Updates Please!!!! :-)
Reviewer: CAColeman Signed [Report This]Date: September 27 2013 11:32 pm
Loved the update and hope the boys don't get themselves in trouble!
Reviewer: baha_malo Signed

Date: April 06 2013 02:55 am
This story is so heartbreaking but I like it. For some reason, I thought that sick murderer was white (something about the name Leland made me think it). I guess it makes sense now when he said she was flirting with his "homeboys."
Aw, I really like Lynnette...she seems to be such a kind gentle woman. I can't wait to see how things will unfold with her and the detective. Whatever this leads to, I hope it doesn't interfere with his ability to do his job and find Marley's muderer. I would like to see justice served.
I would love to know the ages of the other boys. We only know that Marley was 19. I like Darnell. And he's a chef that owns three restaurants? I don't know what to make of the other two except that Charles is a quiet one. The epitome of "still water runs deep." I don't know exactly what they are planning but if it is what I think it is, I don't blame them one bit!
Reviewer: Natori aka R Signed

Date: April 05 2013 04:12 pm
What a creep! I don't want the boys to endanger themselves or their freedom but Leland deserves to get the business!! Thank you for the update. I was hoping you didn't forget about this gem.
Reviewer: AP Anonymous

Date: April 05 2013 12:30 pm
I really can't wait for Leblanc to get his and I hope that its painful as hell!
Author's Response:
Haha I understand how you feel. No worries though I can guarantee you that something will happen but have to wait and see ;)
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: April 05 2013 05:53 am
I love the update. So glad you are back with your story
Author's Response:
Thank you. More to come :)
Reviewer: Bredreaway Signed

Date: April 05 2013 04:41 am
Thanks for a great update.
Reviewer: Divsionred Signed

Date: September 14 2012 01:11 am
Loved the update. More please! Wonder where the dirtbag is hiding?
Reviewer: baha_malo Signed

Date: September 11 2012 05:40 am
Carl got it bad!!! Love it!!!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: September 11 2012 03:20 am
Good story but sad and disturbing!
Reviewer: jjazz59 Signed

Date: September 11 2012 02:44 am
This chapter brought tears to my eyes. I hope they catch that MoFo real soon! Better yet let street justice get him! Keep up the excellent writing.
Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed

Date: July 19 2012 10:13 pm
Another great chapter, I must of definitely been I hrad on the family, I can't believe what that autopsy show.... the guy is nuts!! I cant wait for more interactions between the police and the family... Keep it up!!!
Reviewer: LaceTurkeyExpress Signed [Report This]Date: July 19 2012 10:21 am
This story hit me different than most of the readers...I was of the those people who thought women a had a choice of staying with a person that abused them mentally and physically. But has start reading and listening to some the story that women went through, I realize that my jugdement was wrong, not because I was abused but because I had a friend that was killed by her spouse because she wanted to leave the marriage.
I came from a strong stock of women who would not put up with a man who would strike or verbally abouse them.
Love Does not hurt but the person abuse you can hurt you. I love this story and I hope anyone that is a relationship that is healthy, please get help.
Reviewer: Bredreaway Signed

Date: July 19 2012 09:43 am
Loved the update. Hope they catch the bastard!!
Reviewer: baha_malo Signed

Date: July 19 2012 07:58 am
Great chapter. I hope they catch the boyfriend.
Reviewer: juno Signed

Date: July 19 2012 05:33 am
That funeral scene was heart wrenching, man are you trying to make a sister cry? Where did that ass wipe disappear to? I want dead and buried under the jail!! I can't wait to read more, you are an awesome writer!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: July 18 2012 09:33 pm
So sad. The girl was only 19, hadn't even begun to live. I hope her brothers and Carl find her murderer and return the favor quickly.
Reviewer: AP Anonymous

Date: July 18 2012 08:46 pm
she's died i just was getting to like her.. i wanted her to kill the bastard not the other way around
Reviewer: readlover Signed

Date: July 18 2012 08:45 pm
Me likey!! More please. I hope they get the bastard too!!
Author's Response:
Thank you. More to come :)
Reviewer: baha_malo Signed

Date: July 15 2012 08:37 am
I did enjoy it! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Author's Response:
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed

Date: July 14 2012 08:46 pm
Good start to the story. How sad that the husband killed Marley.
Welcome back and wow you had a baby. Congrats!!!! Sorry to read that you have been sick. I was wondering were you where.
Take care.
Author's Response:
Thank you :) I am glad to be back and writing and I truly missed you guys. Yes the story is sad but it does get better as it progresses.
Reviewer: Divsionred Signed

Date: July 14 2012 03:49 pm
Interesting beginning and I'm eager to read more. I hate to read stories where women are abused, so I hope that there is justice for Marley. Update soon please!
Author's Response:
Hello thanks for the review :) No, it's never a good thing for a woman (or a man for that matter) to be abused by a loved one. More to come.
Reviewer: Night57byrd Anonymous

Date: July 14 2012 02:37 pm
Oh this looks like its going to be good. Leland needs to pack his s**t and leave town. Marley's fam gonna get him.
Author's Response:
thanks for the review. Yes, Leland better skip town before Carl or her family gets him.
Reviewer: juno Signed

Date: July 14 2012 12:49 pm
That waa powweful beginning, but also sad because Marley stayed with fool who killed her. Detective Carl is atracted to her momma so he csn her deal with the pain. What an awful way to die I can't wait for Marley to have some justice.
Author's Response:
Thanks so much :) It is sad that she stayed with him but love makes you do crazy thing.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: July 14 2012 12:36 pm
Hey you have something here. I love this first chapter, it's a shame what happened to Marley.. however I liked how the story is going to be shaped aorund it.... can't wait for more! Keep it up!
Author's Response:
Thank you, more to come :)
Reviewer: LaceTurkeyExpress Signed [Report This]Date: July 14 2012 11:39 am