting her settled in bed her phone rings and he answers it. It is his brother John calling for Evangeline. Michael tells John that he has stolen his girlfriend and they will have a wild night in her bed. John is none too happy and rushes to Evangeline’s apartment. By the time that John arrives Michael has left and Evangeline is sitting in a chair in her living room sipping Pepto Bismol. John arrives and he tells Evangeline that Roxie Balsam locked him in an evidence room with Natalie Vega. Already feeling ill and now knowing that Natalie was the reason for John missing dinner with her and her former professor doesn’t make Evangeline feel any better. Although the evening ends with John and Evangeline sitting together in her living room, all is still not right with these two.
The next week John and Evangeline are both busy with work and don’t get to spend much time with each other. Evangeline’s stomach flu clears up and she’s been so busy at work she’s not taking good care of herself. Two weeks later, after winning her most recent case in court Evangeline decides that she’s needs a break from work, or that’s what she plans to tell everyone. She makes a telephone call to a friend.
“Nina, I need your help. Something’s come up and I need to get away for awhile, somewhere to rest and get away from things.”
“Evangeline you know that you don’t have to tell me anymore. Come here. I will have your room ready and you can stay as long as you like. What about your practice?”
“I will contact my clients and let them know that I’m going on vacation.”
“Eva, you don’t know how long you will be away do you? Don’t answer that. I will handle everything. I will send the jet for you. It should arrive in an hour. You let me handle everything my friend.”
“Thank you Nina, I knew that I could count on you. I will see you soon.”
“Looking forward to it. Bye now.”
Not wanting to see anyone before she goes, Evangeline quickly packs her bag and makes it to the private airport and boards the plane. Two hours later she arrives at the home of her long time friend Nina Karadin, heiress to the VanBurton Industries fortune and Evangeline’s former classmate at Stanford. It’s the wee hours of the morning but Nina is up waiting for her friend. She knows that something is seriously wrong for Evangeline to just up and leave Llanview on such short notice. She won’t push her friend but she will find out what is happening with Evangeline.
When the two friends finally see each other they hug and hold each other for the longest time. Nina is also an attorney and her husband is a banker. They have two children, a boy and a girl.
“Alright everyone is asleep and it is early in the morning so let’s get you settled in and you can rest and we can talk later. And Eva, we will talk.”
“Yes Nina, we will talk. Thanks so much for allowing me come on such short notice.”
What will Evangeline reveal to Nina?