Penname: tens [Contact]

Real name: J

Member Since: January 08 2011

Membership status: Member


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Vanya: Vanya's face is the perfect mix of an older Harry Goodwins and Alexey Vorobyov with the body of Mason Plumlee. God, he's the perfect man.  Vanya stays in Canali, Brooks Brothers and Tom Ford.

Persephone: Persephone's body is a softer, fuller, curvier version of Misty Copeland's body and short stature. She has Naturi Naughton's nose, Lauren London's face, and Monique Coleman's skin. Her favorite clothes come from Calvin Klein and Gap.



Timothy Ja-hoon Kim – John Cho.  His style reflects reasonably priced items from Banana Republic.

Finola "Finn" Lennon Cagney - Christina Hendricks, always looking as if she stepped out of a Kate Spade ad

Mikhail Nicolaievich Pravdin - A black haired Matt Lauria with a mostly sour face if you can imagine such a thing.  Belstaff's prêt-à-porter and Moto-Inspired line are the clothes he lives in when he doesn't have to wear a suit. 

Kirill Dmitrievich Pravdin - Jürgen Prochnow in the classic Ralph Lauren style

Akilina Kirillovna Pravdina – Leelee Sobieski always in St. John dresses

Peng (née Ma) Lyadov – an older Anne Curry with the styling of Anna Wintour

Vasily Victorovich Lyadov – Anton Yelchin at age seventy in tweed jackets that are far too large

Pavel Danilovich Novikov – Brian Cox

Sofia “Sophie” Pavelovna Novikova – Alexis Bledel

Yulian Nicolaievich Pravdin – a black haired Matt Lauria with the personal style and demeanor of Ryan Seacrest

Yeva “Eva” Pavelovna Novikova – Sarah Gadon at her hottest

Marcus Gupta – Abhi Sinha

Suresh Gujral – a fat Parvesh Cheena

Maksim Petrovich Kholodov - Jai Courtney, but bigger, way, way bigger;  Max has the shaved head and classic basic clothing style Jai rocked in "Jack Reacher"

Alexandra “Alex” Daniels – Diane von Furstenberg

Marion Austin Kittredge III – Dominic West, but American and a little younger

Zenovia Petras Lillis – an older Eileen Atkins with an olive complexion

Despina Margarita “Margie” (née Lillis) Benson – Karen Allen with Susan Lucci’s hair and Sally Field’s exuberance.

John Mark Augustus Benson – Max Irons

Ariana Thais da Costa Magalhães – Erica Lynette Edwards

Emma Zenovia Benson – Katie Leclerc

Peter Lawrence Benson – Stephen Lang

Andrew Gage McPherson – Jason Smith of the New Orleans Hornets

Ma. Esmeralda Cisneros Gallegos – a younger, shorter Sara Ramirez

Lauren Aida Vickers – Lizzie Caplan with the onscreen stylings of Katherine Moennig

Ryan Trask – Jeremy Renner 


Beta-reader: Yes
On Hiatus: No

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Stories by tens
Rated: Mature Content
[Reviews - 17]

Ivan "Vanya" Kirillovich Pravdin never expected to fall in love when he went to law school. He just wanted time away from his father and their oppressive family business. However, fate had other plans. 

He can't help but be attracted to Persephone Peterson, the beautiful young woman that sits next to him in his Contracts class. Her unusual name and strong constitution are intriguing. Unfortunately, his family business is getting in the way of the relationship he wants to pursue with her. Will Vanya be able to reconcile obligations to his family with his new love?

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: None
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3
Word count: 267
Read Count: 18772
Published: June 05 2014
Updated: July 04 2014

Rated: All Ages
[Reviews - 5]


Min Kimbrough comes across the strangest man.  

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: Original Character(s)
Classification: General
Genre: Science Fiction
Story Status: Completed
Pairings: Original
Warnings: Original Characters
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 500
Read Count: 3151
Published: July 17 2013
Updated: July 17 2013

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.