Reviews For Will and Ana
Title: {Three}

Glenna is making a huge mistake going up against Will like this. Elle too, for that matter. Despite her getting to him at the beginning, Will didn't get to where he is in life by being anyone's fool. And Elle, she acts like a lioness protecting her cub when it comes to Ana. That little girl loves her momma something fierce! Edward wasn't kidding about her. Speaking of him, I think he should go to Elle, if not Will, with what Glenna has on him. His honestly could go a long way in this situation. At any rate, this is going to end badly for Glenna.

Gretchen, she made me cry with all those emotions going everywhere. She's so happy and hopeful to have her friend back. Elle wants desperately to see the real Ana, too. This is good.

Ana, she made me so proud. This takes courage and strength. She'll do it.

Will, he's a stand-up guy. He's just sweetly and gently bringing Ana out of her shell. It's the only way to proceed with Ana, really. She'll clam up with anything else. The Moores took enough from her and Elle, for that matter. Time to reclaim herself back. She'll never be the same, but she can be the best she can be. They took her love for herself, her trust in herself and ability to truly let go and love someone else. Twenty years is long enough!


Reviewer: flikchick Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 05 2012 09:58 pm

Title: {Three}

What wonderful story, please keep going.

Reviewer: Bredreaway Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 05 2012 09:30 pm

Title: {Two}

What absolutely beautiful thing you have created here! I love it  Excellent

Reviewer: Hanna Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 05 2012 09:22 pm

Title: {Three}

This is really good. I am so happy for Ana and so happy that Will is moving cautiously.  Can't wait for more!

Reviewer: Brenda1257 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 05 2012 09:15 pm

Title: {One}

I love the way you write Will and Ana are my new power couple. Glenna I think will self destruct because they always do.  I want to know why Will would put up with her for so long. What happened to the people who hurt Ana.  This story is a beautiful thing

Reviewer: Hanna Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 05 2012 09:10 pm

Title: {One}

Love this story, what Ana went thru is horrible, her rapist sister is just as bad as her brother. If they happen to make a reappearance in this story, I hope they get there's when Will finds out everything. Glenna needs to go away or just die!

Love your story very very much. You have a great way with words and hope you keep them coming!!!


Reviewer: Chill Anonymous starstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 05 2012 08:18 pm

Title: {Three}

Absolutely loved this chapter. I love Will and Ana. I love thw way you write them. I think that they lost track of time and she got home so late. I doubt they would do anything so early. I love the romance you have going. Just kill Glenna or let Elle take care of her. I see that she has caused some fear in the office. I love Gretchen . I love this story more

Reviewer: for real Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 05 2012 07:38 pm

Title: {Three}

Did they or didn't they? Glenna needs to just go away.

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 05 2012 07:16 pm

Title: {Two}

How sweet of him.My heart melted

The Moore's part was SAD, wonder WHY HE did this AND why she let him do it?  The parents are the WORST I mean living with this monster under your roof?!...Oh well I'm not a parent so I CAN'T understand them.

WHERE are they NOW?

Moore' siblings.

Unfortunately Vincent was too little.

Update soon S.H



P.S. Françoise it's for woman and François it's for a man.

The florist was addressed as an he/him.


Reviewer: Insomniac Sioj Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: April 02 2012 02:04 am

Title: {One}

Safehaven, thank-you for this story. Like everyone else, I would like to ask/beg you to please give Anna and Will an ending. Ana deserves to wooed, strengthen, and on the road to healing spirtually as well as mentally. Mr. Will needs to come full circle and  truly be the father figure in Elle's life. Finally, Gretchen needs to see her friend, her sister happy. Hopefully, the muse will not leave you alone until you finish this story. Then if by chance it touches your mind again, finish the Mating Season and the Ogre and Claire. Those stories are awesome and captures your attention with realness and romance. Again, Safehaven, thank you for your writing. I hope to read many more chapters and stories.

Reviewer: zetacrave Anonymous [Report This]
Date: April 02 2012 01:06 am

Title: {Two}

This is an awesome story... please update soon...

Reviewer: mustang_writer Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 01 2012 11:51 pm

Title: {Two}

Such a intense and powerful story! Can't wait for more!

Reviewer: aprilfool Anonymous [Report This]
Date: April 01 2012 11:20 pm

Title: {Two}

This story is so beautiful and powerful

I love Will. Glenna must be some master of deception if she managed to hide her true self frm him. He knows what she is like now and she is gone. I love Ana. I love Ana. This story is so amazing and so are you. Please chapter three 

Reviewer: forks and knives Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 01 2012 11:07 pm

Title: {One}

I am in love with you. I love this story. I love these characters and what you make them do and say. This story is the the top. I am your fan FOREVER. Please keep going I love it

Reviewer: forks and knives Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 01 2012 10:33 pm

Title: {Two}

I am in love with this story.  Will's gesture is right on time.  I'm so glad that Elle knows the truth and I hope she and her mother can talk about it eventually.  I can't understand how Fredericks sister would assit her brother in raping her friend and I am sure that poor 12 year old brother is scarred with the memory of it all just like Ana.  It is a sad situation.

I have a feeling that Frederick and his sister will turn up again, but I hope that Ana has some compassion for that brother while Frederick and his sister should be up under the jail.  

Can't wait for more!

Reviewer: Brenda1257 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 01 2012 08:24 pm

Title: {Two}

So moving, loving it...

Reviewer: IRJunkie Signed [Report This]
Date: April 01 2012 08:19 pm

Title: {One}

This is a beautiful story and I can't wait to read more. Chapter 2 brought tears to my eyes, especially the card that accompanied the flowers. Please update again soon!

Reviewer: katie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 01 2012 07:47 pm

Title: {Two}

A beautiful well written story. Please continue. Ana deserves all the happiness in the world.

Reviewer: anj1874 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 01 2012 06:25 pm

Title: {Two}

I just had to read these two chapters over again, I love this story SafeHaven you a truly gifted writer.  For the life of me I can't understand what Will saw in Glenna, she's bony and sex with bone can't be enjoyable.  Will, from what you have written about him seems to be very intuitive, so how did that phony evil Glenna get past him?  Glenna couldn't have though that Will would ever marry her much less have children.  I  hope  that you give us a glimpse into Will thinking about starting a sexual dalliance with the evil one.

This is definitely one of my favorite new stories.  More please!!!

Reviewer: pmgayles Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 01 2012 06:18 pm

Title: {Two}

I really like this story


I wonder what Glennda is upto?

Reviewer: tisha1234 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 01 2012 05:32 pm

Title: {Two}

If I had the words to write I would write them now. I am speechless from the beauty of this chapter. I will re-read it several times because it is that awesome. Please give Will and Ana an ending. I don't care if you put your other stories on hold, give Ana the peace that you have already started.

Reviewer: for real Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 01 2012 02:44 pm

Title: {Two}

I know that I am one to talk but you HAVE to give Ana a happy ending! Finish this story. This chapter; the WHOLE smyphony of your writing was absolutely beautiful. I loved the flowers. I love Will that man is a MAN. FINISH THIS I AM BEGGING YOU WITH ALL THAT I HAVE


Reviewer: Spiderbite Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 01 2012 02:25 pm

Title: {Two}

oooooh safe what a lovely story!!!! i fell INSTANTLY in love with all the characters - except glenna of course lol!!!! im really enjoying watching ana begin to heal while simultaneously opening her heart/body/soul up to will. he seems like the type to seek retribution from frederick once he finds out the whole story about what happened. really loved the flowers at the end and how that helped her replace a horrible memory with a fresh sweet new one!!!!! more please and welcome to the chamber!!!!!!

Reviewer: brownskingurl Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 01 2012 02:17 pm

Title: {One}

I am in love with this already. Your choice of title has me giddy with expectations. Like every older man they want that younger woman but he sees how childess she is. He sees Ana and it is all over.  I love the start of this

Reviewer: for real Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 01 2012 02:13 pm

Title: {One}

Where the HECK have you been!!! This is a beautiful and awesome story. I love your characters and I can't wait for more of the backstory. I love Ana. I already know that. Gretchen is my road dog. Mr. William Kapori I can see something happening here. I want more and I am off to read it

Reviewer: Spiderbite Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 01 2012 02:06 pm

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