Title: Chapter 31: Chapter 30
ITM, you should know that I'm glad you updated *hell, I bugged you enough about it :)*
Kenny is not yet ready to invite her past into her current just yet.
I really loved this chapter. One, because it's been soooo long since my hit and I'm a slut for this story. Two, but more important, is that this is a tale that I connect to on a very emotional level. The characters seem like real people and I'm totally invested in what happens to them.
My heart hurts for DeLeon and the heartbreak that he sees in his future and is so afraid of. I'm not sure how he will handle it if she goes back to her life. Maybe, she does need to do that to make sure that he is what she wants. Will he do something to make her do that, since he's convinced that she wants to go back to her life? I can see him doing it, thinking it's best for her.
He made slow, sweet love to her as if it was the very last time he'd ever have the chance.
This, I fear, is what will happen very soon. *sigh*
I'm off to read this again. I read it in haste the first time. It's like you've been in the desert for a long time without water and when you do get some, you greedily gulp it down. And once you sated that initial thirst, you then can sip slowly and get your fill. That is what this chapter is for me. So, off I go, to sip slowly.
Thanks so much for the update, Chica.
Reviewer: BellaChica Signed 

Date: March 19 2011