Title: Chapter 2

Who is the real life person you've cast as Damon/Hades?  I see his face often, but don' t know who he is.

Author's Response:

Hello Vaberella, I see you hit the repeat button by mistake. That's ok I'll give you another look at Mr. David Batista.


Reviewer: vaberella Signed [Report This]
Date: April 09 2011 05:20 pm

Title: Chapter 10

Oh em gee, what's going on??

At this point I'm not really paying attention to Irene and her doubts, but what is this anomaly?!

Who are China and Brittany?

Such intrigue. . .Great update. 

Author's Response:

Hey JoiousMaye, Irene is really keeping Ares on his toes and not in a way that he is used to. He's got his work cut out for him with her and it's just what he deserves; poor guy.

China and Brittany are ... let's just say they are part of a group that prefers to remain under the radar, wielding their power in the background. It's so interesting how they are never in the presence of the Pappas men. Thanks for reading, enjoying and commenting JM as usual it is really appreciated.

Reviewer: JoiousMaye Signed [Report This]
Date: April 04 2011 12:09 am

Title: Chapter 10

Oh boy people don't learn you do not mess with the Ares and Damon women other wise you be pushing up daisy. I don't blame the girls looking at stone I look at that fine man myself. I know Ireas not use of people being there for her and taking care of her but Ares want to be there for her and let her know she not alone anymore. Thanks for the update.

Author's Response:

Hey WWEFanForLife, Irene and Percy have a group of people who will protect them whether they know it or not and that group is getting larger by the minute. Irene is used to depending on herself and her sister and Ares will have to prove that he is more than a pretty face. Snake got taken out but Stone is still running around, wonder what mischief he might or might not get into?

Thanks for reading, enjoying and commenting, it is really appreciated.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 02 2011 10:57 pm

Title: Chapter 9

oh snap amber there that not good at all. Like the sister had fun with the girls and Irena sing that nice she letting her hair down. I thought damon was going to kick dude ass for dancing with his lady thanks for the update.

Author's Response:

Hey WWEFanForLife Amber being there isn't a bad thing. Everyone let their hair down and had fun but Pandora had another agenda going on. They are not even supposed to be there so kicking someone's ass is not an option. At least not until they hear a certain phrase and then they can make their presence known.

Thanks for reading, enjoying and reviewing. I appreciate it.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 17 2011 04:17 am

Title: Chapter 9

And WHY doesn't this club actually exist?!?! It sounds SOOO awesome and I imagine I would actually enjoy the place. The night sounds eventful so far, but [queue climactic music] I know Snake and the gang isn't too far around the corner! [GASP

I hope everyone's ready for the ride. . .

I amd SUPER stoked about the updat and cannot wait for the next. YAY! 

Author's Response: Ah JoiousMaye I wish this place really existed too I would definitely go there. Snake and Stone are literally around the corner waiting to pounce. Love your enthusiasm for the story and appreciate the comments. Thanks for reading I appreciate it.

Reviewer: JoiousMaye Signed [Report This]
Date: March 16 2011 09:00 pm

Title: Chapter 9

? Is Apollo interested in Selene? Mmm very interesting. Nice Picture. I love how you do that, because it really help bring the character to life. Damon and Ares are to fine and  I just look to see them mellowing out some. That what a good woman can do for you! Now about those song you really reached back there didn't you. I loved That a lot ;0). Nice memories.

 ? What are they all picking up on? Who's there those Stone and Rock boys?

Now Update!

Author's Response:

Hey Cimmy1, the sun and the moon meeting and falling in like and possibly love. I thought it was very fitting and anything is possible.

Glad you like the pics, they do take time to gather.

A good woman is hard to find after all look how long they've all been searching for that elusive thing called love and the guys know that, but they won't be too mellow with everyone else. 

Glad you liked the songs, I had lots more but will save them for some other time. I enjoyed that too and Olivia Dubelle gave me a good idea.

That vibe the Pappas men are picking up on and the Harts have been as well, will be revealed in a little while. The Pitt boys are hanging around, you will see them shortly.

Thanks for reading, enjoying and reviewing. I really appreciate it.


Reviewer: cimmy1 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 16 2011 03:14 am

Title: Chapter 8

RED ALERT!!! It's time for somebody to BOP Morgan and shapeshift to replace her, LOL. 

Love that update!

And on the subject of me writing, I've tried my hand at it before, but as you said I have a pretty active imagination, but sometimes it's too active and i can't settle it to think about one thing at a time. 

Author's Response:

Hey JoiousMaye, no shapeshifting going to happen with Morgan sorry she is who she is; mad, bad and dangerous to know at least in her on little mind. She doesn't know what she's gotten into with the Pitts though or for that matter with the Pappas men. Glad you enjoyed it.

That is my challenge to you then grasshopper. Find your focus and hold on tight to it, somehow I think if you can do that you will be a good writer.

As usual I thank you for reading, enjoying and commenting.

Reviewer: JoiousMaye Signed [Report This]
Date: February 26 2011 05:49 am

Title: Chapter 8

Gurl the pictures are fabby! Those Hart women are so fortunate they have these men so into them. I want to see what is going on with the SSS Brothers and that Morgan girl is a piece of work. She will get what she is looking for. Now UPDATE!!!

Author's Response:

Hey Cimmy1, you know me and the visuals I can't resist them. They are all fortunate and money and social standing and all of the outside trappings don't mean much. They are getting to  the heart of the matter. The Pitts and Morgan are going to be on the Pappas radar soon enough and like I said that will not be a good thing.

Thank you for your continued support.

Reviewer: cimmy1 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 26 2011 03:13 am

Title: Chapter 8

wow glad that irene not upset with ares anymore. I get why because their mother left them and she feel if their mother want them she would had keep them. I hope ares and damon show up at the club since those crazy pitts men are following their women. thanks for the update.

Author's Response:

Hey WWEFanForLife, Percy just told her what she needed to hear. As the older sibling Irene has thought about how this would affect not just herself but Percy as well. Of course the Ares and Damon are going to the club, now way would they let their ladies go off like that. As Ares said he trusts Irene its the assholes he doesn't trust.

Thanks for reading, enjoying and commenting, I appreciate it.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 25 2011 07:57 pm

Title: Chapter 2

Alright, let me give it a go. I can't remember whether or not you mentioned som past interaction with Stone and the Pappas men, but it seems like he's holding some grudge against them. Maybe he's the guy that Theo thwarted to get to Gloria, or was there a 'mysterious' accident with him.

I've gotta go back and read over that.

I feel like there is something there that I'm not exactly picking up but he wants to find out "the truth" about them and expose them. . .or something.

How'd i do? 

Author's Response:

Hey JoiousMaye, there is a definite grudge being held by the Pitts. Theo had no real competition for Gloria because her fiance had been killed by lightning before he had even met her, although remember he was still married to Hera/Rhea at the time.

A mysterious accident you say? You have a very good imagination and you are on track.

The Pitt men are very interested in finding out what the Harts know about the Pappas men and will be making a move to do so shortly.

You did very well JoiousMaye. Are you sure you aren't a writer in disguise yourself?

Thanks for reading, enjoying and commenting and I'm glad I could intrigue you with my story.


Reviewer: JoiousMaye Signed [Report This]
Date: February 21 2011 05:12 am

Title: Chapter 7

GREAT UPDATE! The picture are a great addition to the story. Thanks for taking the time to add them. That black and white picture of Ares was breathtaking. Sigh! Irene has her hands full. That man is playing to win. Can't wait for the update;0)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


Author's Response:

Hey Cimmy1, glad you appreciate the pics. Believe me adding them is my pleasure and my pain (sometimes) and that was one of the more pleasurable ones to add. I think Irene will be able to cope, she isn't one to roll over and she willThere is only one way to play the game, in it to win it. All out balls out.

Thanks for reading, enjoying and commenting I appreciate your continued support.

Reviewer: cimmy1 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 18 2011 06:07 am

Title: Chapter 7

What is Stone up to? That is my major question. The guys and gals are so precious. Awww

Author's Response:

Hello JoiousMaye, you mean you don't have a guess? You are normally so good at the guessing thing. Neither Ares or Damon have ever met women like these who treat them like regular people and Irene and Percy aren't used to men who treat them like queens.

I appreciate your continued reading, enjoying and commenting. Thank you.

Reviewer: JoiousMaye Signed [Report This]
Date: February 17 2011 08:01 am

Title: Chapter 7

i'm glad that she put him in his place let him know she not some little puppy that need to be taken care of all the time and he understand that. Now stone being bad boy for follow them he need to get spank by me lol. I wonder if the pappa boys know they getting follow by the pitts men? thanks for the update.

Author's Response:

Hey WWEFanForLife, Irene may be falling for Ares but he is not going to run her show and she will let him know that every time. Stone is doing surveillance that is going to take the Pitts more fully into the world of the Pappas men and Hart sisters. They may not have been aware before but after this they will be on the Pappas radar and not in a good way either.

(Since you have your own now you can spank him anytime you like lady. So keep that hand warm, because I somehow think your hand may get tired before you wear out that ass. Enjoy it cause I know you've been dying to.)

Thanks for reading and commenting, I appreciate it as usual.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 17 2011 05:11 am

Title: Chapter 6

Who are those Blonde women?!? And is that vibe Ares gets from them milling around or from Irene?? And hmmm what's the deal with the sudden dizziness are they trying to pry into Irene's mind??


Great update 

Author's Response:

Hi JoiousMaye, the blonde women are some interesting characters who will be explained later and the vibe is coming from them. Irene and Percy have both had dizzy spells but I don't think it is from them trying to pry into their minds.

Thank you for reading, enjoying and commenting I really appreciate it.

Reviewer: JoiousMaye Signed [Report This]
Date: January 30 2011 10:16 pm

Title: Chapter 6

ok areas is so sexy when he being romantic  with irene the dress the spa treatment and the sun set crusie to see lady liberty very nice. his brother right alot men going to stare at her hopefully he don't kill them lol. she having head aches and who was that blond woman talking to her? is she with the pitt men helping them? thanks for the update.

Author's Response:

Hey WWEFanForLife, Ares is going to have to come to grips with the fact that he is dealing with a woman who has been accustomed to making her own way in life.

Irene isn't used to his world of opulence and may fit in for a little while but she likes the farm and what she and Percy have managed to build there. So while he can wine and dine her like he's done to his previous women Irene is looking for more than that even as she is falling for Ares.

The dizzy spells seem to be a regular occurrence with Irene and Percy, something is definitely going on.

Thanks for reading, enjoying and commenting. I appreciate your continuing support.  

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 26 2011 12:45 pm

Title: Chapter 5

In the words of a wise and gifted man " It's geting HOT in here, etc....... Well, I typically don't dream, but if I did I would Oh so like to have me an ARES dream! Thank You very much!!! LOVE The update!

Author's Response:

Hey Cimmy1, you definitely need to dream woman, it can open up a whole new world, trust me on that.

Thanks for reading, enjoying, commenting and supporting. You know how much I appreciate it.

Reviewer: cimmy1 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 12 2011 05:34 am

Title: Chapter 5

Well geez Irene, people have "strange" dreams all the time. That doesn't make you crazy. Alright trying to "clean" Ares' face, getting bold are we?


Great update!! 

Author's Response:

Hey JoiousMaye that dream was strange because it was so real. Imagine a dream so real that you could smell the man you had been dreaming of when you woke up. Unless he had been sneaking into her room while she slept that should not be possible. The man is pretty hard to resist and those sexy lips couldn't go around adorned with cream all day now could they? She was just making sure that Ares was up to his usual standard good looks.

Thanks for reading, enjoying and commenting.

Reviewer: JoiousMaye Signed [Report This]
Date: January 12 2011 04:25 am

Title: Chapter 2

I would like to have some Ares inspired dreams. GO ARES!!! LOVING IT!!!!

Author's Response:

Hey Cimmy1, I thought you told me that you didn't dream? I guess someone made you change your mind. Someone big, tall and hunky with a sexy smile. Welcome to dreamland.

Thanks for reading, enjoying, commenting and hopefully dreaming too.


Reviewer: cimmy1 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 11 2011 01:03 pm

Title: Chapter 5

Poor Irene...if she only knew Ares was messing with her dreams.

Author's Response:

Hey Baha_Malo I think she got her own back at Ares. He was the one that had to pull back and get out of the too hot kitchen.

Thanks for reading, enjoying and reviewing.

Reviewer: baha_malo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 11 2011 08:05 am

Title: Chapter 5

BAD Ares!  I volunteer my services to give him a spanking.

But oh so GOOD Ares for breaching Irene's defenses. 

He still needs a spanking lol.

Loving the progress.  Can't wait for the next installment!


And anyone who doesn't like this or any other of your stories can kick rocks as my little nephew says.  If they don't like it, why waste time by reading and reviewing?

It boggles the mind 


Author's Response:

Hey Chel, How you doing (ala Wendy Williams)? Between you and WWEFanForLife I have two volunteers so far for the spanking portion of our story. How about the two of you hold his arms and I'll spank that ass? I think that is satisfactory for me. That should be a good punishment for Ares.

As to the other they can kick those rocks barefoot.

Thank you for the support and by the way, I need a bodyguard and a financial specialist both about six five with dark hair, brown eyes and a nice smile. I need them bad woman, any ideas where I might find such?

Reviewer: miquerida Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 10 2011 11:29 pm

Title: Chapter 5

Wow  ares is a bad bad boy and i like it lol so does irene. I"m glad that he got stop before anything with futher yet but we know that irene is wanting some ares big time.  But if ares looking to come in some one else dream i don't mind if he stop in mind lol. thanks for the update

Author's Response:

WWEFanForLife you know you wish that fine, 'bad' man was haunting you and who knows I might send him to you. Ares stopped because he would have been tampering with something he shouldn't be messing with and it was good that he could show some restraint in the situation.

Thanks for reading, enjoying and reviewing. I appreciate your continued support.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 10 2011 08:16 pm

Title: Chapter 4

they're so precious. i can't say that i'm all that surprised that Irene is a virgin, she just seems so tense around Ares, but it does seem like she may be a little more so because she likes him and doesn't know what to do

Author's Response:

Hello JoiousMaye

Can you imagine all of that hot hunky man focusing on you? I'd be tense too, but yeah Irene does like Ares a lot and she has that letter from her mother stuck in her head making her very cautious more so than Percy.

We aren't going to say the 'L' word yet but considering that she only just met Ares she is reallly feeling that man.

Thank you for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much. 


Reviewer: JoiousMaye Signed [Report This]
Date: December 20 2010 08:45 pm

Title: Chapter 4

Love that the ladies are giving the men a chance. Hope they don't hurt the women. Love how this story is progressing.

Author's Response:

Hey Baha_Malo thank you for hanging tough.

The guys know that the Hart sisters are different from the women that they usually meet.

I don't think they will intentionally set out to hurt Irene or Percy but things have a way of happening and the guys may be vulnerable in this situation as it is out of the realm of what they are used to as well.

Thank you for appreciating the story. I appreciate you reading, enjoying and reviewing.

Reviewer: baha_malo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 20 2010 03:29 am

Title: Chapter 4


LOVE how Irene gives as good as she gets from Ares

LOVE that Ares and Damon know the precious gifts that Irene and Percy bring to the table and how at once they are honored and humbled.

That's right, ladies, bring your men to their knees!

Can't wait for the next installment!


Author's Response:

Hey Chel,

Keeping Ares off balance is going to be fun for Irene and him too.

The boys are going to approach this challenge from two different directions, Damon's plans for Percy won't really change but Ares will have to do some shifting to give Irene the memory of a lifetime.

That bring them to their knees comment is very naughty Chel. I will have to remember that.

Thanks for your continued support and comments. Really appreciate it. 


Reviewer: miquerida Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 19 2010 02:12 pm

Title: Chapter 4

wonderful chapter.

Author's Response: Hello BellaChica and thank you for your kind words. I appreciate your support.

Reviewer: BellaChica Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: December 19 2010 05:39 am

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