Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow by DirtyDiva






Evangeline awakes from her coma to find that the love of her life is getting married to her worst enemy. Along with her trusty sidekick, bad boy Todd Manning--she creates a blueprint for REVENGE.

Categories: Daytime Television, General Hospital Characters: Evangeline Williamson
Classification: General
Genre: Erotica, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations, Extreme Language, Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 5007 Read: 12618 Published: 24/12/10 Updated: 25/12/10

“Oh quit being dramatic!!  I KNOOOOW you found out that I woke up, Todd Manning” Evangeline told him. 

The day after she woke up, Evangeline received two dozen pink roses, and she instantly knew

that Todd Manning found out that she woke up from her coma.  It was only of matter of time

before he made an appearance at the facility except the wedding announcement in the Llanview

Times brought her to him and not the other way around.  “Well, what can I say? Money makes

the world go ‘round if you have a few palms to grease.”  Todd gloated as he launched into a

long monologue about what he had to do in order to find out about her. Evangeline rolled her

eyes, shifted the phone to her right ear, and listened to Todd recount his method of bribery

used on the nursing staff at Sweetwood nursing facility.

She interrupted his monologue “What if a few more palms need to be greased?” 

Evangeline never displayed desperation even in the courtroom when she knew she was about to

lose a case, but this was different.  HER man was about to marry that wannabe Buchanan

tomorrow, and she needed to do something QUICK!

“Evangeline—where are you?” Todd breathed.  “Shady is not your middle name,


“C’mon Todd baby, you KNOOOW where I am and shady is my alter ego.” 

She looked around the church becoming sick to her stomach.

“I’m at the church where SOMEBODY is supposed to be getting married, but I don’t  think it will

be happening. Where are you?”

She could hear music playing in the background. It sounded like he was at Rhodi’s….

”For he’s a jolly good fellow…”

She could hear people in the background singing…it sounded like…she drew in a breath and

before she could voice her thoughts, Todd interrupted.“Evangeline, I’m at the bachelor’s

party…meet me at the diner in 10 minutes.”

Todd hung up quickly, looked around, and walked out on John’s bachelor party before anyone

would noticed he left…but he never noticed that  a pair of cerulean blue eyes watched his entire

conversation and definitely watched his exit from the party. She hung up the phone, took one

final look around the church, and went to meet Todd at the diner. 


All is fair in love

Love's a crazy game

Two people vow to stay

In love as one they say

But all is changed with time

The future none can see

The road you leave behind

Ahead lies mystery

But all is fair in love

I had to go away

A writer takes his pen

To write the words again

That all in love is fair 

All of fate's a chance

It's either good or bad

I tossed my coin to say

In love with me you'd stay

But all in war is so cold

You either win or lose

When all is put away

The losing side I'll play

But all is fair in love

I should have never left your side

A writer takes his pen

To write the words again

That all in love is fair 

A writer takes his pen

To write the words again

That all in love is fair


As the jukebox replayed the song she sung to McBain, one recurring thought invaded her mind.

I should have called in sick that day. The counselors told her that she would experience

moments of anger, regret, and guilt as a result of her coma.  Shortly after waking up, her

memory resurfaced even the ugly parts. That night. She was yet feeling regret and guilt for

THAT NIGHT. She allowed her mind to return to the coffee shop over 3 years ago…their table…

she, alone…he, walking in alone…their eyes connect…his body wandered over to sit at their table.

Neither one had much to say…small talk…

“You okay?”

“Yes. How about you?”

But underneath the small talk…a small flame begin to burn brighter…she shifted in her seat with

her hand in her hair, twisting her fingers in her ebony mane…eyes focused on him…His eyes

wandered to her lips, unconsciously licking his lips.

“So, what are you doing here?”

 Evangeline’s watching his tongue disappear back in his mouth, groaning silently as her Vangie

started calling his name, crying heated tears in frustration, soaking her panties. She crossed her

legs for the 2nd time with his eyes following them. I can’t go out like this even though Cristian

and I are no longer together. John’s eyes spoke volumes about what he liked, loved, craved,

hungered for, and yes…missed. Right then, he looked…HUNGRY.

“Actually, I came for a burger and some coffee.” His tongue reappeared again.

Evangeline’s legs moved inside their booth and her heels came off. Still watching him, her right

stocking foot brushed against his pants leg, moving sure against his calf. John nearly leaped

from the booth.  His eyes asking her questions. She looked away, at the jukebox, the front

door, the nearly empty diner as her foot by now resting against his groin. He groaned as her

toes brushed against groin…once, twice applying pressure.


John shifted closer to her foot, his hips moving in a circular motion as she worked her charm. 

His hands found her foot, holding it close to his groin as he groaned softly.

“You know what you’re doing to me?”

Evangeline, turned on by his arousal, shifted closer and pressed her foot harder against him.

“Yeah, I think I do. You missed me?” she said softly.

John nodded, caught up in her erotic tease. His eyes, glazing over and rolling closed.

“Not as much as you missed me,” he said.

His hands started kneading her foot.

“You remember this, baby?”

She gasped, enjoying the sudden foot massage.

“Oooo, John that’s my hot spot…maybe you shouldn’t,” she choked out, fully aroused. 

A foot massage from John always turned her on and it worked like a truth serum when he

needed honesty from her.

“Do you miss me, Evangeline?”

His thumb working the ball of her foot, relaxing her but yet making her moist.

 “Ummm, baby…yes-s-s.”

“So, what are we going to do about it?”

Both of John’s hands working, stroking, rubbing her foot had her hips moving. John’s eyes

looking into hers as she struggled to form a coherent sentence..

”Oooh, uuuhh..let’s go to my place.”

John shook his head. “Too far.”

His left hand started kneading her ankle. Evangeline jumped, looking around…no one was in the

diner by now. The cashier went on break five minutes ago.

“Umm…”she gasped, as his thumb pressed against the arch of her foot….”Oooo, baby..c’mon now..”

“C’mon what?” he chuckled softly “You started it…what do you wanna do, baby?”

“Let’s go to your place,” she groaned out. 

She dropped her foot, finding her heels. 

“Hell, yeah…let’s go. Ride with me?” John questioned,  his eyebrow arching.

They both jumped out of the booth like they were on fire…which they were.

“I’m going to ride you alright,” she laughed up into his face as they exited the diner.

Although the ride lasted five minutes, it was five minutes too long.  Their hands kept stroking

and rubbing and grabbing and pinching on the ride over to John’s new condo in Evangeline’s old

building.  They could barely contain themselves as they rode the elevator to the penthouse

floor…John’s condo was the only one on the top floor.  He grabbed Evangeline by her butt, her

long legs wrapping around his hips…their tongues and mouths dueling for control as he stuck his

key in his door…her tongue wrapped around his…their breaths melding…they entered his condo…

door slammed…her back slammed against the living room wall…shedding their clothes…male

and female voice groaning loud and breathing hard….her hips moving, rocking against his covered penis…

”Is this what you’ve been missing, baby?”

John groaned the affirmative, working his hips as well..


He ripped her thong off violently as she helped him pull down his briefs.  Her wet heat slid down

upon his silken steel as they both groaned aloud. Her back against the wall again as he

pumped slowly and surely inside of her. Evangeline cried out from the deliciousness of it…she

missed this. 

“Yeah….ohhh…John….Johnnnn!” She rotated her hips counterclockwise giving him something he

could feel.  Their eyes connecting as they worked to feed their lust…hungry for each

other…Was this all they could offer each other?  Tears came to Evangeline’s eyes as she felt

John hitting her spot…she gasped,

“Ooo, baby…yes, that’s it…yesss”.

“Talk to me,baby…that’s it!” he groaned.

In answer, she leaned back and started bouncing up and down, reaching for that toe-curling

satisfaction that she knew was coming.  John moved to the bedroom and fell down onto the bed

still holding Evangeline. She opened her legs wide as he pumped hard against her. John looked

down into her eyes. 

“I love you, baby!” he said, punctuating each word with a thrust and rotating hips.  Orgasms

approaching…they tried to make their loving last longer…tongues and mouths fused together,

biting and rolling….Evangeline rolled over on top of John, rotating her hips in a circular motion,

her hair brushing his thighs. His hands found her breasts, fondling them as he was re-

introduced to them. She started bouncing up and down upon his penis, stroking him as they

both reached for their shared heaven.  John started thrusting upwards, meeting Evangeline’s

down stroke…both hurrying…reaching…surging…gasping…exploding.

“AHHHHH EVANGELINE!!! John surged upward, spewing his passion inside her while her walls

squeezed and contracted around him.

“OOOOOO…JOHN….JOHN!” She screamed and he jerked.  She gasped and grinded her hips into

him a final time. After they returned to earth, they spent the entire night talking and laughing. 

They didn’t talk about Natalie.  They didn’t talk about Cris and they definitely didn’t talk about

tomorrow. Instead they talked about the “them” they missed, wanted, and longed for. And when

they were all talked out, they looked into each other’s eyes and made love, communicating

silently and yes, loudly their pleasure, hoping to burn that night into their memories before the

sun rose…before she would leave….he begged her…yes, strong, solid, Black-Irish and macho

John McBain BEGGED Evangeline to stay while he made love to her as the sun rose high to the

heaven they were trying to reach for again.

“Baby…c’mon….stay with me.” John whispered into her mouth as he pumped into her slowly,

rotating his hips. His hands pushing her hair back from her face.  She forgot that he

was hard to resist in the morning.

“You know I can’t, John” She groaned and met his slow, methodical thrusts, her hands grabbing

his butt. The thought of staying was so tempting but Evangeline had to make an appearance in

court and go check on Cristian.  She forced her thoughts away from Cristian and made love to

John…it would be her very last thought as she fell to the floor of Cristian’s loft, consumed by

carbon monoxide poison courtesy of the One Pure People. . I should have called in sick

that day.


This story archived at http://