Penname: Anastasia_G [Contact]

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Member Since: January 10 2012

Membership status: Member


Blogger, writer, partner, cook, transnational woman of color and unapologetic fangirl :)

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Stories by Anastasia_G
Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 11]

Bonnie and Dereks

Damaged souls are the same everywhere, be it in Mystic Falls or Beacon Hills. Bonnie and Derek are about to realize that witches and werewolves are not that different after all. Bonnie/Derek. Crossover AU.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Bonnie Bennett
Classification: Crossover
Genre: Romance
Story Status: Active
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 6
Word count: 11730
Read Count: 4073
Published: January 28 2013
Updated: August 06 2013

Rated: Mature Content
[Reviews - 29]

Shadowy black and white image, Derek Hale is silhouetted looking up at the sky.Bonnie's face appears in grey in the background

Bonnie left Mystic Falls behind determined to build a quiet life in her childhood town of Beacon Hills. But her plans are thwarted when Derek Hale asks for her help and she feels intrigued by the boy she once knew. And the man he had become. Bonnie/Derek. AU Crossover with Teen Wolf.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Bonnie Bennett
Classification: Crossover
Genre: Romance
Story Status: Completed
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 8
Word count: 13203
Read Count: 43229
Published: October 01 2012
Updated: November 19 2012

Rated: Mature Content
[Reviews - 115]

Arthur, Gwen, with Merlin, Mordred, Morgana and Morgause in the background.


Two years since their meeting in Eirinn, Arthur and Guinevere are reunited in Camelot to celebrate Morgana's return. With war on the horizon, their passion draws them irresistibly together, even as duty pulls them apart, and the future of Albion hangs in the balance.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Guinevere
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Gwen/Arthur (Merlin)
Warnings: Adult Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 12
Word count: 35499
Read Count: 144190
Published: March 03 2012
Updated: June 16 2012

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 17]

AU  fic, co-authored by kbrand5333 and Anastasia-G. A series of one-shots as we drop in on our favorite couple through history. From the court of Elizabeth I to the galley of pirate ships, Arthur and Guinevere find love and passion over and over again.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Guinevere
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Gwen/Arthur (Merlin)
Warnings: Strong Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 6
Word count: 16996
Read Count: 2699
Published: April 23 2012
Updated: May 09 2012

Rated: Mature Content
[Reviews - 78]

Banner by the wonderful Meme!

AN AU, Arthur/Gwen story: Guinevere of Eirinn had waited years to see her dear friend, Lady Morgana of Camelot. But the arrival of Camelot's royal party sets the wheels of fate in motion: as Guinevere and Arthur struggle against their growing feelings for each other, Morgana is forced to make a terrible sacrifice, and Merlin must hide more than just his magic. Who will inherit the legacy of Avalon, and at what cost? And can love withstand such a choice? 

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Guinevere
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Gwen/Arthur (Merlin)
Warnings: Adult Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 14
Word count: 21570
Read Count: 75716
Published: January 22 2012
Updated: February 26 2012

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.