Title: Chapter 5

wow sasha i hope that's not the reason she's still friends with faye and jaelynn because if that's the case then she needs to realize that being alone is better than being treated badly by her so called friends and she needs to learn how to observe a person and to find out if they are there because of her or to use her. good update 

Reviewer: sandradee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 10:41 pm

Title: Chapter 5

Oh! 8O 

Well. I certainly do hope that Sasha is able to overcome these demons and better herself. Dmitri is a jerk and he needs a taste of his own medicine and it should be administered by the healed and happy Sasha.

Great installment! 

Reviewer: Kay Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 10:19 pm

Title: Chapter 5

Ahhhhh so D does have a heart...

Reviewer: alex Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 09:51 pm

Title: Chapter 5

Oh Sha, I really like this story. Dmitri is getting on my last nerve though. Just because you're thinking it, doesn't mean you should say it. He really should have kept that bit about her not being his type to himself. He already realized Sasha has low self esteem and he practically decimated her. At this point if he's not willing to get his act together, I'd really like Sasha to move on and find someone else, maybe make Dmitri jealous. And please please please with sugar on top, if you could find in your heart to have Sasha deliver a roundhouse kick to Faye's chest. That bitch needs to eat pavement so bad. 

Can't wait to read more!!

Reviewer: Happy2bNappy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 09:37 pm

Title: Chapter 5

We want more of Dmitri and Sasha! 

Reviewer: Apple Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 09:31 pm

Title: Chapter 5

This chapter was REALLY GOOD!!!!  I feel for Sasha...loneliness can be brutal but abandonment can be a beast.  I figured that she was acting this way because of her past.  Perhaps her character can seek some help...therapy?  But I get the feeling that her healing may begin with Dmitri.  About Dmitri...he was brutally honest but really...he knows she was innocent maybe he didn't know she was a virgin but still...he thought one night would be enough? LOL.  The moment he kissed her in Jaelynn's kitchen should have been a clue to him. And yes, I don't think Sasha is ready for sex yet though I know it will eventually get to that point.  I would love to know more about Dmitri...what is his past like? We know he's an ad exec but why is he so averse to serious relationships/commitment?  He's 33 not 23.  I can't wait to find out.

Reviewer: Natori aka R Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 09:29 pm

Title: Chapter 5

This was good.  Why oh why did you have to stop?  I seriously hope that dimitri will back off from his seduction tactics toward Sasha.  I hope he realizes just what a jewel she really is.  Thanks for the update!

Reviewer: Brenda1257 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 08:49 pm

Title: Chapter 5

Greart job on writing this chaper. I loved it. Loved that Sasha told Dmitri off and slapped him, He deserved that. Who is he to tell someone's short comings and then cant handle hearing about his own. I have a feeling Dmitri is fooling himself and is starting to develop deeper feelins for Sasha. So look forward to reading more. Love the pic of Dina Thank you

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 08:17 pm

Title: Chapter 5

Aww..my heart goes out to Sasha..and I like how Dimitri softend a bit. Beautiful story so far and I can't wait for more. 

Reviewer: Teiga Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 08:05 pm

Title: Chapter 5

I read all the chapters today, I got to say you write really well you got me hooked with the first chapter. I feel for sasha she is being walked over by most of the people in her life expect for dina and Teagan I hope she realise her self worth, and dmitri I don't know about him just yet... at least he is honest. 

Reviewer: Jo Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 07:56 pm

Title: Chapter 5

Dmitri....at least you're honest. But what's done in the dark will eventually come to light. 

Author's Response:

Thank you for your review!

Reviewer: Bigsix Signed starstar [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 06:47 pm

Title: Chapter 5

Aww, poor girl. At least we know Teagan cares about her. Still Dmitri doesn't even deserve to smell Sasha's farts.

Note, the US doesn't have orphanages anymore, just group and foster homes.

Author's Response:

Thanks for this; I've made the correction! 

Reviewer: Genevieve Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 06:41 pm

Title: Chapter 5

That explains so much about Sasha.  Her mother picked drugs over her own child and I hope that died from drug overdose!  Dimitri cares for Sasha more than he is ready to admit even to himself. Teagan actually cares about Sasha, color me shocked. Good stuff!

Author's Response:

Thank you for your review!

Reviewer: pmgayles Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 06:40 pm

Title: Chapter 5

This is so sad and realistic. Some girls know what the guy wants at first, but goes off into false hope because of low esteem. Then, get mad and violent when the guy once again let his intentions known. I hope since she has this epiphany on how she should be treated; she puts her "friends" in their place as well. She should be pissed with herself, no one else.

Good ending though, it makes us, readers, see why she's so fudged up. But that does not give her an excuse for taking out her issues on Dmitri. 

Author's Response:

Thank you for your review! 

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 06:14 pm

Title: Chapter 5

Thanks for showing us Dina! I love the story. I'm really actually fan of Teagan and Sasha's friendship which I truly think is a friendship! Update ASAP!

Author's Response:

I will be updating soon, I'm happy you are enjoying the story and yes, I want the readers to believe in Teagan's and Sasha's friendship. Thank you for your review!

Reviewer: Storyteller247 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 06:08 pm

Title: Chapter 5

Oh my Sasha has been thru it and back.  I am glad she got that off her chest and told Dimitri ass off he fine and all but he is too stuck on himself to realize he has a treasure in Sasha I am also glad she slapped the taste out of his mouth.

Though Teagan is a bit self-centered herself I think that she is truly Sasha's friend more so then the other two heffa's Faye and Jaelynn.  I even think her and Dina would make great friends outside the diner.

Great update I can't wait for more.

Thank you for sharing.

Author's Response:

Thank you for your review! I really liked writing Sasha's outburst; I think Dmitri deserves that and more no matter how fine he is! 

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 05:59 pm

Title: Chapter 5

wow this was a really good chapter and i'm so glad teagan didn't turn into a bitch at least she has one friend and i'm so glad she told dmitri about himself go sasha i can't wait for the next chapter

Author's Response:

Thank you for your review! Glad you enjoyed it!

Reviewer: kiavicmcp Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 05:43 pm

Title: Chapter 5

More please.


Author's Response:

I'll be updating soon. Thank you for reading!

Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 05:36 pm

Title: Cast

this poor girl....after every chapter i just want 2 cry my heart out 4 her! I hope that Dmitri realizes that he cant just keep trying 2 screw her and then leave her. He needs 2 make a decision that if he wants 2 stick around that it has 2 b more than just sex 4 him. He has so much 2 offer her and she can do the same 4 him.....by showing him how 2 treat women and how 2 love is something that he really needs 2 learn! I hope that when she wakes up that he is still there holding her....i think that would b a nice way 2 show her that he didnt abandon her when she needed him!great update!

Author's Response:

Thank you! I feel for Sasha a lot as well. I'm happy your rooting for them! 

Reviewer: skip2641 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 05:26 pm

Title: Chapter 5

I loved this chap...

Reviewer: SandyBrownEyes Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 05:00 pm

Title: Chapter 5

Standing ovation! You really brought it this chapter.

And thanks for not doing the 'usual' cliff-hanger that a lot of writers do, to get the readers to come back.


Author's Response:

Thank you for your review!

Reviewer: bookbutterfly Signed [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 04:52 pm

Title: Chapter 5

im loving these rapid updates! im not really liking the fact that dmitri keeps telling himself and her that shes only good enough to screw. i still enjoy your writing style though and im interested to see where this goes. more please..........

Author's Response:

Thank you for your review. I understand your frustration. :-)

Reviewer: brownskingurl Signed [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 04:40 pm

Title: Cast

I never review but I love this story soo much!! 

Author's Response:

Aw! Thank you so much! I'm really happy you like it!

Reviewer: Nubianprincess Signed [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 02:08 pm

Title: Cast

Simply-in-love with your story. :) It is beautiful. Talks a lot of life in real. I am checking this site everyday just to see if you have updated your story or not. :)


I can't help loving Sasha. Maybe that's because I was almost like Sasha a year ago with almost the same kind of friends that she has. :P

But I never was as GOOD as Sasha is.

Sasha is sooo good and angelic. I like how she defended her friends even when she knows that they don't care for her.


Jaelynn is........i don't know........she doesn't even think of Sasha.


Faye is cruel and selfish. But THUMBS UP to Faye. As because of Faye, Dmitri gets a lil time to spend with Sasha.


Teagan is....blunt. Can't she see her friend Sasha likes Dmitri? And Teagan can get lots of handsome, rich guys for sex. So she better leave Dmitri for Sasha. May be she will understand this later.... :)


Sasha is in dire need of good "friends". I was hoping, may be, Slade can be a brother-like friend to Sasha.  :)


Dmitri is........a man with ordinary brains coz he cannot realize what a lovely treasure(Sasha) he is about to receive.

However, he needs to mend his ways a lot to get to Sasha. 

And he is foolish too. I mean, what?, he wants a trophy wife???!!! What for!!!

But I know he will ultimately acknowledge what a prized 'trophy' Sasha is.


:D :D :D

Sasha's life is so sad even if she is so very good to everyone.

I request you to....................

please please please please write fast and put Sasha out of misery :) :) :)


I think you are a very smart authoress. :D

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! I can really relate to Sasha to a certain extent as well but I also was never as good as she is. Though I want her to eventually be able to stand up for herself, I don't want to lose the innocence and goodness she naturally has. Thank you for reviewing and I'm glad to hear you are enjoying the story!

Reviewer: IndiGrl Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 09:40 am

Title: Chapter 4

Please update. I'm hooked.

Author's Response:

haha. thank you for your review!

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: June 04 2013 04:36 am

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